Ivf oct/nov/dec

Happy - thanks! I think I'm going to test tomorrow morning ... OH doesn't want me to but I kind of feel like I want to ... I might hold out until Tuesday ... I'm definitely going to do an HPT before the beta but haven't decide when yet.

I think 11DPO or 6dp5dt is a safe bet, I think most IVFs are positive by then, but then I have heard of women not getting a positive on a HPT until after beta. So don't be upset if you don't see a BFP.

I know its hard to figure out why ladies dont get their bfp the first ivf cycle. But I was looking at your info and there shouldnt have been any reason for you not to get a BFP. I have heard of couples freezing their embies for a couple months to give their body a break. I know some woman feel as if the stimming and all that alone stresses their body out creating a potential BFN. I also know of a lot of girls that had their BFP the firt try. maybe im talking in circles.

As my Dr walked out of the room after my ET, he gave me a 50% chance, he said that your embryos were perfect, your transfer was textbook, your lining was thick and a triple layer, basically he did everything he could to make it happen. Even at the best of times you only have a 50% chance, that is about as high as it can go. When we reviewed my cycle there were a few places where we didn't get 'perfect' marks:

1) I had 33 follicles, 15 eggs, 12 mature - we should have gotten more with that number of follicles
2) 12 mature eggs, and only 7 fertilized (with ICSI) - that is a low number, it should have been closer to 90% with (ICSI)
3) 5 perfect embryos at day 3, but only 2 made it to day 5 (one more was borderline) - this is caused by poor sperm
4) Clearly I didn't implant, that could have been because of 3) above, poor sperm, or it could have been my lining not being receptive

So this is why I am taking all of these supplements to see if we can't improve on 1 and 2. He is also changing my protocol so now I'm doing the long lupron protocol, the idea being that we can get more even growth and get more mature eggs. We are also changing donors (I'm using a sperm donor), hopefully my new donor's sperm will not crash and burn. We are also going to do the transfer on day 3 so we can do assisted hatching, this will help make the embryo more receptive to attaching and implanting. Also, moving to a gluten free diet will help improve the chance of implantation. Apparently if you are sensitive to gluten it can cause mucus to build up in your uterus making it more difficult for implantation to occur.

Don't forget I just turned 40, while my egg reserve looks great, and I don't have any hormone imbalances so to speak, my body is just not as young as it used to be! So I just have to hope and prat the changes I have made will work!! :thumbup:
Hold - I have my 2nd scan set for Wed. I know can't believe It 6weeks. They do start counting from the day of your last cycle though(my ET was on 10/18).

First -Good Luck Today Hun! :dust:

Glory - Wait until test day Hun and stay positive. Not everyone can see an early positive and sometimes the over the counter pregnancy tests doesn't work. Giving you extra baby dust Hun!
:dust: :dust: :dust:

JDH - Everyone reacts differently to meds and that's what causes the cramps. So maybe your just not feeling cramps because you have a better reaction to your meds then some of us other girls. :dust:
What meds are you still taking after ET?

Mobaby - Good Luck on Friday Hun! Remember to drink lot's of water! :dust:

Ash - Yay! That is what I saw too on my first test, a faint line but it was there. The blood test confirmed it afterwards. Some more sticky dust to help your embie snuggle in some more! :dust:

Alicatt - Good Luck Hun! I'm 39yo so only a yr behind you age wise. My issue during our first IVF I think was implantation. Are you taking anything to help the embryos implant easier?
Hold - I have my 2nd scan set for Wed. I know can't believe It 6weeks. They do start counting from the day of your last cycle though(my ET was on 10/18).

First -Good Luck Today Hun! :dust:

Glory - Wait until test day Hun and stay positive. Not everyone can see an early positive and sometimes the over the counter pregnancy tests doesn't work. Giving you extra baby dust Hun!
:dust: :dust: :dust:

JDH - Everyone reacts differently to meds and that's what causes the cramps. So maybe your just not feeling cramps because you have a better reaction to your meds then some of us other girls. :dust:
What meds are you still taking after ET?

Mobaby - Good Luck on Friday Hun! Remember to drink lot's of water! :dust:

Ash - Yay! That is what I saw too on my first test, a faint line but it was there. The blood test confirmed it afterwards. Some more sticky dust to help your embie snuggle in some more! :dust:

Alicatt - Good Luck Hun! I'm 39yo so only a yr behind you age wise. My issue during our first IVF I think was implantation. Are you taking anything to help the embryos implant easier?

Thanks - I'm on progesterone suppositories and injections. Doubling up because of my 5 miscarriages. In a bid to keep it put i'm also on baby aspirin and if a positive test i'll be on clexane injections too. I'll be leaking after all these injections! :haha:
Ash - You must post your test pics - we all love to look and squint at them lol
Massive congrats by the way - hopefully we'll all follow suit shortly x
I'm going to post my Wednesday test. Seriously the line was so light you won't see it on a picture no had to like turn it towards the light to see the line.
Happy - thanks! I think I'm going to test tomorrow morning ... OH doesn't want me to but I kind of feel like I want to ... I might hold out until Tuesday ... I'm definitely going to do an HPT before the beta but haven't decide when yet.

I think 11DPO or 6dp5dt is a safe bet, I think most IVFs are positive by then, but then I have heard of women not getting a positive on a HPT until after beta. So don't be upset if you don't see a BFP.

I know its hard to figure out why ladies dont get their bfp the first ivf cycle. But I was looking at your info and there shouldnt have been any reason for you not to get a BFP. I have heard of couples freezing their embies for a couple months to give their body a break. I know some woman feel as if the stimming and all that alone stresses their body out creating a potential BFN. I also know of a lot of girls that had their BFP the firt try. maybe im talking in circles.

As my Dr walked out of the room after my ET, he gave me a 50% chance, he said that your embryos were perfect, your transfer was textbook, your lining was thick and a triple layer, basically he did everything he could to make it happen. Even at the best of times you only have a 50% chance, that is about as high as it can go. When we reviewed my cycle there were a few places where we didn't get 'perfect' marks:

1) I had 33 follicles, 15 eggs, 12 mature - we should have gotten more with that number of follicles
2) 12 mature eggs, and only 7 fertilized (with ICSI) - that is a low number, it should have been closer to 90% with (ICSI)
3) 5 perfect embryos at day 3, but only 2 made it to day 5 (one more was borderline) - this is caused by poor sperm
4) Clearly I didn't implant, that could have been because of 3) above, poor sperm, or it could have been my lining not being receptive

So this is why I am taking all of these supplements to see if we can't improve on 1 and 2. He is also changing my protocol so now I'm doing the long lupron protocol, the idea being that we can get more even growth and get more mature eggs. We are also changing donors (I'm using a sperm donor), hopefully my new donor's sperm will not crash and burn. We are also going to do the transfer on day 3 so we can do assisted hatching, this will help make the embryo more receptive to attaching and implanting. Also, moving to a gluten free diet will help improve the chance of implantation. Apparently if you are sensitive to gluten it can cause mucus to build up in your uterus making it more difficult for implantation to occur.

Don't forget I just turned 40, while my egg reserve looks great, and I don't have any hormone imbalances so to speak, my body is just not as young as it used to be! So I just have to hope and prat the changes I have made will work!! :thumbup:

Thanks for explaining that. That helps. Hopefully this cycle will be a bfp
One grade A blastocyst transferred! Hoping its 4 remaining siblings are good enough to freeze tomorrow.
Well tomorrow is ET At 1245. I'm headed to get acupuncture right now and the doc called and said all four are still growing and tomorrow there should be two blastocyst ( I think that's what he called it) I'm guessing that's good. So hopefully it will be be a BFP!!

Congrats ash!! I bet it's going to cont to get darker!! I'm so excited
Will this be your BFP every?

Jdh- how you feeling??

Alli- thanks again for that info it helped me understand it.

Glory- there are a lot of girls that don't get a early positive. Don't fret just yet.
One grade A blastocyst transferred! Hoping its 4 remaining siblings are good enough to freeze tomorrow.

Excellent First! Congrats on being PUPO :baby:

I have such a good feeling for you, because I think you did fab with it being an IUI convert to IVF, you got so many egss and excellent quality embies that it's defo going to be BFP!! :thumbup:

When do you test?

GL for the others to freeze too :hugs:
glory :hugs: to you! Don't give up yet it's too early.

Ash :happydance: I knew it! I can't wait for Wednesday! I hope it gets darker and darker!

First, you are now officially PUPO! FX that all 4 :cold: make it for tomorrow.

Sweetness, good luck tomorrow! I'm glad you are feeling better and acupuncture will help you relax.

Mobaby, Friday will be here before you know it. FX for you!

Good luck to all the ladies who are stimming and and those who are getting their transfers.
Ash this is great! This sure is a lucky thread! Are you prepared for twins?
Well tomorrow is ET At 1245. I'm headed to get acupuncture right now and the doc called and said all four are still growing and tomorrow there should be two blastocyst ( I think that's what he called it) I'm guessing that's good. So hopefully it will be be a BFP!!

Congrats ash!! I bet it's going to cont to get darker!! I'm so excited
Will this be your BFP every?

Jdh- how you feeling??

Alli- thanks again for that info it helped me understand it.

Glory- there are a lot of girls that don't get a early positive. Don't fret just yet.

GL for ET tomorrow hun, I think your embies sound like they are doing brilliantly :thumbup: I'll be thinking of you :hugs:

I feel ok, it's worrying me that the only difference I feel is the odd twinges in my lower back but hoping that's still a good sign.

I don't know, You just invest so much into this that you can't help but analyse everything. When you get told at 30yrs that you're ovarian reserve and egg quality are that of a 40+ women and are declining rapidly, you just have to hope that this time it will work out. I know lots of women in their 40's have children but for me time is running out, DR has told me this so often that it becomes scary.

I think my meds are messing with my emotions too, as i'm normally an upbeat PMA type of person :hugs:
Happy - thanks and yea I'm prepared for twins. I kind of knew that with ivf because of my age and just the overall percentage of twins that having two really was a possibility so I prepared myself early on.
that is great Ash, DH has a set of twins boy and girl from previous marriage so I think we are ready too! It would be such a blessing!
Jdh- thanks and yea hoping it relaxes me!! And yes hormones make me emotional too.

Ash- that's exciting I'm happy for you! And when was your ET?
Happy - twins would definitely be awesome. Hard but worth it!!

Sweet - thanks! I had my transfer on Wednesday at 2PM.

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