Ivf oct/nov/dec

Chase - You are right, it is out of our hands now! And she can be selfish ;) Hopefully we both get our bfp's ;)

Ali - It is VERY warm for this time of year; we normally have snow by now and there has been none of that yet. Kinda strange, but I am enjoying it cause I hate the cold weather. And if it were up to me I would be living in Arizona, but with all our dogs, we are kinda stuck here for awhile. Good luck tomorrow and hopefully ER will be early next week ;)
Chase - You are right, it is out of our hands now! And she can be selfish ;) Hopefully we both get our bfp's ;)

Ali - It is VERY warm for this time of year; we normally have snow by now and there has been none of that yet. Kinda strange, but I am enjoying it cause I hate the cold weather. And if it were up to me I would be living in Arizona, but with all our dogs, we are kinda stuck here for awhile. Good luck tomorrow and hopefully ER will be early next week ;)

My family is from Canada so I know all about cold weather! I miss the snow.. lol! Am I crazy? I think my one dog might miss the snow too. Zach on the other hand has never seen it! Maybe I'll have to take a trip back to Canada in the winter time soon. I haven't seen snow since 2007 :haha: Enjoy the warmer weather while it lasts! Thanks for the well wishes tomorrow. I just want to get moving and on to the ER! I'm on my 7th day of stims, so we should be getting close!
tcmc: dont worry just yet! test again tomorrow. :hugs:
michelle: the 10th seems sooo far away!!! cant wait for you to test!
ali: GL at your appt!

The spotting did stop; it was once again an isolated event without any cramping so I think its safe to say its from the stupid vaginal progesterone. After I saw the first spotting I explored (sorry, TMI) and then when I went again there was a little more spotting on the liner but then it went away. None this morning or the other 3 times I have went. I think I am going to call again tomorrow just to let the nurse know. I doubt I can get in early for an US though :( I think at this point I would feel better if they gave me the PIO and I did the vaginal progesterone as a precaution. I never had issues with low progesterone but all bets are off after FET

Mels: again sorry about the bfn :( hopefully next cycle the protocol will be changed up so you can make it to ER /ET
Wanna: Congrats again!
tcmc: dont worry just yet! test again tomorrow. :hugs:
michelle: the 10th seems sooo far away!!! cant wait for you to test!
ali: GL at your appt!

The spotting did stop; it was once again an isolated event without any cramping so I think its safe to say its from the stupid vaginal progesterone. After I saw the first spotting I explored (sorry, TMI) and then when I went again there was a little more spotting on the liner but then it went away. None this morning or the other 3 times I have went. I think I am going to call again tomorrow just to let the nurse know. I doubt I can get in early for an US though :( I think at this point I would feel better if they gave me the PIO and I did the vaginal progesterone as a precaution. I never had issues with low progesterone but all bets are off after FET

Mels: again sorry about the bfn :( hopefully next cycle the protocol will be changed up so you can make it to ER /ET
Wanna: Congrats again!

WHEW! Glad to hear your spotting stopped. I bet it is the progesterone suppositories. I have heard that the gel that the progesterone is infused with can be irritating to your skin cells down there. I used Crinone during one of my IUIs and it was horrible stuff. I made them test my progesterone on later IUIs and it was always high on its own. I know with a fresh IVF cycle you have to do some sort of progesterone/estrogen supplementation because they destroy the Corpus Luteum retrieving the eggs. I'm not sure about FET? I opted for the PIO in ethyl oleate (the oil) and it was easy to inject and aside from the bruising on my rear end, it was way better than the suppositories!
I'm on these pill things that you stick up there with this hard plastic applicator and the pills are huge... the crinone was easy (never any issues) but I only took it once daily and I am doing these 3x daily... Since I didnt ovulate the cycle of FET, my body doesnt know to produce the progesterone/estrogen that goes along with supporting pregnancy right now. I think with a natural FET since you ovulate your body makes it but not with a medicated...My progesterone was very high with my fresh IVF BFP so I didnt have to take crinone but for a few days. I really think the PIO would be easier at this point... to bad I just spent $400 on another 4 weeks of endometrin! UGH. When will the worry go away??
tcmc: dont worry just yet! test again tomorrow. :hugs:
michelle: the 10th seems sooo far away!!! cant wait for you to test!
ali: GL at your appt!

The spotting did stop; it was once again an isolated event without any cramping so I think its safe to say its from the stupid vaginal progesterone. After I saw the first spotting I explored (sorry, TMI) and then when I went again there was a little more spotting on the liner but then it went away. None this morning or the other 3 times I have went. I think I am going to call again tomorrow just to let the nurse know. I doubt I can get in early for an US though :( I think at this point I would feel better if they gave me the PIO and I did the vaginal progesterone as a precaution. I never had issues with low progesterone but all bets are off after FET

Mels: again sorry about the bfn :( hopefully next cycle the protocol will be changed up so you can make it to ER /ET
Wanna: Congrats again!

WHEW! Glad to hear your spotting stopped. I bet it is the progesterone suppositories. I have heard that the gel that the progesterone is infused with can be irritating to your skin cells down there. I used Crinone during one of my IUIs and it was horrible stuff. I made them test my progesterone on later IUIs and it was always high on its own. I know with a fresh IVF cycle you have to do some sort of progesterone/estrogen supplementation because they destroy the Corpus Luteum retrieving the eggs. I'm not sure about FET? I opted for the PIO in ethyl oleate (the oil) and it was easy to inject and aside from the bruising on my rear end, it was way better than the suppositories!

I agree! I am not a fan of the Crinone. It has really been irritating me down there. I think if I end up doing this again in the future, I will do the injection!
@Ali, I get the pink handled Wondfo's off of Amazon.com.
Here is a link to the last set of Wondfo's I ordered off of there!!


@Mo, that is great that your spotting has stopped!! I hope it stays that way!!:hugs::hugs:
See? This is why this forum is so important! The sharing of experiences and different side effects and the different things we go through during the cycle. Thank you ladies (and gent) for keeping me sane! :wacko: I am not sure I could do this without the support that BnB and especially others going through IVF have given. Thanks!
@Ali, I get the pink handled Wondfo's off of Amazon.com.
Here is a link to the last set of Wondfo's I ordered off of there!!


@Mo, that is great that your spotting has stopped!! I hope it stays that way!!:hugs::hugs:

HAHA! I used those last cycle, I just didn't know they were called wondfo! :rofl: I guess I'm not all that observant!

I'm not sure I want to test super early this time around. Part of me does, but part of me just wants to wait it out. I was so hopeful last cycle, and never saw my :bfp: so this time around I'm just not sure I want to test early? Thing is if I want to get the wondfo's I need to get them now so that there are here in time. :argh: If I have them I'll use them, so hard to decide!
Girly - Welcome aboard Girl!

Mells & Tcmc - So sorry to hear about your bfn's girls. I hope your next cycle is all you both need! :hugs:

Michelle - I am having Nausea daily now. My poor dh, I'm so glad he understands it's the hormones and not me.

Ali - I hope you have more folicles tomorrow girl!

Mobaby - I'm glad your spotting stopped.
I just got back from my u/s! It was a little overwhelming!! And amazing to see that my ovaries look like swiss cheese:haha:
My FS only measures/and counts the dominate follicles :shrug:

So, on day 6 of stimming I have:

Lining- 9
Left ovary- 5 dominate follicles
Right ovary- 5 dominate follicles
So 10 follicles all measuring about 11mm

When he was doing the u/s, my mom and I could both clearly count over 10 follicles on each ovary :shrug: And he did say I had some that were smaller and showed them to me. But he only counts the biggest because those are what he can "guarantee" holds an egg. I went in expecting to hear around 20.. So I was a little disappointed, even though FS was quite happy with those results. We weren't positive if my left ovary was damaged to badly, so I was happy to see it was working as well! I guess 10 follicles is better then nothing :thumbup::shrug: Hopefully some of the little ones catch up in the next 5 days!

He thinks my ER is going to be on Friday. My meds are staying the same rite now. My next appt is now Wed morning which I guess could be when my trigger shot is if ER is Friday! Because I am using a sperm donor, The original plan was to freeze half unfertilized.. However, if I don't have more then 20 eggs, I have decided just to fertilize them all and hope for the best! :thumbup:
Mo - I'm glad the spotting has stopped! Will you still go in for monitoring on Monday?

Hold - 10 follicles is great! It's still really early so more will probably pop up and they often find more eggs during ER.

Michelle - I wish I could put us all in fast forward through this next week. Waiting stinks!

Want - sorry about the nausea but congrats on being an olive! I love those tickers :)
I just got the call to trigger tonight at 11pm!! Yay!! :happydance: I am so happy to finally get this show on the road. I have to go back in tomorrow for blood work and my retrieval will be Tuesday morning. I'm starting to feel kind of sickly so I've been in bed most of the day. Once my estrogen gets high I get flu like symptoms :(. At least this time I know it's normal for me.

I just want to get through this retrieval and then in about two weeks I will have surgery to remove my ovarian cysts. After that I can look forward to my FET sometime in January. I can't wait!
em!! YAY for triggering!!!!! Will you lose your ovaries completely when they take the cysts off? How long is the recovery from that?

I wont go in but I may call. IDK. Every other time its happened they have said its from the progesterone but last time the nurse did say they may switch me over...

Hold: Great report!! When I went at day 6 I only had 5 follicles over 10mm.. I was bummed but I went back 2 days later and I had over 20 follicles over 10mm! Then the next day I had some that grew like 4mm or so overnight and I trigger and we got 22 eggies so there is chance you will have more. Your scans sounds great!! Friday is so close!
em!! YAY for triggering!!!!! Will you lose your ovaries completely when they take the cysts off? How long is the recovery from that?

I wont go in but I may call. IDK. Every other time its happened they have said its from the progesterone but last time the nurse did say they may switch me over...

Hold: Great report!! When I went at day 6 I only had 5 follicles over 10mm.. I was bummed but I went back 2 days later and I had over 20 follicles over 10mm! Then the next day I had some that grew like 4mm or so overnight and I trigger and we got 22 eggies so there is chance you will have more. Your scans sounds great!! Friday is so close!

I might lose my ovary and I only have one because I lost the other one to ovarian cancer six years ago. So that's the reason I'm doing these IVF cycles. The recovery depends on what happens in surgery. My surgeon is going to attempt the surgery laparoscopically but she might have to switch over to a full incision which would take a lot longer to heal, something like six weeks recovery vs. two weeks.

Hmm I think you should call if they might want to switch you over. I'm assuming you mean switch to PIO IM shots?
I might lose my ovary and I only have one because I lost the other one to ovarian cancer six years ago. So that's the reason I'm doing these IVF cycles. The recovery depends on what happens in surgery. My surgeon is going to attempt the surgery laparoscopically but she might have to switch over to a full incision which would take a lot longer to heal, something like six weeks recovery vs. two weeks.

Hmm I think you should call if they might want to switch you over. I'm assuming you mean switch to PIO IM shots?

Em - wow to doing IVF after ovarian cancer! :thumbup: I have had large cysts on my ovaries in the past, and I even had to have one operated on back in 2004, my cyst was 10cm in size, or the size of a grapefruit. They were able to operate and remove the cyst and that ovary is still kicking today! So I hope they are able to do the same thing for you. I think a lot has to do with the size of the cyst, the makeup of the cyst (fluid filled, or dermoid, etc) and how it is attached to the ovary. The Dr's always say they are going to attempt to do things laproscopically and will use conventional surgery as a fall back if necessary. Both laproscopic surgries I have had were like that, and both were 100% successful doing it the laproscopic method. The key is to pick a surgeon that is well trained laproscopically and you will be fine :thumbup:
Question Ladies... Have any of you felt like your ovaries were itchy before? My ovaries feel itchy, a similar feeling to when a scar is healing and it is itchy. That is how my ovaries feel right now!! So bizarre! :wacko:
@Hold, In the middle of my stims I had 10 follicles total at one point and than after a couple more days of stims I ended up with 14 follicles that were big enough for the dr to measure. Than for my ER I got a surprise and ended up with 20 eggs!!! So 10 is a great number so far hun.:thumbup: I also could see a bunch more follicles on the ultrasound as well that the nurses weren't counting. My dr advised me from the beginning that on average a women gets about 6 to 20 eggs so you are are doing good hun!! More follies will get bigger and catch up. :hugs: Good luck!! :dust::dust:

@Em, that is great news that you got to trigger!!! :thumbup: Fingers crossed you get lots of eggs!!! Good luck!!! :dust: I am sorry you aren't feeling well and I hope you feel better soon!! :hugs::hugs:
EM I hope you get to keep the ovary!! I didnt realize about the OC before. Wow. Sorry you went through that!

The RE nurse said they may switch me to PIO, yes, so maybe I should. Still no more spotting which is good.
I might lose my ovary and I only have one because I lost the other one to ovarian cancer six years ago. So that's the reason I'm doing these IVF cycles. The recovery depends on what happens in surgery. My surgeon is going to attempt the surgery laparoscopically but she might have to switch over to a full incision which would take a lot longer to heal, something like six weeks recovery vs. two weeks.

Hmm I think you should call if they might want to switch you over. I'm assuming you mean switch to PIO IM shots?

Em - wow to doing IVF after ovarian cancer! :thumbup: I have had large cysts on my ovaries in the past, and I even had to have one operated on back in 2004, my cyst was 10cm in size, or the size of a grapefruit. They were able to operate and remove the cyst and that ovary is still kicking today! So I hope they are able to do the same thing for you. I think a lot has to do with the size of the cyst, the makeup of the cyst (fluid filled, or dermoid, etc) and how it is attached to the ovary. The Dr's always say they are going to attempt to do things laproscopically and will use conventional surgery as a fall back if necessary. Both laproscopic surgries I have had were like that, and both were 100% successful doing it the laproscopic method. The key is to pick a surgeon that is well trained laproscopically and you will be fine :thumbup:

Thanks, Ali! I didn't realize you had gone through this too. One of the cysts I have now is about the size of the grapefruit and the other is about 3cm. My Oncologist thinks it's probably ovarian cancer again, most likely the same type I had before. They are mucinous tumors. I've had a ton of imaging done, ultrasounds and pelvic MRI and everyone has the same conclusion that it's the same type so we'll see. Luckily it's a very slow growing type of cancer and the prognosis is really good. Last time I didn't even need chemo so hopefully that will be the case this time as well fx. I feel really lucky that I was able to do these two IVF cycles because we really didn't know if my ovary would even respond to the meds with these two masses on it.

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