Ever- Thank you! Good luck for your transfer in the morning! How many are you transferring? Will you be doing bed rest?
Michelle- Glad your feeling well! Maybe you will be a lucky one with no morning sickness also!
Lotus- I hope your 3 embryos continue to grow! Look forward to your update tomorrow!
August- I know what you mean by giving your butt a break
I felt the same way after ER! Hopefully things easy up for you soon! Congrats on 5 embryos!
Mells- Good luck with Lupron tonight!
Cali- good luck with bcp and starting! I know it seems like forever, but time really does fly by!
Ali- how are you today? Relaxing in bed
to everyone that I missed!
AFM: How many people did bed rest after ET?? How long?
I am a little more nervous then I imagined I would be
Trying to "protect" my babies
My FS says no bed rest. Just taking it very easy, no lifting more then 10 lbs, no exercise, hot tubs etc.. Well the day of the transfer I spent the entire rest of the night in the hotel room lounging. Yesterday, besides the 4 hour ride I spent, the day in bed knitting. But today I got up made soup, a cake and put some Christmas decorations up. Trying my best not to squat or bend too much... Now I am worried I have done to much today!
When will the worrying stop!