Ivf oct/nov/dec

Alicatt- Yea for Cycle Buddies! They've estimated my ER sometime between 12-6 and 12-16, but the IVF coordinator we spoke to Tuesday said it will probably be somewhere in the middle of that.
Wanna- how is everything going?

Glory- good luck!!!!

Lotus- did they decide what they were going to do??

Em- hope all is well.

AFM- doc called today all four are still growing nicely. It's looking like a 5dt :)

Sorry if I missed anyone trying to do this on my phone

Looks like a lot of positive things going on this thread :happydance: Lotus, sorry you aren't feeling well!

Sweetness - :yipee: for your embies growing and staying strong!! I had a 5dt last IVF, but we are going to do a 3dt this time with assisted hatching. I hope the bloating and constipation are going away. Definitely take something for the constipation, I believe I took a gentle stool softener, and keep drinking loads of fluids, gatorade and if you can stomach it, pedialyte (it has more electrolytes so it is better than gatorade). You'll feel better in a few days.

Thanks and yes I jut feel " blah" today headache and everything. I decided not to go into work this weekend cause I don't wanna overdo it before ET on tues. what's te difference between 3 and 5 and assisted hatching?
Lucie do they have any idea why your first IVF didn't take? Like any pcos or motility issues?
Sweet: a lot of the times there is no reason they can pinpoint why the cycle doesnt work. My two failed cycles are unexplained as everything was perfect and the mc was unknown as well b/c all testing came back as normal.
Thanks and yes I jut feel " blah" today headache and everything. I decided not to go into work this weekend cause I don't wanna overdo it before ET on tues. what's te difference between 3 and 5 and assisted hatching?

Well I had 5 beautiful embies on day 3 and they said we should let them grow until day 5, well only 2 of the 5 were still perfect on day 5. That is still a great number, and when I say perfect, I mean the best possible grading for blastocysts. The issue was that on day 3 all of mine were great too! They were all less than 10% fragmentation and all 7-8 cell, which is exactly what you want on day 3! As I said, the 2 we implanted on day 5 were beautiful, or at least that is what the Dr said. Our theory after my IVF failed was that the sperm we used wasn't as good as it should be (donor sperm) as the embryos started to fail between day 3 and 5 and this is due to poor sperm. Such a nice thing to hear when you are paying $1500 a cycle for sperm! The other issue is that when you go to day 5 they can't do assisted hatching (I don't know why). Assisted hatching is when they make a small hole in the shell around the embryo to assist it in hatching between days 5-6, this is necessary for implantation to occur. My Dr's other theory was that because I'm 40, well 39 during the last IVF cycle, but 40 now, the shell around the embryo is probably too thick for it to hatch on its own. So that is why we are switching to day 3. Apparently it is recommended for women over the age of 37 to use assisted hatching. But last cycle my Dr was so amazed by the growth and beauty of my embryos he felt they would make it to day 5, which 2 did, and be fine for implantation. I bet they just couldn't hatch! :nope:

I'm not sure how old you are, but your picture makes you look a lot younger, so I'm sure you won't have the same issues I did. For most women, letting them mature to day 5 is the best option, unless you don't have that healthy ones on day 3, then it is recommended that you transfer on day 3.
Sweetness - Yayy so glad your 4 are still growing!! I had horrible constipation yesterday and took some Miralax for it. It's been six years since my last surgery and I forgot about that fun little side effect of anesthesia.

Mells - great update! I bet the others will catch up.

AFM - I'm still waiting for the update on our embryos. They usually update in the afternoon. I keep jumping every time the phone rings. Fx they are still growing
Sweet: a lot of the times there is no reason they can pinpoint why the cycle doesnt work. My two failed cycles are unexplained as everything was perfect and the mc was unknown as well b/c all testing came back as normal.

Just not fair how things work sometimes. ..... But this thread is going to be a great one
Sweetness - Yayy so glad your 4 are still growing!! I had horrible constipation yesterday and took some Miralax for it. It's been six years since my last surgery and I forgot about that fun little side effect of anesthesia.

Mells - great update! I bet the others will catch up.

AFM - I'm still waiting for the update on our embryos. They usually update in the afternoon. I keep jumping every time the phone rings. Fx they are still growing

I'm glad they are growing too and that they continue to grow! I' excited to hear about tours as well. When do you n ET
Lucie do they have any idea why your first IVF didn't take? Like any pcos or motility issues?

I have "borderline" pcos. Dh's #s aren't the greatest, his count and motility are borderline low.

When we did IVF #1, the RE told us the three we transplanted were great. One was 12 cells, the other 2 were 8. Our transfer was "textbook". He seemed as shocked as us that it didn't work. Then he told us at our follow up that the 12 cell wasn't as good as he previously thought. Well we then changed REs. Found out from the new RE that the 2 8 cell embryos had fragmentation, which I guess isn't good. The old RE said nothing about this. In the words of the IVF coordinator at the new Re's office, their embryologist is a "rock star" and we are "in much better hands". In fact, everyone we've spoken to at this office has had nothing positive to say about our old RE. Makes me feel like we've made the right decision to switch.
Thread is still moving fast. Wow!

Mells - all of us have learned alot about this whole process. I told my Dr. I could probably come work for him after this whole process. Lol

Sweet - I was bloated as well and had really bad cramps. Nurse said to drink more water. It helped a bit with the pain. When is your transfer day?

Glory - welcome to the group and lot's of baby dust. :dust:

Lotus - hope you feel better and can start your cycle soon Hun.

Alicatt - good luck with your cycle Hun. :dust:

Ash - any updates? When is your transfer? Soon right?

Wanna - good luck Hun. :dust:

Em - I know it's the hormones but don't fight with DH. Remember less stress = more chance at success with IVF. Forget the little fights and arguments and do what's going to give you the best chance Hun.

Tcmc - good luck with your cycle. I agree with wanna about icing(with ice pack) area before injecting. It also numbs the pain a bit too.

Lucie - I'm in Florida like Alicatt too. I'm in Orlando, FL.

Anyone else I might have missed due to the speed of this thread good luck and lot's of baby dust! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Update on me:

Yeah, I went back to work for one day when I made the decision to. I spoke with DH and we both decided it wasn't worth it and we should do what's best for our family so we decided I should leave. So yeah, I left again.
want - I had my transfer 3 days ago, now I'm just waiting to see if the embryos took or not. :)
Afternoon Ladies :hi:

I thought I would share the changes I have made this cycle compared to last. I have done a ton of research on all different stages of IVF, and want to do everything I can to make this one work! I don't have any more finances for a 3rd IVF cycle, maybe a FET, but not a full IVF cycle. So basically I'm looking at this as my last chance to get pregnant.

Supplements - these are thought to improve egg quality: royal jelly, maca root, CoQ10, 7 Keto DHEA, Reservatrol, Melatonin, Pre-Natal, Omega 3

Diet - I read an article saying that 85% of unexplained infertility is caused by gluten sensitivity, so I've gone gluten free. Why not? It is only for a few months, right? I've also read that you should switch to full fat dairy, cut out any added sugar, increase your intake of protein from vegetables and legumes, cut out soda, and caffeine. Some recommend organic as well.

Exercise - don't be afraid to exercise, up until you get close to ER, then you should limit your exercise to light exercise, like walking. This is because your ovaries get very swollen, and you get really bloated, and doing anything more could cause your ovaries to twist, and besides, who feels like exercising when you feel like that!

:hug: :dust:
Thanks and yes I jut feel " blah" today headache and everything. I decided not to go into work this weekend cause I don't wanna overdo it before ET on tues. what's te difference between 3 and 5 and assisted hatching?

Well I had 5 beautiful embies on day 3 and they said we should let them grow until day 5, well only 2 of the 5 were still perfect on day 5. That is still a great number, and when I say perfect, I mean the best possible grading for blastocysts. The issue was that on day 3 all of mine were great too! They were all less than 10% fragmentation and all 7-8 cell, which is exactly what you want on day 3! As I said, the 2 we implanted on day 5 were beautiful, or at least that is what the Dr said. Our theory after my IVF failed was that the sperm we used wasn't as good as it should be (donor sperm) as the embryos started to fail between day 3 and 5 and this is due to poor sperm. Such a nice thing to hear when you are paying $1500 a cycle for sperm! The other issue is that when you go to day 5 they can't do assisted hatching (I don't know why). Assisted hatching is when they make a small hole in the shell around the embryo to assist it in hatching between days 5-6, this is necessary for implantation to occur. My Dr's other theory was that because I'm 40, well 39 during the last IVF cycle, but 40 now, the shell around the embryo is probably too thick for it to hatch on its own. So that is why we are switching to day 3. Apparently it is recommended for women over the age of 37 to use assisted hatching. But last cycle my Dr was so amazed by the growth and beauty of my embryos he felt they would make it to day 5, which 2 did, and be fine for implantation. I bet they just couldn't hatch! :nope:

I'm not sure how old you are, but your picture makes you look a lot younger, so I'm sure you won't have the same issues I did. For most women, letting them mature to day 5 is the best option, unless you don't have that healthy ones on day 3, then it is recommended that you transfer on day 3.

BTW I am 25 and DH is 24 :) and thanks fir the info!
Lucie do they have any idea why your first IVF didn't take? Like any pcos or motility issues?

I have "borderline" pcos. Dh's #s aren't the greatest, his count and motility are borderline low.

When we did IVF #1, the RE told us the three we transplanted were great. One was 12 cells, the other 2 were 8. Our transfer was "textbook". He seemed as shocked as us that it didn't work. Then he told us at our follow up that the 12 cell wasn't as good as he previously thought. Well we then changed REs. Found out from the new RE that the 2 8 cell embryos had fragmentation, which I guess isn't good. The old RE said nothing about this. In the words of the IVF coordinator at the new Re's office, their embryologist is a "rock star" and we are "in much better hands". In fact, everyone we've spoken to at this office has had nothing positive to say about our old RE. Makes me feel like we've made the right decision to switch.

wow that sucks, im glad you have a new RE now!!!
BTW I am 25 and DH is 24 :) and thanks fir the info!

WOW! Well you shouldn't have the need for AH then! Sorry if you have already explained your situation (I missed the first 100 pages :haha:), but what made you choose IVF?
OOPS.. it is in your signature! Well hopefully you have great results going the IVF route!
Thread is still moving fast. Wow!

Mells - all of us have learned alot about this whole process. I told my Dr. I could probably come work for him after this whole process. Lol

Sweet - I was bloated as well and had really bad cramps. Nurse said to drink more water. It helped a bit with the pain. When is your transfer day?

Glory - welcome to the group and lot's of baby dust. :dust:

Lotus - hope you feel better and can start your cycle soon Hun.

Alicatt - good luck with your cycle Hun. :dust:

Ash - any updates? When is your transfer? Soon right?

Wanna - good luck Hun. :dust:

Em - I know it's the hormones but don't fight with DH. Remember less stress = more chance at success with IVF. Forget the little fights and arguments and do what's going to give you the best chance Hun.

Tcmc - good luck with your cycle. I agree with wanna about icing(with ice pack) area before injecting. It also numbs the pain a bit too.

Lucie - I'm in Florida like Alicatt too. I'm in Orlando, FL.

Anyone else I might have missed due to the speed of this thread good luck and lot's of baby dust! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Update on me:

Yeah, I went back to work for one day when I made the decision to. I spoke with DH and we both decided it wasn't worth it and we should do what's best for our family so we decided I should leave. So yeah, I left again.

ET is this Tues , and Im trying to drink more water and it is helping a bit. ALso yay on not working! You now have a little one to worry about :)
Wanna- how is everything going?

Glory- good luck!!!!

Lotus- did they decide what they were going to do??

Em- hope all is well.

AFM- doc called today all four are still growing nicely. It's looking like a 5dt :)

Sorry if I missed anyone trying to do this on my phone

I haven't heard back from the IVF doc. He got me the appointment with the infectious disease Dr, so I think he's informed. The IVF nurse said she would have to talk to the doc to decide whether to continue this cycle or wait until Jan. My IVF doc has been out of town, so that could be why I haven't heard anything. I'm drinking an IV solution right now (I guess it's better than being hospitalized) as I wait for the better meds to be delivered. I'm just trying to be calm and get healthy. I'm afraid I will make it worse if I am anxious about the timeline.

Congrats on being able to do the 5dt!! That's so exciting!
OOPS.. it is in your signature! Well hopefully you have great results going the IVF route!

Yea I hoping this will be our only. Now I was reading your changes and I was actually informed that diet didnt need to change unless i was eating a lot of nasty fatty foods.Now I do eat a lot of candy, hopefully that doesnt mess this cycle up. ughhhh so many different studies etc that pull different ways. It confusing :dohh:

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