IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Amanda - I'm so excited for you! Growth scans this late are notoriously off, so it's possible that your princess won't be quite as big as you are expecting. DD was a big baby (a shocking 9 lb, 5 oz!), and she had the most pinchable cheeks. :kiss: Prayers and best wishes for a smooth delivery!

Wish - I've got everything crossed for you!! :dust:

Scooby - Everything still sounds great on your end!

Klik & Boopin - I'm thinking of you guys! :hugs:

I'm pretty sure I'm in the early stages of what DD and DH have. :dohh: I woke up the night before last with a minor scratchy throat feeling. The feeling, though minor, lingered all day, and DH said it's exactly how his started last Thursday. Today, it's still minor, but it's definitely stronger. I hope it doesn't progress anymore as both of them had minor fevers and coughing. :nope:
Wish: I think my last pregnancy was only (barely) detectable at 12dpo--and that was first-morning urine. I hope your lack of symptoms is actually a good sign!

Scooby: you're the second person I've heard of who transferred a 9-cell embryo, and the second to get a BFP! The pregnancy for the other woman is going strong--may the same happen for you. I'm so chuffed it all has worked well, with you staying with your clinic--I really hope the good news keep coming! (No more migraines and pains, though...)

Amanda: I hope your delivery is/has been as smooth as possible... So amazing you finally get to see your daughter in the flesh and hold her close!

Disneyfan: I'm so sorry you seem to have caught the bug... I know pregnancy weakens the immune system but I hope nevertheless you don't feel as miserable on it as your DH and DD...

AFM: I had my booster shot of hcg on Wednesday, to discourage my body from breaking down the lining. I feel pretty PMS-y today, like AF is about to arrive. So, maybe the booster shot was too late, or my body is not making enough progesterone anyway... or maybe what I'm feeling is the queasiness and crampiness that sometimes comes with a pregnancy (except this one is fake, precipitated by the booster shot). I've decided I'll start POAS tomorrow (8dpiui)--I'll know that the test will be positive because the artificial beta won't have cleared out yet, but then I can compare subsequent days to see if it's getting lighter or darker. I feel really anxious about not getting progesterone supplementation, so on the off chance this is a BFP I want to know asap instead of my usual just waiting til OTD or AF...
Klik, hopefully your pms-y feeling is because of the booster/pregnancy and NOT because AF is on her way. Here's hoping those tests just get darker and darker!

No baby here yet. They didn't have any beds at the hospital yesterday, so they didn't call anyone off the list. They also only called one person the day before, so if I'm still 3rd it's looking like it could be awhile. I'll wait a little and call back to see what today looks like, but not holding my breath!
welp - here we go again! please stick around this time, little one!!!

klik - ohhhhh boy - I hope that your PMSiness is not PMS at all!!! Let's get a hat trick this month!!

scoob - I am so happy you're so excited! I hope all your aches and pains subside a little bit, though. Mostly the migraines. But I want you good and nauseous! :)

amanda - little girl seems to be happy as a clam where she is, huh?? I hope you can get in quickly and meet her finally!

disney - ugh, I hope your cold doesn't become full on!! I'm sneezing my bum off with the pollen finally in full force.


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Disney- Oh no, I hope you're not getting sick! DH has been sick for a week now & it started with a sore throat and moved into his chest. He's still super congested. Whatever is going around is nasty!

klik- Thank you! We actually transferred two, an 8-cell & a 9-cell so I'm not sure which one worked! The 8-cell had less fragmentation but the 9-cell had more evenly sized cells, so... :shrug: I've been hearing great things about the booster shots and a girl I'm on another thread with just used them and got her BFP. I have everything crossed for you that this is successful for you too!!! I think your PMSy symptoms are a good sign...

Amanda- wow, she's snuggled in tight! I hope you're not too uncomfortable and you get to meet your little one soon!

wish- OMG!!! That line is SUPER dark!!! :happydance::happydance: Stick, little bean(s), stick!

AFM, had a little scare with a weird FRER this morning but SMU gave me a nice, dark line on my IC's. I'm hoping little Moobley is settling in for the long haul. I'm really excited for our 1st beta tomorrow and just praying for a nice, solid number. If all looks good we'll be telling my parents this weekend. They're going to freak out! :dance:
Thank you!! YES, i was so psyched about the darkness - it actually came up as the pee was going across the window (sorry, gross) and I didn't have to wait to see it!! Better than last time! Though I know it doesn't mean much.
OTD is Tuesday, quick jaunt to NOLA this weekend - cannot wait!!!!!

I'm glad your scare was short-lived. I can't wait to read about your beta #s!!
Woohoo!! Exciting news all around!

Wish - Your test looks AWESOME!! It's so exciting to be seeing BFPs for you and Scooby. I really hope that Klik (and Boopin!) isn't far behind you guys. Stick little ones, stick! :happydance: [-o<

Scooby - It sounds like a faulty test. It's great that your other test looked good. I'm excited about your beta! :dust:

Klik - Good luck! I'm hoping that the booster shot does the trick for you. :hugs:

Amanda - I hope today is the day that you finally get to meet your little girl. Good luck!! :dust:
The ads on this site are driving me bonkers. :dohh: My ad blocker isn't working today. :wacko:
for real - those things are enough to drive someone batty!

thank you both!! I'm trying not to be overly excited but it's tough. <3
CONGRATULATIONS WISH!! :happydance: Stick embaby(s) STICK!! :dust: Woop woop!! Our thread is on a roll!! :yipee:
Ugh - I've officially succumbed to whatever virus was ailing DD and DH last week. :dohh: The coughing and sore throats are the worst. Plus, my allergies are awful, so I sneeze like crazy any time I go outside, which only makes my throat even more raw. :nope: I'm on solo duty with DD tomorrow -- I hope I make it through the day!
OMG, Wish, yay!!!! :wohoo: I dare say, if it's so dark so soon... twins?! Good luck!!! When is the first beta?! I hope they stick this time--hopefully the thyroxine will help! Do keep testing it! Yaaaaaay!!!!

Scooby: I can just imagine the panic after that first test... I assume there's more info on your journal so I'll head there next. I hope everything is going well! :hugs: Oh, sorry, yeah, I remembered you had an 8-cell and a 9-cell, it's just that until recently 9-cells had been a myth in my world so I got excited. They both sound great, though--I'm so happy at least one of them stuck!!! :happydance:

Amanda: thinking of you and that little bean that's about to come out, or has just come out! Hoping everything is going smoothly!!!

Boopin: hoping we're next!!! :winkwink:

Disneyfan: so sorry you caught the full-blown bug... Ugh... I'm sending you virtual chicken soup... :hugs: I hope you get over it soon...

AFM: I'm in a nonstop emotional roller-coaster... I tested on Saturday to get a baseline--I figured, if on Sunday the line gets darker it means I'm pregnant, but if it gets lighter then it's another failed cycle... So, on Saturday there was a faint line and on Sunday the pregnancy line all but disappeared--there was just a faint shadow. DP and I were truly devastated--I don't know why, as this had been such a long shot and we should have been expecting that result. Anyway, those were both FRER. I tested today, expecting to see no pregnancy line at all, so I could just completely move on to the next cycle... I'd run out of FRER so I used a Clearblue Easy. There is a faint line... So now I don't know if it's just because I changed the test brand, or maybe blue is easier to see in my bathroom lighting, or if the long shot has somehow paid off... I'm really anxious that if it's the latter I should be supplementing with progesterone but am not. In that unlikely event I'm afraid my corpus luteum was eliminated after the exogenous hcg left my system but before the embryo's could salvage it. My BBT has still not gone down, so I think I'm still making progesterone, but I'm driving myself mad trying to figure out IF there really is still a chance, and if so IF I should be supplementing with progesterone... I know it's a holiday in the US but I guess I'll try to call Cornell anyway and see if I can explain this in a way that's not too neurotic. Which is impossible, because right now I'm kind of a pile of neurosis! I'm wishing for some clarity tomorrow--either a darker ClearBlue or no line at all... I was trying to be helpful to myself, so I could supplement with progesterone asap, but have only managed to confuse myself entirely. :dohh:
wish- I hope you're having fun in New Orleans and that those tests have continued to darken. Can't wait for your beta tomorrow!!

Disney- Oh no, you poor thing :hugs: It's almost impossible not to get sick when everyone else in your house is sick, but I was really hoping you'd escape that. Feel better soon! I can relate on the allergies- this year has been terrible!!! Yeah I have to say those curved FRER's are not great. I'm sticking with my trusty internet cheapies from now on ;)

klik- Oh wow! Okay, I don't know if this is possible, but here's my theory: the FRER was still picking up the HCG from the booster shot, which was gone the next day. Then the Clearblue started picking up your actual pregnancy! Could this be possible? Oh I hope so!!! It's not a holiday here this weekend, not until next weekend. Definitely call Cornell and try & get some progesterone if you can. But the booster will give you some support too, so try not to worry too much about it yet. Eeek!!! I have everything crossed for you my friend!!!

Amanda- I hope you were able to deliver this weekend and that all went well! Check in when you can :)

boopin- How are you doing hun? When do you get started on your next cycle?

AFM, 1st beta on Saturday was 105, progesterone 21. My doctor called me to tell me how happy she was for us and said everything looked great so far. I had my 2nd test today but won't get results until late (usually 3-4pm). I'm trying not to be too nervous, since my tests have continued to get darker. But I won't really feel better until I hear that things are doubling properly. We told my parents on Saturday, and it was kind of funny because I forgot my mom had this luncheon event and she'd apparently been hitting the champagne punch. So her reaction was hilarious. Then my dad had just woken up from a nap so he was all out of it. :haha: They're very excited though!
Ahhh klik!! I was rushing to say the same about no holiday but scooby covered it. Phew!! My fingers are so crossed this is REAL!!

Disney - such a bummer you got the schmeg too!! I hope it goes quickly!

Scoob - :hugs: they need to hurry up and call!!! Your story of your mom & dad is so funny!

Amanda - thinking of you and little squirt!!

Nola was awesome as usual. Weird to not drink and we were back in the hotel room around 10 each night! Lol
I was dying to retest and did so just when I got home today - all is good and darker! I'm on my phone so can't post yet. But whewwwwww!!
I hope Amanda has had her princess by now! :hugs:

Klik - I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you! I hope tomorrow brings you some answers. :hugs:

Scooby - I saw your update on your journal. Looking good!!

Wish - Thats awesome that your tests are getting darker! :happydance: When is your beta?

AFM - No voice, and my throat still burns. I wanted to avoid medication (even Tylenol), but my last temperature check was 100.1. It has slowly been creeping up from the 99’s since yesterday. Too close to fever territory for comfort, so I gave in. I already texted my boss to tell her I'm not working tomorrow (I was off today as I'm off every-other Monday, though no real time to relax until DD went down for nap time). I'm hoping tomorrow is better.
Scooby: I took a peek at your journal--excellent doubling time! Hurray!!! :thumbup: I love the description of your parents' reaction... Oh, thanks for pointing out yesterday wasn't a holiday there--I got all confused!

Wish: thank you, too, for correcting me on the holiday front! Glad you enjoyed NOLA even though it was so different from the usual... Hurray for darker!!! I really hope this is the one that finally works for you... :hugs:

Disneyfan: I'm so sorry you now have a temperature on top of everything else... I hope you get some well-needed rest, and that this illness goes away quickly... :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Amanda: I have you firmly in mind--hoping everything is going well! :hugs:

Boopin: :hugs:

AFM: Clearblue got lighter today--almost invisible... so either it's more sensitive than FRER, or I can see blue better than pink under my bathroom lights, or I had a little late-implanting chemical pregnancy that is gone almost as quickly as it was here... I'm sad but frankly I'd done most of my mourning on Sunday. I'm starting to get myself into the mindset of going back to NY next week... I just hope hcg will drop quickly enough for me to start the next cycle. Cornell doesn't let you start if hcg on day 2 of the cycle is >5 (though I'll try to remind them it was they who prescribed me that hcg shot!) One of the good things about the next cycle is that Cornell is closed late June/early July, so we'll have a break from travelling for sure. It will be so welcome! We're pretty worn out...
wish- Excellent that your test got darker. I think this is your sticky baby!!! Beta is today, right? Good luck! I'm glad you had fun in New Orleans. I hear you about going to bed early, whew. I've been soooo tired. :sleep:

Disney- I feel just awful for you :hugs: Sick is awful but pregnant & sick is so much worse. I'm glad you took the Tylenol. It's very safe so don't worry! I hope you're able to get lots of rest today and you feel better really soon!

Amanda- Thinking of you hun! I hope you're cuddling with your little girl right now :)

klik- Oh no. :nope: I'm so sorry the IUI didn't work. I hope your next cycle goes much more smoothly than this one did! I also think it's good that you're taking a break for a bit, although I hope it's because you get your BFP this time!!!

AFM, I had a tough day yesterday. I'm seeing a pattern where the days I go to the clinic for testing are really hard for me, and I think it's because I'm so used to getting bad news when I'm there that being there is kind of triggering a panic attack and all kinds of negativity.

Beta went from 105 to 216, so it did double. Next beta is on Thursday, so we'll be hoping for anything over 615 bare minimum but secretly hoping for more like 650-700. I'm a lot calmer today and just keep repeating to myself that today, I'm pregnant. :thumbup:
Klik - I'm guessing there's a difference in the sensitivities between tests. I'm sorry that this has been such an emotional roller coaster for you. :hugs: I'm hoping you get your definitive answers to and that you are well on your way to that BFP soon. :hugs:

Scooby - The whole process is definitely nerve wracking. Hang in there, mama! :hugs: Are the PIO shots getting any better?

Boopin - Good luck today! :dust:

Wish - Good luck with your beta whenever you have it done!! :dust:

Amanda - I hope you are at the point of getting lots of baby snuggles by now. :hugs:
Hey girls! Just a quick check in, no baby yet, but got to hospital this morning to be induced. Hoping it progresses quickly! Will update after &#128522;

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