Ivf oct/nov/dec

Hey Ladies! I Hope everyone is well!!

Ash- I am sooo excited that you will have ER soon! Also you have a lot of eggs thats great. And I bet as Mich said to someone else you will prob end up with more. And your estrogen is high my oh my. Still not feeling much pain? Also what did you say your biggest was?

Mich- I am ready for AF to come for you too so you can start stimming! Also when is your DH seman anlysis?

Happy- Wow you are on a lot of meds, as I am sure I will be too. So far I jyst get a lot of hot flashes and super tired and of course a little on the bitchy side. Which I am guessing its all the meds :)

Wanna- I am sooo jealous I wanted to go to haunted houses this year as I do every year but dont think I will have time. :( I hope you have fun. ALso I didnt know you had to travel so far for the IVF thats crazy! And I thought my 45 min was a lot. But I do live in the country so I knew I would have to drive. Hope you have a safe trip there. Glad the rest of your meds will be there soon.

EM- 11 follies are great! I am sure they will find more. I have been on stims for 4 days and dont really feel much. I am afraid im not growing any, Do you have any pains or anything?

Shar- That is no good that you dont have power, at least your moms is back on. I couldnt imagine not having power for more then a day. How is your cycle stuff going?

Mells- Welcome and glad your u/s went great! When do you start stims? And is this your first IVF cycle? You might have said in the previous one but I cant go back without losing what I already typed :( so sorry in advance if you have already answered that questions. :)

Mo- I hope all is going well and your accu goes great! I keep contemplating if I want to do it. Im debating on doing it the date before ER. But not sure if they will just let me call and make an appt or if I have to meet with them and blah blah blah .

Dilla- How is everything?

TCMC- How are you sprays going? Are they getting better? Also I know about the hormone thing. I def do not cry for no reason and with these meds I do. Its crazy my poor husband prob thinks I have devleoped Bipolar with my ups and downs. But it will be SOOOO worth it for our first BFP. We want it so bad its crazy how bad we or some ladies try to have babies and others have em left and right and dont even take care of them. I tell DH "its not fair" and he kindly responds "lifes not fair babe" So he always reminds me to keep my head up. ALL of our BFP wil happen sooner or later :) sorry kinda went on a rant

Phantom- Keep your head up everything will turn out good in the future just some obstacles to go through!

Whisper- Hope you get your BFP keep us posted fingers crossed!!!

Want- Glad you are going to stick around!

Hold- Glad you can finally eat! And bet your excited for starting the shots I know I couldt hardly help it, I was sooo anxious no Im sooooo anxious for my US to see if I have any eggs this is so nerve racking the entire IVF process. As for the egg / embryo freezing thats up to you. I personally am discarding but DH and I talked and we really dont want our "little" one out there persay without us. I also dont want my stuff being researched but again its all personal prefrence and what you believe in. Everyone is different. What you chose will be right though :)

AFM- I have been on follistim and repronex for 4 days tonight will be my fifth. I go for b/w and u/s tomorrow morning I hope that I have some growing I just dont feel much so hopefully they are there. I am just worried that something is going tot happen and it will be cancelled. I am def ready for ET already.

~~~~~~Baby dust ~~~~~~~
dilia - I would look into another acu place; I am so glad I decided to try this for this cycle. The lupron really doesn't seem to bother me. I know the stimming is worse, especially towards the end. You get that full feeling and cannot wait for it to be over.

And 10 days will go fast for the bcp! I honestly cannot even believe I am starting my third cycle next week; time has gone so quickly. So I bet that will be the case for you as well!
Sweet - I hope I get more than 14 but would be happy with that :) I'm actually not in that much pain, I think I said this the other day but I'm having to use the bathroom a lot more .. like every 30 -45 minutes and I have like .. pains here and there but it's really not bad. I'm also not feeling full ... which shocked my nurse but idk. The dildo cam during the u/s is uncomfortable because it's like pushing on my ovaries but it's nothing I can't handle. And my biggest follicle today was 20mm so by tomorrow it will probably be 21-22mm. Oh and just because you're not feeling pain doesn't mean it's not working so keep your head up! Like I said .. I'm not even in a lot of pain and I'm at ER ... so I'm sure you're doing fine, keep us posted!! When is your first u/s?
Sweet - I hope I get more than 14 but would be happy with that :) I'm actually not in that much pain, I think I said this the other day but I'm having to use the bathroom a lot more .. like every 30 -45 minutes and I have like .. pains here and there but it's really not bad. I'm also not feeling full ... which shocked my nurse but idk. The dildo cam during the u/s is uncomfortable because it's like pushing on my ovaries but it's nothing I can't handle. And my biggest follicle today was 20mm so by tomorrow it will probably be 21-22mm. Oh and just because you're not feeling pain doesn't mean it's not working so keep your head up! Like I said .. I'm not even in a lot of pain and I'm at ER ... so I'm sure you're doing fine, keep us posted!! When is your first u/s?

Well good that gives me hope that you dont feel much and you still have lots of eggs! good luck on ER. I go for my first u/s tomorrow morning im anxious
sweet - I don't know that I will be on much tomorrow so good luck with your scan and I can't wait to hear what's going on in there!
Sweetness - DH's semen analysis is next Thursday. I just talked to the nurse and definitely starting stims on 11/9. That actually works out better since ER will fall right before or on Thanksgiving. I just requested to take off work from 11/19-11/27, so this way I won't have to worry about which day, etc... and then not get that day off.

Glad things are going good with you; five days already, WOW! Time has sure gone quickly for you and ET will be here in no time ;)
Michelle, AF must be just around the corner. The one time you want to see her is the one time she doesn't come! I hope everything goes well on DH's SA. I can't believe you are going to get started next week :happydance:

Ash, I'm glad you got a good nap and that your mom will be with you tomorrow. Do you know what meds you are going to be taking during the 2WW?

Holdon, I'm glad you were able to get your acid reflex in control. 12 days will be here before you know it. As far as the option on what to do with the embryos, DH and I signed to donated to another couple. My thought process was if there is someone out there eager to have a baby and they can't just like me than my embryos will be loved unconditionally just like I would love them. Why not give someone else the opportunity to be a mom! So DH agreed and we signed, now we never thought we would end up with 12 frosties! Good luck on your decision.

Dilia, I'm sorry you are on BCP for 10 more days. Hopefully your numbers will go down and you can get started!

Sweetness, yes I have a cocktail of meds and I'm sure you will be on them as well. I can't wait to hear your update tomorrow! I hope your follies are growing nice and together!

I hope everyone else is doing well! Whisper we are waiting for your results!
Sweetness - DH's semen analysis is next Thursday. I just talked to the nurse and definitely starting stims on 11/9. That actually works out better since ER will fall right before or on Thanksgiving. I just requested to take off work from 11/19-11/27, so this way I won't have to worry about which day, etc... and then not get that day off.

Glad things are going good with you; five days already, WOW! Time has sure gone quickly for you and ET will be here in no time ;)

Lol I just saw my spelling in my post please excuse I was typing fast had a lot to post :). And that's good glad u will be starting atoms soon. And yes it has went by fast. Did you have any pain with ovaries getting so big?
happy - Yeah I know what I'm doing to be on ... here is goes: :haha:

PIO shots ... ouch!
Medrol - it's a steroid to help with warding off OHSS .. I think I'm on that for 7 days.
Dostinex - to ward off OHSS - 8 days ... yesterday was day 1 so I have 7 more days to go ... I take it at night because it gives me a headache and causes nausea.
Doxycycline (sp?) - antibiotic to make sure that I don't get an infection from the ER

And of course I'll be taking my vitamins ... B complex, vitamin D and folic acid. :)
Happy - sorry you're not feeling well. Hope this weekend passes quickly for you and Monday you will be PUPO!

Ash - good luck tomorrow and so glad your Mom can make it. I'll be waiting for your update!! Fx and get lots of rest tonight!!

Wanna - have a safe trip and enjoy the haunted house! I'm too much of a scaredy cat to go to those hehe.

Michelle - hope Af comes soon and you are on your way!

Dilla - sorry you have to wait. I went through the same thing but it's better to start with the right level so you have the best chance for this cycle. I know it's so frustrating though :hugs:

Holdon - glad you're feeling better. Acid reflux is the worst pain. We chose the donate option for our embryos.

Sweetness - I haven't really felt any pains at all. My stomach is bloated but that's it and I feel like that's more from the actual injection sites rather than growing follicles. I was worried that I wasn't growing anything either and I was pretty anxious for the u/s today so I know exactly how you're feeling. You're going to feel so much better after you get it done tomorrow.
thanks em! Not sure if I'll be able to sleep, I've been struggling with sleeping the past couple of nights but I will try :)
thanks em! Not sure if I'll be able to sleep, I've been struggling with sleeping the past couple of nights but I will try :)

I'm sure I'll be the same way. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I was excited for my u/s this morning lol. I can only imagine what I'll be like the night before ER. Well, you will definitely have a good rest after it's over tomorrow :)
You guys are all so freakin' awesome! I can't tell you how touched I am that you have all been thinking of me today. It has been a long and agonizing day so far, but all that being said.......The nurse called me about an hour ago and it is a BFP!!!!!!! :happydance: I can't even believe it. I feel like someone is going to call back and say, "Oh nevermind...we mixed up your results with someone else's." But I guess it's time to stop playing mind games with myself and just be happy!!!! I am so stoked!!! Thank you all for your compassion over the past few weeks. You have no idea what special ladies you are!!!!
Guess I better change my "feeling" from "stressed" to something else.....ha ha.
Whisper - yay congrats!!!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months and enjoy this!!!!
whisper - sorry if you've already said this but was this your first ivf cycle ... an fet ... ?
You guys are all so freakin' awesome! I can't tell you how touched I am that you have all been thinking of me today. It has been a long and agonizing day so far, but all that being said.......The nurse called me about an hour ago and it is a BFP!!!!!!! :happydance: I can't even believe it. I feel like someone is going to call back and say, "Oh nevermind...we mixed up your results with someone else's." But I guess it's time to stop playing mind games with myself and just be happy!!!! I am so stoked!!! Thank you all for your compassion over the past few weeks. You have no idea what special ladies you are!!!!

Yay I'm soooo excited! Congrats! We are 2 for 2 let's all get a bfp! :)
Whisper - CONGRATS!! That is so amazing!! So happy for you!!! :)
Ahhh! Congratulations, Whisper!!! :happydance: :wohoo: I'm so happy for you! 2 for 2! So exciting!

I know I've been quiet, but I'm checking on you all every day. I am on BCP just waiting for the next steps for a mid-Dec retrieval. It feels like it is dragging along but I'm sure the time will fly by when I start injectables. :coffee:
whisper - sorry if you've already said this but was this your first ivf cycle ... an fet ... ?

This is my first IVF cycle. I did five IUIs - all BFN. I think I've gotten used to disappointment. IVF really is a miracle!

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