Ivf oct/nov/dec

sweet - you should call if you feel worried. They're there for you, that's why you're paying them ;) I e-mailed my doctor today, and he got back to me and it's the weekend!

Thanks I will be calling them around 4 if she hasn't called ughhhh
Ok so they called and said my estrogen is 1279 which yesterday was 750. She said she wants it around 2000 before ER. So depending on what it is Mon will determine if ER is on Wed or Thur. I REALLY hope its Wed. You ladies think it will jump that much?
Sweetness, it sounds like a nice increase. Hopefully it will increase nicely by Monday. Did they chance the amount of your meds?
want- congrats on the great beta :happydance: i bet its really reassuring to see a number and know its increasing:hugs: i wish they did a beta for me but i just have to POAS:shrug:

Sweetness- im glad the nurse got back to you, looks like everything is moving in the right direction:thumbup: i have my Fx'd u get ER on wednesday:hugs:

Ash- congratulations 10 is a great number i hope i get as many as that, i understand where u are coming from though with the decrease from 25 but ur still in double figures stay positive!!:hugs:

Happy- GL for monday i bet ur sooo ready to be PUPO i hope ther sticky ones :baby::baby: :hugs:

Em, Hold, Mo, JDH, Wanna - how are things with all of you??

AFM- well im still bleeding heavyish and still a little worried but as far as i can gather its normal :shrug: i start stimms on Friday 9th nov:happydance: then first tracking scan on 14/11. sprays are deffo doing something im no longer being sick thank god but having some headaches and have had a few hot flashes now took a really bad palpitation last night when i was sitting with DH watching tv i just burst into tears and it took me a few seconds to be able to even tell him what was wrong.:shrug:
also i have been a real cry baby lol but DH is trying his best to be understanding and remember the reason behind my little outbursts :haha:
Sweetness, it sounds like a nice increase. Hopefully it will increase nicely by Monday. Did they chance the amount of your meds?

They keep them the same 225 follistim 75 units repronex. I pray it goes up enough. She said its def normal but I would rather my ER wed so I can have 6 days off after ET
Sweet- I don't know anything about estrogen levels, but good luck and I will keep my fingers crossed for a wed ER for you!

Want- that is a wonderful second beta :happydance:

Ash- 10 fertilized eggys sounds wonderful!! But I can defiantly understand your frustration. Did you choose against ICSI or only if it was needed?

Happy- Good luck on your transfer :happydance:

Mo- how are you today?

AFM- I think I missed the conversation on here about choosing to tell friends and family or not... I wanted your girls opinions.. Rite now, only about 5 people in my immediate family know. I have a big family, I realized that I would really like for everyone to know. Rather than spread the word via phone.... I thought that it would be cute to do something like this picture... Of course it will say Starting My IVF journey :blush: and just list some details about whats going to be happening.. but I thought this would be such a cute idea! Of course I will hand make mine more scrapbook style.. But what do you think?? Does this seem disrespectful? I live 6 hours from my family (except my mom and stepdad) so I won't see any of my family until Christmas time.


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tcm - thanks! It is in the double digits so I should be happy about that! :)

hold - I was all for ICSI depending on if we needed it but my OH has GREAT sperm counts every time and I think my doctor didn't want to do it if we didn't need to. My insurance company covers ICSI so I was just like ... do what you need to do. I don't think it's disrespectful but maybe you can wait until Christmas ... ? It's really what you feel comfortable with doing. I told all of my family pretty much in person but we all live kind of close. My biological father lives in Florida and so I told him over the phone. I really think it's a personal preference. Do what you think is going to be best for you and your family :)

Uhm, should I be concerned that I'm still spotting from the ER?
ash dont be worried. its totally normal.

hold:im doing okay today. ready for this fet to be done with! i have a cold which is blah and coughing started last night and everytime this happens nothing will keep me from coughing so a few restless nights to come. But glad this week and not next :) Waiting for thursdays scan to see if I can proceed!! Cute card idea. I dont really have an opinion about when to tell because Im not telling my family and only a few friends. So whenever you feel the time is right.
Tcmc, I was really emotional when I was in my meds. Even a movie would get me crying. I hope it passes soon. :wohoo: to starting on Friday! FX for you.

Sweetness, I hope you get you ER on Wednesday.

Hold, we have told my parents, siblings, in-laws, and a few friends. Besides that no one else knows. Personally I don't want people calling and wanting to know if I got pregnant or not. So I'd decided to wait until I announce my pregnancy and then share my journey. Good luck on your decision.

Ash, they told me it was normal. I spotted too.

Michelle, Mobaby, EM and anyone else who I missed I hope you are doing well!
Ash- I remember you saying that your insurance would cover it. I just wasn't sure if you your FS let you choose or not. So now I am curious... Do you know what your FS policy is on ICSI? Meaning, how many hours do they wait and watch for fertilization to occur naturally before they would interfere (ICSI)? Just curious :) And thanks for the advice! I know if I wait till Christmas some of them are going to be hurt because they would of wanted to know sooner. But I guess I still need to think about it.

Mo- I am sorry you are sick with a cold :hugs: I hope you feel better soon!! Have you decided what you are going to do about the acupuncture yet? And thank you! Do you find this process emotionally/physically to hard to keep from family?

Happy- Thanks for that input! I didn't think enough about the stress of people hounding me for answers if the IVF failed. That is for sure something to really think about!
@Mo, Good luck with your FET!!! I hope you get your BFP this time!!! :dust::dust:

@Happy, Good luck with your FET as well!!! I hope you get a BFP!!! :dust::dust:

@Hold, I found a thread for girls using donor sperm for IVF and IUI and I thought it would be helpful to you since you had some questions about donor sperm and what qualities to look for. I came across the thread because I had thought about using donor sperm at one point due to DH's low sperm count. This was before I found a fertility clinic that I could afford the IVF procedure with. I thought about doing IUI with donor sperm if IUI with my DH's sperm didn't work due to it being low. Here is a link to the thread...


@Sweetness, I hope your estrogen levels come up properly soon!!! I have my fingers crossed for you hun!! :hugs::hugs: Thanks for asking about my injections. :hugs: I am getting used to the lupron injections now. I am used to the needle now even though I still make DH do the injection for me. I am still super bitchy from them. I have like zero patience and get irritated much easier than normal. Poor DH.. LOL..:haha::blush: I was taking prenatal vitamins and I think they might of been what was causing the heart palpatations, so once I stopped those and just switched back to my normal womens vitamin w/ a folic acid supplement, the heart palpatations seemed to reduce alot. I have been bloated and I have had hot flashesn also. I have been icing my skin before I do the injections and that helps with the redness and itching at the injecion site. (Thanks to Ash for suggesting that one!!:thumbup:)

AFM, I need to go finish packing for 3 weeks away for the drive to my home town for the IVF & ICSI. I am debating on whether or not I want to drive up on Sunday or Monday. If AF comes tomorrow than I would definatly drive up tomorrow. I lke driving on the weekend because I can avoid weekday rush hour traffic which is such a pain when you get stuck in it, so I am leaning towards leaving tomorrow.

I haven't been on B&B much today and probably won't get on tomorrow if I drive to my home town tomorrow. I have a tendency to over pack and packing for me is like a significant event!!! LOL!!! :blush::haha:But I will get on again once I get settled in at my Mom's apartment.

DH & me went to the Haunted House lastnight. We thought it was okay, but we have been to much better ones in previous years. For some reason the actors kept pulling my pony tail and that was annoying!!! GRRRrrr... Then this one actor on the hay ride said I was ugly and needed to put my hood on because I was scaring everyone!!! Luckily I took it s a joke and didn't go off on him or anythng. LOL,probably because I hadn't done my lupron injection for the night yet... LOL.. :haha:

Some cool things were in the haunted house hotel part, this one girl looked like the girl from the Excorscist movie, and was pretty freaky, her bed was floating in the air, and we couldnt tell if she was a real girl or fake. Than one funny thing was this killer easter rabbit with an axe, I was cracking up laughing at it. The bunny was all bloody, so that was a first.. LOL, I have never seen an easter bunny in a haunted house.

We went in a hotel haunted house, haunted corn maze and haunted hay ride. It started raining and was freezing when we were going throughthe corn maze though. Luckily it let up after that. Over all I enjoyed myself, but I think next year we will be going to check out a different haunted house. There are tons of them around where I live at!!

One other cool highlight was the classic car from that old TV show The Munsters, it was pretty neat, it was old fashioned with the rumble seat in the back. I guess they had someone from the show there doing autographs at one point. Theyalso had the Dracula car, but I didn't know if that was from the Munsters show or not. Pretty neat to seeit in person though!!! :thumbup:
Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing ok.

Wanted to update everyone on our 2nd blood test(1st was 102 Beta HCG on day 11 after ET)done on day 14 after embryo transfer!

Results just cameback and my Beta HCG level was 504! :happydance:

:happydance: that's a great number! Congratulations!

Thanks Happy And Good Luck on Monday!

Want- I'm super glad to see it rise soooo much!

So are we.

Want- that is a wonderful second beta :happydance:
Thanks hold! :happydance:

want- congrats on the great beta :happydance: i bet its really reassuring to see a number and know its increasing:hugs:

Thanks tcmc. It is very reassuring! I really feel alot more at ease after the 2nd test results.
Good Luck on Friday hun!!!

Want2 - Congrats on your 2nd beta!! I wonder if it's twins?

We are hoping it is. We'll find out for sure in a couple weeks when we can do an ultrasound.
Hold - im honestly not sure about the ICSI policy at my doctors. I honestly think my doctor didn't talk to me about it because he knew we didn't have sperm issues and its normally done when there are sperm problems. I kind of wish we would have talked about it just so I could have known but I don't think ICSI is necessary for us so. And I guess the eggs we had fertilized in their time constraint or else they would have done ICSI. He did tell us that if they weren't fertilizing they would do the ICSI so I'm assuming everything went smoothly.

Will do personals later. I'm on my phone and its annoying to type.
Congrats to everyone on the positive news coming out of this thread. Maybe this is a lucky group after all.:thumbup:

I leave tomorrow to begin my three week retreat (or so I keep telling myself). My doctor is over 3 hours away so for the next 3 weeks, I'm staying in the city. My MIL is staying with me the first week , and DH will be there for the last 2.

I did my first injections yesterday and they were not at all bad. Of course I was a nervous wreck the whole time. I think it will just take some practice.:winkwink:

Has anyone used any meditation or guided meditations? Just wondering what you take on it is? I have one that I listen too, but I have a hard time following along sometimes...

Well, I hope everyone has a good weekend!!!
mells - best of luck with your cycle :hugs: I'm sure you'll be fine and the first night I did my injections I was shaking so bad but you really do get used to it and soon you'll be a pro! I was even shaking last night during my first intramuscular injection and I probably will be shaking today too but sooner or later I'll get it right :) Good luck to you! Let us know how it goes!
Sweetness - fingers crossed for ER on Wed for you!

Tcmc - I've been super emotional lately too and cry so easily while watching movies it's ridiculous. I just remind myself that means the meds are working.

Holdon - we only told parents, siblings and a couple of close friends. I agree with Happy's reasons for not telling too many people. I made the mistake of telling more friends when we first started TTC and it was hard having to constantly answer no when they kept asking if I was pg yet.

Mo - sorry you're feeling sick but it's definitely better it's this week and not your transfer week. Fx for your scan on Thursday!

Wanna - good luck with packing and the trip there. I am a horrible over packer too. I just like having options ;)

Mells - congrats on day one down! That was the hardest day for me and soon you'll be a pro at the injections.

AFM - just got back from my u/s. The RE said I have had a lot of growth since yesterday so I might actually trigger tonight and have ER on Tues. It depends on my E2 level and I have about 8 follicles that are larger and then 4-5 smaller ones that he might want to push one more day to see if they catch up. So ER will be either Tues or Wed.

Forgot to mention this yesterday - the two cysts on my ovary have not grown at all which is great news! My Oncologist said she might let us do one more egg retrieval before surgery if my cysts stay the same. Fx for that!
Wanna, have a safe trip. Hopefully AF will show her face soon. I know what you mean about packing you can't ever have enough. It's better to have extra than not enough. I'm glad you had a good time at the haunted house. Keep us posted on your treatment.

Mells, I'm glad everything went well. What kind of meds are you taking? My instructions were given and shown by the nurse and I got to practice in the office. The other tips and videos I got online. Have a safe trip.

EM, how exciting ER might be in two days! That's great news about your cysts. I hope everything goes well and they allow you to do another cycle.

AFM, I'm just relaxing today waiting for tomorrow.
Congrats to everyone on the positive news coming out of this thread. Maybe this is a lucky group after all.:thumbup:

I leave tomorrow to begin my three week retreat (or so I keep telling myself). My doctor is over 3 hours away so for the next 3 weeks, I'm staying in the city. My MIL is staying with me the first week , and DH will be there for the last 2.

I did my first injections yesterday and they were not at all bad. Of course I was a nervous wreck the whole time. I think it will just take some practice.:winkwink:

Has anyone used any meditation or guided meditations? Just wondering what you take on it is? I have one that I listen too, but I have a hard time following along sometimes...

Well, I hope everyone has a good weekend!!!

As a yoga teacher, I use guided meditation and it can be very helpful. There's an app called Mindfulness or there are full videos online, for example, on myyogaonline, which is what I use to do yoga at home. It's wonderful and has all styles and levels including restorative yoga, which is great for stress. I bet you could find free guided meditation videos on youtube as well. Meditation isn't always easy. So don't worry if you have a session where you can't stop thinking about other things. It's called a meditation (or yoga) practice because we aren't automatically able to do these things. We have to practice them. ;-) Maybe try a different guided meditation and later come back to the one you have. You might experience it differently later. It's awesome that you are using meditation. We all need to try to be calm during this time and it's easier said than done! I love those moments of peace and calming in yoga or meditation when I don't have to think about anything. I hope this helps. :hugs:
@Want, that is such awesome news that your numbers keep going up!! I am so happy for you!!! H&H 9 months to you!!! :flower:

@Mells, I am glad everything is going good so far with your injections!! Good luck to youfor this cycle!!! :dust::dust: Have a safe trip!!:hugs: I will be traveling too for my IVF cycle as well tomorow.

@EM, I am glad your cysts haven't grown at all, good luck for your next ER, I hope you make lots of healthy eggs!! :dust::dust:

I hope I didn't miss anyone else, since the thread has been so busy, and I have been distracted with packing and getting everything ready for travel!!! I am not sure how much I will be onine the next couple of days. Best wishes and good luck to all of you ladies!!! I hope we all get our BFP's this time around!!! :dust::dust:

AFM, AF hasn't arrived yet, so I decided to travel tomorrow morning. I didn't see the point in leaving earlier when I won't be able to to go into the DR until AF arrives anyways. Plus I get to spend DH's day off with him today. Today I can grab any last minute items that I might of forgot to pack. DH & me went shopping yesteray and I bought some winter sweaters. It is colder up north where I am going to. They already are forecast to get some snow flurries up there. But hopefully the weather won't be to bad up there well i am in town. I am out of practice and haven't driven in the snow in many years and my tires aren't the best in the snow on my car either.

I am glad that AF hasn't come yet, because it gives the Gonal F meds a chance to get to my DR's office on time for me to start using on CD 3.

Thanks for all of the well wishes for a safe trip!!! You girls are all such sweet hearts!!:hugs:
Just checking in before I head off to bed in prep for ER tomorrow!

Ash - 10 is a really good number, they must be the super strong eggies that are going to be great!

Happy - GL for Monday
Sweet - fingers crossed for numbers to increase fast!

AFM - been chilling today to try and keep myself relaxed for tomorrow, just hoping everything goes ok and I get lots of eggs.

I'll try and get on tomorrow to let you know how it goes, but last time I pretty much slept for the whole day! Fingers crossed guys.

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