Ivf oct/nov/dec

wanna - Hope your husbands interview goes well today! And as for the dried blood, I believe it is normal ;) I know it is hard not to worry. As far as the bloating; mine comes and goes. One day I have some bloating going on and look huge and other day my stomach is flat as a board! I believe that is normal too and cramping comes and goes. Hang in there and have a safe trip!
Yay lucie!!

Here's my bud: 7w4d

I am worried now b/c the heartbeat was the same as last week and I thought it would be much higher. But RE isn't concerned and says mc rate less than 5%. Honestly I think the u/s tech measured it wrong because she is the one I've had issues with before. I will have a scan at work for reassurance.

Great scan picture hun!!! :happydance::happydance: I can see that your baby has grown alot since the last scan you had done!!! It is so amazing!!! if your Dr isn't worried about the heart rate than please don't worry yourself either. Everything looks great hun!!! :hugs::hugs: H&H 9 months to you!!:flower:
Hey Ladies..
I'm 5dp5dt and going :wacko: just like I figured I would! My cramps and lower back pain have been bad in the evenings and overnight, but it seems like they disappear in the morning! I feel almost normal now (well besides being exhausted and having major bruising and pain from the PIO shots). Does anyone know if this is normal? I'm still seeing BFN's too. Not too worried about that as it is super early. I just don't know what is going on with the cramps that seem to hit right around dinner time and cripple me until sun up. Makes it hard to get things done around the house or run errands after work!
@lucie, That is great news about your fertilization report!!:thumbup: It sounds like you will have plenty to freeze andfor the transfer. Good luck to you!!:dust::dust: Your embryo pictures are so neat!! Thanks for sharing!! :winkwink:

@August, I am sorry about the bad cramps that you were having !!! Big hugs to you!!:hugs::hugs: I am glad to hear that you are feeling better today!!:hugs::hugs:

@Girly, I am so sorry about the spotting!! I know it is a common thing in early pregnancy though. I really hope that everything is going to be alright and that the spotting stops soon. Big hugs to you!! :hugs::hugs: I am nervous too today because I am having dark brown spotting when I whipe after I had a BM too, I know it is common, but it is still not easy not to worry!! :dohh:

@Lotus, congrats on being PUPO!!! :flower:

@Want, Wow that scan pic is amazing!!! The baby is really starting to look like a tiny baby now!! It is so amazing how much they change and grow from one scan to the next!!Thanks for sharing!!! :thumbup:

@Ali, I had lots of cramping, but they weren't debilatating to the point where i couldn't function. But I also wasn't on the PIO injections, so I am not sure what is normal on those. I am on the progesterone cream inserts. I would suggest calling your DR and ask about the cramping to see what they suggest. I hope you feel better soon!! Tylenol is safe to take when pregnant so that might help with the cramps. Big hugs to you!!:hugs::hugs:

Good luck and baby dust to all of you girls in the 2WW!! I hope we get alot more BFP's rolling in by the end of this month!!:dust::dust::dust:
wanna - Hope your husbands interview goes well today! And as for the dried blood, I believe it is normal ;) I know it is hard not to worry. As far as the bloating; mine comes and goes. One day I have some bloating going on and look huge and other day my stomach is flat as a board! I believe that is normal too and cramping comes and goes. Hang in there and have a safe trip!

Thanks for the kind words hun!!!:hugs::hugs: I am going to try to take it easy for the rest of the day, and stay calm and relaxed, and not do anything strenous. Hopefully the brown dried blood will stop soon!!

I am glad to know that it is normal for the bloat to come and go since mine has gone down alot over the last several days!!:hugs:
(Will do personals shortly)

Sigh... I had some dark brown dried blood when I whiped after i had a BM this morning. :cry: This is the first time that I have had this and I am hoping it goes away soon. i don't have any cramping with it though, so I know that is a good sign. Ugghhh, never the less I am getting a little nervous. My belly bump/ bloat seems to be getting smaller too so I hope that isn't a bad sign. I am hoping that it is just because my ovaries are getting smaller and belly is less swollen after all of the IVF injections and not anything negative happening. :wacko: Gosh I hope everything is going to be alright!!!:dohh:

DH has his interview this afternoon so i got my fingers crossed it goes well!!:thumbup: i told him to call me after it and to let me know how it goes.

Yesterday i wrapped all of my gifts for my family's Christmas get together and tonight i have to pack for my trip to my sisters which is about 5.5 hours away. We leave tomorrow morning and come back sunday so I won't be on B&B much at all over the weekend since I will be busy spending time with family.

Wanna - Pregnant women are also at increased risk for Hemorrhoids. A common symptoms is bleeding with bowel movements. Not pleasant, but a pretty easy fix. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nothing out of the ordinary. :hugs:
Ali- I had lots of bruising from the PIO shots. And it's still early so don't let the bfn get to you

Wanna- brown is ok. Not red. So that's good that it was brown and wouldn't worry. I know easier said then done as I worry everyday

Mo- I love the pic!

Lotus and Lucie congrats on being PUPO!
Well the dark brown dried blood has turned to watery red blood. I had to put on a maxi pad. I have a bad feeling about this. :cry: Right now my lower back is achey a little and I thought it was from wrapping gifts yesterday because my back hurt after i did that but who knows. I feel a tiny bit of crampingbut it isn't much really.

I am not thrilled that this is happening when I am supposed to leaving to go be with family for the weekend, how the hell am I supposed to be in a good mood when I might be miscarrying right now. :cry: This sucks. :growlmad:

I haven't said anything to DH yet because he has that interview soon and I didn't want to upset him and cause him worry before he does the interview. :nope:
wanna - Have you called the FS? They should be able to get you in for a scan or a DR close by you; you were a day ahead of me with ER and ET, so they should be able to see what is going on and at least put your mind at ease!
Wanna- I agreed you should give your Dr. a call. Praying that all is ok with you!

Just got the call from the Dr's office- we have 6 frosties!!!:happydance:
Wanna I'm so sorry that you are going through this.

How much blood do you think you have lost? Teaspoon, tablespoon amount?
Is it bright red? Are you very sore? My advice would be to call your RE, rest up and TRY not to worry. It's very common to have bleeding in early pregnancy.

Wanna- yes please call your doc and he should be able I get u in somewhere closer. I mean if all else fails you could go to the ER and they would check u out
Wanna phone your doc your 6 weeks they should be able to do a scan. I think it's all over for me I've now got heavy bleeding changed from brown to red with clots my tummy is so sore as well. Phoned hospital but nothing they can do as would only be 3-4 weeks could have been a chemical. I'm going to take a pregnancy test tomorrow praying I get a bfp again dh has told everyone I'm pregnant I feel useless :(
Wanna please phone doctors I think you'll be fine as long as its not heavy with clots I'm or severe cramping hoping everything is ok with your pregnancy.
Girls - I am so sorry that you are bleeding and in pain. Do you have a scan tomorrow? Really hope that your bubs is safe! Let us know!! We are always here if you need us! Xx
Girly- I'm so sorry you are having bleeding. Big :hug: to you! I hope it's nothing serious. Thinking about you!

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