Ivf oct/nov/dec

@Happy, what kind of meds did you take for your FET cycle? I know it will be alot less than the full IVF cycle was and I am assuming you took progesterone. I was curious because I was wondering what to expect if I end up having to do one myself.

Are you spotting still? I hope that has gotten better today!! :hugs::hugs:

Wanna, I am taking estrace, vivelle dot, progesterone, and endometrium. No more shots for me. The estrace and progesterone were $5 each and the vivelle was $20. The endometrium I had some left over from the fresh cycle and the Dr gave me some samples. I paid $341 my insurance didn't cover it. I have to be on these meds until 12 weeks. So I'll have to order more endometrium.

The spotting has stopped. I found some brown discharge but nothing to worry about. I hope to have good numbers tomorrow.

Thanks for the info hun!!! :thumbup: It is good to know that if I dont have success on my fresh IVF cycle this month, that the meds are alot less for a FET cycle and there won't be anymore needles. :thumbup:

I was thinking that I would probably have to stay on the progesterone as well until I make it to 12 weeks for my fresh cycle because stopping it suddenly might be dangerous so early on in the pregnancy I would assume, :shrug:although I haven't verified this with my DR yet, but I think it makes sense to stay on it to be on the safe side.

I am so glad to hear that your spotting is getting better!!:thumbup:
Congrats Sweet! That is awesome news!!!

Did they give you a photo? I just updated my profile pic...

Oh, how neat!! I am loving the pic of your embryo!!! :thumbup: How exciting!!! Congrats on being PUPO!!!! :happydance::happydance: Good luck and lots of sticky baby dust to you!!! :dust::dust:

I really hope that my DR's office will give me pictures of my embryos as well. I am not sure if they do or not though. I will have to ask and find out though!! :thumbup:
Congrats Sweet! That is awesome news!!!

Did they give you a photo? I just updated my profile pic...

Great photo! It looks absolutely perfect :thumbup: I have photos of my 2 that they transferred, and I think they looked like that! I kept thinking this doesn't look very pretty, but he assured me that was what it was supposed to look like. One of mine he said was even starting to cleave, which he said was the start of hatching.
So hard to keep up! This is such an active thread!

Hi to all the new ladies! Good luck to those with er and et this week!

Ash- don't give up hope!

As for me...got my meds ordered yesterday. Very excited that because of all the donated meds, our bill was less than our iui cycle! :)

I have a question, has anyone ever had a hysteroscopy? I have one scheduled for Monday and I'm getting pretty nervous. I tried looking online, but most of the info I found talked about having it under anesthesia. I will have it while awake. I was really nervous when I had my hsg, but I was able to take an Ativan, which helped with my anxiety, but I also had someone to drive me. I don't have anyone to drive me Monday, so I can't take it. :(
Can't believe I'm still awake!! It's now quarter to 1 in the morning and I have to be up at 6am to get ready to go for my first tracking scan :-(
Hi everyone-
New here. Hoping to start my first IVF cycle in December. I have extrememly low AMH (0.08), blocked left tube and fibroids. DH with low morphology and motility. Anyone else with similiar stats?
Lots of baby dust to you all on your upcoming IVF cycles!

Welcome to the group!!!:flower: Good luck with your upcoming IVF cycle!!!:dust::dust::dust:


My DH has a low :spermy: count. He had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed. I have my right tube that has some possible damage to it. The full details about my history are in my signature!! We are doing ICSI because my DH has a low sperm count. This is a great group of ladies and you will find lots of support here!! :hugs:

Thanks for the welcome!!It sounds like we have some big things in common! So the ICSI is for low count? Our count is good, but morphology and motility are low. Talked again to RE's office and they didn't mention ICSI just straight IVF. Do you think that is a good idea or would ICSI help my situation? Any thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!

I'm not 100% sure, but I think ICSI is helpful if there is any question about the sperm quality. In ICSI they pick a nice healthy looking sperm and force it inside the egg, basically doing the hard work, which is necessary if the sperm is of poor quality. So it may very well help you out. Some RE's automatically include this as part of the package price, so maybe that is why they haven't mentioned it? I would bring it up the next time you speak with them, see if it is something that they feel would be helpful.

I would love if it is packaged in the deal!:happydance: I got to call them!

I know that they suggested (and we are doing) ICSI. DH's numbers were all normal, but his morphology was low normal. So that combined with my age, they thought that would give us the best chances. Of course, I think they do a SA the day of ER and if his numbers are higher, they won't do it. We had to pay extra, but will be refunded if they don't do it. Don't know if that helps or not :shrug:
That does help a lot and seems like a good plan of action. I got a lot more information done today. They said the same thing, that we will see how the sperm look at the time. I'm feeling much more hopeful today.
OK ladies this thread moves so fast hard to do certain ones when I have been off all day. So I am going to do my best

TCMC- I total understand I have been getting NO sleep the last few weeks. But at least u get to go to your scan tom! :)

First- No they didnt but I could see that one of them started hatching. I was glas that he said they looked so great and that they all made it to blast. But that doesnt help if I dont get a BFP. How are you doing and when did you get your ET again?

Mich- Thanks and im glad your already doing better this cycle! Sounds like you will have more follies

Mells- Thanks and hope all is well with you!

Ash- Dont give up girl Its still WAY early

Allie- Thanks as well and hope your doing well. I always notice you are giving all of us girls such wonderful tips!!! I love it

Wanna- Im glad at the shots are going well! When is your first scan?

Cali- Thanks so much!! Welcome to the thread!!
So hard to keep up! This is such an active thread!

Hi to all the new ladies! Good luck to those with er and et this week!

Ash- don't give up hope!

As for me...got my meds ordered yesterday. Very excited that because of all the donated meds, our bill was less than our iui cycle! :)

I have a question, has anyone ever had a hysteroscopy? I have one scheduled for Monday and I'm getting pretty nervous. I tried looking online, but most of the info I found talked about having it under anesthesia. I will have it while awake. I was really nervous when I had my hsg, but I was able to take an Ativan, which helped with my anxiety, but I also had someone to drive me. I don't have anyone to drive me Monday, so I can't take it. :(

I was the same way when it came to my hysteroscopy. I started reading stuff online and was so freaked out I made DH go with me. Then when I got there my RE said, I bet you are nervous wreck after reading about this online. And honestly, it wasn't bad at all. I was awake and it took all about 10 minutes. I thought the HSG was worse and I had 2 of those and drove myself both times. Don't be too anxious as that will only make it worse, although I know the unknown is always anxiety inducing. My best advice is don't read too much online. Sometime ignorance is bliss! :thumbup:
Lucie- I had that done and its not really that bad I mean it did hurt a little but thats because my uterus was "pointed to the floor" per md :) You will be fine :)

Happy- Your always using these abbrev that I have no clue lol. Whats OTD?? Also how are you doing???

AFM= I have been laying around on the couch not doign much but ladies I am STILL bloated that normal? Like hurts to take deep breaths. Im just uncomfortable. Mom said she thinks its the ER and all the meds im on what you guys think??

Also if I missed anyone IM soooo sorry and how are you doing?
OK ladies this thread moves so fast hard to do certain ones when I have been off all day. So I am going to do my best

TCMC- I total understand I have been getting NO sleep the last few weeks. But at least u get to go to your scan tom! :)

First- No they didnt but I could see that one of them started hatching. I was glas that he said they looked so great and that they all made it to blast. But that doesnt help if I dont get a BFP. How are you doing and when did you get your ET again?

Mich- Thanks and im glad your already doing better this cycle! Sounds like you will have more follies

Mells- Thanks and hope all is well with you!

Ash- Dont give up girl Its still WAY early

Allie- Thanks as well and hope your doing well. I always notice you are giving all of us girls such wonderful tips!!! I love it

Wanna- Im glad at the shots are going well! When is your first scan?

Cali- Thanks so much!! Welcome to the thread!!

Thanks hun. :flower:I had my baseling scan last friday. My next ultrasound and bloods are this Thursday at 10am, so I am hoping that my Stims are getting my follicles nice and big and that I have a good amount of them. Fingers crossed I am responding well to the meds so far!!:thumbup:
Lucie- I had that done and its not really that bad I mean it did hurt a little but thats because my uterus was "pointed to the floor" per md :) You will be fine :)

Happy- Your always using these abbrev that I have no clue lol. Whats OTD?? Also how are you doing???

AFM= I have been laying around on the couch not doign much but ladies I am STILL bloated that normal? Like hurts to take deep breaths. Im just uncomfortable. Mom said she thinks its the ER and all the meds im on what you guys think??

Also if I missed anyone IM soooo sorry and how are you doing?

I am so sorry that you still aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!! Big hugs to you!!:hugs::hugs: Did you tell your DR about the symptoms that you have been having to see what they think you should do??? Unfortunatly I am not sure what is normal after the ER, but I think the best thing would be to talk to your DR. Good luck with everything hun. :hugs::hugs:
So hard to keep up! This is such an active thread!

Hi to all the new ladies! Good luck to those with er and et this week!

Ash- don't give up hope!

As for me...got my meds ordered yesterday. Very excited that because of all the donated meds, our bill was less than our iui cycle! :)

I have a question, has anyone ever had a hysteroscopy? I have one scheduled for Monday and I'm getting pretty nervous. I tried looking online, but most of the info I found talked about having it under anesthesia. I will have it while awake. I was really nervous when I had my hsg, but I was able to take an Ativan, which helped with my anxiety, but I also had someone to drive me. I don't have anyone to drive me Monday, so I can't take it. :(

Really the whole procedure is less than 20 minutes. Take 600mg of ibuprofen 1 hour before and that will help with cramping. The most painful part for me was holding my bladder as they wanted a full bladder before the procedure. You'll be fine and will be glad to hear your uterus is all clear!
So hard to keep up! This is such an active thread!

Hi to all the new ladies! Good luck to those with er and et this week!

Ash- don't give up hope!

As for me...got my meds ordered yesterday. Very excited that because of all the donated meds, our bill was less than our iui cycle! :)

I have a question, has anyone ever had a hysteroscopy? I have one scheduled for Monday and I'm getting pretty nervous. I tried looking online, but most of the info I found talked about having it under anesthesia. I will have it while awake. I was really nervous when I had my hsg, but I was able to take an Ativan, which helped with my anxiety, but I also had someone to drive me. I don't have anyone to drive me Monday, so I can't take it. :(

The hysteroscopy wasn't that bad at all, they asked me to take some advil before the procedure, and that helped a lot. The worst part was holding my bladder, I hate that feeling! As soon as I was able to empty it, I felt a lot better. The hysteroscopy itself was pretty simple, didn't take long, and other than a few twinges, was not that terrible.
OK ladies this thread moves so fast hard to do certain ones when I have been off all day. So I am going to do my best

TCMC- I total understand I have been getting NO sleep the last few weeks. But at least u get to go to your scan tom! :)

First- No they didnt but I could see that one of them started hatching. I was glas that he said they looked so great and that they all made it to blast. But that doesnt help if I dont get a BFP. How are you doing and when did you get your ET again?

Mich- Thanks and im glad your already doing better this cycle! Sounds like you will have more follies

Mells- Thanks and hope all is well with you!

Ash- Dont give up girl Its still WAY early

Allie- Thanks as well and hope your doing well. I always notice you are giving all of us girls such wonderful tips!!! I love it

Wanna- Im glad at the shots are going well! When is your first scan?

Cali- Thanks so much!! Welcome to the thread!!

Sweetness - I hope I don't come off as a know it all, I've just been here and have researched IVF and all of the options, I feel like I could BE a RE, :haha: well not quite, but I think I know more about RE/FS then I ever wanted to know! Plus having experienced the ups and downs, and what the meds do to you, I hope that sharing this information with you all helps calm your fears and anxieties.
Lucie- I had that done and its not really that bad I mean it did hurt a little but thats because my uterus was "pointed to the floor" per md :) You will be fine :)

Happy- Your always using these abbrev that I have no clue lol. Whats OTD?? Also how are you doing???

AFM= I have been laying around on the couch not doign much but ladies I am STILL bloated that normal? Like hurts to take deep breaths. Im just uncomfortable. Mom said she thinks its the ER and all the meds im on what you guys think??

Also if I missed anyone IM soooo sorry and how are you doing?

I am so sorry that you still aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!! Big hugs to you!!:hugs::hugs: Did you tell your DR about the symptoms that you have been having to see what they think you should do??? Unfortunatly I am not sure what is normal after the ER, but I think the best thing would be to talk to your DR. Good luck with everything hun. :hugs::hugs:

Being bloated is normal, but not being able to breathe is not. There is a fine line between mild/moderate OHSS and when to seek medical attention. Have you been weighing yourself? It is important to know if you are gaining more than 5 lbs in a day, or whether your weight is slowly going down. I would call your Dr in the morning and discuss how you are feeling. Things that helped me: gatorade and pedialyte (not water) and protein (chicken, eggs, protein shakes and bars). Try eating really small meals but more of them so your stomach doesn't feel so full. I remember feeling like I thought I was going to explode, I didn't go to work for days (worked from home) because I couldn't button any of my work pants. I lived in sweat pants and exercise shorts, and even those felt tight on my belly. Each day things got a little better, but it took a few weeks. One thing to note, I have heard that OHSS can get worse around 5-7 dpt, and this is due to the rise in HCG (yes, it is a reaction to you being pregnant)! So be on the lookout for that too!
No I absolultly don't think your a know it all. You and Michelle know a lot and I love it. It really helps us ladies. And thanks for te advice. My mom keeps telling me small meals but I'm soooo hungry lol. And when is it safe to test? Like I will be taking 2500 units hcg tom night. Soooo maybe mon? Or that too early?
Also for you pregnant ladies did you have any symptoms during the wait

It was all a little confusing for me because like you, I felt pretty crumby had a TON of bloating for almost two weeks after ET. I was pretty miserable. Felt like there was constant pressure on my bladder and I did even have some barely noticible shortness of breath (mostly from major bloating I think). Tons of dizzyness. Then I had a couple of days of feeling pretty good except for some minor cramps just before beta. I am still confused about what were aftereffects from ET, what was caused by the progesterone, and what were pregnancy symptoms. It has all been pretty wild!

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