Ivf oct/nov/dec

Wow, so much chatter the past fews day :)

Sweetness - Acu is going good! I went again today. Good luck with ET.

Mobaby - Glad your FET is still on for Friday!

Hold - Injections are going....today is day four. How are you?

Welcome to all the new girls :hi:

Happy & Ash - Yay for your bfp ;)

Hope everyone else is good!

I am a little frustrated, today is day four of stims and my E2 is only 153. I don't know why I respond so badly. The are increasing my follistum at night to 450. I really hope this helps as I was so positive this cycle until I got the results. I have eighteen follies, 9.6 is the largest.
@Em, that is great news about your embryos growing so well!! That is great that you can freeze some. Fingers crossed that the other ones progress and can be frozen as well. I am glad you got the okay to do another ER and that your cysts haven't grown!! Good luck to you!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
@Michelle, I am sorry that your follies aren't growing the way that they should. :hugs::hugs: Fingers crossed increasing your meds will make your follies grow better and that you end up with lots of eggs!! Good luck to you!! :dust::dust::dust:
hey girls :flower:

Ash- congrats!:happydance: i really hope the lines keep getting darker for u :hugs:

Happy- congrats again:hugs: try not to worry (i know impossible!!) but 1/3 of all pregnancies have bleeding of some sort in the beginning of the first trimester, in fact most women mistake it for a period!! rest up and keep those little embies nice and snug. i will keep u in my prayers

Sweetness- good luck for tomorrow:hugs: i will be thinking of u and cheering on those little embies of yours to settle in for a wonderful healthy 9 months:hugs:

Michelle- how are things going with you? i know we started stimms on the same day, i dont have my first tracking scan until wednesday but have been feeling some pinching and twinges in my lower abdomen. i hope you are well and everything does what it should:hugs: when do u think your ER/ET should be?

Em- thats excellent news on your little frosties and being able to have another transfer i pray that everything will continue in this positive way for you:hugs:

mells/mo- good luck for ET:hugs:

Hold/Wanna- how are things going with you ladies?:hugs:

First-YAY for being PUPO:happydance:

JDH, Glory, Lotus- how are things going with you?

Trophy- welcome:flower:
Sweet, I'm hanging in there. This afternoon I found a little brown blood. I'm trying not to freak out. I also got DH cold and I feel miserable.

I did acupuncture earlier in the year and I loved it. It helped me relax. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I was told to rest 24 hours with my feet up and to take it easy for the next two weeks.

Don't freak Happy. :hugs: One third of women experience bleeding when they become pregnant. It could just be a result of implantation!

Thank you whisper. I'm trying to stay positive! I'm laying on bed. Taking it easy.
MO- Glad its this Fri! We have a lot of people from this thread that has ER or ET this week

Mich- Thats a lot of follies I bet your estrogen level with DEF go up. Also where all does he put the needles??

Wanna- How are the injections going
AFM- today was day 4 of stimming and i am happy to say the injections are a piece of cake now :happydance: no pain stinging or itchiness:happydance: i just hope they are doing all they are supposed to and we get some good follies to choose from.
i have my first tracking scan on wednesday and cant wait to know whats going on in there:haha: i have been feeling a few little pinching twinges low down in my abdomen so hopefully thats a good thing and things are moving along according to plan:thumbup: its weird because when i cough or sneeze at the min i find myself curling in or holding onto my tummy as if im goin to dislodge the follies in there:haha::haha:

reality is also setting in that its only next week that i will be having ER (21/11) and ET(23/11) still a little bummed out that they have already decided that we are having a 2dt but i guess the sooner they put them back the better:shrug: thats the thought i am comforting myself with anyway:haha:

i chatted on a little longer than i meant to here but hey ho better out than in eh?!!:haha::haha:
EM, that's great! Grow embryos! Hopefully AF will be here soon and you can freeze another batch.

Michelle, I'm sorry your body is acting up. I hope with the meds your follies start growing properly.
Tcmc, that's great! I can't wait for Wednesday to hear how your follies are doing. It's starting to come together now :happydance:
Michelle: Dont worry!! My E2 levels were similar at your stage and I had 22 eggs collected (19 mature)..... It will pick up. It took me about 8 days of stims for everything to really take off and by day 10 everything was nice and plump and ready to go :) Its a good sign you still have 18 follicles there. They just need a little extra juice!!
Sweetness - I hope it goes up. Last cycle I was over 300 on day four, but I was not on lupron either. I don't know what my first cycle was at on this day, but I am thinking it was even lower. The acu guy put needles in my feet, hands, abdomen, forehead and put a heat lamp over my tummy.

Tcmc - I am doing ok, battling headaches, amd oddly so far this cycle I am lossing weight not gaining. I go back Thursday for a recheck. Estimated ER is 11-21 and ET is 11-26.
Thanks so much Mobaby! I hate to worry, but after being through so much you just want it to work so badly.
Ash- I'm so excited for you! Sounds like you'll be the next BFP! :happydance:

Em- Congrats on your :cold: frosties and another ER! That is wonderful news!

tcmc- I'm glad you are getting the hang of the shots. They make me nervous, but I'm sure it will be fine. Sorry about the 2dt, but they wouldn't do it if it wasn't ok.

Michelle- hopefully the changes will create a better response and make your follies grow grow grow!

Sweetness- good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you and sending :hugs:!

First- congrats on being PUPO! :happydance:

Trophy- welcome! This is a wonderful, supportive group.

Happy- I've read that it's super common to have spotting early in pregnancy and as someone else said, brown blood is old blood. I wouldn't let it worry you. :hugs:

Mo- yay for Friday! :happydance:

Everyone else doing ER/ET this week- wooo! :happydance: You are getting so close.

I don't know how you all keep up with personals. It's tough to scroll back and remember what's happening with everyone. I'm sorry if I missed anyone. I tried. :flower: :)

AFM: I am still drinking an IV solution (to avoid being in the hospital all weekend) and should get new oral meds on Wed. Thankfully, the Wed med is in pregnancy category B, which seems to be ok since I have to be on it for 10 days. That will fall into the same time as Lupron shots, which start on the 21st. It's all crazy, and I'm waiting to hear from my IVF doc if he is ok with me continuing. I'm feeling a lot better, but not 100% yet. I guess my immune system was pretty weak last week because I've also developed a cold, which has never happened since I've lived in Hawaii. Hopefully everything will clear up soon and we'll get going for the Dec. 10ish ER. Whew!

There are a few of us doing ER that week, aren't there? I'm so excited. We've waited so long. <3
Lotus, I'm glad you are feeling better and hopefully the dr will let you move forward with IVF. I can't wait to see your bfp just like everyone else's.
Hold - I have my 2nd scan set for Wed. I know can't believe It 6weeks. They do start counting from the day of your last cycle though(my ET was on 10/18).

First -Good Luck Today Hun! :dust:

Glory - Wait until test day Hun and stay positive. Not everyone can see an early positive and sometimes the over the counter pregnancy tests doesn't work. Giving you extra baby dust Hun!
:dust: :dust: :dust:

JDH - Everyone reacts differently to meds and that's what causes the cramps. So maybe your just not feeling cramps because you have a better reaction to your meds then some of us other girls. :dust:
What meds are you still taking after ET?

Mobaby - Good Luck on Friday Hun! Remember to drink lot's of water! :dust:

Ash - Yay! That is what I saw too on my first test, a faint line but it was there. The blood test confirmed it afterwards. Some more sticky dust to help your embie snuggle in some more! :dust:

Alicatt - Good Luck Hun! I'm 39yo so only a yr behind you age wise. My issue during our first IVF I think was implantation. Are you taking anything to help the embryos implant easier?

Want - I didn't know there was such a thing? You can take a drug to help with implantation? OOOHHH.. please tell me what it is!
Well tomorrow is ET At 1245. I'm headed to get acupuncture right now and the doc called and said all four are still growing and tomorrow there should be two blastocyst ( I think that's what he called it) I'm guessing that's good. So hopefully it will be be a BFP!!

Congrats ash!! I bet it's going to cont to get darker!! I'm so excited
Will this be your BFP every?

Jdh- how you feeling??

Alli- thanks again for that info it helped me understand it.

Glory- there are a lot of girls that don't get a early positive. Don't fret just yet.

GL tomorrow Sweetness! I'm sure it will go well. Are you going to freeze any if you have extras?

So I am taking my meds like im suppose to but just went to the bathroom and noticed a small small amount of red blood!! What is this?!?!? and what if im about to start my period?!? Do they still do ET???
It's okay!! Stims can make you spot! If any issue dr will let you know tomorrow :)

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