IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Boopin: I'm so sorry about your m/c... I saw your signature now... I've been struggling so much trying to use my OE that if I ever move to DE I'll just expect everything to run smoothly... but of course that's not how life works. Mourning takes time, and it sounds like you're undergoing this necessary but painful process... :hugs:

Amanda, Disneyfan: I forgot my acupuncture appointment today! :dohh: I was so focussed on researching a potential new clinic that it just slipped my mind. I'm crazy anxious waiting for tonight's (my time) phone consultation. The acupuncturist was nice enough to only charge me her room rental as a cancellation fee, and I'll show up tomorrow instead. Shiatsu is super nice--I've had it once or twice, long ago... Amanda, I hope it relaxes you, and that counselling helps. Sometimes just having a sympathetic person who can help you face your fears, disappointments, anger, etc. can really be helpful. :hugs:
I had my consultation w/ Dr Davis, and even though to me it's a whole new world, I think he just put me on what I understood to be Wish's protocol: priming with estrogen patches a week after ovulation, followed by clomid and then some light stimulation, and hopefully egg collection and a fresh transfer. His approach is straightforward: more eggs = more chances. He's not too fussed about supplements--for him, it's a numbers game. At 41, only 29% of my eggs are viable, and only about half of the embryos coming from those would implant anyway... so it's all about trying to get more eggs. Oh, and he thinks the estrogen should help avoid cysts without shutting me down like the BCP did last cycle. Also, it's totally fine to try naturally while on estrogen patches, which is nice because the idea of a completely wasted cycle drives me bonkers.

But estrogen priming is not common here, so let's see what my doc says...

Hope you're all doing as well as possible!
Amanda – that’s great that the doc is willing to look at all of the details and help every little piece so you can successfully conceive! I know it might take a bit but hopefully just this one cycle – a nice cushy lining for the embie to snuggle into! :hugs:
I hope the counseling helps you, hon. I agree – sometimes just being able to say everything you’re feeling out loud is a good off-loading process. You might feel a little lighter when you leave. :hugs:

Klik – yeah, I know how tough it is to forget about it. Ugh! Especially with our age – NOW I get what everyone was saying about the clock ticking. I didn’t hear it until about 2 yrs ago. Guess I’m deaf!
I’m glad your call with Dr Davis went well. How did you feel about it? Confident in what he told you? That’s so awesome we’re on the same protocol! When do you start (I forget where you are in your current cycle)? Yeah, I guess the estrogen patch doesn’t suppress you as much as the BCPs do, so hopefully that means more eggs. I hope so. My max has been 6 so far (not on this protocol).

Disney – I’m in town now until Thurs around noon, and then flying out. Man, I’m pooped already. 1) I’m on EST so I’m up at 4am right now and 2) I have a FULL day of meetings. I’m going to be toast by 5pm! I’m so glad you’re feeling pretty well! Scan is 6 days now! Wooo! Also, if tripping causes issues than I am doomed - I’m the clumsiest person on earth!

Aster – that’s such a great story about your friend. There IS hope, really, that we will all catch that same good luck.

Adr – holy COW!!! That’s WONDERFUL!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :wohoo: :happydance: :ninja: I totally get your hesitation to be happy, we can cover that for you. I hope this is your sticky, healthy, bouncing bean! How did the beta go?

Hi boopin! I’ve seen you on other threads and such since I’ve been on BnB. I’m so sorry about your mmc. Please do hang out with us if you’d like. These ladies are SO sweet and incredibly supportive.

I can’t believe so many of you are in the Sac area! We should have a mini BnB retreat lunch or something!
Nothing going on here. No sign of AF yet – no spotting last night or anything. I just need to make it through today!
Congrats adr! That's great news. You were so worried it would be BFN and now look at you. I know it must be so hard but try and enjoy this. You have life within you and I'm sure this time will be different xx
Hello Wish and Amanda!! Yes, I remember you both from another thread. It's been a while since we've chatted. :hugs:

Ladies - Thanks for all your condolences, words of encouragement and support. You're all beyond awesome!!

The willingness to listen,
the patience to understand,
the strength to support,
the heart to care & just to be there,
that is the beauty of a woman!!

AFM - The results are in from my Lupus Anticoagulant & Cardiolipin Antibody tests. They're both :mail: .. NEGATIVE!! One less thing to worry about. \\:D/ My FET can't get here soon enough!! Wishing on a star for my rainbow baby. xx
Busy day with work and whatnot today!

Klik - Oops on missing your appointment. I'm glad that the lady was willing to work with you and not charge you the full amount. It sounds like your phone call with Dr. Davis was a positive one. It sounds like his approach would definitely be new to you, and new can mean great news as far as outcomes go. I like that he wants to help you get the most eggs to up your chances of success. :thumbup: Have you gotten a chance to talk to your current doctor yet?

Wish - It's no wonder that you're exhausted! I hope that you're able to get some rest and that the hotel you're in is comfortable. I wish I could come out and meet you for lunch, but Sacramento is still an hour from where I live. Plus, my work is in SF, and while I don't have to go in every day, I do have to go tomorrow. With traffic, it takes up to 2 hours to commute each way, which makes for a looooong day. :dohh: It's not as bad on weekends when traffic is non-existent. I'm hoping tomorrow is a good traffic day. 12+ hours makes for a long day of work and commuting!

Boopin - Great news on your test results!! :happydance: How soon do you think you can start up for your FET? I'm really pulling for you! :hugs:

Adr, Amanda, and Asterimou - I hope all is well on your end. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hope - https://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-greet025.gif if you're lurking. :)
Aw, I would have loved it if a few of you gals could meet up in California. I would have asked you to have a non-alcoholic drink on my behalf! :winkwink:

Wish: re. the clock--I know, right?! I think I must have been deaf, too. I think, though, the most eggs I can hope for per cycle is 3! :wacko: Still, that's 3x better than one, and infinite times better than all these cancellations. I think I will ovulate in about 3 days, so I'm probably behind you by a little over 2 weeks. Still, I hope this protocol works for us! :dust: Did your AF behave and stay away for long enough?

Boopin: excellent! :thumbup: When is your FET? Will you be down-regulating first? I hope this is the one! :dust: Do keep us posted!

Disneyfan: my local doc is on holiday this week--which is just as well because Dr Davis's office is being a little slow on officially writing down the protocol so I don't have to show up at my clinic with some numbers scrawled on the back of a napkin! If I'm really lucky and my doc says "yes", I can start the estrogen patches in some 10 days and go from there... How are you? I can't believe how much commuting and work you have to do! It's incongruous, in my head, with your early pregnancy. I wish you much energy and patience and, most of all, stickiness! Can't wait to hear the results of your scan... :hugs:
hi girls!! NO AF YET!! WOOOO!!! I had a teeeeeeny bit of pink spotting last night on the TP but only once and nothing since. So that is definitely NOT day 1!

disney - holy cow, that's a terrible commute! I wouldn't have been able to meet this week anyway - I'm sa-lammed!! We're presenting and requirements gathering from 8-5 just about straight each day, plus handling all of our other client stuff around that time. I'm so tired already! But I did get a good sleep last night - made it to 9pm here and just got up at 6.

klik - that's basically what I hope for too. I managed 6 the first time around, now I just hope for at least 3 so the cycle isn't cancelled (or downgraded to IUI). I am really hoping this patch protocol gives us so much more!

boopin - that's GREAT!!! Yes, when do you start for the FET now?? (your little choice of emoji guy checking the mail made me giggle! haha)

adr - how was beta? I hope everything was ok.

hello and good morning to everyone else! :wave:
Hi everyone! I love checking in on all of your progress or new fertility game plans! I have been feeling better the past week. I had my NT screening the other day and baby's nuchal fold measurement was 1.4 (anything under 3mm is good!). And a nasal bone was present so that was a huge sigh of relief. The ultrasound technician unintentionally found the baby's little pee pee so it looks like we are having a boy! :blue: She said not to go painting the nursery until the harmony test results come back but I don't think anything is going to change. It was spot on right there lol

We are so excited. Now I can breathe. Now I feel like this is really real and it's the coolest feeing ever. I hope that is enough motivation to keep trying after a bfn. It's worth the fight and all the hard work and effort. Don't lose hope!
Yes - the commute is awful. I'm so grateful that my boss has been letting me work mostly from home since I returned from maternity leave last year. I was finally back at home by 6:30 last night - 12 hours after I left in the morning. I was exhausted!

Klik - Fingers crossed that you get the OK to try the estrogen patch this cycle! :thumbup: Hopefully Dr. Davis will get you the written protocol soon. :hugs:

Wish - Woohoo! AF cooperated with you for once! :happydance: Safe travels home today!

Hope - I can't believe you're already 13 weeks! And a boy!! So exciting!! :happydance: How are you feeling?
This is totally me right now. :haha:

AHHHHHH Disney.. I love the animated girl!! She's so cute!!

Has anyone heard from adr?? I hope she's doing well. :hugs:

AFM - The US findings on Tuesday showed that my pregnancy has completely passed. I have another bhcg on Friday 3/11. How long after mc should I expect a period? My nurse coordinator says after my first period post mc, I can cycle again. I'm estimating my FET to be sometime in May. :dance:

I'm just so thankful that I miscarried naturally and I didn't have to get a d&c. This process has been emotionally painful, but necessary. I constantly remind myself that the pregnancy wasn't viable and that I have to look forward and onward (this is how I cope).

Have a blessed day Ladies!! xx
Hi Boopin! I don't have an answer for you regarding your period after mc, but I wanted to offer more :hugs: and say that it's great that you can try again soon. I'm glad that you didn't need a D&C - once less procedure to worry about. I was forced to get one after my DD was born and they couldn't get me to stop bleeding (I suffered from a rare delayed postpartum hemorrhage 12 days after DD was born and required hospitalization, a D&C, and 2 blood transfusions. I was threatened with a hysterectomy if it didn't stop after the D&C :dohh:).

Your next one is ready to snuggle in with you. :hugs: Are you transferring the 4AB next?

I haven't heard from adr - I hope she's doing ok.
Hey, Wish, well done! :happydance: I really hope this is the one for you! I really hope this protocol is fruitful for both of us... You back in the cold yet?

Hope, I am so glad you can now relax and enjoy! Soooo happy for you! :happydance:

Oooh, Disneyfan, you poor thing! Hang in there... Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear about your post-partum difficulties last time... That sounds terrifying, actually. I hope it all runs smoothly this time! :dust:

Boopin: So nice that you don't have to have a D&C! After my m/c, I had a normal-length cycle and AF arrived 26 days later (my usual cycle length). I had, however, been on progesterone support--that may have had something to do with it. I hope your next attempt is the golden one! :dust:

Adr: you've been on my mind, too... I really, really hope you're doing ok. :hugs:

AFM: I'm still trying to find a way for the two clinics to talk to each other so my London one knows what they're supposed to do in this protocol. Maybe it won't work out, and I'll be stuck with natural-cycle IVFs (or these horrid cancellations) for a couple more months. But if I'm not pregnant til mid-May, NYC, here I come!
Hi all! Back in NH where it's actually pretty warm! For us, anyway!
Suppression check went well this morning so I'll start stimming tonight. 150 menopur and 450 Gonal F.

Disney - that is an awesome gif, I love Boo!!

Hope - congrats on great test results and team blue!!

Boopin - I had a D&C and got AF about 37 days later. I'm so glad you can start right away!
Klik - Would the two clinics be able to communicate via email? That might be the easiest assuming that a phone call or Skype would be too difficult. Good luck!

As for my postpartum experience, my OB suggested before that I get another csection for any future pregnancies as what I experienced was most likely the result of a long, difficult birth (40 hours and never progressed past 3 cm despite being pumped with loads of pitocin - check!) or a large baby (9 lbs, 5 oz when I'm normally 5'4" and 112 lbs - check!). I was also overdue by 8 days by the time she was born. I was told that since it's already happened once, I'm more susceptible to it happening again. Not a guarantee it will happen again, but more likely than it happening to someone else. It's supposedly not very common at all, but it was pretty terrifying. And being stuck in the hospital for a couple of days without my newborn baby sucked big time. And I definitely know that the general part of the hospital is nowhere near as cushy as the maternity ward, which I couldn't return to. :dohh:
Boppin I also don't have an answer for you, but hoping everything gets on its way quickly and you can plan your FET!

Klik, I also really hope the clinic can get their communication open for ya!

AFM, started spotting last night and AF arrived this morning. Called my clinic, and they said it's better to go in Monday, on CD4 than today. (They're closed on the weekend). In a little nervous that it'll be late to start stims, anyone else start stims that late?
Hi Amanda - I don't remember when I started my stimming as both of my IVF cycles were in 2013, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you. :hugs:
Hi girls! Disney - that sounds like it was a total nightmare! I hope you don't have to go thru it again.

Amanda - I actually didn't start stims yesterday (day 2), I'm starting in Monday, day 5. I think that's when I've always started mine so you should be good.

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