Ivf oct/nov/dec

Well I just got back from my last b/w u/s with my doctor and everything is good to go. He measured 5 follicles and they were all ranging from 17-21mm. He said I should expect to get about 14 eggs which I'm happy about He said not to worry too much about OHSS, he didn't mean to scare me but that the dostinex is just a precautionary measure since my estrogen is high they just want to make sure that I'm not going to get a bad case of it. So tomorrow is the day I'm still nervous but that's normal, going to try to rest and relax as much as possible today. Oh and for those that like to hear about numbers, my estrogen was 5,138 yesterday.
Ash - great update!! I'm glad the doctor reassured you more. This journey is such a roller coaster of emotions. Rest up today and good luck tomorrow for your retrieval. So exciting it's almost here!!

Mells - that is a great number for your baseline!

AFM - I just got back from my first monitoring appointment after starting stims. I went to the satellite office since my clinic still doesn't have power. He counted 11 follicles so I am super happy with that number!! :)
Em - 11 follicles is great! How many days have you been on the stims for?
congratss want!! thats sooo exciting!!! have a healthy 9 months!!!

I havnt been able to get on here much with the storm, im on day 5 no power, the dh and i finally packed some things and came to my moms who got power back last night. It breaks my heart driving around my neighborhood and area and seeing this distruction..
hope everyone else is safe and well
Ash that is so good! I'm glad you are not at risk of OHSS and you are moving on with your treatment. I can't wait until tomorrow I'm so excited! Relax and enjoy your day because you'll be PUPO soon!

EM, 11 follicles is so good. That's what I was told on my first scan, then it was 17 then up with 21. I ended up with 25 eggs.

shar, I'm glad you and DH are good. I've seen on TV the destruction and it's heart breaking! Sending you big :hugs: to you and your family.

AFM, second day of meds and I must say yesterday I was nauseous after lunch:sick:. I am extremely tired and I know it has to do with the estrogen, progesterone and estrace on top of all the vitamins the things we do for a baby <3

I hope everyone else is going good on their treatment! I can't wait to hear some more :bfp: from everyone!
@Ash, I am so glad everything is looking up and that you have lots of eggs. Good luck with your ER!!! I am sure everything will go just fine.:dust::dust:

@Em, I am glad you had lots of follies!!! Fingers crossed you will have lots of eggs for the ER!!! Good luck!!! :dust::dust:

@Shar, sorry about the power outage!!! :hugs::hugs: I hope your power comes back on soon!!! :hugs::hugs:

@Happy, sorry about the naseau. :hugs::hugs: I hope you feel better soon!! :hugs: I will probably be in the same boat as you after the embryo transfer because I will be on the progesterone cream inserts and I will also be taking the estraidol before that as well. :dohh: But like you said, it will be all worth it once we get our BFP's!!! Are you taking progesterone in pill form or doing the cream inserts??

AFM,I probably won't be on that much through the weekend, because I will be busy packing to head up to my home town to make the 6 plus hour drive up there for my baseline ultrasound for my IVF & ICSI cycle. I have to pack enough clothes for 3 weeks, plus I have a tendency to over pack.:blush: I wanted to start packing today to get a jump start on it. I am planning on drivig up on Sunday I think. Earliest would be saturday. In general there isn't much going on right now, just my lupron shots at 10 a day and waiting for AF to arrive to start stimulating.

My AF is due on Saturday, and the baseling ultrasound takes place on CD 2 or 3 so depending on when AF gets here I might be able to do my ultrasound on Monday. All of the girls that I know that have been on lupon say that it made their AF arrive late, so we shall see.

All of my medications should be here by tomorrow. Today I have the progesterone cream coming, and tomorrow I have the menopure, baby asprin and HCG trigger coming. My DRs office has my Gonal F and when I go in for my baseling ultrasound they will give it to me. I got the Gonal F free from the program I applied to and they sent Gonal F 900 x3 and Gonal F 300 x1 for a total of 3,000 units. The DR's office seems to think I will need to order more Gonal F, but I am hoping this will be enough so I can avoid added expense. I will just wait and see how i respond to the meds and if I need more of the Gonal F I will just order it later.

It will be nice to visit family and friends well I am visting my hometown. I am going to be sure to get some pizza and wings well I am there. My homeown has the best pizza I have ever tasted, lots of Italians live there. I always have to eat some pizza well I am there. LOL. :haha:

Friday night DH & me are checking out a Haunted House since I couldn't go last sunday because of the hurricane, so I am looking forward to that. I love Halloween and scary stuff!! :thumbup:
Wanna, I'm doing Endometrin three per day vaginally, 2 progesterone pills at night vaginally. Estrace in the mornings orally and the vivelle patch which is estrogen. Plus my antibiotics, medrol, baby aspirin, prenatal vits and metformin. I feel like a hormone truck ready to crash:winkwink: and I can't have any :sex: Of course when you can't have it is when you want it!! :huh:

Have a safe trip this weekend! Hopefully you won't be needing any more gonal f. I can't wait to hear your updates. Sending you lots of :dust:
Wanna, I'm doing Endometrin three per day vaginally, 2 progesterone pills at night vaginally. Estrace in the mornings orally and the vivelle patch which is estrogen. Plus my antibiotics, medrol, baby aspirin, prenatal vits and metformin. I feel like a hormone truck ready to crash:winkwink: and I can't have any :sex: Of course when you can't have it is when you want it!! :huh:

Have a safe trip this weekend! Hopefully you won't be needing any more gonal f. I can't wait to hear your updates. Sending you lots of :dust:

Thanks for the good luck wishes!!! :winkwink: I will be sure to stop in and do updates once things get moving along again after AF gets here!! :thumbup: Wow, you are on quite a cocktail of drugs!!! No wonder you are naseous!! Fingers crossed all of this leads to your BFP!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
good luck on the haunted house! I can't do them. I don't like scary movies either! If I see one then I can't sleep and have nightmares!
Hi everyone!

Ash - Hope everything goes great with your ER! I am sure you FS will do everything possible to avoid OHSS.

Want - YAY, congrats on your BFP! The first of the thread ;)

Em - Great follicle count! And I am sure you will get more cause once you start stims more come out of hiding!

Mobaby - I am doing acu as well this cycle; first time ever! I had my second appt yesterday and he told me for ET he likes to see his patients before and after the ET. I sure hope by adding in this acu I get a sticky bean this time!

Delia - I think you posted about $500 for two sessions of acu?? That is a lot; like ridicously a lot of money. I pay $65 per session, which is still expensive, but after 2 failed IVF cycles, I am willing to try anything to make this 3rd one work.

So I am still waiting for AF to arrive; been on lupron since last Wednesday. I am getting my pre-AF symptoms today, so I bet tonight or tomorrow she will show her face. I don't really care though cause they are holding me on lupron till next Friday before I start stimming.
Hope everyone else is doing good!
happy - of course I can't wait to be PUPO but yes, trying to relax today. I just woke up from a wonderful nap actually :happydance: My mother is going to make it here thank goodness by tomorrow at 9AM. Sorry you're feeling nauseous! :hugs: All of these meds really do suck and it's like they build up in your system because I remember with me I was fine in the beginning and as the days went on it just got worse and worse :(

Wanna - Haunted house sounds scary! Like happy, I could not do it ... I'm a huuuuge baby and I can't even watch scary movies all that much. Even dexter freaks me out at times and I have to look away :haha: Please be safe on your drive up to your family's house and I cannot wait for you to get started, it's all so exciting :hugs:

Shar - I hope everything is okay and you guys are making it through the aftermath of the storm alright.
michelle - thanks and yes I'm sure the doctor knows. I trust him too mostly, I have my moments, but I do mostly trust him so that does make it a little less stressful. I hope AF shows soon or maybe not since you have to be on only the lupron until next Friday anyways :) But come today, tomorrow or in the next few days at least she's here and you know you can get started soon! :hugs:
:hi: everyone!!

Ash- wow that does seem like high estrogen!! I hope that med works and prevents OHSS! I am sure everything will go great :hugs: Do you have any nausea with your estrogen being that high?

Michelle- I hope AF comes for you soon! How many units of Lupron are you taking?

Happy- I will be on endometrin, progesterone and estrace also. Do you think it is one in particular that is making you feel nauseous? Or just a mixture of all the meds :wacko:

Wanna- Looks like you got the same amount of meds as I did! Drive safe! Glad you meds will be here on time. My FS does the ER and ET in an IVF lab that is 4 hours away. So will have to travel back and fourth for the actual retrieval and transfer. But I get to do all the pre stuff close to home! I would hate to be away from home for 3 weeks, I would be home sick :blush:

Em- 11 follicles sounds great!! :)

Star- sorry about having no power! Stay safe and I hope things start looking better!

Mells- glad your u/s went well! Good luck starting injections!

Mo- Are you starting acu today or tomorrow? I can't wait to hear how it goes for you :)

Dila- good luck today on your baseline! Let us know how it goes!

Sweet- How are injections going? I hope you are feeling well!

tcmc- What are the nasal sprays for? I am sorry that they make you heave!! Yuck!

Phantom- so sorry :hugs: hope to see you again in Jan!

Whisper- your blood pregnancy test is today, rite!? When will you get the results!!

Sorry if I missed anyone!!

AFM: Nothing new to report! Still looking for a part time job. I was also able to get on an acid reflex medication that has helped so much!! I can finally eat again and my headaches are starting to go away, I realized I probably had headaches because I wasn't able to eat.. Maybe, idk.. 12 days until I start Lupron :happydance: I am so nervous/excited!
I also received a bit of information in the mail from the FS.. Have any of you girls had to decide what would be done with any frozen embryos/eggs in the event that you were to pass away?? I know my situation is different then everyone else because I am single and using a donor.. So if I am gone, there is no one else... I don't know what to choose :shrug:
1. thaw and discard
2. give to research
3. donate to a couple
hold - no nausea, I did last night but that was like 20-30 minutes after taking the dostinex they have me on to ward off OHSS so I think it was more from that than the estrogen. And honestly, it is VERY high but each follicles produces between 200-600 (however they measure it) units maybe? of estrogen and I have about 14 so it really makes sense. But still insane!
hold - I am on 10 units; started last Wednesday. My first IVF cycle I got AF I think 8 days after I started. Right now I am on day 9. I really feel her coming; so I would say definitely by tomorrow. However I won't start stims until 11/9, so really doesn't matter when she comes, just that she does!

I have been on endometrin and estrace with both previous cycles; I would say between both of them they do make you feel a little quesy, crampy and give you symptoms of AF at times.

Thanks Ash; I think she will be here by tomorrow! In any case, I just realized today that I start next week!
Michelle - Yeah $500 for 2 sessions! so ridiculous! Hope you are feeling ok on the lupron!

Ash - Hope you are feeling ok as you get closer to ER and not too uncomfortable! Almost there!! :)

Holdon - yay for almost starting lupron!! Glad you are able to eat again! And as for the question on what to do if you pass away - for us we said to donate to a couple. After going through this if and seeing the pain and anguish it causes I felt that if I was in the situation where I couldn't use my own eggs I would want donor eggs and so to help others who are in that situation choose that option. But it is a tough and personal choice! Good luck as you decide!

Sorry to those I missed hope everyone is well! This thread moves so fast! :)

AFM - Just got the call and estrogen is still too high :( so have to do BCP for 10 days! UGH! So tired of waiting! Next appointment isn't until the 12th.

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