Ivf oct/nov/dec

@Sweetness, thanks for the warm welcome!! :flower: I am sorry you got sick! I hope you are feeling better now!!! :hugs::hugs:

Thanks. :). How are you? Are you in the middle of your cycle

I am doing okay. I was in the middle of an IUI cycle this month when it got canceled...I paid my $230 dollars when I got to DR office, (which ended up being a waste of $$) They drew my blood to look at my LH & E2 levels. My normal DR wasn't in the office to do the ultrasound so I had this other male DR which made it awkward for me, and he was just reading and catching up on all of my history.

So the Dr. saw one big follicle that looked good, anda couple of smaller ones that were about 13 mm, But the problem is on that side where my ovary is I have problems with the fallpian tube on that side and even though the DR showed the dye flowed through my tube during my Lap, the DR wasn't sure of what kind of condition my tube was in on that side of my body. My good ovary with the good tube only had one tiny follice. So the DR didn't recommend us moving forward with the IUI and spending the 350.00 for the IUI. :cry: So out the window goes my $230 bucks, what a friggen waste of $$ that was...

The Dr. also saw some new fibroids. I know that I had one fibroid in the muscle wall of my uterus already, but the DR said there were a couple more small fibroids there as well now. :cry: Even though he said they dont need surgery and shouldn't affect my fertility I was still surprised to learn I had more fibroids.. where the hell did they come from!!! I don't think they were there before... Lordy... :growlmad:

Long story short I decided that IUI wasn't a smart option for me and DH, because DH has low sperm count and we are moving forward with IVF & ICSI for November. I start lupron on CD 21 which is just around the corner. :thumbup: I can't imagine having to come back month after month for IUI's paying for ultrasounds hoping I am ovulating on the correct side. Plus DR only gave us a 15% chance of success for IUI.
wannabe- ya i think IVF wuth ICSI would be best in that situation. I too havw waste a lot of money wish I would have trued IVF eailer but oh well.... And crazy about the fibroids. Will the remove them or they ok right now?
Hi everyone

Wow, this thread is busy.was trying to play catch up abit.
I had my appt at the FS this morning. Everything seems to be progressing well. My follies look good and my lining that's what the doctor said. He cant see the left ovary to well, so he needs extra time on that one on Monday. Yes, Monday is ER. I ma so excited. I am extremely bloated and abit of pain and ache. He put me on bedrest from this afternoon and tomorow. Taking my ovidrel tonight. Wish me luck girls.

wannabepreggo: sounds like a good plan! I hate you wasted $$ though. I know someone who had a 5% chance with IUI and they just had twins!! So you never know!! I had 1 fibroid and it was there for IVF 1 and 2. After the miscarrige I had really bad pain and such and the dr said it was the fibroid. When I went in for u/s to start #3 the fibroid was double the size and it was funny looking. So it was removed. At my recent f/u about IVF #3 failing my RE said he believed the fibroid was a reason for the miscarriage. So make sure none of them are in the way or anything and not going to be an issue later on.

Wish2havbaby: yay for trigger!! GL on monday!
Hello ladies I hope you don't mind if I join. We did IVF last month and my beta was only 6 so the dr said it wasn't a viable pregnancy. I wanted to move to FET right away but the dr wanted to make sure everything was back to normal. Yesterday I got the green light for the November cycle. It's going to be an unmedicated cycle. We are thinking about doing assisted hatching.
Ladies: I have a question. My RE said the embryos are frozen in groups of 2... BUT we are going to do an eSET as per our RE strongly recommends (tough decision but we are going to do it)... So my question is what happens to the 2nd embryo? Can it be re-frozen?? If not, I am not waisting it and will be transferring it as well.... I meant to ask my RE but I forgot as I was stunned by him being so adamant about the SET (he has pretty valid reasons and if he feels this way then we want to do it)...The thaw survival rate is over 90% at the clinic which is amazing but I am worried about the other little guy :)
If my understand is correct, some clinics can refreeze embryos, but their survival at the next thaw decreases a bit.

My RE said it's usually best to transfer two, why is yours only wanting to do one?
wannabe- ya i think IVF wuth ICSI would be best in that situation. I too havw waste a lot of money wish I would have trued IVF eailer but oh well.... And crazy about the fibroids. Will the remove them or they ok right now?

The fibroids are all small and one is in the muscle walls of my uterus so the DR doesn't think they will affect fertility or that they are a cause for concern right now. He just suggested that they monitor them for changes and if they get bigger or change than surgery would be needed at that point. But hopefully they aren't going to get any bigger on me.

Yeah, it sucks to feel like you wasted $$ especially when all of this infertility stuff is so expensive!!! Every dollar matters in this process!!!! :dohh:
wannabepreggo: sounds like a good plan! I hate you wasted $$ though. I know someone who had a 5% chance with IUI and they just had twins!! So you never know!! I had 1 fibroid and it was there for IVF 1 and 2. After the miscarrige I had really bad pain and such and the dr said it was the fibroid. When I went in for u/s to start #3 the fibroid was double the size and it was funny looking. So it was removed. At my recent f/u about IVF #3 failing my RE said he believed the fibroid was a reason for the miscarriage. So make sure none of them are in the way or anything and not going to be an issue later on.

Wish2havbaby: yay for trigger!! GL on monday!

Thanks for sharing your story with me. I am sorry that your fibroid ended up getting so bad though!!! :hugs::hugs: I am so sorry for your loss!!:hugs::hugs:

My fibroids are all small and one is in the muscle walls of my uterus so the DR doesn't think they will affect fertility or that they are a cause for concern right now. He just suggested that they monitor them for changes and if they get bigger or change than surgery would be needed at that point. But hopefully they aren't going to get any bigger on me.
Hello ladies I hope you don't mind if I join. We did IVF last month and my beta was only 6 so the dr said it wasn't a viable pregnancy. I wanted to move to FET right away but the dr wanted to make sure everything was back to normal. Yesterday I got the green light for the November cycle. It's going to be an unmedicated cycle. We are thinking about doing assisted hatching.

Welcome to the thread hun!!! :flower: My Dr office includes assisted hatching as a standard option as part of their IVF & ICSI cycle. I also asked my DR office about the FET cycle and they said the meds were significantly less and were about 200 to 300 bucks in a FET cycle, if you did choose to go medicated. Although you might of already looked at that option and didn't feel comfortable with it. But just in case I wanted to makesure you know it is alot cheaper doing the FET from the medicine costs side of it at least.

I am so glad that you got the green light to move forward with your FET cycle forNovember!!!:thumbup: I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that this tme around it will be a success!!!! Good luck and baby dust to you hun!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
If my understand is correct, some clinics can refreeze embryos, but their survival at the next thaw decreases a bit.

My RE said it's usually best to transfer two, why is yours only wanting to do one?

He has always transferred two and never encouraged me to do 1.... At the follow-up meeting, he said he really really wants us to consider just 1 as the risk to me of carrying multiples is high. I have only half a uterus (unicornuate uterus) which was only just discovered after 2 IVF cycles when I had lap to remove the fibroid... He strongly feels that transferring 1 at a time at this stage is the best option... He said he would much rather see me carry 1 healthy baby than get pg with 2 and risk a miscarriage of both of them (miscarriage risk is higher in unicornuate uterus due to growth restrictions)... He mentioned a cerclage may be necessary (more so with more than 1), etc... He said if I were to start to miscarry one of the babies then I would most likely miscarry the other and that would be devastating. He believes that I will get a take home baby from one of the four (or more).... I have never seen him be so adament about transferring 1 until just now. So, me and DH agreed that if he feels this way now and he feels so strongly about it, we should trust him 100% and go with his recommendations. I would transfer all 4 at this stage... RE told me I could transfer more than 1 (and he would understand) but really doesn't want me to do that. So we are going with his recomendations at this point. We need to change something so this is the one thing we can change :) I really do want twins (I am a twin) BUT I understand the risks involved and honestly I do not want to face those risks. Its not worth it in the end.
Ladies: I have a question. My RE said the embryos are frozen in groups of 2... BUT we are going to do an eSET as per our RE strongly recommends (tough decision but we are going to do it)... So my question is what happens to the 2nd embryo? Can it be re-frozen?? If not, I am not waisting it and will be transferring it as well.... I meant to ask my RE but I forgot as I was stunned by him being so adamant about the SET (he has pretty valid reasons and if he feels this way then we want to do it)...The thaw survival rate is over 90% at the clinic which is amazing but I am worried about the other little guy :)

I am not so sure about how all of this works hun, But my advice would be to talk to your DRs office about the 2cnd embryo and ask what options you have, let them know you prefer to tansfer them both is possible but if not you want to freeze them and make sure you get your answers so you feel comfortable with the final choice!!! Good luck!!!
Thanks for sharing your story with me. I am sorry that your fibroid ended up getting so bad though!!! :hugs::hugs: I am so sorry for your loss!!:hugs::hugs:

My fibroids are all small and one is in the muscle walls of my uterus so the DR doesn't think they will affect fertility or that they are a cause for concern right now. He just suggested that they monitor them for changes and if they get bigger or change than surgery would be needed at that point. But hopefully they aren't going to get any bigger on me.

I had one in the fundus (top of uterus) in between the muscle layer. As long as FS doesnt think cause for concern then all is well. Pregnancy will make them grow and can cause growth restriction. Mine was 5 cm when I started IVF and grew to 10cm by time of surgery.
If my understand is correct, some clinics can refreeze embryos, but their survival at the next thaw decreases a bit.

My RE said it's usually best to transfer two, why is yours only wanting to do one?

He has always transferred two and never encouraged me to do 1.... At the follow-up meeting, he said he really really wants us to consider just 1 as the risk to me of carrying multiples is high. I have only half a uterus (unicornuate uterus) which was only just discovered after 2 IVF cycles when I had lap to remove the fibroid... He strongly feels that transferring 1 at a time at this stage is the best option... He said he would much rather see me carry 1 healthy baby than get pg with 2 and risk a miscarriage of both of them (miscarriage risk is higher in unicornuate uterus due to growth restrictions)... He mentioned a cerclage may be necessary (more so with more than 1), etc... He said if I were to start to miscarry one of the babies then I would most likely miscarry the other and that would be devastating. He believes that I will get a take home baby from one of the four (or more).... I have never seen him be so adament about transferring 1 until just now. So, me and DH agreed that if he feels this way now and he feels so strongly about it, we should trust him 100% and go with his recommendations. I would transfer all 4 at this stage... RE told me I could transfer more than 1 (and he would understand) but really doesn't want me to do that. So we are going with his recomendations at this point. We need to change something so this is the one thing we can change :) I really do want twins (I am a twin) BUT I understand the risks involved and honestly I do not want to face those risks. Its not worth it in the end.

I am just reading your response now after my previous post, so I didn't know the reasoning behind your DR's request until just now. I think your DR is trying to keep you safe and do what he thinks is best for you based on your personal health background. Maybe you should do some research on this topic on your own with google or text books on the topic, or ask what percent the risk is for miscarriage of 2 from your Dr. to help decide if you think the risks outweight the benefits. Ultimately the choice is your's because it is you body, and your embryos. I wish you all the best and lots of good luck with whatever choice you decide.:dust::dust: Please keep us updated with what you decide. :hugs::hugs:
We have decided on the 1 (better safe than sorry!!)... BUT if they are not going to refreeze the second then we are doing 2 no questions... I need to talk to my RE about what happens to little guy 2, but all the REs in the clinic are all out of town this next week due to a conference.... SO I will have to wait until the following week. I have to figure out how to call and not speak to the nurse, or maybe I can ask the nurse to have the RE call me??
We have decided on the 1 (better safe than sorry!!)... BUT if they are not going to refreeze the second then we are doing 2 no questions... I need to talk to my RE about what happens to little guy 2, but all the REs in the clinic are all out of town this next week due to a conference.... SO I will have to wait until the following week. I have to figure out how to call and not speak to the nurse, or maybe I can ask the nurse to have the RE call me??

Good luck!! I hope you can find an option that you are comfortable with!!!:hugs::hugs:
Has anyone ever thought about gender selection? I have seen where some fertility clinics offer the option to select embryos to be put back based on the sex of the baby,of course for an additional cost. Have any of you ladies ever thought about this option???

I hope I don't offend anyone with this question. My husband and I would prefer a boy for our first child, although we would be happy with a girl. Of course the main thing is to have a healthy child regardless of the gender.... but still it is an option just the same....:shrug:
If you do pgd they know the gender and you can choose... Personally I'm against this but many aren't. To me the process is already so unnatural I want to save a surprise for the end. I'm not against pgd but I dont want to know the sex... Some do it due to genetic reasons, like a female is more likely to have this gene, etc. it's defiantly a personal decision and no one should judge you for it :)
If you do pgd they know the gender and you can choose... Personally I'm against this but many aren't. To me the process is already so unnatural I want to save a surprise for the end. I'm not against pgd but I dont want to know the sex... Some do it due to genetic reasons, like a female is more likely to have this gene, etc. it's defiantly a personal decision and no one should judge you for it :)

I was really surprised when I found out that this was possible. I accidently stumbled onto it when i was doing some google research about IVF & ICSI. I had no idea it was even an option.

I know in general there are so many other factors to worry about othe than the gender... First off you have to hope you get enough eggs, and than hope you get a good amount of healthy embryos to make sure they are good enough for transfer, and hope and pray that there are some left over for FET after if the first cycle isn't a success... so in the grand scheme of things picking the gender might not even be an option if there aren't a good amount of healthy embryos. I can only afford one cycle of IVF so the aditional costs for gender selection might not be a practical choice for me. But I am going to ask my clinic just the same to see how it would work and the costs involved.

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