Ivf oct/nov/dec

Good luck want2conceive

Congrats on being PUPO:hugs:

Welcome want2concieve! Congrats on being PUPO! How many did you transfer?

Wish - Glad you got through the injection ;) ER, OMG, it is just around the corner!!!! Good luck Monday.

Thanks and good luck to everyone on here too.

Michelle, we transfered 4 eggs because of my age(39yo).
Hi girls,

Can I join in?? I am going to be doing an IVF & ICSI cycle for the month of November.

I had my IVF & ICSI phone cosultation early this morning and it went well. The Dr was running a little late but he was polite and called me back, He apologized for being late. He got stuck with a patient.

So the DR gave me a 40% chance of success for the IVF & ICSI cycle and confirmed that I would be able to start my IVF & ICSI cycle for the month of November, so I am happy about that!!:thumbup: I have to start on 300 units of Gonadotropins on CD 21 of my current October cycle.

I also spoke to billing and the girl was very nice and she is sending me a break down of the costs for the IVF & ICSI cycle and she is sending me detailed info about the medications I have to take with pricing information. I should be able to get a 15% military discount because my husband is army.

I need to have all of my medications ordered by next Friday 10/26 so I have time to get everything ready for my November cycle!!! We are only paying for one IVF & ICSI cycle so I am praying it works the first time. But if it that doesn't work than hopefully I will have alot of embryos to freeze and we can move on to do a frozen embryo transfer which doesn't cost anything as long as we do it within one year of the IVF ICSI cycle. All I have to pay for is the monitoring fee and medications which the billing office lady said range about 200 to 300 dollars for a FET cycle, so it isn't to bad!! So please keep your fingers crossed that either the first IVF cycle is a success or that I have alot of eggs and healthy embryos to freeze so we get additional attempts without needing to start over from scratch again. DH & me can only afford to pay for one full cycle up front right now.

The DR said that for a women my age and based on my medical background I should make on average about 6 to 20 eggs for this first cycle!!! I really hope it is more on the higher side!!! :thumbup: The DR said they will normally transfer about 2 to 3 embryos but it will all depend on how healthy the embryos are. I am super excited but also terrified it won't work all at the same time because of the huge cost!! I think the odds are on my side for success though, or at least alot of frozen embryos for us to try another time or two if we need to!!! Please keep your fingers crossed and send me lots of good luck that this is ging to work for me and DH!!!:thumbup:
Hi girls,

Can I join in?? I am going to be doing an IVF & ICSI cycle for the month of November.

I had my IVF & ICSI phone cosultation early this morning and it went well. The Dr was running a little late but he was polite and called me back, He apologized for being late. He got stuck with a patient.

So the DR gave me a 40% chance of success for the IVF & ICSI cycle and confirmed that I would be able to start my IVF & ICSI cycle for the month of November, so I am happy about that!!:thumbup: I have to start on 300 units of Gonadotropins on CD 21 of my current October cycle.

I also spoke to billing and the girl was very nice and she is sending me a break down of the costs for the IVF & ICSI cycle and she is sending me detailed info about the medications I have to take with pricing information. I should be able to get a 15% military discount because my husband is army.

I need to have all of my medications ordered by next Friday 10/26 so I have time to get everything ready for my November cycle!!! We are only paying for one IVF & ICSI cycle so I am praying it works the first time. But if it that doesn't work than hopefully I will have alot of embryos to freeze and we can move on to do a frozen embryo transfer which doesn't cost anything as long as we do it within one year of the IVF ICSI cycle. All I have to pay for is the monitoring fee and medications which the billing office lady said range about 200 to 300 dollars for a FET cycle, so it isn't to bad!! So please keep your fingers crossed that either the first IVF cycle is a success or that I have alot of eggs and healthy embryos to freeze so we get additional attempts without needing to start over from scratch again. DH & me can only afford to pay for one full cycle up front right now.

The DR said that for a women my age and based on my medical background I should make on average about 6 to 20 eggs for this first cycle!!! I really hope it is more on the higher side!!! :thumbup: The DR said they will normally transfer about 2 to 3 embryos but it will all depend on how healthy the embryos are. I am super excited but also terrified it won't work all at the same time because of the huge cost!! I think the odds are on my side for success though, or at least alot of frozen embryos for us to try another time or two if we need to!!! Please keep your fingers crossed and send me lots of good luck that this is ging to work for me and DH!!!:thumbup:

be as calm and worry free as you possibly can because I think less stress allows us to produce more eggs. Our 1st IVF I was stressed(you could also say a little obsessed with IVF too). I was 37yo and produced only 14 eggs. This time, our 2nd IVF I tried not to worry about anything and definately not get stressed over anything. Kind of "let the apples fall where they may" sort of speak and even though I am now 39yo I produced 25 eggs. almost twice as many and taking less medication then I did the first time.

We transfered 4eggs yesterday and are still hoping for our miracle, and hope this 2nd IVF did the trick.

But remember less stress = more eggs!
Hi girls,

Can I join in?? I am going to be doing an IVF & ICSI cycle for the month of November.

I had my IVF & ICSI phone cosultation early this morning and it went well. The Dr was running a little late but he was polite and called me back, He apologized for being late. He got stuck with a patient.

So the DR gave me a 40% chance of success for the IVF & ICSI cycle and confirmed that I would be able to start my IVF & ICSI cycle for the month of November, so I am happy about that!!:thumbup: I have to start on 300 units of Gonadotropins on CD 21 of my current October cycle.

I also spoke to billing and the girl was very nice and she is sending me a break down of the costs for the IVF & ICSI cycle and she is sending me detailed info about the medications I have to take with pricing information. I should be able to get a 15% military discount because my husband is army.

I need to have all of my medications ordered by next Friday 10/26 so I have time to get everything ready for my November cycle!!! We are only paying for one IVF & ICSI cycle so I am praying it works the first time. But if it that doesn't work than hopefully I will have alot of embryos to freeze and we can move on to do a frozen embryo transfer which doesn't cost anything as long as we do it within one year of the IVF ICSI cycle. All I have to pay for is the monitoring fee and medications which the billing office lady said range about 200 to 300 dollars for a FET cycle, so it isn't to bad!! So please keep your fingers crossed that either the first IVF cycle is a success or that I have alot of eggs and healthy embryos to freeze so we get additional attempts without needing to start over from scratch again. DH & me can only afford to pay for one full cycle up front right now.

The DR said that for a women my age and based on my medical background I should make on average about 6 to 20 eggs for this first cycle!!! I really hope it is more on the higher side!!! :thumbup: The DR said they will normally transfer about 2 to 3 embryos but it will all depend on how healthy the embryos are. I am super excited but also terrified it won't work all at the same time because of the huge cost!! I think the odds are on my side for success though, or at least alot of frozen embryos for us to try another time or two if we need to!!! Please keep your fingers crossed and send me lots of good luck that this is ging to work for me and DH!!!:thumbup:

be as calm and worry free as you possibly can because I think less stress allows us to produce more eggs. Our 1st IVF I was stressed(you could also say a little obsessed with IVF too). I was 37yo and produced only 14 eggs. This time, our 2nd IVF I tried not to worry about anything and definately not get stressed over anything. Kind of "let the apples fall where they may" sort of speak and even though I am now 39yo I produced 25 eggs. almost twice as many and taking less medication then I did the first time.

We transfered 4eggs yesterday and are still hoping for our miracle, and hope this 2nd IVF did the trick.

But remember less stress = more eggs!

Thanks for the warm welcome and for some really great advice!!!:hugs::flower:

I am going to try my best to relax and take it easy....be stress free for this IVF cycle!!! :thumbup:

Good luck and tons of baby dust to you hun!!! I hope you get your BFP and your cycle is a success!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Welcome wannabe! I agree, less stress, but easier said then done!

Want - I will be 39 in January; my first IVF I got 9 eggs and second one only 10. My egg quality is OK, I was just a slow responder to the meds. I am hoping this third time they get more. They are almost tripling my follistum amount. I am also going to acupuncture for a consult Monday and thinking about a massage now before ET; thanks to Mobaby's suggesting it in another thread. I wanted to transfer more embies last cycle, but only 2 made it to day 5. Hoping that you get your BFP from this cycle! Four transferred should give you a good shot at it and maybe even multiples ;)

I have an appt in about 1 hour to see what is gonig on; my pain is just still there, not getting any better. It hurts to sit, stand, lay down, move, etc... hopefully I will get some answers soon. I will post later once I find out what is going on.
Welcome Want2 and Wannabe!

Want2 - I also transferred embryos yesterday!

So the ET went well. I was so scared I would have fluid in my uterus and my RE would not be able to do it. My RE was also a little concerned that I was hyperstimulating. However, when we did the ultrasound, my uterus was clear and there were no signs of hyperstimulation. So we went ahead with the ET! Whatever the result, I am so glad we at least get a shot at it this month. Of course I will still be totally devastated if it doesn't work. The RE and embryologist felt good about the two embryos we transferred. Let the TWW begin!
Thanks for the warm welcome girls!!! :flower:

@Michelle. I hope you feel better and that your pain goes away soon!!:hugs::hugs: Good luck with you current cycle!!! I hope it ends with your BFP!!! :dust::dust::dust:

@Whisper, Congrats on being PUPO!!! Fingers crossed and good luck that you will go on and have a H&H 9 months!!!! :dust::dust::dust:
YAY!! congrats on being PUPO whisper :happydance:

DH and i are going to the cinema tonight to see "The campaign" its supposed to be funny so will be good to chill eat popcorn and have a laugh :haha: have a good weekend everyone :flower:
Welcome wannabe! I agree, less stress, but easier said then done!

Want - I will be 39 in January; my first IVF I got 9 eggs and second one only 10. My egg quality is OK, I was just a slow responder to the meds. I am hoping this third time they get more. They are almost tripling my follistum amount. I am also going to acupuncture for a consult Monday and thinking about a massage now before ET; thanks to Mobaby's suggesting it in another thread. I wanted to transfer more embies last cycle, but only 2 made it to day 5. Hoping that you get your BFP from this cycle! Four transferred should give you a good shot at it and maybe even multiples ;)

I have an appt in about 1 hour to see what is gonig on; my pain is just still there, not getting any better. It hurts to sit, stand, lay down, move, etc... hopefully I will get some answers soon. I will post later once I find out what is going on.

Hi Michelle, during our first IVF like I said we had 14eggs but only 2 made it to day 5, this time even the Dr.(who isn't the same dr. that did the first IVF but saw our results) was astonished at how many eggs we had. Out of the 25, 14 made it to the transfer day. we transfered 4. I think the first IVF I was very stressed and like I said obsessed. I really think that the difference in how our dr. approached our 2nd IVF having me take less meds and me being less stressful attributed to having more fertil eggs. Hope this helps a bit.

Good luck at your appointment and hope you come back with great news. Lots of baby dust to you hun!
Welcome Want2 and Wannabe!

Want2 - I also transferred embryos yesterday!

So the ET went well. I was so scared I would have fluid in my uterus and my RE would not be able to do it. My RE was also a little concerned that I was hyperstimulating. However, when we did the ultrasound, my uterus was clear and there were no signs of hyperstimulation. So we went ahead with the ET! Whatever the result, I am so glad we at least get a shot at it this month. Of course I will still be totally devastated if it doesn't work. The RE and embryologist felt good about the two embryos we transferred. Let the TWW begin!

great so we are ET buddies. Same transfer day(Oct 18th) and test day(Nov 1st). Lots of baby dust to you hun!
New joiner here :)

I'm a surro doing IVF try #2 late Nov. Early Dec.

We just found out on monday that we're having a chemical/early miscarriage.

4 frosties left, so here goes.....
Hi phantom!

Really sorry about your miscarriage :(
Yay Whisper, you are PUPO :happydance:

That is a great amount of eggs want! I hope we get more this time around; just need to figure out how to stay calm and not so stressed/obsessed.

Hi Phantom - Sorry about your last IVF cycle. Hopefully round 2 is all you need ;)

I went to my dr; had more x-rays done and waiting for him to call me either tonight or tomorrow morning. He thinks it is my hip, possibly a fracture or tear. I actually started crying in the office when I went to push on the area to show him where it hurt :dohh: I pushed too hard and OMG, it hurt! Now I wait and see what the x-ray shows.
Yay Whisper, you are PUPO :happydance:

That is a great amount of eggs want! I hope we get more this time around; just need to figure out how to stay calm and not so stressed/obsessed.

Hi Phantom - Sorry about your last IVF cycle. Hopefully round 2 is all you need ;)

I went to my dr; had more x-rays done and waiting for him to call me either tonight or tomorrow morning. He thinks it is my hip, possibly a fracture or tear. I actually started crying in the office when I went to push on the area to show him where it hurt :dohh: I pushed too hard and OMG, it hurt! Now I wait and see what the x-ray shows.

hope everything comes back ok and it's only a tear and not a fracture hun!
New joiner here :)

I'm a surro doing IVF try #2 late Nov. Early Dec.

We just found out on monday that we're having a chemical/early miscarriage.

4 frosties left, so here goes.....

Sorry to hear hun, and lots of baby dust for your 2nd attempt. Keep spirits high and stress low!
Holy moly it's been hectic lately and also welcome to everyone that just started this thread!

Whisper I'm soooo excited now just the waiting game :) but its gunna be a bfp I just know :)

Mich- hope you start feeling better. That seriously is noooooo fun! Do you think the cyst could have ruptured causing the increased pain?

Tcmc- enjoy your movie date you def need it and deserve it :)

Wish- how are you?!

Hockey- how are you doing as well sorry it's been a little bit before I have been on here. Playing catch up like crazy

Mobaby- thanks for explaining the uterus thing :) and I did go to your blog and loved it

How are the new ones to this thread doing? I would have brought all of it up on my computer but its not letting me go th BNB on my computer so doing all this on my cell phone.

AFM- first 20 units of lupron was this AM had some redness with a Welp after but went away and took my metformin dethamexasone an aspirin with another med today on and empty stomach and now I got to throw them all up. I know better then that so I kinda deserve it. I'm ready to start stunning. And it sounds super uncomfortable wen people are bloated with eggs ....... It's all for a great cause though just need to remember.

Kc- how are you doing as well?

Hope I didn't miss anyone if I did sorry doing this on my phone! Baby dust too alllllllllllll
:) :) ����������������������
Shar- soooo did you ever stop bleeding. Yesterday was my last BCP pill and she told me I would spot or have another period and not to freak out. Cause I always do :)
@Sweetness, thanks for the warm welcome!! :flower: I am sorry you got sick! I hope you are feeling better now!!! :hugs::hugs:
New joiner here :)

I'm a surro doing IVF try #2 late Nov. Early Dec.

We just found out on monday that we're having a chemical/early miscarriage.

4 frosties left, so here goes.....

Welcome to the group!!!:flower:

I am so very sorry for your loss!! Big hugs to you!!:hugs::hugs:

Fingers crossed and good luck to you that your next FET cycle will be a success and you will get a BFP!!:dust::dust::dust::dust:

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