Ivf oct/nov/dec

Thanks you guys and I will be doing extra praying and be praying these embies will turn into sweet babies.
Thanks Ladies :hugs:. I guess in my head I assumed that things could possibly go earlier, I never thought they could be delayed. I certainly am learning a lot this cycle. :dohh:
Alright ladies who have been through ER the next day were you super bloated? Like its all the way up to my epigastric area. and you can def tell im bloated. Should I be worried?
My first to IVF attempt resulted in miscarriages at 12 wks ( bleed heavy). Third attempt FET but never took. We took a break from the whole process. I was going to give up but I became pregnant naturally but resulted in a miscarriage. I then found the best OB/GYN specialist who works only with special cases: me being one of them. NEW IVF in October. ET 11/5/12. TWW is truly killing me:growlmad:. Im 4dp/5dt..... I tested knowing that it would be :bfn: So, I promise myself not to :test: til Sunday. PlUS, its my mother-n-law :cake:

Im keeping :dust:for you all.
Well, I might be out until Jan. I am supposed to start injections around Nov 21st, but I was diagnosed with a nasty bug called c. diff, and it's not looking good for this cycle. It has been a week and I am still trying to get the right meds (living on an island is not always awesome) and am still very ill. Thankfully, my infectious disease (seriously?!) Dr gave me $1000 in extra drugs that he had in his office to take over the weekend while we wait for the better drugs to be shipped. Otherwise, I would have been hospitalized over the weekend. Needless to say, I am devastated. We have a very tight timeline and are now trying to figure out if we can move the cycle to January and still make everything work. We're losing money on all the tests and BCP we already paid cash for, but the IVF Dr and I want to be sure that I am 100% before beginning the IVF drugs. So, unless I make a miraculous recovery in the next few days, we have to wait. :( Why does there always have to be something standing between us and our baby?:cry:

I'm so excited to see all of you get your BFPs. Good luck to everyone doing ERs and ETs soon! Oh, and welcome back, Phantom!
Well, I might be out until Jan. I am supposed to start injections around Nov 21st, but I was diagnosed with a nasty bug called c. diff, and it's not looking good for this cycle. It has been a week and I am still trying to get the right meds (living on an island is not always awesome) and am still very ill. Thankfully, my infectious disease (seriously?!) Dr gave me $1000 in extra drugs that he had in his office to take over the weekend while we wait for the better drugs to be shipped. Otherwise, I would have been hospitalized over the weekend. Needless to say, I am devastated. We have a very tight timeline and are now trying to figure out if we can move the cycle to January and still make everything work. We're losing money on all the tests and BCP we already paid cash for, but the IVF Dr and I want to be sure that I am 100% before beginning the IVF drugs. So, unless I make a miraculous recovery in the next few days, we have to wait. :( Why does there always have to be something standing between us and our baby?:cry:

I'm so excited to see all of you get your BFPs. Good luck to everyone doing ERs and ETs soon! Oh, and welcome back, Phantom!

Hi Lotus,

I'm probably wrong, but I believe that gut bacteria has a lot to do with autism. And having healthy gut bacteria while pregnant is key.

Take a look at this article from the NY Times.

"Since time immemorial, a very specific community of organisms — microbes, parasites, some viruses — has aggregated to form the human superorganism. Mounds of evidence suggest that our immune system anticipates these inputs and that, when they go missing, the organism comes unhinged."​

So, if I were you, I would get the C. Diff under control and eat lots of pro-biotic foods. This includes kefir, yogurt, miso, and sauerkraut.

I know it's a bummer to have your cycle delayed, but it's good that they caught this before you are pregnant.

(Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and am not intending to give medical advice.)

Good luck!
Alright ladies who have been through ER the next day were you super bloated? Like its all the way up to my epigastric area. and you can def tell im bloated. Should I be worried?

This is my second ER (first was about 2 years ago when I was single and froze my eggs). The first time I was super bloated and in pain for 6 days. It was so bad that I went back to the doctor's office on the 6th day for an ultrasound. They said my ovaries were still enlarged because I had had a good response to the medicine.

This time, I'm not as bloated, but I also didn't do all the stimming drugs, because it was supposed to be an IUI cycle.

I think you should see how you feel over the next couple days. If it doesn't get better or if it gets worse, call the doctor.

(Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and am not intending to give medical advice.)

Feel better!
Well, I might be out until Jan. I am supposed to start injections around Nov 21st, but I was diagnosed with a nasty bug called c. diff, and it's not looking good for this cycle. It has been a week and I am still trying to get the right meds (living on an island is not always awesome) and am still very ill. Thankfully, my infectious disease (seriously?!) Dr gave me $1000 in extra drugs that he had in his office to take over the weekend while we wait for the better drugs to be shipped. Otherwise, I would have been hospitalized over the weekend. Needless to say, I am devastated. We have a very tight timeline and are now trying to figure out if we can move the cycle to January and still make everything work. We're losing money on all the tests and BCP we already paid cash for, but the IVF Dr and I want to be sure that I am 100% before beginning the IVF drugs. So, unless I make a miraculous recovery in the next few days, we have to wait. :( Why does there always have to be something standing between us and our baby?:cry:

I'm so excited to see all of you get your BFPs. Good luck to everyone doing ERs and ETs soon! Oh, and welcome back, Phantom!

UGHHH im so sorr to hear that. I know that heavyduty medd can cause c diff. I realy hope it doesnt post pone it. That wouldnt be very fun, But maybe it will turn out ok.
My first to IVF attempt resulted in miscarriages at 12 wks ( bleed heavy). Third attempt FET but never took. We took a break from the whole process. I was going to give up but I became pregnant naturally but resulted in a miscarriage. I then found the best OB/GYN specialist who works only with special cases: me being one of them. NEW IVF in October. ET 11/5/12. TWW is truly killing me:growlmad:. Im 4dp/5dt..... I tested knowing that it would be :bfn: So, I promise myself not to :test: til Sunday. PlUS, its my mother-n-law :cake:

Im keeping :dust:for you all.

Welcome!!! Third time has to be a charm!! BABY DUST
Alright ladies who have been through ER the next day were you super bloated? Like its all the way up to my epigastric area. and you can def tell im bloated. Should I be worried?

This is my second ER (first was about 2 years ago when I was single and froze my eggs). The first time I was super bloated and in pain for 6 days. It was so bad that I went back to the doctor's office on the 6th day for an ultrasound. They said my ovaries were still enlarged because I had had a good response to the medicine.

This time, I'm not as bloated, but I also didn't do all the stimming drugs, because it was supposed to be an IUI cycle.

I think you should see how you feel over the next couple days. If it doesn't get better or if it gets worse, call the doctor.

(Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and am not intending to give medical advice.)

Feel better!

Thanks so much for the info, I just know its very unomfortable blahhhhhh... Baby Baby Baby Dust to you
Thanks First and Sweetness. I had no idea c diff could be so serious. I need to do some more research. It was caused by a broad spectrum antibiotic prescribed by an urgent care doc. I had a bug bite that somehow became infected. :-/ That was a few weeks ago, so it had time to take over my gut. I'm doing everything I can to get better, but if I'm not perfect soon, I'll probably postpone the cycle. I don't want to take the chance of causing harm to my baby.
I'm here and cheering you all on. I know we're going to have some BFPs in the next few weeks.:dust:
@Lotus, I am so sorry that you got sick and that it could delay your IVF cycle! I am sorry you lost out on money, but it is better they caught this earlier before you got any further into the cycle. I hope you feel better soon!!! Big hugs to you hun!! :hugs::hugs:

@Glory, Welcome to the group!!! Good luck and baby dust to you!! I hope you get your BFP!!! :dust::dust:

@Mells, sorry you are a slow responder to the meds. But, I am glad they are taking action and I have everything crossed that they can still get good results by keeping you on the meds longer. Good luck hun!!! :hugs::hugs: Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I will do the same for you as well hun!! :hugs::hugs:

@Phantom, Welcome back to the thread. I am glad that you are able to avoid doing a D&C and that you can move forward with a FET cycle soon. Good luck!! :dust::dust:

@Sweetness, I agree with the other girls that all it takes is one!!! It is all about quality over quantity with this IVF process!! Fingers crossed that all 4 of them are healthy and strong. I am sending you lots of good luck and baby dust that you will get your BFP!!! :dust::dust:

AFM, The baseline ultrasound went well. The fertility clinic has a very nice office.This was may first time there since my intial contact was just done over the phone. They have a health and well being center as part of the clinic, and they do accupuncture on site and yoga, stuff like that.

Two nurses were there and one did my ultrasound and blood work. The nurse that did my blood work did a good job, quick and pain free. I do have a big bruise on my arm now though. I didn't even get to meet my DR although I did see him roaming around in the back. This is different from my clinic at home because only the DR will do the ultrasound and the nurses just assist.

So the ultrasound went well. The nurse said that everything looks really good. One of my ovaries had a bunch of follicles on it, about 7 or 8 maybe and the other had about 3 or so I think :shrug:... so I am estimating that I have about 8 to 10 follies, which I think is good considering that I haven't even started my stimulating meds yet. So I know the number should increase, but over all I am happy with the results. I think I am off to a good start. She showed me the ultrasound screen really quick and pointed at the follies, so i wasn't able to get an exact count, and the appointment went so fast I didn't get a chance to ask how many follies for sure though, so that is why I am guessing based on what I could see on the screen.

I have a feeling I tend to ovulate on my right side where I might have the possibly damaged tube, more often than on my good tube side and I think that might be a contributing factor to me not getting pregnant the old fashioned way, and that was why my IUI cycle got canceled because I was OV'ing on the bad side. This is just a theory though....:shrug:

So I start my stimulating meds on Sunday. For today and tomorrow I just do my 10 of lupron. I think they want to keep me in a holding pattern for a few more days to give the one ovary some more time to make more follies.

Than on Sunday when I start stimulating I will be on:

-lupron 5 units
-Menopur 75 IU
-Gonal F 375 IU

After my egg retrival is when I will start taking my estraidol pills vaginally, baby aspirin and the vaginal cream inserts for the progestreone.

Than my next ultrasound and bloods will be next Thursday at 10am to see how everything looks, and they will give me further instructions on my med dosage, whether I need to increase dosage or keep it the same. I am hoping for alot more follies, so I can get lots of eggs for my egg retrival. Wish me luck.:thumbup:
Sweet - I had a ton!! I could only eat small amounts because if I are too much it made it worse. I just drank A LOT of Gatorade and layer in bed and on the couch with a heating pad over my belly.
Hi :hi: Ladies!

I think I've talked to a few of you in the past and was hoping I could join you?

I started my cycle today :wohoo:

I am doing the long lupron cycle, and today was day one of lupron.

Lupron Nov 9th - Nov 26th
Menopur and Bravelle Nov 26th -?
Estimated Egg Retrieval and ICSI Dec 8-10
Embryo Transfer 3 days later with AH
Hoping for a :bfp: for Christmas!
Hi :hi: Ladies!

I think I've talked to a few of you in the past and was hoping I could join you?

I started my cycle today :wohoo:

I am doing the long lupron cycle, and today was day one of lupron.

Lupron Nov 9th - Nov 26th
Menopur and Bravelle Nov 26th -?
Estimated Egg Retrieval and ICSI Dec 8-10
Embryo Transfer 3 days later with AH
Hoping for a :bfp: for Christmas!

Of course you can join! And thats awesome your getting started!
Hi :hi: Ladies!

I think I've talked to a few of you in the past and was hoping I could join you?

I started my cycle today :wohoo:

I am doing the long lupron cycle, and today was day one of lupron.

Lupron Nov 9th - Nov 26th
Menopur and Bravelle Nov 26th -?
Estimated Egg Retrieval and ICSI Dec 8-10
Embryo Transfer 3 days later with AH
Hoping for a :bfp: for Christmas!

Of course you can join! And thats awesome your getting started!

Sweetness.. I was reading back on the thread, and saw your posts about your ER and your 4 fertilized embies! I agree, it only takes 1 and quality is better than quantity.

ER, is not fun, and yes you will probably be quite bloated. As others have said, drink lots of gatorade, and eat protein, that will help make you feel better. When is your ET?
Quick question?

I just started taking Lupron, and was wondering what if any side effects you had while taking it? I've never taken it before so I thought I'd ask what I am getting myself into for the next 2 weeks.

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