Ivf oct/nov/dec

@happy, The only thing I know about assisted hatching is that it helps the embryo implant into your uterus a little bit better. I know my fertility clinic includes it as a standard part of their services, so I am lucky I don't have the added costs to have it done. I think you could do some research on google. Or you could try it this time without it and see if it works, and if not maybe try it for your next FET cycle. Although I hope your November cycle works and that you dont have to repeat this again!!! :hugs::hugs: Good luck with whatever you decide to do!!! :hugs:

Quick question girls, Sorry if this is a weird one, but did anyone notice that after the lupron for a few days your boobs seemed bigger and swollen??? I am well endowed already but the last couple of days they seem bigger and DH agrees. :haha::blush:

Another question. Are you guys telling family or friends that you are going through IVF now??? I just told my SIL I was going to be coming home to do an IVF cycle because they host Thanksgiving and she wanted to know if we were coming to their house for the holiday, so I was honest and told her I was going to be going through the IVF and I wasn't sure how the meds were going to make me feel and when the retrival and transfer will take place so I might not be able to go. Plus my mom and sister know about my IVF, so I have a feeling that some of my family members may already know because one of them might of already said something.

Since I will be back in my home town I could see alot of my friends from highschool, and I was trying to decide if I want to mention why I am there or not. Hmmm... Any thoughts on this ladies??
So I was at the sports medicine dr today (he is a chiropractor that specializes in sports med) and he also does acupuncture so I decided that I am going to do a few sessions before my FET. So I will go this friday then next friday for sure. I may get in on tuesday next week also. I would like to do 5-6 sessions before the FET which is Nov 15th (I think). I am going to try to get in the morning of the transfer as well. I will probably go a time before that as well. I know a lot say to go right after the transfer but I want to go straight home after the transfer :) This guy is $25 cheaper per session which is great.
Wanna - Glad you are safe! Hope your meds arrive in time! As for telling others I have only told a few select people (mom and BFF) as I just did not want to keep updating everyone on what was going on (and DH really did not want people to know) and I am happy I did that since I had to tell my boss for IVF as I was going to be out and then when it didn't work and FET one was cancelled she kept asking and it sucked having to say oh well no couldn't move forward trying again another month and I have found people just do not know what to say. My BFF is awesome but just doesn't get it so I stopped telling her things. That is why i come here for all the awesome ladies! :)

happy - I do not know much about AH other than what was already said on how it can help with implantation! Good Luck as you decide what to do!

Ash - you are almost there!!

Mo - that is awesome about the acupuncture!! I looked into doing that but all the places around here were $500 which we couldnt afford. $25 is amazing price!
Wannabe - I think as far as telling friends and family, you should tell who you're comfortable with. To be honest, all of my family knows. They didn't ask I just told them because I'm not ashamed to have to be going through IVF. I'm not happy about it but like I've said before I'm not very religious and so I don't feel that natural is the only way to go. I love science and I am SOOO grateful that they have such great technology so that I'm able to have a child! So sorry for the rant but tell who you're comfortable with telling! My family is not judgmental at all so I told them all and they were all very supportive. I also have 3 or 4 friends that know and they have not judged me either. In the beginning they told me that I need to relax and it will happen but I mean ... people who don't go through infertility just don't know so ... I can't blame them really.

Mo - that's amazing that you found someone for $25 cheaper! :happydance:
dilla: $500? thats crazy! how many sessions was that for??

My only BFP was the cycle I did AP so Im hoping for the same results now :)
Ash that would be great! We can be PUPO at the same time! The meds can do that to you! Enjoy the naps! Thursday will be here before you know it!
Wanna, I guess it depends on you. If you are comfortable telling your family. As far as me, my family knows, parents, siblings and DH's parents and sister and about 3 friends. I didn't wanna say much to alot of people because then they would all be asking if I got pregnant and I have to say it was a little emotional last month when they asked me. Good luck on what you decide. In regards to the lupron, I didn't have any side effects besides the bitchiness. Once you get on estrogen you breast will enlarge even more :holly:

Mobaby, that is a great price. I was paying $75 per session and I was going every two weeks. I hear a lot of people get pregnant with AP.

So I decided to do it! I wasn't so sure about it but DH said to do it so we don't have regrets later. They are transfering 2 embryos the best quality I have. I start all my estrogen/progesterone tomorrow along with medrol and antibiotic. I'm still taking estrace and the vivelle patch. I'm getting excited! I hope this is it for all of us!
Happy - yay for Monday!! My clinic offers AH and we signed yes for it on our consent forms if the embryologists think we need it. We were told that it can help with implantation.

Ash - sorry you're not feeling well :(. A bath sounds like a great idea. My stomach is feeling so bloated already I can only imagine what it will be like closer to ER.

Wanna - I hope your meds arrive soon!! We've only told our parents, siblings, and a couple of close friends. I started out telling more friends when we first started TTC but I quickly realized that was a mistake because they were constantly asking how things were going and it was hard to have to keep telling everyone that it wasn't happening.

Mo - that is a great deal for acupuncture. I think I'm gong to sign up for it when we do our FET. Did you do it before retrieval also?

AFM - The nurse called tonight to tell me not to come for my ultrasound and blood work tomorrow. My clinic is in lower Manhattan and they still don't have power. I'm going to continue my meds tomorrow and then go for an ultrasound on Thursday. If the power isn't restored I will be going to their satellite office instead.

And the hormones are starting to hit me big time. I'm not usually a crier but I cried today watching the news. Seeing all of these elderly people being rescued from their homes due to the floods was just too much. I think it's normal to cry about something like that but then I started crying again watching a silly movie, The Parent Trap starring a preteen Lindsay Lohan. Not exactly a tear jerker.
Em I did with ivf #2. I Did it once after as well. Surprisingly that's the only bfp cycle.
The hormones will make you a crazy person!

Happy I'm only on estrace now and don't do anything else until my scan... Looking at the papers I stay on the same dose (2mg twice daily) until they tell me to stop. I have vivlle patches and I wish they were going to use! They only add them if lining is less than 8mm on day 13. I've never had lining issues so shouldn't be a problem.
Wanna- Hey yes these meds make me feel like I swell everywhere :). Hope all is well

Happy thats awesome! I would have also done assisted hatching. Goodluck!

MO- Thats super cheap. Do they put needles all over your body or just one spot?

Ash- How many days have you been on the shots that make you grow eggs? and whats your dose?

tcmc- Hope your doing well!

Em- Thats exciting that you get an US soon. I dont get one til fri and im dying to know hoe many I havr already growing and I have been on the follistim for 2 days
It's $50 per session; they have a special now and it's all over ap. I paid $75 at a different place but I'm going here for a hamstring injury and while I'm there for that I figured to go ahead and do it. Can't hurt! He my leg fixed and my uterus ready :) I'm not doing ap formy leg; just active release techniques and deep muscle stuff.
EM, when I was on messing cried for anything I didn't have to watch anything I would think of something and start crying. Good luck on Thursday! I hope everything goes well.

Mobaby I did the vivelle patch on my first IVF. And now they want me to change it every three days. My lining today was 9.5. I'm glad you don't have any lining issues.

Sweetness good luck on Friday! I hope your follies are nice and big!
dilla: $500? thats crazy! how
many sessions was that for??

My only BFP was the cycle I did AP so Im hoping for the same results now :)

That was only for the day of ET right before and right after!
hi everyone

i hope your all well, and all of those affected by hurricane Sandy are safe and well:hugs: been thinking about u all. i keep trying to get updates on whats going on on Long Island and Brooklyn as i have very close friends there i actually consider them my 2nd parents and sisters so i really hope they are ok too:hugs:

AFM- the nasal sprays seem to be wreaking havoc with my emotions i actually broke down in tears in the middle of Ikea because my DH said he was going to bring the car around and didnt give me a kiss before he went:shrug::haha: i have also been having really weird dreams and actually quite a few sex dreams:blush::blush: i also still heave quite a bit right after taking the spray, i think its because it trickles down the back of your throat and it tastes REALLY BAD!!so DH finds this hilarious especially since i had to spray at the cinema and i was hiding behind him in the line hoping no one would see me heave :haha::haha:

i also took my last BCP on monday, the nurse said i may have some light bleeding/spotting but so far i haven't so i think thats still a good thing:thumbup:
Mobaby - thanks I think I will sign up for it asap. I plan to do it if/when we have our FET but it sounds like it is a good idea before ER too.

Sweetness - I'm dying to know what's going on in there too. I started stims on Sunday night so hopefully something is happening. Good luck to you on Fri!

Happy- thanks, it's good to hear I'm not the only one. Your lining number sounds great!

Dilla - Wow $500 for two sessions!? That is crazy
Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to going through this with people that are in the same boat. Today is my baseline US and I'm excited to get the ball rolling so to speak.
On another note, I'm so glad that everyone is safe from Sandy. I grew up in Queens, NY and that is where most of my family still is.
Mells - good luck at your baseline u/s! Let us know how it goes!

AFM - Appointment went GREAT this morning. I'm doing my trigger tonight, they haven't told me when yet, they're going to call me and let me know when they get the results of my b/w. I'm supposed to go in tomorrow morning to make sure that I haven't ovulated yet which I'm sure I won't and then retrieval on Friday sometime in the morning (it depends on when I do my shot tonight, so if I do the shot tonight at 10pm I'll go in monday morning at 9am to have the procedure at 10am)! I'm so excited, but so nervous now ... it's all VERY surreal! It took me so long to get to this point, I'm so happy it's hear but want everything to go smoothly and also don't want to have too much pain after the procedure! My mom is going to try and make it here in time for the procedure but we're really not sure she's going to be able to get into the city because of this hurricane stuff ... the NJ transit isn't running and that's how she normally gets here...

Oh and I forgot, he measured 5 follicles but we saw so many more, and they're all around 15-20mm.
That is a great deal Mobaby! Getting two things done at one place and at a decent price!

Dilia, that is expensive! Are you still planning on doing it?

tcmc, the meds will do that to you!

EM, one more day! I hope you have tons of follies!

Mells, let us know how your US went! Best of luck today.

Ash :wohoo: on triggering tonight! I hope everything goes well on Friday and you get tons of follies!

I hope everyone else is doing ok.
Well, looks like I'm leaving you ladies. Transfer is looking like maybe January instead, as I may be having a d&c next week if the Blighted Ovum still has not passed. Which means it's a 3 month wait until I can start meds again. Hugs and Love.

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