Ivf oct/nov/dec

So, we got 9 eggs. That's not the best IVF cycle, but considering that this was supposed to be an IUI cycle, I think it's pretty good. Tomorrow, we'll find out how many are mature and, more importantly, how many fertilized.


And congrats to Ash and the other ladies that had ER today (and tomorrow).
@First Try, I think that is a great number hun, especially considering that you weren't even going to do IVF originally!!:thumbup: Fingers crossed that most of those turn into healthy embryos!!! Good luck hun!! :dust::dust:

AFM, WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never been so excited to see light brown CM when I whipe!!! It is a sign that AF should arrive full flow by tomorrow I would guesstimate!! I thought AF was on her way because my cramps were horrible today!! Hopefully tomorrow I will have full flow and I can call my dr office to schedule my baseline ultrasound finally!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
First, that is a great number! I can only imagine how many you would have if it was a full IVF.

Wanna, :wohoo: so glad you can get started!
Yay first! I think that's good since its an iui conversion!! Thats a great #!Fx for good fert!!
Thanks wanna, whisper n Michelle!

Whisper - Congrat's on your awesome beta!

Ash - Congrat's on ER. Those look awesome!

First - Congrat's on ER. 9 is a great number. You only need one good one.

Baby dust to all: :dust: :dust: :dust:
@Ash,I am so excited for you hun!!! :happydance: Quick question, did you have any discomfort when you had the embryo transfer, or was it pretty easy for the most part??
Want - thanks! And congrats on your beta!!!

Wanna - when the doctor was cleaning my cervix it was uncomfortable but not painful and then when they put the catherer in I had some cramping but it was all very bearable. I was so happy after since the ER was kinda uncomfortable afterwards comin out of that same room and not being in any pain felt GREAT!!
Ash- do you have any to freeze?

Mich- how you doing

Want and whisper sooooooo glad your betas have increased I'm so excited!

Tcmc- where are ya chica?

Mells- how r u?

First try- that's awesome that's a lot of eggs! ESP for not trying for IVF.

Wanna- I'm happy AF is coming!!!!!!!
hey ladies! sorry i have been MIA had an assignment due in for college and left it until the last minute so was stressing out over that, but its done now and handed in last night thank god!!:happydance: although she handed us another 2 but they arent due til december so il work on them soon enough i'm having a rest today:sleep:

Congrats to the ladies with their much deserved BFPs and for those of you who are now PUPO!!:happydance::happydance: cant wait to see ur BFPs flashing up here soon.

Sooooo tomorrow is D-day so to speak, i start Gonal-f injections tomorrow starting out on 225iu im not to worried about giving myself the injection but more so about the sting that usually comes after the medicine goes in :haha: The sprays aren't making me sick anymore so thats a good thing i am still very emotional and can cry at the least wee thing :cry: but better out than in i say:haha:bleeding has stopped:happydance: just a few lower abdominal cramps but very fleeting so no big deal there. hot flushes i have been having quite a few of those :blush:

Anyway i don't care i will take it all 10 times over if it means at the end of it all we will have a little:baby: of our own after all these years:hugs:

i hope all you ladies are well will try to catch up a little later, right now i have to go take my son to school:hugs::hugs:
I'm sitting here it 305 in the morning I can't sleep as usual having some cramping making me nervous that I'm going to ovulate before the doc gets my eggs. Ughhhhhhhhh so stressful.
I'm sitting here it 305 in the morning I can't sleep as usual having some cramping making me nervous that I'm going to ovulate before the doc gets my eggs. Ughhhhhhhhh so stressful.

Aww i will prob be exactly the same:wacko: but everything will be ok the docs have it all timed so that everything does what it should when it should:hugs: try to relax as much as possible and hopefully get some sleep and GL with ER i will be thinking of u :hugs::hugs:
Thanks I needed that. Just getting super emotional lately. Just don't like the unknown factor.
we are all in the same boat, im sure in 2 weeks time when its my turn i will be on here freaking out about 1 thing or other as well and need some one to reassure me:hugs: at least when they knock u out u will get some sleep :haha: :hugs:
first - congrats on 9 eggs that's a great number, can't wait to find out how many have fertilized!

Sweet - it's totally normal to freak out, I did over everything, but i'm sure you'll be fine hun.

whisper - what an awesome Beta!!

wanna - yay for AF!

AFM - just chilling with my puppy, praying little embies are snuggling in xx
I'm sitting here it 305 in the morning I can't sleep as usual having some cramping making me nervous that I'm going to ovulate before the doc gets my eggs. Ughhhhhhhhh so stressful.

Don't worry those pains are normal. It's because of the meds so if anything the pain should be comforting you that the meds are working. I had really bad cramping before and after ER and ET and nurse told me I wasn't drinking enough water. So I started drinking more and it helped. Still had bad cramping bad not as bad as before. So maybe try and drink more water. It should help.
Hi everyone, thanks for the good luck wishes! I had my ER yesterday and I got 8 eggs!! I was expecting less or even zero since I only have one ovary so I'm pretty happy with that number. I was the first retrieval of the day and it took the RE more than double the time it normally does due to having to navigate around the large cysts on my ovary. I cried in the recovery room because I was so happy to make it this far. I always had it in the back of my heard that I was going to get canceled before making it to retrieval. I was in a lot of pain yesterday but managed it pretty well with Tylenol. I was so groggy from the anesthesia that I slept most the day yesterday. I should get my fertilization report back sometime today.

Sweetness - good luck today!! I had those same cramping feelings and worries that I had already ovulated but the meds they give you keep from you from ovulating.

Everyone else good luck today and tomorrow! I will try to do personals later.
Congrats Em that's brill!!

Fingers crossed for lots of fertilization xx
Hi everyone, thanks for the good luck wishes! I had my ER yesterday and I got 8 eggs!! I was expecting less or even zero since I only have one ovary so I'm pretty happy with that number. I was the first retrieval of the day and it took the RE more than double the time it normally does due to having to navigate around the large cysts on my ovary. I cried in the recovery room because I was so happy to make it this far. I always had it in the back of my heard that I was going to get canceled before making it to retrieval. I was in a lot of pain yesterday but managed it pretty well with Tylenol. I was so groggy from the anesthesia that I slept most the day yesterday. I should get my fertilization report back sometime today.

Sweetness - good luck today!! I had those same cramping feelings and worries that I had already ovulated but the meds they give you keep from you from ovulating.

Everyone else good luck today and tomorrow! I will try to do personals later.

Congrats, Em! I'm so happy for you. I hope lots of them fertilize and you continue on the path to having a healthy baby!
Sweetness - Yesterday they told me that two of them were still growing but were slower. They told me that they were going to watch them grow until today and if they survived they would freeze them ... so I guess I should hear from them today if they survived. I was nervous too because I was having cramping while in the waiting room but they do know what they're doing like tcmc said so just stay positive! We're all rooting for you :hugs:

JDH - I'm doing the same, hanging with my pup, knitting and trying to send these embryos sticky vibes! Are you nervous ... ? I am!

Em - I'm so happy you got 8 eggs! I'm soo looking forward to your fert report! I need something to take my mind off of my embryos! Update us as soon as you can and feel better soon!

tcmc - yay for starting stims! Are you excited? Nervous?

AFM - just sitting around! :) I'm sitting up but I'm relaxing so I think that should be okay. I don't want to be in bed anymore because it's starting to hurt my back.

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