Ivf oct/nov/dec

Lucie, that is really good news.

Wanna - I know how scary that sort of thing can be. I agree with the others - talk to the Doc and insist on getting a scan done. For your peace of mind if nothing else.

Girly - I hope things still work out for you, but regardless, please don't think you are useless. :hugs:
Thanks for all of the well wishes everyone!!:hugs::hugs:

Well I called my OB's office and told them that i was having some red spotting and they faxed a request for me to get my HCG blood work done at my local lab that I have been going to, so I had to rush to make it there on time because they close at 3pm, so I got there at a little after 2:30 and got my blood work done. i doubt if my DR's office will be able to get the lab work before they close today so i am guessing i will probably get the results tomorrow morning. I am hoping and praying that my HCG levels are through the roof which will be a great sign and than they will want to get me in for an ultrasound before the 12/27 appointment. I will update the thread once I find out the HCG results. I am nervous but I am trying to keep up the PMA. The spotting is still there a little bit but it doesn't seem to be getting worse, it is even a little bit lighter now i think. I am praying that this is all going to work out for the best. You just never know what the day hasin store for you, One minute everything is fine and than the next every thing is crazy.... :wacko:
Wanna phone your doc your 6 weeks they should be able to do a scan. I think it's all over for me I've now got heavy bleeding changed from brown to red with clots my tummy is so sore as well. Phoned hospital but nothing they can do as would only be 3-4 weeks could have been a chemical. I'm going to take a pregnancy test tomorrow praying I get a bfp again dh has told everyone I'm pregnant I feel useless :(

I am so sorry hun!!! Big hugs to you!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Wanna, I am so glad you were able to get there in time for the test and even more so that the spotting has nearly stopped. Of course it would be upsetting, but it does seem like it might well just be one of those things.
Wanna I'm so sorry that you are going through this.

How much blood do you think you have lost? Teaspoon, tablespoon amount?
Is it bright red? Are you very sore? My advice would be to call your RE, rest up and TRY not to worry. It's very common to have bleeding in early pregnancy.


Thanks hun.:hugs::hugs: I am not sure how much blood i have lost. It isn't enough to soak through a pad or anything like that. It was like dark red and kind of watery. i would say maybe about a teaspoon or so, i am not totally sure to be honest with you. I had some clumps, but I think it was mostly from the vaginal cream progesterone inserts. the progesterone kind of clumps up in there and looks like paper mache and comes out in clumps so i think the bleeding was flushing it out. Sorry if this is TMI. :blush: Now that the spotting is slowing down a little I just did an extra progesterone cream insert and I am hoping that maybe it will help some.
Wanna, I am so glad you were able to get there in time for the test and even more so that the spotting has nearly stopped. Of course it would be upsetting, but it does seem like it might well just be one of those things.

Thanks so much Chase!!! I really appreciate it!!!:hugs::hugs:
Wanna - so glad you got your bloods done! Teaspoon or less really should be NOTHING to worry about!! It's a great sign that it has eased/stopped! Hope you get the call early to put your mind at rest. Xx
Bad news today. Baby died. Thats all. No reason. Doctor was wrong or I'm just that unlucky 5%. Guess its not going to happen for us.

Good luck ladies. I hope you all continue to get your BFPs and everything progresses as planned.
I'm so sorry, Mo. This infertility thing is so unfair. Sending giant :hug: to you.
Wanna ~ :hugs: I hope you've called your doctor's office by now. I know I'm a little late in reading but I was so busy. I know that bleeding can occur in early pregnancy, even period like bleeding. Try to take it easy and I pray that everything is ok with you and the baby. I'm here for you.

Girly ~ :hugs: I'm so sorry that your bleeding. Tomorrow is you OTD, correct? I would still go in for that appointment and see if they can do a scan. Like I mentioned above, bleeding in early pregnancy does occur.

Mo ~ I'm so very very sorry for your loss. I know that no words could ever be enough, but know that you and your family are in my prayers. :hugs:

Lucie ~ Congrats on being PUPO and having 6 frosties :happydance: You are so very blessed just like the other girls on here.

Lotus ~ How are you dear?

Alicatt ~ 5dp5dt is still early like you said but I hope you start getting a :bfp: real soon. It would be nice to get that before Christmas, huh? Did you test out your trigger? If so, how long did it take to leave your system.

Chase ~ How are you today? I must say that I thoroughly enjoy your support and words on here. It’s really nice to see how this all plays out in the eyes of the father, you know. So a special thanks to you for being the way you are with us ladies on here.

Everyone else ~ I’m sorry if I missed anyone, I had to go back like 5 pages to catch up, but I pray that each and everyone of you are doing well.

As for me ~ I decided to put in a half of day at work. I was sore but not too bad. I’m super bloated and I caught a few eyes staring at my stomach :wacko: I left at noon and stopped at the local mall on my way home to finish up my Christmas shopping. I’ve been home since, taking a nap and just lounging around reading. I am still testing out my trigger shot. I’m 7dp trigger and there is still a visible, yet light, line. I want it to go away so when I do test next week I can get accurate results. I’m really trying to stay positive and believe that it will happen and that I’ll finally get my :bfp: but this time of the year is always a little hard for me. 5 years ago on New Years Day 2008 I went to the doctor because of really bad and odd bleeding, I found out that I was pregnant and miscarrying at the same time. So another negative this year, won’t be pleasant but like always I’m trying to prepare for both results.
Oh, Mo, I am so sorry. :hugs: I have been there myself - three times in fact. I know there are no words, but I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thanks August - I enjoy hanging out with you all here. Most people don't really understand my desire to have kids despite not having a mate, but I appreciate the warmth and acceptance you all offer.

I was talking to my surrogate a couple of hours ago - she went from having a huge appetite yesterday to getting nausea when an add for food came on the TV. Along with some weird cravings, all typical signs. Tomorrow makes six weeks pregnant. But I'm going to be nervous as hell until I get past the first trimester.
Mo- I'm so sorry to hear that. How do u know did u do another scan an no heartbeat? Or did you bleed? And are you sure ? Ugh I hope not!
Wanna - I hope the bleeding isn't anything to worry about. Let us know what they say!

Mo - Oh my, I'm so sorry for you. :hug: I have never been pregnant before so I cannot really imagine the loss, but I'm here for you.

Everyone else - I hope you are all doing well.

AFM - still getting strange cramps and lower back pain but it has been much milder today and it comes in waves. Still getting BFN's on the IC's. I'm heading out now to get some FRERs so I have them to test over the next few days. I did get some great work news today.. I had a surprise performance review.. which led to a 10% raise and a new and improved title! My boss was like.. I want to get this done before the end of the year, so it will go into effect in January. I was happy with that! Now I just need to keep praying for that elusive BFP!
Mo- I'm so sorry to hear that. How do u know did u do another scan an no heartbeat? Or did you bleed? And are you sure ? Ugh I hope not!

100%. 3 ultrasounds today. no heartbeat on a single one. I went to my RE clinic after I had 2 done at work. They confirmed with transvaginal and put color on the heart and it didnt light up at all. No bleed. Just some brown spotting. I had a feeling though. :cry:
Oh my. I'm soooooooo sorry!!! I am upset I can't imagine. Have you had a m/c before
yes, in feb. i went for my 7 week scan and the sac was there but the contents were degenerated and measured 6w1d. i had to have a d/c. trying to avoid that again. the d/c messed me up big time.

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