Ivf oct/nov/dec

Hi ladies, had a quick read and it's lovely to see all the positive posts.

AFM - Been in hospital over the weekend as pregnancy was ectopic so had the Methotrexate injection today to dissolve it :cry:

I'm devastated, but just hoping the injection works so that I don't have to have surgery. My BETA levels stayed the same from Fri - Mon which confirmed the dark shadow in my tube.

So defo taking a break from all things baby including BnB. We have to wait 4 months before trying again due to the Methotrexate, and DH and I have decided no more IVF. All the meds never helped so we're going to go back to trying natural around March and just pray for a miracle.

I wish you all the best. Here's to 2013 being a better year. Thanks for all your support over the last few months :hugs:
EM: YAY for great report!!! How exciting!

Wanna: GL tomorrow!! Your beta is going to be nice and high!

JDH: I am sooooo sorry girl :( How awful. Take care of yourself. :hugs: Will miss you on the boards. Let us all know how you are from time to time. I pray you dont need surgery also!
@JDH, I am so very sorry about everything that you are going through. I really hope that the injection works so you can avoid surgery!! Big hugs to you hun!!! :hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies, had a quick read and it's lovely to see all the positive posts.

AFM - Been in hospital over the weekend as pregnancy was ectopic so had the Methotrexate injection today to dissolve it :cry:

I'm devastated, but just hoping the injection works so that I don't have to have surgery. My BETA levels stayed the same from Fri - Mon which confirmed the dark shadow in my tube.

So defo taking a break from all things baby including BnB. We have to wait 4 months before trying again due to the Methotrexate, and DH and I have decided no more IVF. All the meds never helped so we're going to go back to trying natural around March and just pray for a miracle.

I wish you all the best. Here's to 2013 being a better year. Thanks for all your support over the last few months :hugs:

I'm truly sorry to hear that and understand needing to take a break. I wish you luck in the future.
sweet: Great increase in your beta! I dont have symptoms either (queasy sometimes) but I am waiting... It would be reassuring for me esp with the few episodes of spotting I have had. I wonder if you have twinnies in there!!
Girl, I too had a slight case of OHSS, and it's nothing to mess around with. Stay positive! Hopefully you won't have it!

Michelle, got my fingers crossed for you tightly. I hope you get your BFP soon!!!

Wanna, good luck tomorrow!

Hold, hopefully ER is soon!

Em, woo hoo for 9 eggs! Fingers crossed you get a great fert. report!

Mells, sorry you're not well. I've had a nasty cold for about two weeks, and it's no fun. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Sweet, here's hoping the days between now and your scan fly by!

Ali, any idea when ER will be?

Phantom, yeah for getting started!

JDH, so sorry to hear your news. Take time and heal. :hugs:

Chase, how's your TWW going?

Sorry if I missed anyone! Hope you are all well!

As for me, my us went well today. There are 6 follies on the right, 10 on the left, but only 4 total were large enough to measure. She didn't tell me what the measurements were though. They did make some changes to my dosages though. Tonight and tomorrow I'm doing 150 iu follistim and 2 vials of menopur. Then Thursday I'll be going down to 1 vial of menopur. Friday morning I go for another scan.
Yay, Em!!! :dance: That's great news! I look forward to your fertilization report.

Sending you big :hug: JDH! I'm so sorry this has happened. It's totally understandable to need a break.

Lucie- We're on a similar (and close) path. I'm on 100 Follistim and 1 vial of Menopur along with 5 units of Lupron. I started today. It's interesting how they adjust the meds to create the best possible situation. Pretty cool. :coolio:

Wanna- Good luck tomorrow!!

Phantom- Yay for moving forward! The waiting periods are the toughest part!

Sweet- I'm so excited for your scan. I want to see if you have twins! 9 more days, right?

Mells- Yay for moving along, but I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you recover soon.

Whisper- Thanks for the flu shot info. I'm going to look into it. Do you (or anyone else) know anything about the adult pertussis vaccine? I know it's becoming a big problem with babies and can be carried by adults. I'm not sure if I can get the vaccine now or when is ok to get it.

Happy- So sorry about the morning sickness. :hugs2:

Hold- I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. Hopefully your ER will be soon. :hugs:

Michelle- How are you doing?

Ash- It's nice to see you back. I'm so glad you can move forward soon and your Dr has a new plan. Fingers crossed for you!

Chase- I hope your tww isn't driving you crazy.
Hey ladies question, I am feeling a little bit crampy is that normal?
Hey ladies question, I am feeling a little bit crampy is that normal?

Yes, I have been having cramping the entire time starting right after the embryo transfer up until now!!! Plus the paper work the DR gave me about what to expect after the transfer states that cramping is a normal early pregnancy symptom, so it is fine. When it wouldn't be normal is if you were in severe pain with the cramps and/or bleeding with it, that is another story and would be a cause for concern.
Phantom - yay for getting a calendar!

JDH - I'm so so so sorry. :hugs: for as long as you need. I really hope you and your OH have success trying naturally in a couple of months and if you EVER want to come back, you'll always be more than welcome!

Lotus - thanks! I'm so happy my doctor has a plan and it just really seems like he has put a lot of thought into it so that makes me happy :) How are you coming along with your cycle?! I see you just started the meds? Yay! Not long now!
Does anybody have that link for the HCG levels in multiples pregnancy??? I know someone posted a link to it recently... :shrug:
Yay, Em!!! :dance: That's great news! I look forward to your fertilization report.

Sending you big :hug: JDH! I'm so sorry this has happened. It's totally understandable to need a break.

Lucie- We're on a similar (and close) path. I'm on 100 Follistim and 1 vial of Menopur along with 5 units of Lupron. I started today. It's interesting how they adjust the meds to create the best possible situation. Pretty cool. :coolio:

Wanna- Good luck tomorrow!!

Phantom- Yay for moving forward! The waiting periods are the toughest part!

Sweet- I'm so excited for your scan. I want to see if you have twins! 9 more days, right?

Mells- Yay for moving along, but I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you recover soon.

Whisper- Thanks for the flu shot info. I'm going to look into it. Do you (or anyone else) know anything about the adult pertussis vaccine? I know it's becoming a big problem with babies and can be carried by adults. I'm not sure if I can get the vaccine now or when is ok to get it.

Happy- So sorry about the morning sickness. :hugs2:

Hold- I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. Hopefully your ER will be soon. :hugs:

Michelle- How are you doing?

Ash- It's nice to see you back. I'm so glad you can move forward soon and your Dr has a new plan. Fingers crossed for you!

Chase- I hope your tww isn't driving you crazy.

I heard rumor that you can get the pertussis vaccine in the third trimester and I'm for sure going to ask my doc about it. Little worried though because I was deathly allergic to it as an infant. I never got the full course of pertussis shots as a child because of that. Not sure if I can do it now....
Hey everyone!

JDH - so sorry to hear about your ectopic. :hug: Best of luck for March!!

Flu Shots - I had the pertussis shot 2 years ago when I first thought about doing the single mom thing. Does anyone know how long it lasts? I am wondering if I should get it and the Flu shot ASAP? Things are starting to heat up down here Flu-wise. People I know are dropping like flies, I'd say about 10 people didn't make our Christmas party last Friday because of it. I'm wondering if I'm not coming down with it. I have been feeling horrible all day, and now I have a slight cough? Maybe it is all the meds just making me tired and ucky (is that a word)?

I still don't know when my ER will be. I am guessing Sat/Mon? I will know more when I go int for my next U/S and bloodwork tomorrow morning. The follicles were around 11mm on Monday, so tomorrow they should be around 15mm, which is still too small for trigger. Possibly trigger on Friday? That would put them around 19mm, and ER on Sunday. :shrug: My follicles grow slowly so your guess is as good as mine.

:hug: to everyone else!!!
Lotus - thanks! I'm so happy my doctor has a plan and it just really seems like he has put a lot of thought into it so that makes me happy :) How are you coming along with your cycle?! I see you just started the meds? Yay! Not long now!

I started stims today, so I've only added the Menopur so far. Tonight I'll do the Follistim. Honestly, I had a horrible time with the Menopur this morning. I was in a rush b/c I had to take my dog to the vet (which with a 100 lb difficult dog is no easy feat) and even though I got up super early, I sat there with the syringe in my hand for so long that I was almost late. I just couldn't bring myself to shove that needle in my belly. It was ridiculous. I have a rib tattoo, so I kept reminding myself that this is nothing compared to that pain. It's not the pain, though, it's the mental aspect. I finally did it and it didn't hurt at all. I felt a slight sensation as the meds went in, but that's it. I don't know why I freak out with the needles, but I do. The Lupron is fine, but I seriously almost ran across the street to get my neighbor (who works in a dental office and I DON'T know very well) to do it! I feel like a crazy person! I'm really hoping I can get over the nerves soon. Thankfully, DH will be here tonight and tomorrow to help. :dohh: He thinks I'm silly, but he's a "tough guy" with a "tough guy" job, so he doesn't understand someone being afraid of something so small. :shrug:

Anyway, I am thrilled to move forward and I know it will all be worth it in the end. I have a lot going on this week so I think the time will fly by and ER will be here before I know it. One day at a time.
Lotus - thanks! I'm so happy my doctor has a plan and it just really seems like he has put a lot of thought into it so that makes me happy :) How are you coming along with your cycle?! I see you just started the meds? Yay! Not long now!

I started stims today, so I've only added the Menopur so far. Tonight I'll do the Follistim. Honestly, I had a horrible time with the Menopur this morning. I was in a rush b/c I had to take my dog to the vet (which with a 100 lb difficult dog is no easy feat) and even though I got up super early, I sat there with the syringe in my hand for so long that I was almost late. I just couldn't bring myself to shove that needle in my belly. It was ridiculous. I have a rib tattoo, so I kept reminding myself that this is nothing compared to that pain. It's not the pain, though, it's the mental aspect. I finally did it and it didn't hurt at all. I felt a slight sensation as the meds went in, but that's it. I don't know why I freak out with the needles, but I do. The Lupron is fine, but I seriously almost ran across the street to get my neighbor (who works in a dental office and I DON'T know very well) to do it! I feel like a crazy person! I'm really hoping I can get over the nerves soon. Thankfully, DH will be here tonight and tomorrow to help. :dohh: He thinks I'm silly, but he's a "tough guy" with a "tough guy" job, so he doesn't understand someone being afraid of something so small. :shrug:

Anyway, I am thrilled to move forward and I know it will all be worth it in the end. I have a lot going on this week so I think the time will fly by and ER will be here before I know it. One day at a time.

Glad you got it done!!! There are plenty of people out there that hate needles. Especially a lot of men! They don't like them at all. My biggest worry with doing them on my own is making sure I inject myself in the right place! They have me doing IM (in the butt) and the nurse got me all scared the other day. She gave me my shot Monday morning and was like, wow you don't have much bruising, so either you are doing really well or really bad! EEK! I hope I was doing really well!

I'm off to give myself my nightly lupron shot. Then I'm going to fall into bed. I'm not convinced that I'm not coming down with something, I feel like a truck has run over me and now I have a bit of a tickle in my throat with slight coughing. Sounds to me like a double whammy... end of stims feeling bloated and nauseous plus head cold? Does anyone know if they will still do the ER/ET if you have a head cold? EEK! :shrug:
Ali- I hope you are doing the IM shots really well (you probably are). :winkwink: I hope you feel better soon. I'm not sure about ER/ET with a cold. It seems like they would still do it as long as you aren't super sick or on other meds. Let's hope it doesn't matter because you will be well! :hugs:
Well I thought my hives were getting better but overnight they popped back up and seemed a little bit worse. Thank goodness for my DH's excema skin cream because that has been helping tremendously. The only problem is that when I called the nurse line yesterday at my DR's office the nurse said to try the meds for one more day and see if I am alright, well clearly the hives aren't going away so it has to be one of the medications that I am on. I can't take benadrly even though it is safe during pregnancy because it will give me heart palpatations so I am going to avoid that as long as I can. Once the DR's office opens up i am going to ask if I can stop some of the medications. The two medications that have hives as a side effect that I am on is the baby aspirin and the estradiol vaginal inserts. The progesterone cream insert does not have hives as a side effect, so I am hoping that I can just take the vaginal progesterone by itself and stop the other two. I definatly shouldn't have to stay on the baby aspirin for much longer because that helps with implantation and obviously my embryos have already implanted. Hmm, this is stressing me out because I obviously don't want to do anything to hurt the pregnancy but at the same time I can't deal with these hives, i am up at 4:20 am because of these itchy hives. :growlmad:

On a lighter note I am excited about my blood work this morning at 9:30 am!!! :happydance::happydance:

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