IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Scooby: congratulations on being PUPO!!! :happydance: That sounds ideal--an 8-cell and a 9-cell with a cushy lining--perfection!!! I so, so hope it works for you... Did you get to put your feet up for the rest of the day?

Disneyfan: I'm sorry about the Braxton Hicks contractions--they must be uncomfortable and worrying... hopefully now that you'll be back to being more stationary they'll subside... Excellent that you managed a trip to Disneyland, and that DD1 loved it! Congrats on the stamina, making it to Disneyland and back (and through it!) with one LO in tow and one in your belly! :hugs:

Amanda: thanks for the intervention with the higher-up forces! I hope it works :winkwink:. Is the big-ness uncomfortable? Anyway, I'm really glad you are both healthy... You are so, so close--how amazing! Soon you'll have her in your arms!

Wish: great that you're taking thyroxine now to address this issue... It's kind of insane how common it is--I hope it's the final piece of the puzzle that will enable this to work. I hope everything lines up perfectly for this transfer!:hugs:

AFM: Sorry about my silence... it's been overwhelming, trying to do some work and still somehow take in all of this stuff that's happening in TTC-land. This has been a wild cycle, and not in a good way. My lining went from 8.1 to 7.6 to 6.1 to 7.6 to 5.5. I mean, what is that? Linings are only ever supposed to go in one direction during the follicular phase. Oh, and my follicles... first I had those two, and then it turned out they were three... but then only one was growing, really... And then my estrogen dropped and my doc was out of town so a different doctor called me to say they were cancelling the cycle and converting to IUI. After I pushed him for a bit on the whys and wherefores he said if I wanted to, I could stim for another day and see what happened. I figured, what did I have to lose? And now my estrogen is going up again and my doc wants me to keep going to see what happens. *sigh*. I cried like a baby when he told me this. I'd gotten used to the idea that this was another bust cycle, and furthermore that it was probably better to skip one cycle to give my knackered ovaries a break. And now we're back in the game, but only just. Oh, and re. the lining, I was afraid it's some sort of holdover from the hysteroscopy... but my doc said this fluctuation in thickness isn't typical of that--rather, I may be having contractions. Which is possible, because raspberry leaf tea (and maybe the Chinese herbs I've been on) apparently causes contractions... You try to solve one problem only to cause another... Anyway, right now I feel like, ok, we're back in the game, let's play to win even if the odds are really, really long...

I'll try to post again tomorrow after I've got more news...

:hugs: to all!
scooby - YIPPEEEE for PUPOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :ninja: go get cozy, little embies! Mama made a cushy lining for you!!

amanda - I never responded to your post! :dohh: I'm so happy that you're all ready for the little one! What did you do for a nursery? All I've ever heard is that those last measurements are way off too, I hope you're not fretting over it. I can't wait for her to arrive!!

disney - yes, hopefully BH will stop and you can relax for the next 10 weeks or so. I hope you all had a great time at Disney! Does DD know the park enough where she bee-lines to the favorite rides? Which ones?

klik - my goodness, you are the Rollercoaster Queen this month. Contractions??? Insanity! After awhile, all you can do is laugh or you'll lose your sanity altogether. Has any of this been a distraction from work at all or are you able to compartmentalize well enough?

boopin - T minus a month until you get started, right?? or around there?

afm - not much going on here. Transfer is Friday, I'll get the call today re: what time. I really REALLY hope this thyroid thing was the issue too and it's resolved now. Thank you all for your sweet thoughts about it.
Work: We went live with a client the other day so now all of our work has fizzled. Which is GREAT but I feel like everyone is still in panic mode and I can't keep up that pace. So I'm making my own pace and if people don't like it, fire me! HA! Not really but dang.
Our kitty is still hanging in there too but I think I need to bring her back to the vet for another appetite stimulant and some fluids. They said they'd teach me how to do the fluids at home too, so I think we're going to do that. She still eats a little bit, drinks and loves hanging out with us so we think we can still give her good quality of life.
Hi ladies! The BHs have definitely subsided since getting back. I'm sure it was the extra walking that was causing them, so I made sure to take lots of rest breaks as I felt they were needed. DD had the best time ever and was able ride all of her favorites. She's particularly partial to It's a Small World (of course), Casey Jr (train ride), the merry-go-round, and the Little Mermaid ride. She adores all of the characters and demands to go hug them whenever she catches sight of one. :kiss:

Scooby - I posted on your journal, but I'm ecstatic that you had 2 beautiful embryos to transfer. I'm sooooo keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!! :dust:

Klik - I'm so sorry that your cycle has been confusing and no so straightforward. I'm praying for a good scan for you tomorrow!! :hugs::dust:

Wish - It's so exciting that your transfer day is almost here! Hopefully everything looks good with the thyroid issue now being addressed. I'm really pulling for you, too (everyone!!)! :dust:

Amanda - Best of luck with the delivery of your little princess! I hope everything goes smoothly and easy for you! Have you settled on a name yet?

Boopin - :hugs:
how's it going, klik? any updates?

scooby - I hope you're taking good care of yourself!

disney - SO happy the BH has subsided. WHEW! Your description of DD in Disney melted me. <3
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Amanda- I hope she arrives safely and on time!

klik- What an annoying and frustrating cycle. :nope: I sure hope things have turned around and that follie is growing strong. That's crazy about the contractions! Have you stopped taking the herbs? I know I sound like a broken record but I really think pomegranate juice helped my lining. Also, whole milk! Rooting for you, as always!

wish- Good luck today!!! Let us know what happens. You're transferring both right?

Disney- Aww, it's sounds like you and your family had a beautiful time. It's sweet that you wanted DD to have some nice memories before all of the upcoming change. But soon she won't be able to imagine her life without her little sister.

I'm trying not to obsess so I've been away from BnB for a few days. I'm doing ok with the TWW so far, but I'm only 3dp3dt. It's going to get a lot harder in a few days. Supposedly today is when the embies hatch out of their shells, and implantation could start as soon as tonight or tomorrow. I hope I feel something soon...
Congrats on being PUPO scooby!! :happydance: Fx'd tightly 4U!!

Wish, I'm thinking of you today. Sending you positive vibes & baby dust for a successful transfer!! GL!! :dust:

Hugs to ALL :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

P.S. I have an update in my journal. xx
hi girls! haha scoob - I try not to obsess during this time too and actually time away from BnB really helps that! How are you doing/feeling?

Boopin - I love when you pop in - heading over to your journal soon! <3

klik - what's going on with your cycle?

hi amanda and disney! :wave:

afm - transfer was successful the other day! I didn't expect anything less, it's so routine at this point. They were, however, an hour and a half late in getting me in so I had to peeeeeeeee! And this doctor decided to walk us through everything, pressing on my midsection so we could see the catheter and where it was placed and OMIGOD I DON'T CARE I HAVE TO PEE!! He almost got a shower. But that thwarted the plans for the rest of the day b/c there was heavy traffic headed in the opposite direction from us when we were going down so instead of going to Patriots Place for lunch, we just headed closer to home. Boo. Oh well. But the rest of the weekend was super relaxed and wonderful, so that was good. I'd like to say I'm feeling something b/c my uterus area feels a little tight or something but I don't want to obsess. Zen is the name of the game. So I'm just going to try to focus on eating well, and looking forward to our trip this coming weekend and then a whole week off!!
Wish: congratulations on being PUPO!!! So exciting to have 2 PUPO ladies on here!!! :happydance: Good luck--I really hope this is the one! I hope they've got (or will get) your TSH levels to that ideal range, and that everything will run smoothly--yipee!!! I'm sorry about your cat, though glad that she can draw comfort from being with you... It's good you have her around in the 2ww--I hope she gets to see a baby in about 9 months! :dust:

Scooby: even if you don't feel anything, don't worry! Loads of pregnancies are asymptomatic. Your embryos sound brilliant, and so does your lining--I hope it's a perfect match with one of the embryos! :dust:

Disneyfan: omg your DD sounds sooooooooooo adorable! <3 I'm really glad the BH's have let up. I'm sure they can be really frightening...

Boopin: heading for your journal in a second--I'm really curious!

AFM: I was converted to IUI, in the end... And the prognosis is not great, as the oestrogen plateaued. I'm hoping it's just the other follicles fizzling but apparently oestrogen palteauing or decreasing is just not a good sign. I guess I'll be back in NY again soon... we'll go back to my first protocol there, which takes fewer stims, which I probably need now. I'm sure my ovaries are on strike with these massive stims being thrown at them cycle after cycle. My doc did not prescribe progesterone, in case it's too suppressive for next cycle--rather, he prescribed a booster shot of 2500 hcg, one week post trigger. That should prevent my body from destroying the lining for a bit longer, as it will think I'm pregnant. I'll be wondering when to POAS, because if it magically works I'll want to get on progesterone ASAP, but then with extra artificial hcg in my body I'll be peeing false positives for a while... Cornell is closed from late June, and I can tell you that's kind of a relief. I'm exhausted! But hey, the upshot is, I'm in the 2ww, along with Wish and Scooby--even if my chances are not that amazing, they do exist!
So I have some news... :shock:


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Hi ladies. It's been a rough few days with DH and DD BOTH sick. My back has been killing me, and DD is not sleeping at night. With DH out of commission, it falls on me to do keep getting up in the middle of the night. Frankly, I'm exhausted. But enough complaining.

Scooby - I just saw your news and am incredibly excited that this can be the beginning of such wonderful things!! I'm praying that things keep moving in the right direction and that your beta goes well on Friday!

Wish - Congrats on being PUPO! Hopefully Scooby is marking the shift in tides on this thread, and you, Klik, and Boopin are not far behind!

Klik - I'm sorry that your cycle got downgraded to an IUI. I know how disappointing it must be, but you're definitely not out yet. Hang in there. I'm still rooting for you big time!!

Boopin - I'm headed over to your journal next!

Amanda - If you are still hanging out and haven't yet had your baby yet, I'm hoping that she doesn't keep you waiting much longer and that your delivery is smooth and easy!
OMG SCOOBY!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :ninja: :happydance: I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!
STICK, little bean(s), STICK!!!

klik - yahoo for TWW too!!! I know your chances aren't of the typical kind but I agree with Disney - I sooooo want this for you so I hope this is it! If not then, I'm glad you're getting yourself a little break. This stuff is so trying, let alone having to travel to other countries for it.

disney - oh boy, that sucks. I'm getting up all night with my kitty (sorry to keep referencing her, I feel like I'm coming off as pathetic), I can't imagine being preggo-tired and doing this too! DH is helping, though - we take every other unless one is deeply sleeping. :)

amanda - countdown is where??

afm - feeling ok. Today is 5dp5dt. I'm actually not feeling much of anything at all. Scoob - have you felt anything? My right boob is a tiny bit sore on the outside and I've had some tiny cramps but nothing I probably would have noticed if I wasn't looking for them. Ridiculous night sweats but that happens at this time of my cycle every time.
I'm actually not feeling very positive about things this cycle - I think b/c of the embryo grading and their picture looked funky. I haven't even taken it out of my purse yet. :( I feel guilty saying that but I'd be very surprised if we ended up with a BFP and then SUPER surprised if it lasted. They are 3BBs, though I read that those can be another clinic's 4AB - it's so subjective. So I'm still just trying to go with the flow.
Hang in there, Wish! Each time I finally got a BFP (which I admit has only been 3 times ever), I was getting tons of hot flashes - especially at night. Our BFP in February of last year was with a 3BB embryo, which my doctor said was graded better than our 5B-B embryo that we transferred a few months later. I don't think our failure that cycle had anything to do with the grade of the embryo but just some bad luck on our part. In any case, you're definitely still in the game! :hugs:

I hope things improve with your poor kitty soon. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
wish- I've gotten super behind but first off, congrats on being PUPO!!! It's amazing that you're only one day behind me. I was stressing about lack of symptoms too, because most of what I'm feeling are normal PIO things- hungry, irritable, tired, hot flashes, sore boobs, weird dreams. (All the fun stuff lol.) The only things that stood out for me this cycle was pretty intense cramping on Saturday-Monday (7-9dpo) and getting dizzy when I stand up too quickly. Also heart palpitations, but I have an arrhythmia so that's not super weird for me. Anyway, I actually have a good feeling about this cycle for you, so I hope I'm right! I think 3BB is wonderful and you have a great shot. I hope your cat feels better soon! :hugs:

boopin- I'm so glad to see you around these parts again! I'm so excited that you're moving forward and wishing you so much luck!!!

klik- I'm so bummed for you about the converted cycle (you know I can relate to this). It's such a let down after all of the hard work. Still! There is always hope, and I'll be hoping so hard that you and wish and boopin are not far behind! I understand about uncooperative ovaries, and I do think a little break will be perfect for you. Good luck in this TWW!

Disney- Oh you poor thing, that must be terrible to manage. My DH is sick right now and it's exhausting WITHOUT also taking care of a sick little girl and being super pregnant. I hope everyone is feeling better soon and that you don't get sick!

Thank you guys so much for the congrats! I'm still in shock over here. :wacko: My tests were darker today, enough to appease my nerves but not so much that I'm worried about multiples (yet). I'm telling DH tonight! I'm trying to approach this pregnancy (gasp!) like I've approached this entire cycle: one step at a time. Zen, like wish ;)
First off, congrats scooby!!! When's your beta? Such a good sign that tests are darker!!!

Wish, 3BB sounds great, I've heard the grading really doesn't mean all that much, as it varies so much from clinic to clinic. Here's hoping!!!

Klik, what a disappointment to have to convert yet another cycle. Your chances are still not zero, so my fingers and toes are crossed for ya!

Disney, sorry to hear about the sickness and sore back. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

AFM, 40+3 and still hanging on. Had an appointment today, and was put on the induction list. There are only 3 of us on it, so hoping to get a call tonight with a time tomorrow. Baby girl is 9lbs11oz today, so hopefully delivery won't be TOO difficult. Will let you know when she arrives!

Boopin, hi!!
Hi amanda :wave: I can't wait to get the deets on the birth of your baby girl. If her weight holds up, she's going to be quite chunky & cute!! Awesome job at baking her for 10+ months!! :thumbup:

You're next Disney. I'm so happy and excited for you!! :hugs:

Congrats on your :bfp: scooby!! Fx'd for your scan!! :yipee:

Wish - How are you holding up?? LOL at your doc "almost getting a shower" that made me laugh. Too funny!! :lol:

klik - Any symptoms in your tww?? Sending you positive vibes... GL!! :dust: :dust:

Hello Savasanna!! <3 Please update us when you can.

Missing you Aster. I hope all is well in your world. xx
amanda - holy moly, what a chunky baby!! I LOVE it, but ouch! Is there any point they'll suggest a c-section? GOOD LUCK with everything!! Can't wait to hear all about your birth story, if you feel like sharing!

disney - how's the House of Sickies? I hope you don't get it!

klik - how are you doing, dear?

hi boopin!!

scoob - thank you for that! I'd say I'm not feeling any of those things but I was willing to throw down with someone I was driving behind last night b/c I saw her eyes come up, from what I can only imagine was her phone, for about 15 seconds in the span of maybe a mile. I was LIVID. So every time the light went green (this was coming off the highway so we hit 4 lights in that short of distance) and she was looking down, I laid on the horn. So mayyyybe that's irritability?? And I could have fallen asleep in my hair dresser's chair - sleepiness (but up with kitty multiple times a night will do that too). Hunger hasn't changed, my night sweats are common and I haven't had any deep cramping. So I don't know. I did have a strong heart palp the other day too but I get those every now and then. So who knows. Only the test knows.

thank you for the kind words, all - now I'm clearly back and forth between 'maybe!' and 'probably not' once again. How have I done this for so long?? these mind games - I'm not going to know what to do once they are gone.

I read back to a couple of months ago and I didn't have any signs then either, except maybe sore boobs. Not a thing. So now I'm torturing myself with 'test early or not'. My work schedule has drastically lessened ( THANK GOD!! ) but that means I have time to think about things and probe myself into getting into the car and going to the Dollar Store to by cheapies!! :haha:
Amanda- OMG, I can't believe you might finally be able to meet your baby today! <3 She's going to have full cheeks and baby fat and be the snuggliest thing ever! Best of luck today. Hope the birth goes smoothly for both you and baby. Thank you for the congrats! My OTD is this Saturday.

boopin- Thank you!! I'm hoping I started a trend for this thread :) You were asking about Sava- she's 23 weeks and doing great! She's expecting a little girl.

Disney- Hope you're finally getting some rest and DD & DH are feeling better!

klik- Thinking of you hun! Hope everything is going well.

wish- It seems like everyone on the road lately is on their phone. It's so dangerous!! But irritability is a good sign... Okay so you're 6dp5dt today right? I think you'd be able to see a positive today, but I completely understand not wanting to go down the testing rabbit hole. At one point on Tuesday I was miserable and wishing I hadn't done it. Whatever you decide, we're here for you!

AFM, I'm 9dp3dt and got a really nice, strong positive on a FRER this morning. It's very encouraging, especially because I had a little spotting last night. (Very little and light pink.) I also got super tired last night and napped for an hour, and this morning it was hard to get out of bed.:sleep:
your update on your journal was amazing!

yeah, I'm thinking I could see a result today and if I don't, I also think there is a good chance that I won't see a result. I could be making that up but I think today could be telling. I will go to pick up a test when I get a break from calls.
wish- I have to admit, I'm getting pretty excited!! I know it's early but I'm already so in love <3 I was just remembering 2 other symptoms. One was migraine headaches about 3 or 4 days in a row (only stopped a couple of days ago) and the other was bad sciatic nerve pain that went all the way down my legs. I'm so excited for you to test and hoping, hoping, hoping you see a BFP!!!

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