Ivf oct/nov/dec

Ali - gorgeous pics of your blasts!!

Hold- so glad that your mum was also made to feel part of the process!!

AFM- I have been scheduled for my 5 day transfer on Monday! I'm over the moon about it!! So glad that the embies have continued to grow.

Hope everyone else is doing really well!


Yay for a 5 day transfer! That is wonderful news! :wohoo:
Lotus I'm sending good vibes for your 3 embies! When will you get another report?
@Ever, Good luck with your ET for monday!! :dust::dust:

@Lotus, I hope that all 3 of your embryos grow healthy and strong for ET!! Good luck!! :dust::dust:
Lotus I'm sending good vibes for your 3 embies! When will you get another report?

Thank you! Monday morning they will call with another report and DH and I are "on call" to go for transfer that morning if we need to do a 3dt.
Lotus~ I'm sending good vibes your way :hugs:

Ever ~ yay for a 5 day transfer :happydance:

As for me ~ It's been 13 hours since I've been home. I've been trying to get up every now and then to use the rest room or just to simple give my butt a break from the couch! I'm starting to get some pain now so I'm going to take a tylenol and then go to bed. I'm dying for tomorrow to come already! My father kept telling me "you should call them, I bet one has to be fertilized already" :rofl: And I thought I was impatient.

On the bright side, I saw my husband truly smile today. I think it's finally hitting him, you know? It brought tears to my eyes.
First Lupron shot tonight! I'm off and running...

I'm still amazed at all of the successes on this thread. Congrats everyone!
First Lupron shot tonight! I'm off and running...

I'm still amazed at all of the successes on this thread. Congrats everyone!

Mells ~ Good Luck with your Lupron shot! :hugs: I took my lupron in the morning. And I took them in my thighs. I honestly never felt a thing. It's my favorite shot of all my injections.

We are all here for you :hugs:
Mells- I agree with August. The Lupron was my favorite shot. I did it in the morning in the thigh and it was the easiest. Yay for getting started!!!
Lotus- keeping everything crossed for your embies!!

August- hope you are feeling well today!

Mells- good luck with the shot tonight!!

Everyone else- hope you are all well!! Xx
Good morning girls! I pray that you are all doing well.

I'm feeling a lot better this morning. I'm walking around a little more =)

I got the call.... I have 5 fertilized eggs :happydance:
Hi all,
Been away for a bit. My cycle was unusually long and RE thinks it is because of the DHEA. So I've been going out of my mind waiting for AF and needing it to get here to get in on the December cycle. Finally got it early Saturday morning. SO I start BCP tomorrow and then *crossing my fingers* I start Lupron on Christmas Eve. Slow going.

I've been lurking and I'm so excited for all of you. Such amazing luck on this board!!
Great news august!

:wave: Hi cali!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Mich- I completely understand about being tired and on the weekends it sucks cause I work nights!! And I can't wait for your scan!!!! Also can you see the two in my picture or just one??

Ever- that's exciting I can't wait! Glad they are growing great!

Lotus- I had 8 egg on ER and four fert and made it all the way to day five and two froze so don't try to worry.

Hey Sweet! I couldn't imagine working nights, its bad enough just doing anything for a few hours and I am ready to go take a nap but nights, hopefully by the second tri it will get better for you. And as for your pic, can you upload the full pic? It is hard to see in the profile pic cause it is so small, but it does look like there is two.
That is great August :)

Hi Cali; glad to see you are about to get started ;)
August- great news!! When do you get next update on embies?

Cali- so great you are starting soon!!

Michelle- when is your scan?

Mich- how you upload a pic? It's saying its too large. Sorry dot do well with computers
Ever- Thank you! Good luck for your transfer in the morning! How many are you transferring? Will you be doing bed rest?

Michelle- Glad your feeling well! Maybe you will be a lucky one with no morning sickness also!

Lotus- I hope your 3 embryos continue to grow! Look forward to your update tomorrow!

August- I know what you mean by giving your butt a break :haha: I felt the same way after ER! Hopefully things easy up for you soon! Congrats on 5 embryos!

Mells- Good luck with Lupron tonight!

Cali- good luck with bcp and starting! I know it seems like forever, but time really does fly by!

Ali- how are you today? Relaxing in bed :flower:

:kiss: to everyone that I missed!

AFM: How many people did bed rest after ET?? How long?

I am a little more nervous then I imagined I would be:wacko: Trying to "protect" my babies :blush: My FS says no bed rest. Just taking it very easy, no lifting more then 10 lbs, no exercise, hot tubs etc.. Well the day of the transfer I spent the entire rest of the night in the hotel room lounging. Yesterday, besides the 4 hour ride I spent, the day in bed knitting. But today I got up made soup, a cake and put some Christmas decorations up. Trying my best not to squat or bend too much... Now I am worried I have done to much today!:wacko: When will the worrying stop!

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