Ivf oct/nov/dec

JDH- This one will stick, Im sooooo sorry to hear about the past MC. But I have a great feeling about this one!

Hold- They are pretty good about covering everything. They actually answered all my questions and didnt have any! I hope everything goes good. Keep us posted

Whisper- AWWWW so jealous you got to get away.I would love too maybe once I get preg I can!
Hi everyone!
I'm 3 weeks into the BC pills now and my ER is scheduled for 12-10-12 Can someone please tell me what to expect with all the meds? I am super scared my ovaries are gonna get huge and in pain, that I'm gonna feel crazy, and sad.. What was it like for you??

Welcome TrophyWife - GL with upcoming IVF cycle.

The injecting of the meds is scary at first but then it becomes second nature, and you'll be a dab hand soon enough. :thumbup:

Once you've down regged with the first lot of meds, you'll start stimming with another injection (well this is how we do it in the UK and i'm sure it's similar) and this is when you're ovaries will grow and produce follicles, this unfortunately does become uncomfortable but it's not pain that you couldn't cope with.

The meds will make you emotional and cranky but it will all be worth it in the end when you have your baby :happydance: :hugs:
Thank you so much!!!! That what I was thinking! :nope: I'll get through it though. Is it like clomid as far as the stimulated ovary feeling or worse?

You're welcome hun.
I've never been on clomid so I can't answer that but i'm guessing it's worse, as I assume clomid is for IUI where you get between 2-5 follies? whereas IVF you an average get at least 10, but some have gotten 30+ but i think this is not very common.

Someone will have to correct me if I have the clomid thing wrong :shrug:

GL, you'll love this group, very supportive and at the mo very lucky. I think we are 4-4 at the mo with BFP's :happydance:
mobaby- Where you at in your cycle???

Glory- dont get dont it will be a BFP!

Mich-Hey how was your accupuncture?how are you doing?

AFM- I had accupuncture today and went good. He could tell I drank a lot of caffiene before even asking, But I have cut down a lot, and after ET Im not drinking ANY soda. I will be drinking a lot more water. He put a lot of needles in my belly wrist and hands. This is my first time really doing it. I am willing to try anything. My husband and I have been together since highscholl him 16 me 17 and married for 2. Ever since highschool we talked about marriage and kids didnt realize it would be so hard for me. This would just be the most amazing thing ever that would make our "family" even more perfecter ( i know thats not a word) But anyway sorry getting emotional so close to ET. I just want it so bad.

Anyway- My for embryos are still growing he said 2 will def be blastocyst tomorrow and they are looking great. (im guessing its right on target???) Also this might be overkill but for the ladies that had ET already how long did you bedrest then take it "easy" I know my doc says strict bed rest for 2 days which im going to do, but probably go ahead and do bed rest for 3 days instead. I dont want to take any chances. Also then I work sun night, then going to take it easy there. But now im excited cause I hopefully will do by sun night if it took!!!

Please ladies keep me in your prayers, you ladies have truly been more like sisters then blog friends :).

How is everyone else
Trophy- Clomid is honestly nothing like the meds you will be taking. its more "heavy duty" persay. I took femara for a few cycles which is just like clomid. The average eggs you will get on the clomid pill is 2-3 some get 4-5 or some only 1. But with the injections I could tell a huge diff with my body. More moody, i felt bloated and often some pains (guessing due to them being so big) I am also kinda a baby when it comes to my girl stuff and thats becuase when I first started having problems they did the hsg and couldnt get through my cervix and used the biggest dilator I was in tears. Felt as if my cervix was at my knees. Since then im kinda iffy about it. I too have a family that has babies left and right, like 17 18 20 years old but when I got married and started trying didnt think it would be an issue. But ohhhh how I was wrong. It is deff very hard. I have already spent a lot a lot in femara iuis follistim and lap surg. we chose to just do IVF plus my husbands insurance covers it! I hope that you find the IVF not so bad. One thing I did do was change my job to weekend nights becuase I knew that we would have a lot of appts and would not be able to work around the appts. Goodluck!
One grade A blastocyst transferred! Hoping its 4 remaining siblings are good enough to freeze tomorrow.

Thats wonderful hun!!!! How exciting!!! :happydance::happydance: Good luck and lots of sticky baby dust to you!! I hope you get a BFP!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Ash - We have the greatest snow on earth! As soon as I have little ones big enough to strap skis to, I will definitely be toting them down the bunny hill!

Mells - Good luck for ER on Friday!

Trophy - Don't be scared. You can do this. There is definitely some discomfort as you get close to ER as your ovaries will be bigger than normal, but I didn't experience any crazy pain or anything like that. And yes, feeling more emotional is probably to be expected. But it's not that much worse than the rollar coaster you have probably already been on! I took Clomid too, and hated the emotional effects of it. The IVF meds seemed emotionally easier for me than Clomid. Ick.

Sweetness - At my clinic, they just said to have "a lazy day" the day of ET (no bed rest required) and then return to normal activities the next day. I went back to work the next day! Ok - so maybe that was not the best idea as I was super bloated and uncomfortable. ;) If you have the chance to just relax after ET, that is probably a great idea! :thumbup:
mobaby- Where you at in your cycle???

Glory- dont get dont it will be a BFP!

Mich-Hey how was your accupuncture?how are you doing?

AFM- I had accupuncture today and went good. He could tell I drank a lot of caffiene before even asking, But I have cut down a lot, and after ET Im not drinking ANY soda. I will be drinking a lot more water. He put a lot of needles in my belly wrist and hands. This is my first time really doing it. I am willing to try anything. My husband and I have been together since highscholl him 16 me 17 and married for 2. Ever since highschool we talked about marriage and kids didnt realize it would be so hard for me. This would just be the most amazing thing ever that would make our "family" even more perfecter ( i know thats not a word) But anyway sorry getting emotional so close to ET. I just want it so bad.

Anyway- My for embryos are still growing he said 2 will def be blastocyst tomorrow and they are looking great. (im guessing its right on target???) Also this might be overkill but for the ladies that had ET already how long did you bedrest then take it "easy" I know my doc says strict bed rest for 2 days which im going to do, but probably go ahead and do bed rest for 3 days instead. I dont want to take any chances. Also then I work sun night, then going to take it easy there. But now im excited cause I hopefully will do by sun night if it took!!!

Please ladies keep me in your prayers, you ladies have truly been more like sisters then blog friends :).

How is everyone else

It sounds like you're in great shape! :happydance:

Are you going to transfer 1 or 2? My RE recommends only 1 if you have excellent quality blastocysts, you responded well to the meds, and it's your first IVF. We opted to transfer one for those reasons, plus possible complications with twin pregnancies. I'd prefer not to have a c-section and I think they are more likely with twins.

All that said, it does seem easier to have two at once. Well, not for the first 6 months, but after that :thumbup:

My RE put me on 24 hours "modified bed rest" after ET. That means I should sit up on a couch or bed and only get up to go to the bathroom. Then, 2-3 days of light activity. I can go to work, but not to the gym, and can't lift anything over 25 lbs.

Good luck tomorrow!
First- it crazy how every RE is different. They for sure want two days bed rest and I'm gunna do a third with a little more getting around. We are going to transfer 2 embryos. I will get to see them tomorrow. I can't wait! For once in my ttc journey I feel pretty positive
Question for anyone who is on their 2+ IVF.

Was the med routine/start/time frame similar on your different transfers.

So, originally I was told that we could start meds again after a normal period for me. I'm "due" next week-ish (that would be about 4 weeks from the blighted ovum). But they're having me start bcp on CD3? I'm confused because last cycle I stopped bcp, and on CD 3 started meds.

Had anyone been on bcp and still transferred that cycle??

The parents and I have been planning on a Dec. Transfer now, and now it seems like I'm going to wait ANOTHER cycle??

I emailed the clinic but haven't heard back. I'm just curious on everyone's experiences.
Hi everyone!
I'm 3 weeks into the BC pills now and my ER is scheduled for 12-10-12 Can someone please tell me what to expect with all the meds? I am super scared my ovaries are gonna get huge and in pain, that I'm gonna feel crazy, and sad.. What was it like for you??

Welcome to the group!! :flower: Good luck and baby dust to you for you IVF cycle!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I am on my second day of Stims, and so far it isnt to bad. :thumbup: If you are doing a long protocol with the lupron. The lupron is very easy. I didn't have alot of side effects, but the ones I have had are tolerable. I did get really bithcy from the lupron at first, bloated, crampy, hungry, sleepy and hot flashes, my breasts seem to be swollen and larger than before.

I started Stims yesterday, Gonal F, Menopur, and dropped down from 10 of lupron to 5, so now I am on 3 injections. I still have the side effects I listed above, but right now I am mainly noticing how sleepy I am getting after the injections. The Stims injections are a little more uncomfortable. The best advice i can give is to ice the area to numb the area and than the injections don't hurt as much, it also helps reduce the redness and itching. The menopur burns a little bit, but if you ice the area it takes alot of the burn away. My belly is starting to get a little soar from all of the needles now as well.

I also watched youtube videos on how to do my injections and it helped alot, I would suggest that if you aren't sure about something, although your DR's office should be able to give you instructions as well. Long story short, although it isn't fun to do the injections, it isn't that bad over all, and isn't anything that you won't be able to handle. :thumbup:

Make sure you keep yourself hydrated through the process, by drinking lots of water, gatorade, pedialyte, and eat proteins. This helps cut back on the swelling of the ovaries and developing the over stimulation problems. Good luck to you hun!! :dust::dust:

Sweet: fet is Friday!!! On estrace and vaginal progesterone :)
Sweet: fet is Friday!!! On estrace and vaginal progesterone :)

Yay I'm excited!! So is the estrace and progesterone in oil keeping me from starting me period? It's so confusing how this thing works
Sweet, I'm hanging in there. This afternoon I found a little brown blood. I'm trying not to freak out. I also got DH cold and I feel miserable.

I did acupuncture earlier in the year and I loved it. It helped me relax. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I was told to rest 24 hours with my feet up and to take it easy for the next two weeks.
Sweet: Progesterone will keep most people from starting their period. That's why a late period while taking it doesn't tell you anything one way or the other. You have to :test:
Ash - We have the greatest snow on earth! As soon as I have little ones big enough to strap skis to, I will definitely be toting them down the bunny hill!

Mells - Good luck for ER on Friday!

Trophy - Don't be scared. You can do this. There is definitely some discomfort as you get close to ER as your ovaries will be bigger than normal, but I didn't experience any crazy pain or anything like that. And yes, feeling more emotional is probably to be expected. But it's not that much worse than the rollar coaster you have probably already been on! I took Clomid too, and hated the emotional effects of it. The IVF meds seemed emotionally easier for me than Clomid. Ick.

Sweetness - At my clinic, they just said to have "a lazy day" the day of ET (no bed rest required) and then return to normal activities the next day. I went back to work the next day! Ok - so maybe that was not the best idea as I was super bloated and uncomfortable. ;) If you have the chance to just relax after ET, that is probably a great idea! :thumbup:

Trophy - I agree with Whisper about the Clomid. I took Clomid for several cycles and the emotional mood swings were so extreme. I could feel it coming on and would warn my DH. I would go drive around or he would walk the dog until it passed. He was such a good sport. With injections I haven't experienced anything like that. GL with everything! I'm sure you will be fine.
Sweet, I'm hanging in there. This afternoon I found a little brown blood. I'm trying not to freak out. I also got DH cold and I feel miserable.

I did acupuncture earlier in the year and I loved it. It helped me relax. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I was told to rest 24 hours with my feet up and to take it easy for the next two weeks.

Don't freak Happy. :hugs: One third of women experience bleeding when they become pregnant. It could just be a result of implantation!
First - congrats on being PUPO!!

Ash - yayyy!!! Congrats!! I knew you would be next :happydance::happydance:

Mo - yay for ET on Friday!! Were you able to get in touch with the nurse today?

Sweetness - good luck tomorrow!! Can't wait to hear how everything went! I love your new profile picture :)

Lotus - great news about your meds!! Hope you can still do this cycle.

JDH - :hugs: You have through so much. I just know this is going to be it for you!!

Glory - hang in there! Fx for you!

Hold - good luck with your appointment tomorrow! I had a list of questions too but they answered them all during the orientation.

Trophy - welcome! Honestly, this whole process is a lot easier than I thought it would be. It's definitely hard but not as impossible as I thought. I only had one day where I felt pretty awful on the meds. Mostly they just made me more emotional in that I can cry at the drop of a hat. But sometimes that's a good thing because it feels good after I cry. ER was not too bad either. You'll be sedated for it and won't feel a thing. I had bloating and soreness after but I'm 5 days out from it now and I feel great.

Mells - it sounds like things are going really well!! Good luck on Friday!
Sweet, I'm hanging in there. This afternoon I found a little brown blood. I'm trying not to freak out. I also got DH cold and I feel miserable.

I did acupuncture earlier in the year and I loved it. It helped me relax. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I was told to rest 24 hours with my feet up and to take it easy for the next two weeks.

Sorry Happy I know it's really scary to have spotting but it's super common.:hugs: Good that you are resting and keeping your feet up!
I got some great news today!! Two of our embryos made it to blast and were frozen this afternoon. :happydance: The other three are still growing so they will hopefully be blasts tomorrow and can be frozen as well. The embryologist said they look really good and that they freeze day 6 blasts all the time. So fx that they make it.

I met with my Oncologist today and got the go ahead to do another egg retrieval!! I'm so so happy! My ovarian cysts have not grown at all from the stims so she feels confident in letting me do this one more time. :)
I had an ultrasound before my appointment and I was shocked to see that there are 5 follicles that were not aspirated during my ER. I called my RE and he told me that they were not able to retrieve those eggs because the follicles were too close to my ovarian cysts. He thought that the RE that did my retrieval told me. I was so shocked but happy that the RE didn't take any chances of rupturing my cysts.

So now I'm just waiting for AF to come and then I'll go in for my baseline ultrasound and blood work.
Sweet, I'm hanging in there. This afternoon I found a little brown blood. I'm trying not to freak out. I also got DH cold and I feel miserable.

I did acupuncture earlier in the year and I loved it. It helped me relax. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I was told to rest 24 hours with my feet up and to take it easy for the next two weeks.

@Happy, Spotting in early pregnancy is very common. It is okay as long as it is not the bright red blood. Brown blood is old blood. I really hope it stops though. Big hugs to you hun!! Try to take it easy and relax. :hugs::hugs:

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