Ivf oct/nov/dec

Only four fertilized.........

You only need one to work, Sweetness. I looked at old threads last night for inspiration and saw that many women with few eggs retrieved and fertilized got their BFPs.

So, try to focus on the 4 bundles of hope you have! :happydance:
Totally agree with First Sweet hun, I know it's hard but you have 4 there and it just takes one of those to get your BFP.

Will they still take them to day 5 or might the transfer be sooner?

There was a lady next to me on ER day that got 4 eggs but she was told 2 were no good, those 2 must've fertilized tho coz she was back for ET the same day as me hun, so keep your hopes up xx
I agree with the others. I don't know if you saw my post to you earlier but take a look at this thread: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/assisted-conception/491023-list-your-ivf-successes-here.html
You'll see lots of BFPs with every possible number of embryos. Don't lose hope!! :hugs:
Sweetness - That is still good! And you only need 1 for this to work ;) Sending tons of :dust: your way :hugs:
Sweetness! There are plenty or girls w/ only 2-4 fertilized and pg with twins!!!! It will happen!!! :)
So I have decided not to try and get upset. I am putting it into the Lords hands and I should be blessed because some people dont even get to ER part.

I am going to go look at that website and stalk it

My good friend called me and told me I should do accupunture the day before ET, you think that might help?

Also I spoke with the nurse prac and she said they always plan on 5dt unless they stop growing and would be a last min thing. So I hope hope hope they cont to grow.....

This would also maybe why its so hard for me to get preg. Hard to fertilize....Hmmmmm

Thank you guys again ladies for cheering me up. Just a lot of emotions.

hope everyone else is doing good
Lots of :hugs: for you Sweetness! I did not do acupuncture before this cycle and he told me that I should go before and after they do ET. It isn't going to hurt to try it!! If anything it will help you relax :)
Sweet - :hugs: It does only take one and I think it's smart to just leave it to the lord at this point. I kind of realized the same thing this morning that I did everything I could and it is just in his hands at this point. But huge hugs to you, I know it's disappointing :hugs: Keep your head up!
Wow.... so... I'm back.

These last few months have been a crazy ride.

9/21 FET x 2 (As a surrogate)
9/26 :bfp:
10/15: Told Chemical; Stopped Meds
10/22: Follow up Hcg shows Rise in levels. Called in for a U/S to make sure it's not ectopic. Find out, we have a blighted ovum :angel: Told to wait and see if it passes. Started Spotting.
10/23-11/1: LIGHT Bleeding with a few random gushes. No one thinks :angel: has passed since I have seen no large....masses.
11/1- Pre Op U/S before D&C. Shows completely empty uterus.

I was told that I was for sure having a d&c, so I left this group as I wouldn't be able to FET again until February.

BUT, no d&c means as soon as I cycle once, I can have a FET. If everything is on time, we're thinking it will be around Dec. 14th, with a Beta test a few days after xmas.

So.... hi again!!! :dohh:
Hi!!!! Glad you didn't need d/c... That was the most horrible experience of my life!
Hi again Phantom! I agree with Mobaby; glad you didn't need a d&c, I concur it was a horrible experience! Glad you get to start again soon ;)
welcome back again phan!!!!

I saw a quote that soooo made me cry (but what doesnt recently :0) )

-----People say the worst thing in life is having a baby but whats worse then that is not being able to have one at all-----

Oh and my doc calls daily with reports on my embies :)
Sweetness, I agree with everyone here that it only takes one. And I also agree that it is easier said to another then to yourself.
I say a prayer for all of you ladies everyday in hopes that everything works out the way it should. Although I may never have a child of my own, I have so many wonderful children in my life that I get to spoil on a regular basis.

AFM - it seems that I'm a slow responder and after 7 days of stims, I'm only where an average 4 or 5 day person would be. ER is still scheduled, but now it will be later next week than originally planned. Here's hoping things will still work out for me.
EM, that's a great number. How long do you have to wait after your surgery to transfer your embryos?

Sweetness, quality is always important. I hope they all fertilize.

Michelle, tomorrow is the day yay!

Ash, I hope you are doing well being PUPO!

This thread moves fast. I hope everyone is doing well.

Sweetness, I agree with everyone here that it only takes one. And I also agree that it is easier said to another then to yourself.
I say a prayer for all of you ladies everyday in hopes that everything works out the way it should. Although I may never have a child of my own, I have so many wonderful children in my life that I get to spoil on a regular basis.

AFM - it seems that I'm a slow responder and after 7 days of stims, I'm only where an average 4 or 5 day person would be. ER is still scheduled, but now it will be later next week than originally planned. Here's hoping things will still work out for me.

They will grow i have faith. And you will be a mama sometime :) also thanks for praying for me I appreciate it
hi ladies thanks so much for the words of encouragement:flower: i wasnt told a certain time of day just to do it at a time i could stick to every day. so, today i took the Gonal-f injection at 10am the actual needle didnt hurt at all it did sting after wards but the worst part was that when i checked the pen the full dose didnt go in so i had to stick myself with it again so i have 2 little bruises from 1 injection:haha:
im still taking the four doses of nasal spray and just as emotional as ever:cry:

sweetness i know its hard but please try to remain positive 4 is better than zero thats four potential :baby::baby::baby::baby: :hugs::hugs:
Phantom - welcome back!

Sweetness - my RE and clinic are huge supporters of acupuncture before and after ET. I am definitely going to do it once I get to that point. You are so lucky your clinic updates you daily on your embryos! I have to wait until day 3 and it's torture!

Mells - don't lose hope, a lot can change between now and your ER. Sometimes slow and steady wins the race!

tcmc - glad the Gonal-f worked out ok. I had a couple of early morning incidents like that with my Cetrotide where I had to stab myself twice too.
Mells - I was a slow responder too and they will just increase your dosage so things play catch up! You will be shocked that in a couple days things can change a lot :) I had to stim 11 days before I was ready for ER both cycles!

tcmc - Oh I get huge bruises when I start stims; especially from the lovenox, I get huge like welts :( But I tell myself, this is worth it. ;)

Sweetness - Great that you are getting daily updates!

I just cannot shake this headache today! I cannot wait to go home and do nothing. It is so bad it is turning to a migraine cause I have been feeling so nauseated! Only 30 more minutes...I can survive :wacko:
tcmc: after you push the plunger on the gonal F wait for the clicks to stop and continue to hold for an additional 5-10 seconds. Then all the meds will go in :) My clinic gave very specific times to take meds. It was between 5-7 am and 4-8 pm. Glad you finally started! Not long now.
Phantom - Welcome back Hun.

Mells - try not to stress and stay calm and collected Hun. You'll see after the increased meds they will increase as well.

Sweetness - I'm with some of the others on here in that you only need 1 and 4 is still a great number hun. Do put it in the lords hands and have faith that it will happen. If you have time go to church and light a candle to symbolize the light your 4 embryos have Hun. Trust me it will help you believe in your beautiful embryos!

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