Ivf oct/nov/dec

First - That is a great number of eggs! I got 9 on my first cycle, 10 on my second; my first one started out with a BFP, so remember you only need one!!!

Em - YAY for 8 eggs! Rest up now ;)

Ash - Just keep taking it easy and hope those little ones snuggle in ;)

Sweetness - What you are feeling is normal! Good luck today!!! I am doing good; have my DH's SA today, then acu tonight :)

wanna - YAY for AF :)

tcmc - YAY for us both starting together! I think I start tonight or tomorrow; just have to wait until I get my call later today to let me know.

one, hockey, lucie - How are you girls doing??

Good luck Mobaby with your lining check today!
Hey girls!

Went to my scan this morning.... so the U/S tech comes in and says I hope today is my day for endometrial lining scans because yesterday was not... Great that makes me feel so comfortable with her! Well, she scans a couple parts and finds the thickness part to be at 7.5mm, which the nurse said is good so scheduled me for Friday the 16th for the FET!!! :) But I am very worried about the scan because one measurement was only 6mm and the next was 7.5mm.. Well if she isnt comfortable doing the endometrial lining scans WHY the heck is she working at a fertility clinic?? I am worried she did it wrong or something. Ugh. She took pics so I am assuming my dr will read them and make sure all is fine and dandy.
Mo - yay for transfer on Friday! That's my beta day! Goodness this thread has so much going on! I wouldn't worry too much since your doctor will look over it! FX'd for you!
@Mo, I am glad your lining looks good despite the lab tech seeming unsure. :thumbup: I think you should call your DR's office and ask to speak to your DR about the ultrasound results if you have concerns. I hope the thicker measurement was the correct one hun. Good luck with your FET cycle!!! :dust::dust: I know when I have had ultrasounds/ x-rays done in the past the DR was the only one allowed to give me the results, even if a tech performed the ultrasound.

@EM, that is wonderful that you had 8 eggs!! I am so happy for you hun!! :happydance::happydance: Fingers crossed you get lots of healthy embryos out of those eggs!!! Good luck!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

@Sweetness, Big hugs to you hun!! I am sorry you are upset, I am sure everything will be alright, I am sure your DR's have everything scheduled to make sure they will get your eggs on time. Big hugs to you hun and good luck to you!! :hugs::hugs::dust::dust:

@Tcmc, I should start stims tomorrow so it sounds like we will be on a similar schedule
!! :thumbup: Good luck and baby dust to you for this cycle,:dust::dust::dust: I am glad to hear that you are feeling good despite being emotional!! :thumbup: Good luck with your college classes!!

AFM,Well today is officially CD1, Aunt flow has arrived full flow and my baseline ultrasound and blood work is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 1:15!!! :happydance::happydance: WOOOO HOOO!!! We are finally getting the show on the road!!! I am going to ask how many follicles they see so I can get an idea of how many eggs I could have although I know once I start stimulating it should be alot more than what is showing on the baseline!! :thumbup: They should give me the green light to start stimulating tomorrow and my dosage/ directions on the stimulating injections tomorrow at my appointment as well. Wish me luck girls!! :winkwink:
Sweetness - Yesterday they told me that two of them were still growing but were slower. They told me that they were going to watch them grow until today and if they survived they would freeze them ... so I guess I should hear from them today if they survived. I was nervous too because I was having cramping while in the waiting room but they do know what they're doing like tcmc said so just stay positive! We're all rooting for you :hugs:

JDH - I'm doing the same, hanging with my pup, knitting and trying to send these embryos sticky vibes! Are you nervous ... ? I am!

Em - I'm so happy you got 8 eggs! I'm soo looking forward to your fert report! I need something to take my mind off of my embryos! Update us as soon as you can and feel better soon!

tcmc - yay for starting stims! Are you excited? Nervous?

AFM - just sitting around! :) I'm sitting up but I'm relaxing so I think that should be okay. I don't want to be in bed anymore because it's starting to hurt my back.

I am super nervous, I have been TTC for nearly 8 years and am so desperate for this that I can't imagine what i'll do if it never happens. I've just sat and cried for about 2 hours, which i think is partly to do with worry and partly that it's all over now and the meds have messed with my emotions so much that i'm finally releasing it :thumbup:

A good cry does us good sometimes :flower: and I do feel better for it, but i'm sure there will be many more tears to come :hugs:
Mobaby - I would think the dr will read the results; what a nightmare with the tech. I would let your dr know about that.

JDH - I know this whole process can be so emotional; think positive...I am sure you will get your BFP ;)

Wanna - YAY!!! We will be starting the same time for stims!!!
I'm on my phone so will write more later but I'm using a heating pad on my butt/back where the PIO shots go. Do you girls think that's okay? I know I'm not allowed to use it in the front near my uterus but maybe where I'm using it is okay?
Mobaby - I would think the dr will read the results; what a nightmare with the tech. I would let your dr know about that.

JDH - I know this whole process can be so emotional; think positive...I am sure you will get your BFP ;)

Wanna - YAY!!! We will be starting the same time for stims!!!

Very cool!!! :thumbup: We will be cycle buddies!!!! :winkwink:
@JDH, Awwwwww, Big hugs to you hun!!!!! :hugs::hugs: I am hoping and praying that this cycle will bring you your BFP!!! All of us girl are cheering you on!!!!!! :hugs::dust::dust::dust:
I'm on my phone so will write more later but I'm using a heating pad on my butt/back where the PIO shots go. Do you girls think that's okay? I know I'm not allowed to use it in the front near my uterus but maybe where I'm using it is okay?

Hmm.. I am sorry hun, I am not sure.. I am assuming you are calling your DR's office to ask and find out?? Sorry the PIO shots are hurting your bottom so much!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks huns, I do feel better now and have decided it's time for PMA!

I can't do anything now anyway, what will be will be, just got to stay positive and hope. I haven't drank alcohol for nearly 4 years, don't smoke, try and eat right, (but I do like crips!!) so it's out of my hands now, i've done pretty much all I can do.

You girls are amazing to have to talk to, I think i'd go mad without you all. Here's to this being the luckiest thread ever with 100% success xx
Ash- I am not sure about the heating pad. All I know is heating pads and hot baths are the way I deal with pain, so I made sure to ask FS about them and he told me as soon as I start stimming, I was not allowed to use either one of them until my blood test. But as we know all doctors are different!
I absolutely love your picture of you embryos!! :) So amazingly beautiful to be able to see that!!

Em- get plenty of rest and can't wait to hear about your fertilization report!!

Sweet- good luck today!! Hope everything goes well!

JDH- having a good cry is all part of this process!! :hugs: I held everything in for months until the day I met my FS, and then I was an emotional wreck :blush:

Wanna- I am glad you got AF!! Good luck for your baseline!

Happy- how are you doing?

Mo- YAY for your transfer on Friday!! I hope everything goes smoothly for you :) I am not sure about lining.. All of my u/s will be performed by my FS only. Is the tech like a nurse at your clinic?

FIrst- congrats on 9 eggs!!! that sounds wonderful!

tcmc and michelle- good luck starting injections!

Sorry if I missed anyone :hugs:

AFM: 4 days left until I start Lupron :happydance: I feel like I have been waiting for forever!!
Ash - I am not sure about that; I would call your FS and ask them about using the heating pad. Sorry you are having so much pain :hugs:

hold - YAY for starting lupron soon ;)
hold: no the person doing the scan is a registered ultrasound tech (infertility)... this is not the first time she has done something like this. Before my last cycle she told me something was wrong with my endometrium and I would have to have it fixed before IVF, etc... well nothing was wrong with it, just I had a big fibroid that needed to be removed. So I was not thrilled when she walked in. I wish my dr did all the scans.
Just got back from my second US and labs. I'm not feeling too positive about things, although they saw 3 good sized follicules and some medium ones with about 8 total. They increased my menopur and I start ganirelix tonight as well. Since this is the first IVF cycle for us, I'm not sure if this is a good start or not so good. Of course my doc is on vacation this week, and the other doc doing the monitoring isn't very insightful, my guess is bc he doesn't really know my whole history. I'm just so worried that my cycle is going to get cancelled at some point.
Sorry for the rant just feeling really overwhelmed with this process and so many unknowns.
Glad to see so many positive posts and it makes me feel happy to know I'm not going this alone.
Ok ladies kinda disappointed. I had more then 8 eggs but doc said I had 8 good quality and good size eggs. I just pray that all them fertilize or that I won't have just one left to transfer. Blahhhh I actually cried when he told me that. But he said the average of good quality they like 5-9 and that its more about quality and not quantity and sometimes with more eggs the quality isn't te best so he made me feel a little better ..... Thanks ladies for your support you all are wonderful and very much appreciated. I will do personnels later
Mells - Don't give up hope, even with 8 follicles, more can/will show up during stimming and you only need one to make this process work! :hugs:

Sweetness - Oh hun, this whole process is just so overwhelming and 8 is really a great number!!! I cannot wait to hear your fertilisation report :hugs:

I got the call...stimming starts tomorrow morning :) First appt is Monday morning! Glad all our testing is done and we got the go ahead to start.
Just got back from my second US and labs. I'm not feeling too positive about things, although they saw 3 good sized follicules and some medium ones with about 8 total. They increased my menopur and I start ganirelix tonight as well. Since this is the first IVF cycle for us, I'm not sure if this is a good start or not so good. Of course my doc is on vacation this week, and the other doc doing the monitoring isn't very insightful, my guess is bc he doesn't really know my whole history. I'm just so worried that my cycle is going to get cancelled at some point.
Sorry for the rant just feeling really overwhelmed with this process and so many unknowns.
Glad to see so many positive posts and it makes me feel happy to know I'm not going this alone.

Hmmm - when I went in for my first monitoring, my RE said he was looking for just six follicles total and that would be fine to move forward. I think eight is plenty. I wouldn't worry about it. They may even find more as you go along. :hugs:

Ok ladies kinda disappointed. I had more then 8 eggs but doc said I had 8 good quality and good size eggs. I just pray that all them fertilize or that I won't have just one left to transfer. Blahhhh I actually cried when he told me that. But he said the average of good quality they like 5-9 and that its more about quality and not quantity and sometimes with more eggs the quality isn't te best so he made me feel a little better ..... Thanks ladies for your support you all are wonderful and very much appreciated. I will do personnels later

Sorry you are disappointed Sweetness. :hugs: But eight good quality is super! We had 10 that were mature/good and all but one fertilyzed (and we have some pretty major sperm problems). I bet everything will be ok. I know we all want tons left over, but all you really need is one. And that one could make you so totally happy. You'll be in my thoughts!
Ok ladies kinda disappointed. I had more then 8 eggs but doc said I had 8 good quality and good size eggs. I just pray that all them fertilize or that I won't have just one left to transfer. Blahhhh I actually cried when he told me that. But he said the average of good quality they like 5-9 and that its more about quality and not quantity and sometimes with more eggs the quality isn't te best so he made me feel a little better ..... Thanks ladies for your support you all are wonderful and very much appreciated. I will do personnels later

Have you had ER today or do you mean you had 8 follicles? Because follicles can contain more than 1 egg, so i think that's a great number. Last cycle I had 9 follicles but we got 8 eggs and not every follicle had an egg.

And it really is quality over quantity hun, I know you worry about them fertilizing and surviving, coz I did, but they'll be fine, you'll see.

Ash - congrats on your two embies!! They are beautiful!! I think you should check with your Dr. about the heating pad.

Hold - I think you are making such a smart decision. You will never regret your decision and you are so strong to go through this! :hugs: Congrats on finding a donor!

Want - that is great news that your job is being so flexible! Congrats on your 2nd beta too :)

tcmc - yay for starting stims today!! It will go so fast now that you've started. I feel like I blinked and the stimming part was over and it was time for ER.

Michelle - so excited you are starting tomorrow!! I hope your acupuncture today is very relaxing. I meant to try it this cycle but then my clinic closed during the hurricane and I never got around to finding an outside one. Let me know how you like it. I might try for the next round.

Whisper - congrats on your beta! That is a strong number!!

Firsttry - congrats on getting 9 eggs!! That is amazing considering you had a converted IUI cycle!

Mo - sorry about that u/s tech. I had to deal with a really insensitive/incompetent one too while getting my cysts scanned at my Oncologist's office. Just try not to let her flippant little comments get to you. :hugs:

JDH - I've realized during this process that sometimes I just need to cry. I've never been a big crier but it feels so good to let it all out.

Wanna - yayy for AF starting!!

Mells - it's still really early and a lot will change between this ultrasound and trigger. Keep the hope alive!

Sweetness - I'm sorry you're disappointed but 8 is a great number! My RE really stresses quality over quantity too. But it's normal to feel disappointed when you're expecting something else. :hugs: One thing that has really made me feel positive about things is to go through the IVF success thread and realize that all of those women with BFPs have every different combination of eggs retrieved/fertliized possible. So it can happen no matter what. It's hard though not to think higher numbers equal better success but that's not always the case. Here is the thread:

I think I got everyone but sorry if I missed anyone! This thread moves so fast!

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