IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Hey everyone! I'll leave a proper post later (boopin, it's so good to see you!) but just wanted to say my RE appointment went very well and the new plan is EPP straight start cycle. If everything looks good at my baseline I'll be starting stims in about 2 weeks. Yikes!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends so far. :thumbup:
hello lovely ladies! sorry I've been a little MIA - busy week last week and a partial week as well - DH and I took Thurs and Fri off and just bummed around. It was SO needed and we loved it!

klik - welcome back to DP! Oh those stubborn little follies. When is your next scan? I hope a couple more catch up. Any thoughts on downgrading to an IUI at any point and just heading home? I just imagine you'd like to be back home sooner than later if there are only a couple. I didn't know if they offered that to you, though. Either way, GROW follies, GROW!!!

amanda - so happy to hear from you! That's awesome your Mom's been around to help get things in order. Not long now!! Crazy!!! thank you (to you all, really) for saying you've thought similar things about this whole process. I feel so guilty when I think those thoughts and I also feel silly or...what's the word I'm looking for...stupid? For not being 100% sure of everything! Seems like something you shouldn't second guess but I guess it's normal to.

disney - I love the name Sarah!! Excellent choice! There are certain guidelines I always have in my head about picking a name - how does it sound with the last name (syllables and consonant/vowel ratios)? is it something kids can rhyme with or twist the initials of to make fun of them? (my uncle ruined Evelyn for me b/c he said kids could call her 'Heavy Evy' - dammit!) And is it a good name that sounds good as a baby and an old lady and vice versa - HAHA! I'm completely insane. I just realized.

boopin - I'm so excited for you to get started on DE #2 this summer! Will you go with fresh or frozen? have you started looking for a new donor yet? A friend of mine on another thread went fresh and her donor just retrieved 36 eggs. 36!!! of those, some crazy number (I forget, but let's say 28) were mature and of those, 26 fertilized. So she has a ton of tries! I wish the very same for you if that's what you're going for!!

scoob - I caught up on your journal - GREAT update and cannot wait to be cycle buddies with you!!! :) we got this! :bodyb:

so yeah, my weekend was great! we had a rainy day on Thurs so we went out to lunch at a restaurant we've been dying to try but always has a 1-2hr wait. No wait on Thurs at lunch! Then hit up a movie - saw 'Get Out' - it was really good. Friday we had our follow-up appt with the RE and she said that the Board had agreed with everything she was doing and that since this past transfer was the first after the ERAs, and it DID implant, we are just on the wrong side of luck for right now with the embie continuing to develop. So we all agreed that we'd transfer 2 next time and though the odds of twins go up by 43%, the success rate overall goes up to almost 70%!! So hopefully this is it. If not, we'll still have one more on ice.

that's it for me- klik, I can't wait to hear more of your progress!!
Disneyfan: thanks for the lovely pics! So cute that she's so stubborn already! Really glad you got the pics you needed, in the end, and that everything is on track! :happydance:

Scooby: I'm so glad your appointment went well! What a relief! Cool that you start stimming soon--I hope that is the cycle for you! I think we'll be more or less coordinated again...

Wish: I love that you and your DH seem to be really good at enjoying life together. DP and I had thought of seeing Get Out, then he read it was a horror movie... we're not into horror movies, but it's meant to be so good... Anyway, I also love that success rate--I am looking forward to your next attempt--hoping it is, finally, finally, your time!

My progress ain't that great... all my other follicles dwindled apart from the dominant. It looks to me like it's quite common with this protocol, but we were just hoping I'd be one of the good responders... So yeah, just the one follie... doc says with just one, the chances of success are just as good with IUI as with IVF or ICSI so we've converted to IUI. I belatedly realised he's not planning on giving me progesterone, but then I think it's just a waste--I think my luteal phase is too short to sustain a pregnancy without progesterone support... So I'll speak to him about that today. There may be a reason why he wants the next cycle to be sooner rather than later (maybe he'll be travelling or something?) but yeah, let's see what the says... trigger was yesterday, with the follicle at 18. IUI tomorrow. I'm really not expecting this to work, but I still feel like we should do progesterone and maybe Medrol. It will be nice to be home earlier, though...
ohhh I meant to note about baby disney's photo sesh too - I love the one with her looking at the camera! <3

klik - well that's disappointing, huh? Clearly there is still a good chance AND you and DH can BD to give an IUI a boost! And getting home a little earlier ain't all that bad. I will still keep everything crossed for you - an IUI may be all that is needed!

oh, and Get Out wasn't really a horror film as much as it was a thriller. It was right up my alley, I like thrillers way more than horrors. And the freaky parts were actually not long and drawn out like they can be in some films. I noticed that right away and digged it.
boopin - I'm so excited for you to get started on DE #2 this summer! Will you go with fresh or frozen? have you started looking for a new donor yet? A friend of mine on another thread went fresh and her donor just retrieved 36 eggs. 36!!! of those, some crazy number (I forget, but let's say 28) were mature and of those, 26 fertilized. So she has a ton of tries! I wish the very same for you if that's what you're going for!!
Thank you Wish!! :hugs: It would be amazing to get #'s like that. Out of the 26 embies how many made it to freeze?? And did she do a day 5 fresh ET? By the way how old is her donor?? Once again AMAZING #'s!! :thumbup:

I haven't locked in a donor yet. It's too early to do so, but I have a few in mind from the current donor list. I really want to take my time with the next DE cycle. I think last time I was so anxious to get started that I really didn't think it through. I'll definitely be looking for a younger donor that's "proven". I'll be doing a fresh 5dt with hopes of getting lots of frosties. [-o&lt;

When will you transfer?? I'm excited for you to get started again, too. Maybe twins are in the plans for you and dh!! <3<3
klik - Fx'd IUI is your golden ticket!! And like Wish mentioned you can BD to give it a boost!! GL tomorrow hun. I'll be thinking of you!! :hugs: :dust: :kiss: :dust:
I believe her donor was 29, so not even that 'young'! I don't remember if she was proven or not. She has her transfer today so I think we'll get an update on how many made it to blast after that. Crazy the amount of eggs we wasted in our youth! :haha:

I think I figured out that we'll be transferring sometime around 5/9, if I get AF this cycle when expected. And I believe my OTD will be around 5/18 or 19, riiiiiiiight before we get on a plane for my best friend's bday celebration in New Orleans! So either it'll be a fun weekend of dancing around NOT drinking in my most favorite place on earth for which I'm there to celebrate, or I'll be drinking my face off in misery.
Hi ladies - no time to properly respond to everyone right now (especially from my iPhone), but I wanted to wish Klik good luck with the IUI tomorrow!! :hugs::dust::hugs:

Gotta get up in 6 hours, so it's off to bed for me! :sleep:
boop - just to follow up on that other DE story - she had 15 5-day blasts to freeze yesterday! 6 of them were 5AA, the highest rating of her clinic. And they are watching the other 8 (so I guess there were 24 total, since she also transferred one) to see if any are freezable today. Crazy talk!
Disney- Thank you for your sweet words :hugs: Your scan pics are wonderful, she is gorgeous! I adore the name Sarah. Also, one of my college roommates was Sarah and she was the kindest person. I'm so glad that the scan went well and I hope you're in for smooth sailing from here on out. So nice that the drought is over!

klik- Thank you for the doctor rec. I've heard nothing but great things about Cornell and sort of wish I'd started there. OTOH, my clinic has really grown on me and they're much more personal which I do like. As far as convenience, it can't be beat. It's a half hour from my house and 15 minutes from my job, right in the middle. :thumbup: I love what you said about love/creative energy having to flow somewhere- so true! I hope the IUI went well, although I know how much it stings to get downgraded to an IUI after all of the work you put into the cycle. Still, one healthy egg with good timing could definitely work! Also, so nice that you get to go home :) Safe travels and good luck during your TWW!

Amanda- I'm so glad this pregnancy is finally treating you well! What a relief that your glucose is normal and there are no issues. I can't believe how close you are now! When is your due date?

Disney- Woohoo for the new DE cycle! I think taking your time is a good call for sure. I hope you end up with someone like Wish's friend. (15 day 5 blasts?? That's insane!)

wish- So nice that you had time to chill with DH. Even just a couple of days of relaxing is so rejuvenating. We've been a little kinder to ourselves lately too. We went out to a southern BBQ place the other day and had such a great time. Anyway, I love your new plan and that your RE is being so positive. If I make it to transfer this time, mine should be within a couple of days of yours. :thumbup:

AFM, my clinic is adding in an antagon during my luteal phase to prevent early recruitment. So I start Estrace on Sunday & then 3 days of Cetrotide on Mon-Wed of next week. My main doctor is going to be out of the country from 4/15-4/30 (boo!) but 3 of the other docs there that I know pretty well will be taking care of me while she's gone. I'm weirdly calm about this cycle, so I hope that lasts lol. We'll be celebrating my stepson's 15th birthday this weekend, so I'm psyched for that. He wants to go see Logan and grab a bite to eat, and we might take him to Dave & Buster's too. And then Easter at my sister's on Sunday. Should be a fun weekend :) What are you guys up to?
Wish: Thanks for the spin on Get Out--I'll try that on DP! Ooooh, never been to New Orleans--really hoping you have excellent reason not to drink. Also, re. your friend--wow, just wow... seems like she can really choose how big she wants her family to be!

Boopin: I love your planning! You've really put a lot of thought into it and your attitude is great--I can't wait to see this work for you!

Disneyfan: thanks!!!

Scooby: I've heard of this protocol before but never tried it--hope it works for you! Shame your favorite doc is travelling but hopefully the others will take good care of you. It totally makes sense you want to stay local--good luck, I really hope this works for you! Enjoy your stepson's birthday celebration!

Re. the IUI: DP and I BD'd on trigger day so hopefully that will help. He wasn't feeling up to it last night/this morning, though... I commented to the nurse doing IUI that it was very little material and she explained that it can only be a very small volume otherwise the uterus expels it. Living and learning! I have a cough so I keep worrying that I'm kicking the sperm out of my uterus. Probably totally unscientific! OTD is 26/4 but I'm starting Estrogen patches on Monday anyway to get ready for a new cycle. I think I'll be a bit behind Wish and Scooby, but not too far off. Let's face it, I'll most likely need to be back in a couple weeks--but really looking forward to going home today and picking up our pooch tomorrow. For the long weekend (in the UK it's four days!) we'll just enjoy being home and giving our doggy nice walks.

:hugs: to all!
klik - My fingers are very crossed for you!!! Have fun with your pup this weekend. :)
I'm so glad you asked about the small amount! not to get too down and dirty but...I always kinda wondered how that worked naturally b/c it always leaks out, knees up or not!! I realize SOME might get into the uterus and stay there but sheesh, doesn't seem to be much. And then I was wondering out our BD'ing this past weekend - I had thought DH 'finished' on Fri night so I had my knees up, but he didn't tell me that he didn't until the next day (thanks...). So I was like 'well that was a waste'...but then I was thinking that maybe it wasn't any any 'pre' stuff might still include sperm and b/c it was a smaller amount, we could have a good chance anyway. I dunno - rationalizing stuffs our bodies do is painful. HA! Anyway, I'm so not expecting a miracle, I don't even know when I ovulated but DH did 'finish' on Sunday night. So we got 2 unfinished nights (Sat too) and one finished.

scooby - we are having my BIL, SIL and niece down for dinner on Saturday instead of Sunday so we have Sunday to ourselves. We aren't religious folk so there's no church or anything involved. I think it's supposed to be gorgeous again this weekend. I'm planning on making chicken shwarma on Sunday. i've never made it before so here's hoping it turns out ok! I just had a craving so i'm really just aiming to satisfy it. :)

disney, boopin, amanda - :wave:

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get to enjoy some springtime weather with your pups and families!!

oh and the other DE BnB friend - got 2 more blasts to freeze! so she has 17 total, all 3BB or higher grade. NUTSO! You're so right, klik - she can really choose how big or small she wants her family to be!
Wish: I put my knees up and a pillow under my butt, and it still leaks out! It feels like such a waste... as for not finishing, DP does that sometimes too, and I don't know if it's an artefact of TTC or of getting older or what (maybe he's always been like that but I only mind now that it matters?) I'm usually not an enormous control freak, but in these circumstances around ovulation I totally wish I had full control of DP. I think the pre stuff is a long shot--it does happen but is pretty rare... but who knows? And maybe the finished night will be enough! That would be awesome...

I asked my doc whether I should use progesterone to support the IUI. I'm convinced my luteal phase is too short without it. He left it up to me: on the one hand, progesterone will help the IUI; on the other, combined with the estrogen patch (which I'm putting on on Monday), it might be too suppressive for next cycle. Ugh. So one Crinone gel per day it is... I hope it's enough for the IUI but gentle enough not to be oversuppressive... rather than too little for the IUI and too much for the next IVF! :dohh:
yeah, i'm kinda just hoping on the finished night! HA! I think DH had one too many beers the nights that he didn't finish. Oh well - not like we were really trying, we were just having fun (course in my head, I was calculating).

ughh - that's a conundrum! I'm sure the Crinone will be just the right touch. Why do they have you on estrogen so early if there is a shot with an IUI? Though I guess I stayed on estrace throughout my LP so it won't harm anything if you get a BFP.

ok, i'm going to be totally silly but it's just b/c I have to get it out - I hate that my body totally goes into 'haha you're not pregnant but i'm going to give you those symptoms anyway' mode in my natural TWW. I've been crampy on and off for 3 days and now I'm getting that little pulling sensation in my lower parts. Nightsweats hardcore the other night but that's normal for my LP. I just want Wed/Thurs to get here so AF can come.
Wish: even the only time I've had a transfer at Cornell, I put on the patch to prepare for a potential back-to-back cycle. When it turned out I was pregnant, they told me to keep wearing the patch, as my oestrogen levels were actually good with the patch on. So I'm not diminishing the IUI chances by wearing the patch...

As for the tww, I don't think you're being silly at all. I think tww's are really hard, even natural ones... hang in there. The reason you have this hope is because there is a chance of it working, however small... That would be so nice--I have my fingers totally crossed for you, though, yeah, I realize the odds are not in our favor for natural attempts... :hugs:
ahhh klik - that's good! guess they know what they're doing, eh? :haha:

how was everyone's holiday weekend? ours was good - BIL/SIL came down on Saturday instead of Sunday and my husband smoked ribs and Cornish hens, I made a salad and handled all the apps. My baby niece (4 mos old) fell asleep in my arms when I was feeding/rocking her. Swoon! Sunday, I got out for another run (4th one in a little over a week!!), did a little work, and then we lazed around outside in the 80 degree weather for the rest of the day. I finished 'To Kill a Mockingbird' - LOVED, and made chicken shawarma for dinner! All in all - great weekend!

Also, I'm over my Preggo watch - I was reminded this morning that my boobs aren't even close to sore, so I'm def not preggo. But this Wed/Thurs should be AF! I'm so excited to get this next round started. I guess it might have even been good for my brain to take a month off. I never really know what's best for me. :)
klik- So you do estrogen priming (with patches) but no antagonist during luteal phase? I'm surprised because this is known as the "Cornell protocol". Maybe you just don't have an issue with a dominant follicle developing so it's not necessary for you, or maybe they think it would be too suppressive? I'm sure they have their reasons, they're among the best out there. :thumbup: I think the Crinone will be the perfect balance for you. I have progesterone issues too, it sucks. Vitex worked pretty well for me in lengthening my luteal phase but you can't take it while you're doing IVF. If this doesn't work for us I think I'll go back on it to try and balance out my cycles again. Are you symptom spotting after your IUI? I'm hopeful for you!!!

wish- It sounds like you had a lovely dinner and an awesome weekend! How did the shwarma come out? We're not religious either so it's really just an excuse to gather and eat good food and too much dessert ;) My sister's fiancé cooked and it was delicious! That's crazy that your friend got 17 embies of such high grade. I hope she'll consider donating them once she's grown her family to capacity. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books! I'm sorry you're in TWW hell, it's really the worst.

AFM, I'm trying not to worry but I think AF is coming too early. I've only taken 2 Estrace and done 1 shot of Cetrotide so far, so if AF comes I think I'll have started too late for either of those to have done what they're supposed to do. :nope: I'm a bit annoyed with my RE because they know I have short cycles and they know I ovulated early, and they still wanted me to wait 10 days after ovulation to start when I think it should have been 7. I'm trying to be calm but I'm super frustrated. ](*,) Why can't anything ever go the way it's supposed to with my stupid body?
oh no, scoob! AF - HOLD OFF!!! how long should it hold off for? goodness, i hope it doesn't mess with things for you. I'd be super annoyed too, with the RE. Sounds like your body is doing exactly what you expected it to do! fingers crossed that nothing is messed up.

I think AF is just about here - started spotting slightly today, bad times in the bathroom this morning (horrid radiating stomach pains last night - thought I was getting the flu), my back hurts, and I just feel off. I hope I'm not wiped out like I was last month. I have to work late tonight and tomorrow to get a deliverable even halfway done and that won't be possible feeling like crap!!

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