IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Sorry Scoobs, I missed you on my update! This thread is just so busy at the moment! Hope it went well today:hugs:

Wish: still quite early for symptoms, and although you love spotting them I've been in this game long enough to know that every pregnancy is soooo different so we just can't guess. Hang in there :coffee:
HAHA thanks!! yeah, I really (thankfully) don't have time to sit around and look for them, so that's good.

Also, I forget who but someone was referencing multiple that I transferred. I only transferred one! :) the young ones tend to attach easier, so we didn't want to create craziness!
Sava: A bunch of gals early on in this thread, a year ago, found success pretty much as soon as they joined--I hope that's the case for you! :dust: The next week sounds fabulous--hang in there for the rest of this week!

Asterimou: I think if next week's scan and progesterone are good, my next big worry will be the results of the NIPT--that non-invasive blood test that looks for chromosomal abnormalities. At 42, my chances of a bad result are not insignificant... I should get the results when I'm around 11.5w, and I reckon if those results are good, I'll be able to relax a bit more. I'm so happy you're free of cysts! Good luck with the stimming--grow, follies, grow! May the third time be a charm for you! :dust: When do you go back in for monitoring?

Wish: Ha, I wish I could relax... I guess this is how I'm protecting myself from a crushing disappointment--by just staying anxious all the way through... As for your lack of symptoms, in my experience, that's a very good sign! :winkwink: :dust:

:hugs: to all!
Hello ladies!!! I'm super behind on this thread & need to catch up, but just wanted to let everyone know that surgery went well. The polyp was where they thought it would be, and it was actually making my uterus look heart-shaped. So they removed it and also shaved down some of my lining because it was a little thick. I've been more sore than I thought I'd be but I'm back at work today & feeling a little better. Hope all is well with everyone and I'll reply properly later :)
Scoobs! Good to hear from you and I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. It's almost our turn to jump on this bandwagon!
Superb news, scooby!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Hilarious clip Wish. I needed a good laugh!! :rofl:
Scooby, so happy for you!!! I'm sorry it was more painful than expected, but as sweet as a heart-shaped uterus sounds, hopefully this will mean yours is now a nice home for a soon-to-be embryo! Have a good recovery...

Wish: Ha! And to think now she's veep :winkwink:

Sava: indeed, I can't wait to cheer you gals on!

Boopin: everything good with the lining scan? I hope it was beautifully cushy!
klik - My uterine lining measured 9.36 mm with a trilaminar endometrium. All my labs came back good, too. FET is officially scheduled for Wednesday 11/23 in the am.

I update in my journal if you're ever curious. :winkwink:

How are you doing/feeling mama?? How many weeks are you now?? I think you may need a pregnancy ticker (when your ready of course), so us bnb aunties can keep track of baby klik. I'm so happy for you. :hugs:
Scooby I'm so glad your surgery went well!

Boopin that's a great lining!! The perfect place for your little embie to call home for the next 9 months :)

Klik, did I read that you're 8 weeks already?! That's amazing!

Aster, I'm so sorry if You answered and I missed it, but where are you in your cycle?

Wish, any symptoms to report? Test day is coming soon, no?

Disney I think your plan sounds perfect. This whole process is so tiring and draining. Families of 3 are just as happy as bigger families. :)

Sava, looking forward to following your journey as well! Hopefully it won't drag on much longer :)

I hope I didn't miss anyone!

AFM, still getting nauseous, but not nearly as bad. Also, I get hungry, but almost all food sounds gross to me (which is the first time in my life that's happpened lol). Other than that, I'm doing pretty well. I'm really really hoping Klik and I have started a trend!! :dust:
hi girls!

oh I love the show Veep - my husband and I were laughing when Jonah became Senator for NH! They actually ran an ad in one of our bigger local papers - full page 'Vote for Jonah' and whatever his awful tagline was. It was incredible, we kept it.

boopin - what a lovely cushy lining!! Hooray for Wednesday stuff - that's my OTD!! :friends: we got this!

I'm not really sure about symptoms - both boobs are sore, that's for sure. Not killing me just yet but both of them hurting is always a good sign!! My stomach is a little unsettled today as well. i'm going in for acu in an hour, I can't wait.
Other than that, my face looks like a teenager's - 3 zits this week! But nothing else. Hopefully I'll feel a bit more this weekend. I'm 5dp5dt right now. :)

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Scooby - I hope you're recovering quickly!

Amanda - I'm still so stinkin happy for you. You too, klik!!!!
Just read through the last few pages of this thread so I'm all caught up. Whew! So much happening on here right now!!!

klik- I seriously can't believe you're already 8 weeks. That flew by! I think you should have faith that the doctors know what they're doing and you're in good hands BUT don't be afraid to speak up if something doesn't feel right to you. You have to be your own advocate. As far as the anxiety, I can't think of a single women I know who felt truly comfortable until they were holding their baby in their arms. I think maybe the key is to look at it like a little checklist of milestones, and as each one is met you'll relax just a little bit more. You've got this!

aster- Hooray for your cycle starting! I'm so glad your scan went well & everything is looking great. It sounds like ICSI could make all the difference for you! Thanks for the info on fragmentation. To be honest I think your experience is making me want to do ICSI as well, just because there are a few unknown factors with us and it seems to improve success rates overall. Something to think about for sure!

wish- Congrats on being PUPO!!! My niece was a 4AB & she is absolutely perfect. I have such a great feeling for you & I'm so psyched that you have 4 embies that made it to freeze. Can't believe your OTD is in less than a week!!! Thank you for that clip LOL. (We love Veep too!)

sava- Wow, that was fast! So you're going to be starting the end of this month? Woot! Have an awesome time celebrating your wife's bday & having a few cocktails (if you're into that sort of thing) before you get going. I really loved what you said about family. So true!

boopin- Congrats on your AWESOME scan results and wishing you the best of luck on Wednesday!!! Looks like that will be a big day for this thread :)

Disney- I think making peace with how our lives have turned out, even if it isn't exactly how you've planned things, is one of the most difficult things to do. Especially for women, who are inundated with pressure to "accomplish" specific things on this silly timeline that society has forced upon us. People act like there's something wrong with you if you're single, or if you live with someone but choose not to marry, or if you don't have children, or if you don't have MORE children. Family comes in so many different shapes and sizes, and they're all beautiful if they make you happy! :hugs:

Amanda- I'm so glad to hear that your morning sickness is letting up! I hear a rumor that the 2nd trimester feels pretty amazing. I hope you get to experience that boost of energy & finally enjoy your pregnancy! Being sick is no fun, no matter what the circumstances!

AFM, I just wanted to thank everyone on here so much for all of your well wishes during my surgery. You guys really are the best and I truly think good things are ahead for all of us! I'm not really sure now if we'll be able to move forward in January, because one of the nurses told me it could take 6-8 weeks for AF to return. Yikes! Really hoping that isn't the case for us. I'd still like to give it a go naturally once or twice before we jump into IVF. That being said, I don't want to drag this out anymore either. So I guess depending on when AF returns, we're considering February instead of January but not ruling January out yet.
In case my previous post wasn't quite long enough (hahaha) here's another. Just spoke with my RE and she thinks AF will return normally. She said they only removed a small portion of my lining so there's no reason the rest won't want to shed naturally. Woohoo! Never so excited to hear that I'll have my period while I'm visiting my in-laws for Thanksgiving lol ;) If she's right, that still gives us 2 natural tries before moving on to IVF in January :happydance:
Boopin: What a lovely cushy lining! You did it! :thumbup: Now let's just hope that embryo nuzzles in for some 9 months... :dust: I'm feeling well. I'm 8w4d today. I still feel very little that could be called a symptom--this week my boobs were so swollen they felt like they were going to burst but today they feel back to normal. I'm also craving naps more often than I was before. Emotionally, I'm mostly anxious. My acupuncturist practically bit my head off for wanting to fly during pregnancy. I'm determined to leave this choice up to the ob/gyn, but I found the scaremongering rather upsetting. I'm so excited for you, though! Can't wait for your transfer... I'm sure you're super-anxious too, but I really, really, REALLY hope this one will stick all the way to term!

Amanda: sorry you're still getting nauseous! I hope you do get some of the "high" that women are meant to get post-first trimester. :hugs: Are you still mostly on pasta, then?! I'm totally with you--I hope we've started a trend! :dust:

Wish: Well, NOW Jonah becoming senator does not seem so impossible after all (he's rich, crass, and basically rode a wave of hostility towards a woman!) So cool there was an ad in the paper!!! As for your symptoms, hurray on the sore boobs! (what a strange thing to say...) I'm sorry your stomach hasn't been feeling great... Gosh, not many days til OTD--I hope you get some excellent news on Wed! :dust:

Scooby: you are so right about seeing this as milestones! Occasionally I look back and think: "Why am I so anxious? So far, everything has gone beautifully!" -- but I still can't help it! Hey, I'm SUPER happy your RE believes AF will return normally! I am hoping to hear about a natural BFP soon!!! :dust:

Time for a nap! :sleep:
Hi all,

Great news Scoobs!

Wish: I'm wish wish wishing for your BFP on Wednesday:thumbup:

Klik: I would still have to fly if I got pregnant. I thought 2nd trimester was okay?

Boopin: fixed for you on Wednesday, hope it's a smooth transfer and the embies settle nicely :thumbup:

AFM: day 4 stimms and scan on Monday to get the follicle count. Very emotional at the moment but wading through. I think the last two rounds have made me ultra protective of myself and I'm very cautious, but quietly hopeful :flower:
So the day after egg retrieval they saw 7 normal fertilized eggs. Two others they weren't sure if they were over achievers and fertilized quickly, or if they were bad embryos. So they had to wait until today to see what they were going to do. Then I had 4 immature eggs they decided to try and mature over night ,and they did! Two of those four fertilized.

So now I have 9 embryos growing normally, and 2 more that are a day behind since they fertilized a day behind. So best case scenario, we could have 11 embryos. Now we wait until Monday for the next update. Omg this wait is hard!

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