Ivf oct/nov/dec

@JDH,unfortunatly I don't know much about a 7DT but I have my fingers crossed that everything will work out just fine and that you will get your BFP, and that your DR is doing what they thnk is the best!!!:dust::dust::dust:I do think if you have worries than you should talk to the DR and you can always do some research on google about 7 DT to see if it is a common option. :hugs:

@Firsttry, good luck with you ET tomorrow. I hope you get lots of healthy eggs!! :dust::dust:

@EM, I am glad to hear that you are feeling better!!! :hugs: Good luck with your ER tomorrow!!! I hope you have lots of healthy eggs!!! :dust::dust::dust:

@Ash, I will be thinking of you tomorrow for your ET!!! Only one more day and you will be PUPO!!! Good luck to you!!! I hope you have a H&H 9 months, and that this frst cycle is a success!!!! :dust::dust::dust:

AFM, Well I got the internet connection problems fixed so I can get online more often again now. Thank goodness. I had to have one of the admin people that works in my mom's apartment community connect me to their network and give me the password. My mom lives in an assisted living facility and everyone who works here is very nice.

AF still isn't here yet....sigh....:wacko::wacko::wacko::growlmad:My cycle is getting delayed and pushed back further and further beause AF hasn't arrived yet. DH took Thanksgiving week off and was coming up here to be with me the weekend before that week because he needs to give his :spermy: on the day of my Egg retrival, but at this rate he may need to take the last week of November off instead if AF doesnt hurry up and show soon!!! :dohh: I have been doing HPT's and they have all been BFN, so I don't think I am pregnant, I think AF is just being a pain in the butt....:growlmad:

My Gonal F meds are at my Fertility Office and arrived there today so I am happy about that, since there was that delay with the hurricane last week, so one less thing to worry about!!! Everyting is set to go now... I just need AF to show!!!

Other than that it is nice to visit with my Mom, I haven't seen her since Christmas time last year, so I was over due for a visit. I am going to visit with my sister later and tomorrow we are supposed to go shopping or get some lunch some where. My sister is helping me with my injections now since DH isn't here with me. She was a nurse before she had her kids so injections will be a breeze for her. :thumbup:

I had to order some more needlesfor my lupron since I am almost out of them. Luckily the needles are free so no cost there. Those are coming tomorrow.
Quick Question girls..... How many days late was your AF when you were on the lupron?? I know Ash mentioned she was late for AF due to lupron as well so if you can chime in on this too hun, and anyone else that had this happen can you share this info with me please? Grrrr... so annoying... most of the time my AF is 28 or 29 days, but not this month!!!!
^^^^ And to add to my last post... Did your DR tell you to do anything with your AF being late??? Other than just continue to do your lupron daily injections.... ??? If AF isnt here in a few more days I will call my DR's office and see what they suggest... hopefully it won't be much longer though... :dohh:
Just wanted to pop in and say :hi: I will do personals later :)

I have been a little bit sad today.. Had to fill out some more consent forms and every single form kept saying "WE" "US" "PARTNERS".... I am very confident with my decision in doing this as a single woman.. But it is still hard to see that sometimes and think what a different experience this would be if someone was doing it with me.. I am not saying it would be better or worse... Just different.

Anyways, on another note.. I came across a sperm donor that I absolutely fell in love with :happydance::winkwink:
Just wanted to pop in and say :hi: I will do personals later :)

I have been a little bit sad today.. Had to fill out some more consent forms and every single form kept saying "WE" "US" "PARTNERS".... I am very confident with my decision in doing this as a single woman.. But it is still hard to see that sometimes and think what a different experience this would be if someone was doing it with me.. I am not saying it would be better or worse... Just different.

Anyways, on another note.. I came across a sperm donor that I absolutely fell in love with :happydance::winkwink:

If you feel that your right in your descion that's all that matters :) I'm glad you found a sperm donor!!!
^^^^ And to add to my last post... Did your DR tell you to do anything with your AF being late??? Other than just continue to do your lupron daily injections.... ??? If AF isnt here in a few more days I will call my DR's office and see what they suggest... hopefully it won't be much longer though... :dohh:

That I'm not sure. I didn't start lupron til after my period. Sorry I couldn't help. But I'm glad you made it safe and that you have working Internet! My computer is still messing up so doing all this by phone. I hope AF come soon!
Well it's official I will be triggering tonight at 1030 and ER Thursday at 830 am. Then ET is Tuesday at 1245 in the afternoon. And my estrogen today was 3340 and all my follies grew nicely today on the ultra sound. Ready for thurs! I am nervous I will ovulate before they get them. I always think the worst things.

Sorry hard to do personnels but I know it's a busy couple weeks on here!!! Good luck to all the ladies that have ER tom and good luck ash on ET!!!

Also brown spitting could be implantation sounds like we will have a 3-3 BFP!
@Hold, I am glad you found a sperm donor that you are happy with!! :thumbup: You have to do what is best for you hun. I am sorry you are feeling down, big hugs to you! :hugs::hugs: I am assuming that part of the reason why you are choosing this path now is because of your severe endo? I know I have a fear in the back of my head that since the surgery I had that removed my endo that it would grow back sooner than expected and affect my fertility and I don't want to have to repeat the surgery again so I know that was a big factor in me wanting to move forward with my IVF cycle much faster than if I didnt have the endo on top of male factor infertility.
@Sweetness, I am gad your estrogen levels look good now and you can move forward with trigger. Fingers crossed you will have lots of healthy eggs for your ER!!! :dust::dust::dust:
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Wanna - So happy you got the internet fixed at your moms place and that you're able to update us more! :) I hope AF comes soon for you but I told you, that stupid lupron can really mess things up! :haha: She'll come soon don't worry! At least your meds are at your doctors office so you don't have to stress about that.

On lupron my AF was about 3-4 days late. So not too bad, it should be there soon, stay patient :) If I were you I would just call them and let them know that AF is late and they'll decide on what to do. I told them that my period was late and they had me come in for an u/s and I think because they were (sorry TMI) messing around up there it made my flow come ... so annoying but yeah I would at least let them know!

hold - I'm so sorry you're a bit sad today :hugs: I think you're a strong woman for doing this on your own and I do not think there is ANYTHING wrong with it!! I actually think it's quite amazing that you're an independent woman starting your own family! If I hadn't found my OH and I wanted a child I would be doing the same thing! Keep your head up, you're not alone!

sweet - yay for triggering tonight!! How did they tell you when your transfer would be already? That's awesome! I wish they could have done that for me! I guess my doctors office likes to see how they grow before they decide? Who knows!
Ash- they almost always do 5dt unless something is crazy that's going on. So whoooo knows I'm glad to know so I can make arrangements as my mom will be here to take are of me :) I mean my DH is good and can but its my mommy :) I also guess they have faith that my eggs will be great and te embryos will grow perfectly :)
Just wanted to pop in and say :hi: I will do personals later :)

I have been a little bit sad today.. Had to fill out some more consent forms and every single form kept saying "WE" "US" "PARTNERS".... I am very confident with my decision in doing this as a single woman.. But it is still hard to see that sometimes and think what a different experience this would be if someone was doing it with me.. I am not saying it would be better or worse... Just different.

Anyways, on another note.. I came across a sperm donor that I absolutely fell in love with :happydance::winkwink:

Sorry you've been sad. I can definitely see how this process could be super tough without a partner. :hugs: But that is awesome that you've found a donor you like! :thumbup:

Well it's official I will be triggering tonight at 1030 and ER Thursday at 830 am. Then ET is Tuesday at 1245 in the afternoon. And my estrogen today was 3340 and all my follies grew nicely today on the ultra sound. Ready for thurs! I am nervous I will ovulate before they get them. I always think the worst things.

Sorry hard to do personnels but I know it's a busy couple weeks on here!!! Good luck to all the ladies that have ER tom and good luck ash on ET!!!

Also brown spitting could be implantation sounds like we will have a 3-3 BFP!

Way to go on trigger! How exciting. Your meds will keep you from ovulating before you are supposed to. I am amazed at science and how these docs seem to know exactly how long it needs to be between trigger and retrieval. Don't worry - they've done this a bazillion times. :hugs:
sweet - well that's really awesome that they're already planning on a 5 day transfer!! I mean they both work but you're right it seems like they have faith that your eggs are going to grow great! good luck, can't wait to find out how they grow :)
Sweet - great to hear! Good Luck with ER Thursday!

Whisper - any updates on your beta numbers?

Hold - Don't be sad. I know it is probably difficult but this is going to be a beautiful moment in your life Hun and I for one am glad to share it with you! So see, you are not doing this alone. We are all right there with you Hun. :hugs:
wanna, I'm glad you got your internet back! Hopefully AF will show her face soon.

Sweetness, Yay for triggering! There's no one like mom to take care of you.

Hold, :hugs: what you are doing is great and you are doing it for you. You are going to be a great mom. I'm glad you found a donor.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
Want, Sweet, Wanna, Happy, Ash and Whisper- Thank you girls!!! :hugs: You all brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for your kind words and support :hugs:
I think today is just an "off" day for me and I have been full of emotions! I know everything will be worth it in the end, just wish this process was faster and less emotional! Thanks again :hugs:

I hope everyone else is well! Looks like we have a week full of ER and ET :happydance:
First, I apologize I haven't been keeping up with this post. School has been crazy and it's been tough not knowing enough about our schedule. Congrats to the BFPs and good luck to all those with ER and ETs this week!

We had our consultation with the IVF coordinator today. She was very sweet and informative. I'll be using Follistim and Menopur again, but this time around my dose of Follistim will be lowered and the Menopur raised a bit. They did say they'll show us how to mix the two meds together so I'll only be doing one shot a night, which is a definite plus!

What was really awesome was we were given 900ius of Follistim by my friend who had twins in August. She wouldn't accept any money from us for it! We were so thankful for her generosity, we did end up getting the babies a few cute outfits as a small thank you.

Also, while we were at the Dr's office, the IVF coordinator said they would be donating some Follistim to us as well! She also gave us 10 vials of Menopur for free! Now I'm not sure how much she's donating, but hey, we'll take whatever she wants to give us. She also mentioned that after transfer I'll be put on Crinone gel for the progesterone, so do dreaded PIO shots! Whoop whoop!

I did get some preliminary dates as well. On the 19th I have to go in for a hysterosopy, which she explained was a test to measure the uterus. I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous, but as DH so eloquently stated "You've had so much stuff done down there, this is going to be nothing."...Lol, gotta love men! I will go off BC on the 26th, and they've scheduled my baseline us for the 30th. I will also begin injections that night. I'll have follicle checks on 12-4 and 12-7, and after that the dates are iffy. ERs are all going to be between 12-6 and 12-16, with mine most likely being somewhere in the middle of that timeframe. It appears after our discussion that they only do 5 day transfers except for extreme cases, so ET would be between 12-11 and 12-21.

Which brings one Major area of concern for me. Last time we only had 13 mature eggs, and 9 fertilized. We only had 3 good ones on Day 3, with none left to freeze. I'm SOOOO worried that this will happen again, but I am trying my best to remain positive.

It appears with these dates we won't know either way by Christmas, which honestly is ok by me.

I hope everyone is well. I will try to do a better job keeping up with this thread. Just know I'm sending you all positive vibes! :)
Hey Lucie, I remember you from te February thread where we both ended up with BFN's. :-(.

Don't worry about the hysteroscopy. I had one last week and its a very quick procedure. Certainly worth it to make sure the uterus is all clear and ready for implantation.

Sounds like your getting a nice hook up with meds too.

Keep us posted on your progress! Fx'd for a BFP before New Years!!
@Lucie, Good luck with your hysteroscopy. :hugs: I am glad that you have a schedule planned for your December IVF now. That is great that you got your meds donated and your friend gave you some as well. Everything is so expensive so every little bit helps!!! :thumbup: I hope everything goes well with your upcoming surgery and required testing. Good luck and baby dust to you!! I hope your December IVF cycle gives you a BFP!!! :dust::dust:
Just wanted to pop in and say :hi: I will do personals later :)

I have been a little bit sad today.. Had to fill out some more consent forms and every single form kept saying "WE" "US" "PARTNERS".... I am very confident with my decision in doing this as a single woman.. But it is still hard to see that sometimes and think what a different experience this would be if someone was doing it with me.. I am not saying it would be better or worse... Just different.

Anyways, on another note.. I came across a sperm donor that I absolutely fell in love with :happydance::winkwink:

Hello Hope,

I understand your frustration. When I was single and thought I was running out of time (36 yrs old), I struggled with whether to have a child on my own. And I got very close. However, in the end, I decided to freeze my eggs instead in order to give myself a bit more time to find my life partner. Amazingly, it actually happened! I met my husband about 3-4 weeks before my egg retrieval. He was the person who drove me to the procedure. And we were married 10 months later.

It's not the right choice for everyone and it might not even be an option for some people, but have you considered freezing your unfertilized eggs?

Best of luck!

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