Ivf oct/nov/dec

@Ali, Good luck with your injections. :thumbup::dust::dust:

@Good luck with Stims hun!! I hope you get lots ofnice healthy eggs!!:dust::dust:
Quick Question, for you ladies that are on the progesterone through out the first part of your pregnancy, are you girls on any other medications with it, or just the progesterone? i am really hoping I can just use the progesterone cream and hoping that these dammed hives go away. Than just stop the baby aspirin and estraidol vagina pills. :shrug: Well I will have to see what the DR's office says, and if I don't like the nurses answer than i will make a call to the DR directly. Wish me luck!!
Thanks Ladies!! The entire ER process was much easier for me this time, maybe because I knew what to expect and I wasn't nervous at all. DH even commented on how I was in such a different place/happier mood than last time. I did have some cramping afterwards but tylenol took care of it. My RE came in when I was in recovery and held up 9 fingers to tell me how many eggs we got. I thanked him and started crying I was so happy. Then the Anesthesiologist came by to shake my hand and congratulate me and he commented that I was the happiest patient he had seen in a long time. I was grinning from ear to ear :).

One funny thing happened when I was waking up in recovery. The nurses were calling out their orders for lunch to one of the other nurses. I was still really groggy but I remember trying to put in my order for pizza haha! DH and I are so happy but of course we will be keeping our fingers crossed until Sunday which is the day they will freeze any embryos that make it to blast. I should get the fert report later this afternoon. I can't wait!!

I'm going to try to do personals and I apologize in advance if I miss anyone. There are ten pages of new posts to go through :)
Hold - I had tons of ewcm discharge too. It was pretty gross but totally normal. I hope you're feeling better today.

JDH - I am so sorry :hugs: I totally get needing to take a break. I hope you can avoid surgery. Check in with us if you can please and let us know how you're doing.

Girly - congrats on your fert report!! I hope you are resting and ohss keeps away!

Happy - awww congrats on hearing the heartbeats!! That must have been incredible!!

Wanna - good luck on your beta today!!! I'm so excited to fx for you!! :happydance:

Mells - yay for having a schedule!! Ugh so sorry you are sick! The flu is going around here too. Rest up and hope you feel better.

Sweet - yayy great beta number :happydance: I can't wait for your scan! I am sure you are having twins :)

Phantom - congrats on getting a schedule!

Lucie - great first scan! I bet you will have a lot more pop up between now and ER!

Ali - I hope you feel better :hugs: I'm pretty sure a head cold won't affect ER/ET at all. I think you have to be really really sick before they would cancel. Rest up and I can't wait to hear how your scan goes on Friday!

Sorry if I missed anyone!
@Em, Thanks for the good luck wishes. Congrats on a great ER!!! 9 eggs is awesome!! :happydance:I hope you get a great fertilization report!!! Good luck!! :dust::dust:
My DR's office said to call them before 3pm this afternoon to get the results of the HCG bloods.

Well I just got off the phone with a nurse at my DR's office and told her about my hives so I am going to stop the baby aspirin as of today and see if my hives go away. The nurse said it was most likely a reaction to the oral medication and not the vaginal progesterone or the vaginal estraidol because oral usually causes more problems them vaginal, so hopefully that will be the case for me and the hives will go away. Then the next thing would be to eliminate the estraidol aka estrogen vaginal insert pills and just stay on the progesterone vaginal cream if that doesn't work and the hives still don't go away. Apparently the only medication that is absoultely necessary is the progesterone cream inserts. The baby aspirin is taken for 10 weeks, but there is no absoulte proof that it is needed or that it helps so the nurse said stopping it isn't a big deal, plus i read that it mainly helps with implantation and of course my embryos are implanted now. Fingers crossed that makes the hives go away and I can stay on the other meds still without incident.
Glad to see this thread is still moving fast! Gonna need to catch up later today somehow. I think I'm like 10pages behind lol.

Hope everyone is doing great and here is some baby dust for everyone!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Well I had a huge scare this morning. Woke up at 1am an 5am with bleeding and clots and I was for sure it was over. Walked into clinic at 730 and had u/s. baby measuring right where it should and only one! Bleeding had settled down around 6am.... No sign of blood In uterus or what it was from... Dr said may happen again.when is this stress going away?? No pics today; official u/s in 2 weeks but I'm gonna cheat and do one next week at work!!
Well I had a huge scare this morning. Woke up at 1am an 5am with bleeding and clots and I was for sure it was over. Walked into clinic at 730 and had u/s. baby measuring right where it should and only one! Bleeding had settled down around 6am.... No sign of blood In uterus or what it was from... Dr said may happen again.when is this stress going away?? No pics today; official u/s in 2 weeks but I'm gonna cheat and do one next week at work!!

Man that has to be nerve racking!! Why do they think its happening? I'm so glad to hear everything is ok with baby. Did u get to hear the heartbeat? Abd u must work in a hospital too I have been debating doing it and the ER docs keep asking but kinda want DH to be with me.
Mo- yikes! So glad everything was OK! WHEW! Nice to know there is only 1, but maybe there are 2 in that sac? Possibly? Might be too small to see at this point. I still think you have twins! LOL.

Sweet - I would go for it, just to calm your nerves a bit. They won't be able to do much besides confirm that there is a sac in there this early anyway. I don't think the heart forms until a certain point, so before that you wouldn't see a heart beat anyway.

AFM - My follicles are growing SLOWLY. I have 19 total now (10 left, 9 right) but they are only between 10mm-15mm, most of them around 12-13mm). My lining is now 10mm and triple layered, so that is growing nicely. I have to wait for my blood results this afternoon. We'll see what they are. They want me back on Friday morning. We talked about possible trigger Fri/Sat and ER on Sun/Mon. I guess time will tell! If my E2 is really high like last time, they may want me back tomorrow. We'll see.
No I'm only 5+3 or 5+4.... They didn't spend any time trying to look for hb. Doc said in 3-4 days we would be able to see a flicker.
Well I had a huge scare this morning. Woke up at 1am an 5am with bleeding and clots and I was for sure it was over. Walked into clinic at 730 and had u/s. baby measuring right where it should and only one! Bleeding had settled down around 6am.... No sign of blood In uterus or what it was from... Dr said may happen again.when is this stress going away?? No pics today; official u/s in 2 weeks but I'm gonna cheat and do one next week at work!!

Oh Mo I'm so sorry that must have been really scary! Glad everything checked out and you got to peak at your little one! That's great you can get u/s at work :thumbup:
Quick Question, for you ladies that are on the progesterone through out the first part of your pregnancy, are you girls on any other medications with it, or just the progesterone? i am really hoping I can just use the progesterone cream and hoping that these dammed hives go away. Than just stop the baby aspirin and estraidol vagina pills. :shrug: Well I will have to see what the DR's office says, and if I don't like the nurses answer than i will make a call to the DR directly. Wish me luck!!

My first IVf pregnancy I was going to be on Progesterone and Estrogen until I was 10 weeks. We were doing injections and suppositories.
Mo- yikes! So glad everything was OK! WHEW! Nice to know there is only 1, but maybe there are 2 in that sac? Possibly? Might be too small to see at this point. I still think you have twins! LOL.

Sweet - I would go for it, just to calm your nerves a bit. They won't be able to do much besides confirm that there is a sac in there this early anyway. I don't think the heart forms until a certain point, so before that you wouldn't see a heart beat anyway.

AFM - My follicles are growing SLOWLY. I have 19 total now (10 left, 9 right) but they are only between 10mm-15mm, most of them around 12-13mm). My lining is now 10mm and triple layered, so that is growing nicely. I have to wait for my blood results this afternoon. We'll see what they are. They want me back on Friday morning. We talked about possible trigger Fri/Sat and ER on Sun/Mon. I guess time will tell! If my E2 is really high like last time, they may want me back tomorrow. We'll see.

You are getting so close!! Wow, that is a lot of follicles!! Your lining sounds perfect. Fx for you!!
Ali- yea I'm curious very curious but I figured I have waited this long I can wait 8 more days so I will for sure be able to hear a heartbeat Transvag ultrasound. I'm 6 weeks today. ( well two of my apps say 5 weeks 6 dys and the other two say 6 weeks)

I'm glad your follies are still growing slowly But surely
Mobaby - Wow what a scare! So glad you got checked out and all is good. Hopefully things simmer down and you won't have so much to worry about, however, I think the worrying never ends. And it just goes to show you, no matter how high or low your beta is, it really doesn't give you a good indication of how many ;)

ali - Glad things are moving along for you ;)

I started my testing :dohh: And now my anxiety, stress and fear is kicking in. I will be posting pictures daily in my journal; I have only done 1 FRER, but I feel it is too light for today 8dp5dt...UGH and I had a booster 4 days ago. Guess only time will tell!
Ali - glad to see things are progressing for you. Sorry they are not growing faster. Keeping fingers crossed for a good report for you on Friday.
Mo - sorry you had such a scare. Having had two MC with my ex that were proceeded by spotting, the thought of blood coming out there sends me into a bit of a panic. Glad that things seem to be all right for you.

I'm feeling more antsy today than I have felt during any point in my 2WW. I guess knowing that my report will come back in 48 hours more or less is a big part of it. I had a restless night which is unusual for me. I'm sitting at my desk trying to focus on my work and failing utterly to do so. :)
My mind is doing weird things to protect myself from emotional fallout if it's not a good report. If I had to base things on my 'gut', I would think that I'm going to get a negative result. That really doesn't bother me because honestly, my 'gut' has been wrong nearly every time - when I first did with IVF with my ex, my gut was convinced that it had worked (it didn't). It's really just a defense mechanism - I'd be delighted to be wrong. I very much believe in thinking positive, but I do have one advantage here and that's that I'm the guy so whatever goes on with my body chemistry does not affect things. Were I actually carrying the baby, I would do the mental gymnastics necessary to focus only on a positive outcome. I certainly did before I made my - ah - contribution, even though that probably really doesn't change anything. I just wanted only positive energy to go into the sample.
I really don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the next 48 hours - against better judgement, I am looking at various baby products from time to time. I have worked on - way prematurely - a list of things I would need. 99% of those sorts of articles are written by women for women, but much of the advice is unisex and I just ignore all the breastfeeding stuff. :)
Anyway, life has no fast-forward button and I wouldn't really want one if it did. Reading Clive Barker's rather creepy children's book The Thief of Always points out the danger in such a wish. I just hope to have a child to one day read that book to, even if the end result is they spend the next week crawling into my bed to sleep out of fright. ;)
@Mo, I am so sorry that you had such a bad scare with the spotting again!!Big hugs to you hun. :hugs::hugs: But, I am glad that you were able to get in for a scan right away and that everything looked okay with your little baby bean!!!i really hope the crazy spotting stops for you soon hun!! :hugs::hugs:

@Ali, Wow, you have agreat number of follies,:thumbup: sorry they are growing so slow though, Fingers crossed they pick up the pace soon so you can move forward with your ER sooner than later. Good luck!!! :dust::dust:

@Chase, i am sending tons of good luck and baby dust your way and hoping and prayingthat you are going to get great news and get your BFP!!!!!! :dust::dust::dust:On a side note I am also a fan of scary stories and movies and I have some books by one of my favorite Authors Dean Koonts and some by Stephen King as well. I have a few by clive barker also. I am really into scary movies though. I haven't done much reading over the years though and I need to get back into it again soon I think. :thumbup:

@Michelle, i commented on your journal about your tests.:winkwink:

AFM, I am still waiting on my blood work HCG results, and when I get them i will be sure to do an update!! :thumbup:
Chase - I feel your pain ;) I am so busy at work and I cannot focus; at least you will get an answer in 2 days, I have to wait till Monday :growlmad: Good luck and I truly hope this works out for you!

Thanks wanna ;) And I am anxiously awaiting your results!!!
Yay, Em!!! :dance: That's great news! I look forward to your fertilization report.

Sending you big :hug: JDH! I'm so sorry this has happened. It's totally understandable to need a break.

Lucie- We're on a similar (and close) path. I'm on 100 Follistim and 1 vial of Menopur along with 5 units of Lupron. I started today. It's interesting how they adjust the meds to create the best possible situation. Pretty cool. :coolio:

Wanna- Good luck tomorrow!!

Phantom- Yay for moving forward! The waiting periods are the toughest part!

Sweet- I'm so excited for your scan. I want to see if you have twins! 9 more days, right?

Mells- Yay for moving along, but I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you recover soon.

Whisper- Thanks for the flu shot info. I'm going to look into it. Do you (or anyone else) know anything about the adult pertussis vaccine? I know it's becoming a big problem with babies and can be carried by adults. I'm not sure if I can get the vaccine now or when is ok to get it.

Happy- So sorry about the morning sickness. :hugs2:

Hold- I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. Hopefully your ER will be soon. :hugs:

Michelle- How are you doing?

Ash- It's nice to see you back. I'm so glad you can move forward soon and your Dr has a new plan. Fingers crossed for you!

Chase- I hope your tww isn't driving you crazy.

Hi Lotus...sorry I missed this from yesterday; there were so many posts and I don't usually get on bnb in the evenings. I am doing OK; just anxious and stressing over testing this booster out :wacko: I am hoping my lines get darker and not lighter, but the next few days will give a better indication. How are you?

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