Ivf oct/nov/dec

Thanks girls! I'm trying to follow who's where and doing what at each stage of your cycles but I think it might take me a little while to get on top of it all!!

I've had some brown spotting today but I hear that can be the result of the crinone gel - but still not a symptom in sight (except for bad headache which I think is also a side effect of the crinone). I don't think it's looking all that good but I'll do my best to stay positive til my OTD on Friday.

Oh well, I have 5 frosties that need a home, I guess one of them will be needed next cycle. Does anyone know if you need a break between IVF and FET cycles or can you go straight from one to the other?

My RE wasn't all that keen on doing stimulated IUI's back to back so I'm not sure if she'll let me do a FET straight after this cycle. Must call the clinic nurses tomorrow and ask them!

Hope you've all had something a little positive in your day....

Hi everyone - I haven't had a chance to read all the posts in this thread yet, but I was hoping to join you in my 2ww. I had IVF (first go) and had my transfer last week (6dp5dt). I'm not feeling any symptoms so I'm not feeling very positive at the moment. Anyone out there have a symptom-free 2ww and still get a bfp? I have my blood test in 4 days.


So - I was super bloated and uncomfortable from the ER for several days after. Then I felt fine (symptom free) for a few days, and then like, two days before my blood test I started feeling what I thought was AF coming on. I was totally confused, but ended up with a bfp. Try not to read into the symptoms (or lack of symptoms) you are having. I know that is easier said than done. The TWW is a bummer. :hugs:

It's so hard isn't it? I guess I'm just comparing it to past pregnancies (1 molar pregnancy, 1 ectopic, 1 chemical and 1 little girl) and lots of BFN's in between! Man, this is such a roller coaster of emotions. :wacko:
Morning ladies

Ash - great news that all are still growing
Happy - congrats on being PUPO with twins - can't wait for your test day.

AFM - got my fertilization report and 9 out of 14 fertilized properly. She said they all fertilized but 5 were abnormal.

She said all 9 look perfect and are doing what they should!

I'm a little bit nervous though as when the embryologist called this morning she said that if there are 2 that are standing out tomorrow then i'll go in and have them put back as a 2dt (same as last time) BUT if there are 4 or more that are doing well, they're going to take them to blastocyst culture and transfer 2 on Monday - that'll be a 7dt - does that seem awfully long to you? My hospital doesn't open on a weekend so they couldn't do a day 5 as that would be Saturday, and I know they are the experts and wouldn't do anything that wasn't in my best interests but i'll just panic that none will survive that long. What do you think?

I know blastocysts have more chance of working, and i'll be pleased if they are strong enough to take to Monday but i'm going to be an emotional wreck!
Morning ladies

Ash - great news that all are still growing
Happy - congrats on being PUPO with twins - can't wait for your test day.

AFM - got my fertilization report and 9 out of 14 fertilized properly. She said they all fertilized but 5 were abnormal.

She said all 9 look perfect and are doing what they should!

I'm a little bit nervous though as when the embryologist called this morning she said that if there are 2 that are standing out tomorrow then i'll go in and have them put back as a 2dt (same as last time) BUT if there are 4 or more that are doing well, they're going to take them to blastocyst culture and transfer 2 on Monday - that'll be a 7dt - does that seem awfully long to you? My hospital doesn't open on a weekend so they couldn't do a day 5 as that would be Saturday, and I know they are the experts and wouldn't do anything that wasn't in my best interests but i'll just panic that none will survive that long. What do you think?

I know blastocysts have more chance of working, and i'll be pleased if they are strong enough to take to Monday but i'm going to be an emotional wreck!

Awesome news!!! Not sure about the 7dt because where we did ours there were some ladies that were transfering on a Sunday. Don't think your Dr. would do anything to risk your embryos though. Keep us updated after transfer!
7dt sounds risky esp since clinics usually won't freeze past 6 days. But the clinic knows what they are doing so you can only trust them.
Yay Happy for being PUPO!!!

Ash - Great report on your embies :)

JDH - I have not heard of a 7dt, but I would trust your doctor if they think they will survive till Monday. If you are nervous about it, can they do the transfer on Friday, which would be a 4dt?

want - Glad you were able to make that decision to stay home :) You have to do what is right for you and your family!

First - Good luck; you only need one, so hoping this works out and you get your BFP ;)

Em - Hoping your feeling a little better!

I have been dealing with 2 days of horrible headaches now; think it may be due to the lupron. I was so tired last night I feel asleep on the couch before 8pm. I haven't even started stims and I am ready to be done :haha:
Quick update: I spoke to my usual nurse and she said sometimes a drop in E2 happens, but it's nothing to worry about because I have several large follicles.

I guess we'll find out soon enough. ER is tomorrow afternoon.
Yay Happy for being PUPO!!!

Ash - Great report on your embies :)

JDH - I have not heard of a 7dt, but I would trust your doctor if they think they will survive till Monday. If you are nervous about it, can they do the transfer on Friday, which would be a 4dt?

want - Glad you were able to make that decision to stay home :) You have to do what is right for you and your family!

First - Good luck; you only need one, so hoping this works out and you get your BFP ;)

Em - Hoping your feeling a little better!

I have been dealing with 2 days of horrible headaches now; think it may be due to the lupron. I was so tired last night I feel asleep on the couch before 8pm. I haven't even started stims and I am ready to be done :haha:

Yeah initially she said it would be Wed or Fri transfer, but this morning she said Wed or Mon, I asked about Friday and she said no they would take them to a blastocyst. I'll just have to wait and see what she says tomorrow and if ET isn't going to be in the morning, i'll explain my concerns and ask about a transfer on Fri :hugs:

The worry never ends does it!
michelle - I hope you get some relief from your headaches!

First - good luck at your ER tomorrow! I can't wait to hear how many follicles you get!

JDH - good luck with sorting out the transfer! I'm sure everything will work out!

AFM - I'm hating my doxy pills ... because they're capsules and huge and I hate swallowing pills in the first place but the doxy pills do not like going down .. they stick .. lame! I'm not hating the PIO shots surprisingly. They're definitely not as bad as I thought. And I go in for transfer tomorrow .. I won't know the exact time until tomorrow morning around 11 but I'm very excited and don't know how I'm going to get through today! My friend is here keeping me company and we're watching funny movies so that definitely helps but aaaah I'm getting so excited/nervous.
Happy - everything sounds great! Will you test early or wait the official beta?

Want2 - that's good you were able to leave your job. It sounds like it wasn't the healthiest thing for you and your little one.

Wanna - glad you made it there safely.

Firsttry - good luck tomorrow!!

MissPx - welcome! It seems like lot of women on here don't have any symptoms before their BFP.

JDH- great fert report!! 7dt does seem really late to me. I don't think most clinics in the US go past a 5dt. Hope you can get it sorted out.

Michelle - hope you're feeling better today. These side effects are not fun.

Ash - I'm so excited for you!! I'm in suspense today too waiting for my ER so I can only imagine what it will be like when I finally make it to transfer :)

AFM - I'm feeling a little better today but still not 100%. Another nurse this morning confirmed these are normal symptoms from high estrogen and the meds. I had blood work today but no u/s and I'm dying to know how my follicles are doing. ER is scheduled for 10am tomorrow. I can't wait!
Em - good luck with your ER!!! Can't wait to hear about how many you get!
Michelle - you can take Tylenol(without IBUPROFREN), it is safe during pregnancy and TTC.

Ash, Em & First - Good Luck Tomorrow to the three of you! :dust:
Happy - Grats on being PUPO! :happydance: Sounds like you have some awesome embryos.

Ash - Good to hear your little ones are growing! You'll be PUPO soon!

Em - Good luck with trigger! I am hoping everything goes as you need it to.

First - Good luck with ER! I bet it would be nice to get this done with less stimming.

JDH - Sorry I can't help much, I have also not heard of a 7dt. I think my clinic does 5dt at the latest - they have an on-call doc to come in on the weekends if needed.

Wanna - Glad to hear you made it safely and are settling in. AF will be here soon!

Michelle - Sorry you are feeling ichy. :(

Want2 - That is awesome your job is over! I have had jobs like that in the past and it is such a relief when you get to move on. I can't imagine being in such as stressful situation and being pregnant at the same time. Goo.

MissPx - Is it possible you are having implantation bleeding? Just a thought....

AFM - I am doing good. The bloating is actually decreasing and I have been able to sleep through the night without going to the restroom a billion times. I am almost worried about feeling better though. Lol. We worry when we are sick, we worry when we actually start feeling ok. This is a crazy journey!
Happy - Congrats on being PUPO

Ash - any day now, how exciting!

Welcome to the new ladies!

AFM - I had my first US since stiming, and they are increasing my follistim to 300. I have some good follies but a few "small guys" so they are trying to give them a boost in hopes for a good ER. One good thing about being away from home is that I don't feel guilty sitting around bc there isn't any cleaning/working I could be doing instead!!!!

Fx'd for lots more BFP!
Good luck tomorrow Em!

Thanks want; I took a couple tylenol earlier this morning. They helped a little.

Whisper - This is a crazy journey! Glad you are feeling better though ;)

Mells - During my first IVF cycle they increased my follistum so many times. It will help! This cycle because I wasn't a great responder to the meds, I will be taking 525iu of follistum. Hopefully the increase does the trick for you.

Ash - Enjoy your time now with funny movies, taking it easy; the hard part is over ;)
Wanna, glad you made it. Hopefully AF will show up soon.

MissPx, don't count yourself out just yet. As long as is brown it might be a good sign.

JDH, I'm sorry I don't know anything about 7dt. My dr only does 2,3,5. Your dr always knows what's best for you. Good luck!

Michelle I hope you start to feel better. I was told I could take Tylenol. I got headaches early in my cycle and its a little irritating.

Ash, I hate big pills as well. Yay for transfer tomorrow!

EM, yay for tomorrow! I hope you start feeling better soon. I dunno about testing early I might do it over the weekend.

Whisper I'm glad the bloating is getting better. Yes one way or another we continue to worry!

Mells, hopefully the smalls ones will catch up. FX they all grow evenly.
Thanks girls! I'm trying to follow who's where and doing what at each stage of your cycles but I think it might take me a little while to get on top of it all!!

I've had some brown spotting today but I hear that can be the result of the crinone gel - but still not a symptom in sight (except for bad headache which I think is also a side effect of the crinone). I don't think it's looking all that good but I'll do my best to stay positive til my OTD on Friday.

Oh well, I have 5 frosties that need a home, I guess one of them will be needed next cycle. Does anyone know if you need a break between IVF and FET cycles or can you go straight from one to the other?

My RE wasn't all that keen on doing stimulated IUI's back to back so I'm not sure if she'll let me do a FET straight after this cycle. Must call the clinic nurses tomorrow and ask them!

Hope you've all had something a little positive in your day....


Welcome to the group!! :flower:Good luck and baby dust to you!! I hope you get your BFP!! But I am glad you have some frosties as an alternative for FET just in case!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I'm so warm and bloated. I guess that's good. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. And I have to go to an election-watching party tonight :/

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