Ivf oct/nov/dec

@Tcmc, I agree with what the other girls have said. My ER should be either the day before Thanksgiving or the day after and my entire family all goes up to my brother's for the holiday, but I won't be going this year because I have no idea how I am going to feel after the ER. I think everyone in my family is going to be unerstanding though since they know that I am doing IVF this month. My brother lives like 4 to 5 hours away and I think it would be too much to drive back and forth right before or right after the ER.

So what I am trying to say is that I think people will understand. This is alot of money and one of the most important things we will do in our lives so you do what you feel is best hun. There will be other events and get togethers you can attend later on. :hugs::hugs:
want - I had my transfer 3 days ago, now I'm just waiting to see if the embryos took or not. :)

Sorry, so many on here it's hard to keep track of everybody specially how fast this thread has been moving. Hoping to hear your good news soon hun. :dust:

Want- glad to see another Floridian!

Where are you from hun?

Thread is still moving fast. Wow!

Mells - all of us have learned alot about this whole process. I told my Dr. I could probably come work for him after this whole process. Lol

Sweet - I was bloated as well and had really bad cramps. Nurse said to drink more water. It helped a bit with the pain. When is your transfer day?

Glory - welcome to the group and lot's of baby dust. :dust:

Lotus - hope you feel better and can start your cycle soon Hun.

Alicatt - good luck with your cycle Hun. :dust:

Ash - any updates? When is your transfer? Soon right?

Wanna - good luck Hun. :dust:

Em - I know it's the hormones but don't fight with DH. Remember less stress = more chance at success with IVF. Forget the little fights and arguments and do what's going to give you the best chance Hun.

Tcmc - good luck with your cycle. I agree with wanna about icing(with ice pack) area before injecting. It also numbs the pain a bit too.

Lucie - I'm in Florida like Alicatt too. I'm in Orlando, FL.

Anyone else I might have missed due to the speed of this thread good luck and lot's of baby dust! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Update on me:

Yeah, I went back to work for one day when I made the decision to. I spoke with DH and we both decided it wasn't worth it and we should do what's best for our family so we decided I should leave. So yeah, I left again.

ET is this Tues , and Im trying to drink more water and it is helping a bit. ALso yay on not working! You now have a little one to worry about :)

Thanks yeah, didn't want to have to worry about work.

Also, you should cut the candy if you can and try to eat as healthy as possible. No soda(or caffein free if you can't cut it altogether), no coffee(decaf is ok), and no junk food. Eat lot's of fruits and veggies and low fat foods. If you haven't started yet, start taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid. They will both help the embryos.
Finally got the update! We have 5 still going strong! The Dr. said they are grade 1 which is the highest grade given at our clinic. :happydance:
I'm so so happy right now!!

Congrat's Em!!! That is awesome!:happydance:
Congrats Em and Sweetness!

AFM, we have four 8-cells and two 6-cells. 5dt on Monday. I don't know how to judge that. How many usually make it to blast after day 3? Thanks.

Hey First!

I asked my Dr that very question last cycle, because I had 5 beautiful embies at day 3 all 7-8 cell and 0-10% fragmentation (basically perfect), on day 3 you want to see them close to 8 cells, that means they are dividing on schedule, and you want there to be as little fragmentation as possible. So the egg carries the embryo from fertilization until day 3, and then the sperm takes over and keeps it growing between day 3 and day 5. So if your DH's :spermy: are good quality, then you should have no worries making beautiful blastocysts for your 5dt!

That is why I have to switch donors (even though I loved my first donor), his not so great sperm were a big part of why I didn't get pregnant last time.
OOPS.. it is in your signature! Well hopefully you have great results going the IVF route!

Yea I hoping this will be our only. Now I was reading your changes and I was actually informed that diet didnt need to change unless i was eating a lot of nasty fatty foods.Now I do eat a lot of candy, hopefully that doesnt mess this cycle up. ughhhh so many different studies etc that pull different ways. It confusing :dohh:

You are still very young and probably don't have any issues with your eggs, I'm 15 years older! EEK! So I'm trying to do everything I can. I think at this point, the things that you can do to make these embies stick are no caffeine, no alcohol, no smoking, rest and relaxation. I'm sure you will do just fine!
I just wanted to recommend a stool softner after the ET if anyone feels constipated. When I had my hysteroscopy and laparascopy back on 08/29/12 I didn't go number 2 for like almost 3 days, so I took a stool softner and it was gentle and made it easier to go.

When you guys did your ER did the dr have IV's with fluids on you? I was just wondering?

I agree. I took "Milk of Magnesia" which helped. You become very constipated after ET and have pain because your uterus is trying to get back to normal. This can affect you bowel movement so a stool softener is recommended to help you. In my case it was really bad. Papaya, avocado & pruns will also help. I had to take all of them.:wacko:

@Tcmc, I agree with what the other girls have said. My ER should be either the day before Thanksgiving or the day after and my entire family all goes up to my brother's for the holiday, but I won't be going this year because I have no idea how I am going to feel after the ER. I think everyone in my family is going to be unerstanding though since they know that I am doing IVF this month. My brother lives like 4 to 5 hours away and I think it would be too much to drive back and forth right before or right after the ER.

So what I am trying to say is that I think people will understand. This is alot of money and one of the most important things we will do in our lives so you do what you feel is best hun. There will be other events and get togethers you can attend later on. :hugs::hugs:

Agree again. Tcmc, you'll want to be as comfortable as possible hun. My cramps were almost unbearable at times and not being at home and comfortable(since we did IVF out of country) really made it worse imo. I wish I had been home while in pain and I thank god and my DH for helping me through it.
hey ladies, this thread really is soooo busy now!! i think the meds are doing another number on me cos me concentration is cr*p at the min:dohh:

thank you all for the advice with the injections :hugs: i have felt a few little twinges low down around my old C-section scar today so im hoping that means the stimming is starting to do something:shrug:

for all the ladies who are PUPO i hope you are all feeling well and the TWW isnt too stressful:hugs:

for all of those about to have ER and ET good luck i am always thinking about all you ladies on here and hope that everything runs smoothly for all of you:hugs:

so AFM so far my ER is set for the 21/11 and ET is the 23/11 (2 day transfer:growlmad:) and of course 2 invitations for the day after transfer which i dont want to go to cos i just want to stay at home and relax and give my little embies peace and rest to snuggle down tight, but feel obliged to be there. 1 invite is my 24yo stepson fighting in a charity boxing match which i am definately turning down DH can go. the other tho is DH's neice is having a christening for her little boy and wants us there so i feel under pressure to go:cry:
Any thoughts/suggestions as to what i can do?:hugs::hugs:

@tcmc - I would suggest that you not plan on doing anything the day of ER, or the day after, and my FS said strict bed rest the day of and day after ET. I felt horrible the day of my ER and the days after, in fact I didn't really feel that well until a few days after ET. I ended up with a mild to moderate case of OHSS, and didn't feel up to doing anything. Hopefully you feel a lot better than I did, but even so, you probably want to give your embies the best chance to implant, and that probably means taking it easy and relaxing! I'm sure your family will understand your absence. Best of luck you'll be PUPO before you know it! :hug:
Hi Wannabeprego, I left you a site to go take a look at regarding cells and grades.
Congrats Em and Sweetness!

AFM, we have four 8-cells and two 6-cells. 5dt on Monday. I don't know how to judge that. How many usually make it to blast after day 3? Thanks.

Hey First!

I asked my Dr that very question last cycle, because I had 5 beautiful embies at day 3 all 7-8 cell and 0-10% fragmentation (basically perfect), on day 3 you want to see them close to 8 cells, that means they are dividing on schedule, and you want there to be as little fragmentation as possible. So the egg carries the embryo from fertilization until day 3, and then the sperm takes over and keeps it growing between day 3 and day 5. So if your DH's :spermy: are good quality, then you should have no worries making beautiful blastocysts for your 5dt!

That is why I have to switch donors (even though I loved my first donor), his not so great sperm were a big part of why I didn't get pregnant last time.

Try this :advancedfertility com/blastocystimages

I tried but its not letting me open it
I think this is the full web link:

You don't think if I'm still bloated tues or intermitten nausea that will prevent me from conceiving because my body is in so much stress????
You don't think if I'm still bloated tues or intermitten nausea that will prevent me from conceiving because my body is in so much stress????

Sweetness.. No, I don't think that it will prevent you from conceiving. Do you recall what your estrogen levels were prior to your ER? Were they above 4000? Or close to that? Did you have more than 20 follicles? I'm wondering if you have a mild case of OHSS. It is what causes the nausea and the bloating. Gatorade and protein will fix it. People with OHSS conceive all the time. In fact quite often your OHSS will worsen if you are pregnant. It will get worse around the time of implantation. It is made worse by the HCG that is being released by the embryo. So don't you worry, the bloating is normal (as long as you can breathe and don't have any shortness of breath). Just try to relax and drink plenty of fluids especially those with electrolytes to help combat the OHSS.
You don't think if I'm still bloated tues or intermitten nausea that will prevent me from conceiving because my body is in so much stress????

Sweetness.. No, I don't think that it will prevent you from conceiving. Do you recall what your estrogen levels were prior to your ER? Were they above 4000? Or close to that? Did you have more than 20 follicles? I'm wondering if you have a mild case of OHSS. It is what causes the nausea and the bloating. Gatorade and protein will fix it. People with OHSS conceive all the time. In fact quite often your OHSS will worsen if you are pregnant. It will get worse around the time of implantation. It is made worse by the HCG that is being released by the embryo. So don't you worry, the bloating is normal (as long as you can breathe and don't have any shortness of breath). Just try to relax and drink plenty of fluids especially those with electrolytes to help combat the OHSS.

Oh wow I looked up the symptoms and yes I think that's it like 98% my estrogen ended up being well over 4000. Like te bloating is terrible mom ( who's also an RN) was concerned with all my issues and brought up a potential ER visit its starting to get a little better thank gosh. Thanks again!!!
So its official my friend called her buddy and he is going to do accu Mon at noon on his lunch break! Im excited but nervous. I hope this helps and doesnt do any damage

good luck with the accu, i've only ever heard good stories from it so I wouldn't worry about it hun.

hey ladies, this thread really is soooo busy now!! i think the meds are doing another number on me cos me concentration is cr*p at the min:dohh:

thank you all for the advice with the injections :hugs: i have felt a few little twinges low down around my old C-section scar today so im hoping that means the stimming is starting to do something:shrug:

for all the ladies who are PUPO i hope you are all feeling well and the TWW isnt too stressful:hugs:

for all of those about to have ER and ET good luck i am always thinking about all you ladies on here and hope that everything runs smoothly for all of you:hugs:

so AFM so far my ER is set for the 21/11 and ET is the 23/11 (2 day transfer:growlmad:) and of course 2 invitations for the day after transfer which i dont want to go to cos i just want to stay at home and relax and give my little embies peace and rest to snuggle down tight, but feel obliged to be there. 1 invite is my 24yo stepson fighting in a charity boxing match which i am definately turning down DH can go. the other tho is DH's neice is having a christening for her little boy and wants us there so i feel under pressure to go:cry:
Any thoughts/suggestions as to what i can do?:hugs::hugs:

I agree with the others, you can only do what is best for you at the moment, and if people don't understand well then that's their own fault. what you have gone through for this to happen is too important :hugs:

Congrats Em and Sweetness!

AFM, we have four 8-cells and two 6-cells. 5dt on Monday. I don't know how to judge that. How many usually make it to blast after day 3? Thanks.

They sound like they're doing well First, I'm pretty sure between 6 and 8 cells is perfect for day 3

AFM - have decided i've had enough of sitting around and doing not a lot, so me and DH are off to the cinema this afternoon, just to try and have a break from thinking about IVF! I'm currently 4dp2dt, so I think 4 days of rest should be enough, plus relaxing has got to be better than sat stressing about it all day.

Will check in when I get back :hugs:
Mo - I bet the progesterone will help it and if nothing else when you call on Monday they can adjust the medications. I would still try to call today if I was you. There has to be someone answering the phones or you can leave a message. My nurse said to always call no matter what even if it's just to put my mind at ease.

tcmc - I agree with everyone else, you have to think about yourself right now. People will understand and if they don't then that's their problem. You have a right to be selfish during this time.

Sweetness - just keep in mind that grades aren't the be all end all. My RE said it's just a guide for them but plenty of "perfect" highly graded embryos don't end up as a BFP and lots of "ugly" lower grade embryos do.

JDH - have fun at the cinema! What are you going to see?

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