Ivf oct/nov/dec

AFM,Not much going on today..... Day 2 of Stim's and and Day 3 went smoother. The menopur was easier for me to mix and I have got the Gonal F pen down to a science.:thumbup: The only problem is that my stomach is starting to get kind of soar from all of the poking needles. :wacko: I am so glad that my sister can help me with the injections, I am not sure I could handle giving myself all of these needles without passing out. LOL:blush::haha: There was less bleeding this time as well after the injections. Day 3 Stims injections were a little painful today but I am getting used to them now, and the more you do them, the easier it seems to get. :thumbup: Other than that the meds have me super sleepy. I had some cramping lastnight in my ovaries and it hurt to lay on my side at points during the night. I am bloated and when I woke up this morning I really felt cruddy. It was kind of like flu like symptoms. I have been getting dizzy also. As the day progressed I started to feel better though. Late in the day I get so tired though, and don't have energy to do much of anything. :sleep::sleep:

I went speed walking yesterday morning at the park and it was a gorgeous day here today. High of like 67 and sunny!! Sunday was a gorgeous day as well and it got up to 71. Very warm for November here!! Unfortunatly today it got colder again and rained all day, but the warm weather was nice well it lasted.

My next appointment for ultrasound and blood work is this Thursday at 10 am. I am really hoping that my follicles are growing nice and that I have alot of them. I hope I am going to have lots of eggs for my egg retrival. I also will find out if they want to change my dosage on any of my meds, either step up the dosage, decease or keep the same. I may have to order another Gonal F pen because if the dosage stays the same I could run out of Gonal F before Stims is done, which stinks because they are so expensive.:dohh:

I suppose it will depend on how my follies look on thursday. Hopefully they can give me a definate date for the Egg retrival and Embryo transfer so I can tell DH when he needs to be here. On the day of egg retrival he will need to give his :spermy:. I still have him on fertility vitamins this month and I am hoping he will have lots of nice healthy swimmers for our ICSI procedure!!! :thumbup:
Thanks wanna! Sounds like all is going good with your injections! I would also say, once you mix up the menopur, let it sit for about 5-10 minutes before injecting it. That helps with the burning. We both have our appts Thursday ;) I bet we will be close in time(s) for ER and ET.
Sweet - Congrats on being PUPO! :baby::baby:

Ash - Hang in there :hugs:

Sounds like everyone is moving along. Welcome to the new gals!!!!

AFM, my doc was finally back today and really put me at ease. All week long I've been told that I'm a slow responder and there's not many follicles, etc...but today my regular RE said I should put numbers out of me head. All we need is one good embryo to make this work. He is so awesome. I'm scheduled for ER on Friday! :happydance:
That is great Mells! I can relate; I have always been a slow responder, but all you need is one egg to make this happen ;)
@Michelle,Your welcome and thanks for the tip!!! I will have to try that with my injections tomorrow!! :thumbup: I have a feeling that my ER will be probably the day after Thanksgiving since my DR's office is closed for the holiday and i will trigger before thanksgiving day. That is pretty cool that we are on the same schedule!!! Hopefully we will both gets lots of nice healthy eggs!!! :thumbup:

@Mells, I am glad that things are looking up for you and that you have such a wonderful DR. that has put your mind at ease with everything. Good luck!! I hope you have lots of nice healthy eggs for ER!!! :dust::dust::dust:
Quick update .. will do personals in a few days.

I took another test this morning and it was negative ... so I'm not going to be testing again until the beta and I had a breakdown today. So OH came home from work to be with me and I'm just going to be taking a break from BnB. I know I'm not out yet but I'm just not feeling good about it. I feel like by now I should be seeing SOMETHING on the tests.

Good luck to you all and I'll talk to you guys soon!

Ash, don't loose hope :hugs: many times some tests don't pick up your hcg and hopefully your beta will be great on Friday.
Hey ladies will do personnels later but I had two "superior" embryos transferred today. Doc was really impressed he said he could even see one starting to hatch. And tomorrow we will find out if the other two will freeze but the doc said that all four of my made it to blast. So I'm praying that this turns into a positive.

That is great! Now is time to take it easy and let those embies implant.
@Happy, what kind of meds did you take for your FET cycle? I know it will be alot less than the full IVF cycle was and I am assuming you took progesterone. I was curious because I was wondering what to expect if I end up having to do one myself.

Are you spotting still? I hope that has gotten better today!! :hugs::hugs:
Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!

Welcome to the group!!!:flower: Good luck with your upcoming IVF cycle!!!:dust::dust::dust:


My DH has a low :spermy: count. He had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed. I have my right tube that has some possible damage to it. The full details about my history are in my signature!! We are doing ICSI because my DH has a low sperm count. This is a great group of ladies and you will find lots of support here!! :hugs:

Thanks for the welcome!!It sounds like we have some big things in common! So the ICSI is for low count? Our count is good, but morphology and motility are low. Talked again to RE's office and they didn't mention ICSI just straight IVF. Do you think that is a good idea or would ICSI help my situation? Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!
Taylor- Welcome!!! :hugs: our schedule isnt too far off... i dont start my lupron til the 26th but or our ER is around the same time! this is a great thread, hard to keep up with lol.. but great ladies and great support!

cali- welcome! im also in my first ivf cycle and have low amh .27, as well as getting hit from the dh side as well :growlmad: so your not alone, we will get through this :hugs:

Sweetness - goood luck with your ET today!!! so exciting!!! hope you can relax <3

Want - good luck on your u/s today!! hope you get wonderful news! its so exciting! if you get any images please load im sre we would lovvee to see!!

AFM- I have my basline u/s tomorrow with "practice" ET. I cant wait to be off the bcp on the 25th, it makes me soooo emotional lol, i cry over stuff thst usually wouldnt bother me lol....

anyone i missed good luck! thinking of you all!

Thanks for the welcome! It's nice to know that so many are going through the same things. Makes me feel much less alone. Good luck with your u/s tomorrow. Very exciting! I am not looking forward to BCP. I know it will make me break out like crazy!!:dohh:
Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!

Welcome to the group!!!:flower: Good luck with your upcoming IVF cycle!!!:dust::dust::dust:


My DH has a low :spermy: count. He had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed. I have my right tube that has some possible damage to it. The full details about my history are in my signature!! We are doing ICSI because my DH has a low sperm count. This is a great group of ladies and you will find lots of support here!! :hugs:

Thanks for the welcome!!It sounds like we have some big things in common! So the ICSI is for low count? Our count is good, but morphology and motility are low. Talked again to RE's office and they didn't mention ICSI just straight IVF. Do you think that is a good idea or would ICSI help my situation? Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!

Your welcome!!:winkwink:

I think ICSI is a good idea for low motility as well. I know that without ICSI they put the eggs and sperm in together and let the eggs fertilize naturally on their own. But with low motility they might need an extra boost making it into the eggs possibly? With ICSI the DR will take the highest quality and healthiest sperm and inject it driectly into the egg to create more embryos. I would talk to your DR about your options, see what they recommend based on your DH's SA and see how much they charge for the ICSI process. I got lucky because at my DR's office my IVF costs include the ICSI and assisted hatching as a standard part of their process. I think in general it is a good choice. :thumbup: Good luck with whatever you decide. :dust::dust:
Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!

Welcome to the group!!!:flower: Good luck with your upcoming IVF cycle!!!:dust::dust::dust:


My DH has a low :spermy: count. He had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed. I have my right tube that has some possible damage to it. The full details about my history are in my signature!! We are doing ICSI because my DH has a low sperm count. This is a great group of ladies and you will find lots of support here!! :hugs:

Thanks for the welcome!!It sounds like we have some big things in common! So the ICSI is for low count? Our count is good, but morphology and motility are low. Talked again to RE's office and they didn't mention ICSI just straight IVF. Do you think that is a good idea or would ICSI help my situation? Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!

I'm not 100% sure, but I think ICSI is helpful if there is any question about the sperm quality. In ICSI they pick a nice healthy looking sperm and force it inside the egg, basically doing the hard work, which is necessary if the sperm is of poor quality. So it may very well help you out. Some RE's automatically include this as part of the package price, so maybe that is why they haven't mentioned it? I would bring it up the next time you speak with them, see if it is something that they feel would be helpful.
Congrats Sweet! That is awesome news!!!

Did they give you a photo? I just updated my profile pic...
AFM,Not much going on today..... Day 2 of Stim's and and Day 3 went smoother. The menopur was easier for me to mix and I have got the Gonal F pen down to a science.:thumbup: The only problem is that my stomach is starting to get kind of soar from all of the poking needles. :wacko: I am so glad that my sister can help me with the injections, I am not sure I could handle giving myself all of these needles without passing out. LOL:blush::haha: There was less bleeding this time as well after the injections. Day 3 Stims injections were a little painful today but I am getting used to them now, and the more you do them, the easier it seems to get. :thumbup: Other than that the meds have me super sleepy. I had some cramping lastnight in my ovaries and it hurt to lay on my side at points during the night. I am bloated and when I woke up this morning I really felt cruddy. It was kind of like flu like symptoms. I have been getting dizzy also. As the day progressed I started to feel better though. Late in the day I get so tired though, and don't have energy to do much of anything. :sleep::sleep:

I went speed walking yesterday morning at the park and it was a gorgeous day here today. High of like 67 and sunny!! Sunday was a gorgeous day as well and it got up to 71. Very warm for November here!! Unfortunatly today it got colder again and rained all day, but the warm weather was nice well it lasted.

My next appointment for ultrasound and blood work is this Thursday at 10 am. I am really hoping that my follicles are growing nice and that I have alot of them. I hope I am going to have lots of eggs for my egg retrival. I also will find out if they want to change my dosage on any of my meds, either step up the dosage, decease or keep the same. I may have to order another Gonal F pen because if the dosage stays the same I could run out of Gonal F before Stims is done, which stinks because they are so expensive.:dohh:

I suppose it will depend on how my follies look on thursday. Hopefully they can give me a definate date for the Egg retrival and Embryo transfer so I can tell DH when he needs to be here. On the day of egg retrival he will need to give his :spermy:. I still have him on fertility vitamins this month and I am hoping he will have lots of nice healthy swimmers for our ICSI procedure!!! :thumbup:

Sounds very exciting!! Crossing my fingers for you that you will have some beautiful follies!!!
@Happy, what kind of meds did you take for your FET cycle? I know it will be alot less than the full IVF cycle was and I am assuming you took progesterone. I was curious because I was wondering what to expect if I end up having to do one myself.

Are you spotting still? I hope that has gotten better today!! :hugs::hugs:

Wanna, I am taking estrace, vivelle dot, progesterone, and endometrium. No more shots for me. The estrace and progesterone were $5 each and the vivelle was $20. The endometrium I had some left over from the fresh cycle and the Dr gave me some samples. I paid $341 my insurance didn't cover it. I have to be on these meds until 12 weeks. So I'll have to order more endometrium.

The spotting has stopped. I found some brown discharge but nothing to worry about. I hope to have good numbers tomorrow.
@Sweetness- Lots of luck to you. Sounds like things are going great!! Crossing my fingers and toes for you!
Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!

Welcome to the group!!!:flower: Good luck with your upcoming IVF cycle!!!:dust::dust::dust:


My DH has a low :spermy: count. He had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed. I have my right tube that has some possible damage to it. The full details about my history are in my signature!! We are doing ICSI because my DH has a low sperm count. This is a great group of ladies and you will find lots of support here!! :hugs:

Thanks for the welcome!!It sounds like we have some big things in common! So the ICSI is for low count? Our count is good, but morphology and motility are low. Talked again to RE's office and they didn't mention ICSI just straight IVF. Do you think that is a good idea or would ICSI help my situation? Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!

Your welcome!!:winkwink:

I think ICSI is a good idea for low motility as well. I know that without ICSI they put the eggs and sperm in together and let the eggs fertilize naturally on their own. But with low motility they might need an extra boost making it into the eggs possibly? With ICSI the DR will take the highest quality and healthiest sperm and inject it driectly into the egg to create more embryos. I would talk to your DR about your options, see what they recommend based on your DH's SA and see how much they charge for the ICSI process. I got lucky because at my DR's office my IVF costs include the ICSI and assisted hatching as a standard part of their process. I think in general it is a good choice. :thumbup: Good luck with whatever you decide. :dust::dust:
Thanks for the information. I will definitely ask about it!! I want to have the best options possible...well as best as my finances can offer!
Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!

Welcome to the group!!!:flower: Good luck with your upcoming IVF cycle!!!:dust::dust::dust:


My DH has a low :spermy: count. He had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed. I have my right tube that has some possible damage to it. The full details about my history are in my signature!! We are doing ICSI because my DH has a low sperm count. This is a great group of ladies and you will find lots of support here!! :hugs:

Thanks for the welcome!!It sounds like we have some big things in common! So the ICSI is for low count? Our count is good, but morphology and motility are low. Talked again to RE's office and they didn't mention ICSI just straight IVF. Do you think that is a good idea or would ICSI help my situation? Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!

I'm not 100% sure, but I think ICSI is helpful if there is any question about the sperm quality. In ICSI they pick a nice healthy looking sperm and force it inside the egg, basically doing the hard work, which is necessary if the sperm is of poor quality. So it may very well help you out. Some RE's automatically include this as part of the package price, so maybe that is why they haven't mentioned it? I would bring it up the next time you speak with them, see if it is something that they feel would be helpful.

I would love if it is packaged in the deal!:happydance: I got to call them!

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