Ivf oct/nov/dec

Hey ladies! I'm new to this thread. :thumbup: Hubby and I are starting our first IVF tomorrow (ahhh, getting so nervous...). Lupron starts tomorrow, stims Nov. 24, ER Dec. 6 and ET Dec. 11. Anybody else right there with me? I'm so glad I found this thread! I feel like I have so many questions. Looking forward to learning from those of you who have already been through it and hopefully make some friends with those of you going through it at the same time as me. Anyways, just wanted to say hi! I'm thinking this thread is going to be my sanity for the next 6 weeks or longer. :)
My beta is on Wednesday 14th. It feels like an eternity. Then I still have to wait until the dr's call. So I'll have to keep myself busy.
Welcome Taylor :hi: I'm sure you'll find help on here. These ladies have given me a lot of support. Good luck on your journey!
Hey ladies! I'm new to this thread. :thumbup: Hubby and I are starting our first IVF tomorrow (ahhh, getting so nervous...). Lupron starts tomorrow, stims Nov. 24, ER Dec. 6 and ET Dec. 11. Anybody else right there with me? I'm so glad I found this thread! I feel like I have so many questions. Looking forward to learning from those of you who have already been through it and hopefully make some friends with those of you going through it at the same time as me. Anyways, just wanted to say hi! I'm thinking this thread is going to be my sanity for the next 6 weeks or longer. :)

Hy Taylor!

Yep, my cycle will closely overlap yours! I started lupron a few days ago, but won't start stims until Nov 26th. Then my ER is planned for Dec 8-11 and ET for 3 days later. So we should be going through each stage around the same dates. I've done this once before, and it is a rollercoaster of a ride, and hopefully we'll both have precious little babies at the end of it all! :hug:
Hey ladies! I'm new to this thread. :thumbup: Hubby and I are starting our first IVF tomorrow (ahhh, getting so nervous...). Lupron starts tomorrow, stims Nov. 24, ER Dec. 6 and ET Dec. 11. Anybody else right there with me? I'm so glad I found this thread! I feel like I have so many questions. Looking forward to learning from those of you who have already been through it and hopefully make some friends with those of you going through it at the same time as me. Anyways, just wanted to say hi! I'm thinking this thread is going to be my sanity for the next 6 weeks or longer. :)

Welcome, Taylor! I'm a few days behind you. Well, as long as the doc clears me to go ahead. :thumbup:
Happy, alicatt and lotus- thanks so much for responding! I'm already loving this thread. It's exactly what I need. So glad I have some buddies to go through this with!

Happy- good luck with your beta Thursday! Thinking positive thoughts for you!!
Alicatt and Lotus- Excited to go through this process with both of you. :) I'm hoping that in ten or so month we'll all be posting pics of our new little blessings!

And now for my first question...does anyone have any good diet tips during ivf? Mostly during stims? I just want to make sure that I'm staying healthy and not eating things that I'm not supposed to eat. I can't say I'm the heathiest eater, unfortunately. But if I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do it right! I've heard so many conflicting answers when I googled it, but I know for sure...... no alcohol (wahhhh) and no caffeine. Anything else in particular that I'm missing? Especially foods to avoid?
I've been told to avoid having too much soy, but that's just because I don't do dairy. Some soy is ok. Apparently it can affect estrogen levels or something. Otherwise, I would just focus on eating clean, like lean meats, veggies and fruits. I'm avoiding processed foods and taking the time to make things from scratch so I know exactly what I'm putting in my body. Using the crock pot has helped a lot. ;) I use a lot of recipes from a blog called skinny taste. Not everything is really "skinny" (amazing carnitas!), but it's very tasty and fresh. I'm not drinking alcohol, soda or coffee right now. I am drinking Gatorade, herbal teas and water. Passion tea from Starbucks is yummy! I would just do what feels right for you.
Hi Taylor-
Just wanted to wish you lots of luck on your upcoming cycle!
Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!
Welcome, Cali! I also have a blocked tube and should be doing my ER the week of Dec 10. This is a great thread with lots of BFPs already! Good luck to you.
Happy, alicatt and lotus- thanks so much for responding! I'm already loving this thread. It's exactly what I need. So glad I have some buddies to go through this with!

Happy- good luck with your beta Thursday! Thinking positive thoughts for you!!
Alicatt and Lotus- Excited to go through this process with both of you. :) I'm hoping that in ten or so month we'll all be posting pics of our new little blessings!

And now for my first question...does anyone have any good diet tips during ivf? Mostly during stims? I just want to make sure that I'm staying healthy and not eating things that I'm not supposed to eat. I can't say I'm the heathiest eater, unfortunately. But if I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do it right! I've heard so many conflicting answers when I googled it, but I know for sure...... no alcohol (wahhhh) and no caffeine. Anything else in particular that I'm missing? Especially foods to avoid?

I'm not sure what your issues were for needing to do IVF, but if you were diagnosed with unexplained fertlity, I have read that 85% of unexplained fertility is caused by gluten sensitivity, have you ever thought about that? I have decided to go gluten free for a few months to see if that helps me get my BFP. I have been tested in the past, because of other issues, but it was negative, but then I found out that it would only be positive if I had been eating wheat in the days before the test. Well I didn't know that and I had switched to gluten free about a week before the test. So now I wonder if that is something I actually do have an issue with. I figure, why not try going gluten free (GF). It forces me to make more foods and not eat processed foods. Otherwise, all the obvious, no smoking, no alcohol, no caffeine, no soda, keep your sugar intake to a minimum, eat more fruits and veggies, and lean meats, and if you eat dairy move to medium fat (like 2% instead of fat free). I have also read that if you increase your protein intake from vegetables and legumes, that is a good idea too.

Other supplements: pre-natal vitamin, CoQ10, Royal Jelly, Maca Root, 7-Keto DHEA, resertavrol and melatonin have all been shown to improve fertility, and give you more mature and higher quality eggs. So I'm taking all of these things as well.

PS. Most of these, came from ladies on the prior thread I was on. They were taking these supplements and got their :bfp: so I figure it is worth trying!
Welcome Taylor and Cali_kt!

Happy - good luck with you beta tomorrow!! Fx for you!!

Michelle - sorry about the headaches :(. I bet a lot will change with your E2 level between now and your ER.

tcmc - good luck on Wednesday! That first scan is such a relief to find out what going on in there. I'm glad the injections are a breeze now.

Lotus - so exciting that you get to cycle this month!! :happydance:

Alicatt - I've had the worst insomnia too. It's still going strong even though I stopped stims about a week ago :(. I'm going to check with the nurse today and see what I can take for it. I can go to sleep but I can only stay asleep for a few hours.

Taylor - I'm a pretty healthy eater but I tried to limit processed foods and add more lean protein. I don't think I normally eat enough protein so it was challenging at first. I ate eggs, peanut butter and lean chicken every day during the stims. I also cut out white bread and white pasta. I ate quinoa/gluten free pasta instead when I absolutely had to had have pasta. I've read that omega 3 fatty acids are good for IVF so I started taking a prenatal fish oil DHA supplement in addition to my normal prenatal. Just make sure you check with your doctor before you start any new supplements.
Thanks for the welcome Em! I am also gluten free. I'm not allergic but find that it reduces bloating, so I am staying on it. I also do the quinoa pasta and it is pretty good. It takes a while to get used to it, but once you do , it is easy. Have you tried the brown rice pasta? Not as good as the quinoa IMHO. Nice to meet you and lots of baby dust to you!
Thanks for the welcome Em! I am also gluten free. I'm not allergic but find that it reduces bloating, so I am staying on it. I also do the quinoa pasta and it is pretty good. It takes a while to get used to it, but once you do , it is easy. Have you tried the brown rice pasta? Not as good as the quinoa IMHO. Nice to meet you and lots of baby dust to you!

Hey Cali, I've tried the brown rice pasta but I agree it's not as good. I'm not gluten sensitive at all and I've tested negative for celiac but I just feel better not eating so much white bread/pasta. Whole wheat pasta doesn't taste as good to me either. I've gotten so used to the texture of the quinoa pasta that I don't think I'll go back to regular. Nice to meet you too and tons of baby dust to you :)
I got some great news today!! Two of our embryos made it to blast and were frozen this afternoon. :happydance: The other three are still growing so they will hopefully be blasts tomorrow and can be frozen as well. The embryologist said they look really good and that they freeze day 6 blasts all the time. So fx that they make it.

I met with my Oncologist today and got the go ahead to do another egg retrieval!! I'm so so happy! My ovarian cysts have not grown at all from the stims so she feels confident in letting me do this one more time. :)
I had an ultrasound before my appointment and I was shocked to see that there are 5 follicles that were not aspirated during my ER. I called my RE and he told me that they were not able to retrieve those eggs because the follicles were too close to my ovarian cysts. He thought that the RE that did my retrieval told me. I was so shocked but happy that the RE didn't take any chances of rupturing my cysts.

So now I'm just waiting for AF to come and then I'll go in for my baseline ultrasound and blood work.

Excellent news Em. Yay for 2 frosties and fingers crossed for more :thumbup:

hey girls :flower:

Ash- congrats!:happydance: i really hope the lines keep getting darker for u :hugs:

Happy- congrats again:hugs: try not to worry (i know impossible!!) but 1/3 of all pregnancies have bleeding of some sort in the beginning of the first trimester, in fact most women mistake it for a period!! rest up and keep those little embies nice and snug. i will keep u in my prayers

Sweetness- good luck for tomorrow:hugs: i will be thinking of u and cheering on those little embies of yours to settle in for a wonderful healthy 9 months:hugs:

Michelle- how are things going with you? i know we started stimms on the same day, i dont have my first tracking scan until wednesday but have been feeling some pinching and twinges in my lower abdomen. i hope you are well and everything does what it should:hugs: when do u think your ER/ET should be?

Em- thats excellent news on your little frosties and being able to have another transfer i pray that everything will continue in this positive way for you:hugs:

mells/mo- good luck for ET:hugs:

Hold/Wanna- how are things going with you ladies?:hugs:

First-YAY for being PUPO:happydance:

JDH, Glory, Lotus- how are things going with you?

Trophy- welcome:flower:

tcmc - hey hun, not too bad this end. Going slightly mental waiting to test and can't believe i have 10 days to go :dohh:

Sweet, I'm hanging in there. This afternoon I found a little brown blood. I'm trying not to freak out. I also got DH cold and I feel miserable.

I did acupuncture earlier in the year and I loved it. It helped me relax. I hope everything goes well tomorrow. I was told to rest 24 hours with my feet up and to take it easy for the next two weeks.

Don't freak Happy. :hugs: One third of women experience bleeding when they become pregnant. It could just be a result of implantation!

Thank you whisper. I'm trying to stay positive! I'm laying on bed. Taking it easy.

Brown blood is old blood so get your feet up and relax. nothing more important now hun :hugs:

Hey ladies! I'm new to this thread. :thumbup: Hubby and I are starting our first IVF tomorrow (ahhh, getting so nervous...). Lupron starts tomorrow, stims Nov. 24, ER Dec. 6 and ET Dec. 11. Anybody else right there with me? I'm so glad I found this thread! I feel like I have so many questions. Looking forward to learning from those of you who have already been through it and hopefully make some friends with those of you going through it at the same time as me. Anyways, just wanted to say hi! I'm thinking this thread is going to be my sanity for the next 6 weeks or longer. :)

Welcome Taylor and good luck with your upcoming cycle. Any questions just ask, this groups is excellent and very supportive :flower:

Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!

Welcome cali - good luck with your first IVF here's hoping you only need the one go! This thread is great so i'm sure you'll fit in nicely :hugs:

My beta is on Wednesday 14th. It feels like an eternity. Then I still have to wait until the dr's call. So I'll have to keep myself busy.

I know how you feel hun, i've got 10 days left and i'm going slowly insane. I don't want to test early and get a BFN so i'll just have to hold out :growlmad:
Welcome Taylor and Cali!!

Want - Based on how things are going, I bet my ER will be on 11/21; that will be 11 days of stimming. I go back Thursday for my scan and hopefully the increase of follistum will help. I stimmed 11 days my previous cycles, so I am sure this will be the same. How are you feeling? Do you have any MS yet?

JDH - I always found the 2ww the worse part of this whole process! When you are stimming and going for scans it keeps you busy, but when you start your 2ww, you just wait, and wait and wait! Hang in there ;)

Hope everyone else is doing good!
Taylor - Welcome Aboard and Good Luck with starting your first IVF cycle tomorrow! :dust:

Cali - Welcome Aboard and Good Luck with your cycle in December. :dust:

Happy - Hoping for high Beta numbers for you tomorrow!

Ash - Can't wait to hear from you hun! :dust:

Lotus - You'll get the go ahead because we are all pulling for you! Also, read up on drinking teas because I know there are some that can cause MC. Make sure your not drinking any of those!

Alicatt and Taylor - We had unexplained infertility as well. Eating healthy and lot's more fruit, and also staying stress free really helped me. I've been taking the prenatal vitamins since about 2months before starting my IVF cycle. Also taking Folic Acid and royal jelly. And the low dose aspirin to help with implantation(took only until the first beta test).

DH took maca root to help sperm count and sperm quality.
Make sure you ask your dr. before deciding to take any of these though.

TCMC - Good Luck tomorrow Hun! :dust:
Welcome Taylor and Cali!!

Want - Based on how things are going, I bet my ER will be on 11/21; that will be 11 days of stimming. I go back Thursday for my scan and hopefully the increase of follistum will help. I stimmed 11 days my previous cycles, so I am sure this will be the same. How are you feeling? Do you have any MS yet?

JDH - I always found the 2ww the worse part of this whole process! When you are stimming and going for scans it keeps you busy, but when you start your 2ww, you just wait, and wait and wait! Hang in there ;)

Hope everyone else is doing good!

Your almost there Hun. Good Luck on your scan on Thursday! I hope your follies have doubled in size! :dust:

No MS yet, but last night I couldn't sleep. I've been awake since 3am so maybe MS soon? Have had mood swings(poor DH, lol) and bad cramps and sore breasts so far. Afraid to eat to much because of the cramps but I know I have to because I am not eating for one anymore.

And I'm going to do an ultrasound tomorrow.

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