Ivf oct/nov/dec

Quick Question girls... How many of you ladies had to take antibiotics after your egg retrival?? I am wondering if my DR will prescribe them to me. No one has mentioned them to me yet, so in my appointment tomorrow I am going to ask and see if they will be writing me a prescription for them. :shrug:

I had to take antibiotics after my hysteroscopy and lap surgery, but I know that was alot more invasive than the ER will be.

I had to take doxy after mine. I'm sure they will give you something
Hope that stinks about the pot!! Stupid men! LOL :)

So I am starting to worry about my time off after my FET... Its scheduled Monday (was supposed to be on a wed/thursday but due to schedule conflicts friday 16th was the only day open)..I start a new job on Monday the 19th... I can not ask for time off again because I was supposed to start Oct 30 and I delayed it until I got finished with the FET..So I will have all day friday, sat and sunday of rest then back on my feet in a hospital monday. The only good thing is I am not credentialed as of yet at that hospital so I am not allowed to do any of my normal everyday procedures.. I told the FS nurse and she said it should be fine but now I am worrying. I know that if it doesnt take by the 3rd day then its not going to because its a blast. So I should be okay, right? Before I have had an entire week off and it is hard! I hate it!

You will be fine. But i know your concern as I am afraid I havent taken off enough time either but you will be ok :)
Thanks sweet!
wanna, yes doxycycline 100mg twice daily for 4 days is what I have taken... Actually, I am on it now for the FET and tonight is last dose :)
Hello ladies,

I got my beta this morning.....208! I am over the moon! I hope the number doubles by Friday! Don't give up hope ladies. This thread is very lucky and we will all get our bfp's!

Yay Happy congrats :happydance::happydance:

How many dpt were you today?

Today I'm 9dp5dt so 14dpo.

Is that a high beta for only 14dpo? Twins?!

I would love twins! DH has a set of twins from a previous marriage a boy and a girl!
Hello ladies,

I got my beta this morning.....208! I am over the moon! I hope the number doubles by Friday! Don't give up hope ladies. This thread is very lucky and we will all get our bfp's!

WOOO HOOOO!!!!! That is awesome news hun!!!!! I am super excited for you!!! H&H 9 months to you!!! :flower: You need to put up a pregnancy ticker in your signature!! :thumbup: I always thought the fruit one was cute. :winkwink:

I love that one too! I'm waiting for Friday for my second beta and then for sure I'll add a ticker!
Quick Question girls... How many of you ladies had to take antibiotics after your egg retrival?? I am wondering if my DR will prescribe them to me. No one has mentioned them to me yet, so in my appointment tomorrow I am going to ask and see if they will be writing me a prescription for them. :shrug:

I had to take antibiotics after my hysteroscopy and lap surgery, but I know that was alot more invasive than the ER will be.

Wanna, I had medrol and an antibiotic for 4 days after the egg retrieval. Funny thing they gave them to me again and I had FET. You should ask your Dr. I didn't find out about them until I was told to do the trigger.
Hope that stinks about the pot!! Stupid men! LOL :)

So I am starting to worry about my time off after my FET... Its scheduled Monday (was supposed to be on a wed/thursday but due to schedule conflicts friday 16th was the only day open)..I start a new job on Monday the 19th... I can not ask for time off again because I was supposed to start Oct 30 and I delayed it until I got finished with the FET..So I will have all day friday, sat and sunday of rest then back on my feet in a hospital monday. The only good thing is I am not credentialed as of yet at that hospital so I am not allowed to do any of my normal everyday procedures.. I told the FS nurse and she said it should be fine but now I am worrying. I know that if it doesnt take by the 3rd day then its not going to because its a blast. So I should be okay, right? Before I have had an entire week off and it is hard! I hate it!

Mobaby, I only took off the day of the transfer and layed in bed for 24 hours. I went to work the next day at 11 am. I was told to take it easy the next two weeks. By Monday your embryo should be implanting. Are you going to be on your feet on Monday?
Sweet, the only symptoms I had was some cramping and stabbing feelings in my boobs. The last 4 days I had hot flashes during the day and night. That's when I knew something was going on since I didn't feel that way on my fresh cycle.
Sweet - It's actually our 2nd but the 1st time(IVF #1) was really bad because we had the positve on first beta and BFN on the 2nd beta. When that happened it was really tough on us. I think that is why I have been not believing that it is finally happening but after hearing that heartbeat today I just felt so happy and I couldn't control my emotions!

Happy - Congrat's on your awesome beta number!

Mells - Good Luck with ER on Friday! :dust:

Hold - So sorry you have to find a new sperm donor. But glad they caught it before you went through it all with bad sperm.
happy: yes. i will be on my feet most of the day. i will have a lunch hour and some down time otherwise.
Update on me:

I'm so happy girls! I was able to see the embryo and hear the heart beating! I cried when I heard it because I was so happy!!!! Can't believe it, after 8yrs it's finally happening! I'm so imotional right now, lol. I will do personals later.

I will also post a pic later tonight for anyone that wants to see

YAY!!!! Please post the pic. Congratulations!

Want - that is excellent, I know i'll be an emotional wreck when I get to hear my baby's heartbeat (It will happen). It's been nearly 8 years for us too, so I feel your happiness


WOOT!!! That is so cool! You have waited so long for this!

Congrats want!! How amazing and I am so happy for you :happydance: Definitely post a pic! So I assume that you have one strong bean brewing in there ;)

Want, I can't wait to see your picture! Congratulations!

Want!! That's amazing!!

Yayyy!! So happy for you! :happydance: Please post a pic when you get a chance :)

I love it! Thats soooo awsome! was this your first BFP ever?

Congrats!!! That is amazing!!!

want- Yayyy im so excited for you!! congrats!!

:happydance: That is such wonderful news hun!!!!!! I am over the moon for you!!! What a blessing!!! H&H 9 months to you!!!!!:flower:

Lovely!!! Congrats again!! Can't wait to see your u/s pic! :happydance::baby::hugs:

Thanks everyone!!! It was really very emotional listening to the heartbeat for the first time after waiting for this moment for 8yrs! I hope everyone of you can feel the happiness I felt today!!!
Here is the pic ladies!
@Shar, i am glad that the mock transfer was a success, that means you will be all set for your ET!!! :thumbup: Fingers crossed that your DH can produce a :spermy: sample so he can avoide the surgical extraction procedure!! :dust::dust:

@Mells, Good luck for your ET Friday!! :dust::dust: What trigger shot do you have? The ovidrel or the HCG. I have the HCG one that you mix and that need to be injected in the muscle, so I have this huge long needle that will need to go into by but cheek. :wacko:

@Ash, I am thinking of you today hun and I have everything crossed for you, and I am hoping for a BFP for Friday!!! :hugs::dust::dust:

I using Novarel. Since I'm staying in a hotel away from home, and DH won't be here until tomorrow, they gave me alternate injection instructions. I take a high concentrated dose and inject in the abdomen. She said it is really a common way for singles to do it since it is hard to do the butt shot alone.
Have any of you tried the Circle + Bloom relaxation CDs? I'm thinking about ordering them.

I use them and really like them. It gives you a scheduled timeout from your day even if you have trouble focusing for whatever reason. I listen right after my evening injection, and then read from this daily prayer book I received. It is a nice routine for me, and I always feel more positive afterward.
@Want!!! Oh wow, that is so amazing!!! I am loving the scan pic!!! :happydance::happydance:

Girls, thanks for the info about the antibiotics. :thumbup: It sounds like I will most likely be getting a RX for antibiotics since you ladies all did for the ER!! I will be updating tomorrow after my morning ultrasound and blood work!!! I really hope that I have lots of follicles and that my ovaries are responding well to the meds!! I will update you girls tomorrow in the afternoon to let everyone know how it went!! Wish me luck!! :thumbup:
Wanna- I hope everything goes good!!

Jdh- how are you doing and when was your ET again??
Want, that is a beautiful picture!

Wanna, good luck tomorrow I hope you have tons of follies and they are all growing evenly.
WOW! This thread moves quickly! I feel like I need an hour to catch up!

want2conceive - so exciting, I loved your spoilers today. I am so very happy for you :yipee: :wohoo:

Sweetness_87 - awesome news about the frosties :cold: 2 for a future cycle should you ever need it. :happydance:

HappyBunnyAB - great BETA numbers, that is amazing, so happy for you too :bunny: I hope your next BETA doubles and more! Maybe you are having twins, the next 2 BETAs will be more telling. I think with twins the increase is more dramatic.

wannabeprego - I think doxycycline for 4 days along with medrol is standard operating procedure for most FS. The doxy is to prevent any potential infections from all the needles as they aspirate your eggs. The medrol is a steroid that helps with swelling, and I think it helps to block any immune response your body may have to the implanting embryo.

MoBaby - check out this site: https://www.ivfadventure.com/ivf-embryo-development/ your first day of work you'd be 4dp5dt, and the morula is burying deeper into the lining. I'm not expert but I think by then it would be quite stuck into your lining that being on your feet wouldn't dislodge it. Now running around or major jostling might be an issue, but just normal walking and such should be fine. I have noticed that FS's vary widely on what they recommend a woman after ET should do, some say 1 day rest, others 2, but most say you can return to your normal activity after that providing that you are not lifting more than 20 lbs, and not doing any major exertion. Since it is your first day won't it be mostly paperwork? Hopefully you'll be sitting down and filling out boring forms!! If not, just try to pace yourself, and don't over do it.

AFM - picked my donor(s)! I narrowed my choices down to 2, and then called to see if either was available. Unfortunately my favorite only had 1 vial left. So I ended up ordering 1 vial of each. My FS likes to have a backup just in case the first vial is somehow compromised or the count is bad, or whatever. So I called my FS and asked if they would be OK with 2 different donors, and they said that is fine. So my plan is to have them use my first choice, but if for some reason they can't use his sperm, they have my back up to use. What I really don't want to see happening is that some are fertilized with donor 1 and others are fertilized with donor 2, and then I won't know which one is the actual father!!! :wacko:

I also took my last BCP last night :yipee: and I have been bleeding today, so I think that means I will definitely shed this crappy lining so we can start fresh for my cycle :wohoo:

I also think I'm starting to handle the Lupron a little better. I still don't like it much, but I am learning to live with the anxiety, grouchiness, and insomnia. I have been taking melatonin (suggested by my FS) and this is helping with the insomnia. Otherwise, I just have to grin and bear it until I don't have to take it anymore.

HUGS to everyone else.. I hope I didn't miss any major announcements, if I did, I'm sorry, and YAY! :happydance: This thread just moves so fast!

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