IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

amanda - ouch about the gov't cuts. I'm very glad that most of your meds are covered, though - small wins, I suppose. When do you start your next round? My fingers are so crossed.

adr - your story just re-broke my heart, I am still so sorry for you having to go through the unfathomable. Much dust and hope to you for Monday! I hope you get a great big surprise BFP! And if you don't, we'll be here for you. :hugs:

aster/klik - with as quickly as Feb just went by, April will be here before we all know it. I hope you're finding time to do 'regular life' stuff and take a break from worrying about TTC for a bit. I mean, please continue to check in with us on here but you know - have some wine, do fun things, eat soft cheeses :)

disney - how are you feeling? anything new happening yet? living vicariously through you! :)
bah - crossed posts with you amanda - good luck at the appointment today!!
Amanda - I'm glad that your meds are mostly covered. That was my only saving grace from having to pay for the rest out of pocket. My insurance has a low lifetime max on fertility-related stuff ($7,000), but that doesn't include medications - so meds counted towards my deductible and annual out of pocket max. Definitely a huge help! Best of luck at your appointment today!!

Adr - Hang in there! Sending more big hugs your way! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Klik - You can do this! :bodyb: :dust: :thumbup: When is your call with Dr. Davis?

Wish - I'm doing well - thanks for asking. Other than being a little tired, nothing really to write home about. Are you all packed for this weekend? What days are you in my neck of the woods?

Hi Asterimou! :wave:
So had my appointment, and dr explained a few things he's found. My lining apparently gets thick enough, but doesn't have three layers which is not ideal. So we're gonna go ahead with the next IVF cycle, but I'm going to take meds to try and fix the lining issue. If at EC there isn't the three layers, they will freeze all, and try a different approach next time. He said I could still get pregnant the way it is, but trying to fix the lining issue would double my chances. If three tries to fix the lining issues don't work, we'll try with the way my lining is now. Not sure if that makes any sense, I'm so confused and feel like getting pregnant keeps getting farther out of reach. Dr said most REs wouldn't bother trying to fix it, as it's more work...but he doesn't want me to waste a cycle if there are things that could be done to significantly increase my chances. Get this though....the meds I'm going to be taking are baby aspirin....and Viagra! I've heard of the aspirin, but has anyone ever heard of Viagra?
I've heard of viagra being used to help with the lining. I'm glad that your doctor is taking the time to help make the transfer conditions more "ideal". My lining had the 3 layer appearance, but it wasn't thick enough. My doctor said that lots of REs are fine with transferring at an 8, but she's more picky and wants her minimum to be 9 for transfers as she said studies (her own and others) indicate that 9 is better. It took us longer to get there, but I was appreciative of her pickiness because it showed that she cared. Hang in there. You've got this!! :thumbup:
Thanks, Amanda! I agree, we ARE allowed to be dramatic! :thumbup: Interesting about your lining--I agree with Disneyfan, it's very good that your doc is paying close attention and trying to maximise your chances for each cycle. I have also only just heard of Viagra for lining issues--funny enough, there's a different forum on which lining is being discussed at the moment, where they've been talking about this. The idea is, it helps increase blood flow. I am excited for you--hopefully this IVF and the careful attention to the lining will be just what you need! :thumbup:

Wish: I would soooo love it if I could just fugeddaboutit for a while. I envy Asterimou having just taken some time off and a holiday--I would have been less stressed out and saved loads of money to boot! But I am so hugely aware of how much each cycle counts--I was 41.5 in February, and with every month my chances of success just go down. So I feel I can't afford to take time off. But then I get cancelled, repeatedly. :growlmad: On the plus side, I have indeed been eating soft cheese! :thumbup: And you can bet I will keep checking up on you. I really hope your AF timing works out for this cycle! :dust: I'm sorry natural is not an option this time around--it's true, when you take hormones it's probably better to be safe than sorry...

Disneyfan: my call is on Monday. This weekend I am writing my question list (DP will contribute, of course). I will let you know how it goes... Thanks for asking! I'm really glad to hear you're not getting the super-annoying side-effects of pregnancy. And being tired does have the advantage of reminding you to take it easy. Did the first trimester in your first pregnancy go smoothly? I hope this one does... Hang in there--March 14th is not far away now! :hugs:
Ooh, and Disneyfan, thank you so much for sharing your lining story--I think it is being helpful on that other forum I mentioned. :hugs:
Amanda: I agree with the ladies, it's good they are trying to change something and focus on the lining. That could have been your problem all along so if it is fixed then hopefully bingo!

Klik: I can only imagine your frustration and completely understand the feeling of running out of time. Sometimes I guess it is a case of putting it out there to the universe and allowing things to unfold as they should. You seem to be an incredibly strong woman and have been so supportive to others on here. I'm really crossing everything for you that the next cycle can go ahead and this will be your one.

Hi Wish and Disney. Following your stories while I wait for April. I have tons of work travel and the job is full on at the moment so is actually a welcome distraction.

Adr: fingers crossed for Monday xx

And for a bit of good news my friend just got her BFP on her first round. They told her she had poor egg reserve, poor lining and she had a 40day wait for her AF. She got 4 eggs and 3 fertilised, 2 made it to blast and one was transferred. Now a sticky bean :) so even with a less than 'optimum' condition she did it. She's late thirties. There is hope for us all.
Thanks, Amanda! I agree, we ARE allowed to be dramatic! :thumbup: Interesting about your lining--I agree with Disneyfan, it's very good that your doc is paying close attention and trying to maximise your chances for each cycle. I have also only just heard of Viagra for lining issues--funny enough, there's a different forum on which lining is being discussed at the moment, where they've been talking about this. The idea is, it helps increase blood flow. I am excited for you--hopefully this IVF and the careful attention to the lining will be just what you need! :thumbup:

Wish: I would soooo love it if I could just fugeddaboutit for a while. I envy Asterimou having just taken some time off and a holiday--I would have been less stressed out and saved loads of money to boot! But I am so hugely aware of how much each cycle counts--I was 41.5 in February, and with every month my chances of success just go down. So I feel I can't afford to take time off. But then I get cancelled, repeatedly. :growlmad: On the plus side, I have indeed been eating soft cheese! :thumbup: And you can bet I will keep checking up on you. I really hope your AF timing works out for this cycle! :dust: I'm sorry natural is not an option this time around--it's true, when you take hormones it's probably better to be safe than sorry...

Disneyfan: my call is on Monday. This weekend I am writing my question list (DP will contribute, of course). I will let you know how it goes... Thanks for asking! I'm really glad to hear you're not getting the super-annoying side-effects of pregnancy. And being tired does have the advantage of reminding you to take it easy. Did the first trimester in your first pregnancy go smoothly? I hope this one does... Hang in there--March 14th is not far away now! :hugs:

Klik - I'm looking forward to hearing about your call! Fingers crossed that Dr. Davis offers some insight and a new plan for you!! :dust: :hugs: Perhaps you can ask if there are any supplements that are recommended to help improve conditions. I also wonder if you'd benefit from acupuncture.
As for me, the lack of symptoms are a little unnerving as this whole thing still seems a bit surreal, but I'm not wishing for MS or anything. I lucked out the first time and never got more than the occasional queasy feeling during my first trimester. Interestingly, the nausea seemed to pick up for me at about 14 weeks (when most people start seeing MS go away) and lingered until about 18 weeks. I definitely barfed several times, seemingly mostly in the evenings, but on the grand scheme of things, I can't complain. I think I'll be able to start feeling less anxious once we do the ultrasound on the 14th. I tripped going UP stairs (of all things :dohh:) on Friday. I doubt it caused any harm, but that nagging though still lingers in the back of my mind.

Asterimou - What a great, inspirational story. Congrats to your friend. :dust: that this next cycle brings you your BFP. I hope that work calms down for you soon! :hugs:
Hey Ladies. I have been off for a few days. I got a BFP on Friday on a FRER. Yesterday and today on a digitial ClearBlye I got a PREGNANT 1-2 WEEKS. Im almost scared to talk about it. Scared something will go wrong. My husband said he is waiting fr the other shoe to drop. What tragedy wiil befall us next? Dont get me wrong we are excited, just terrified too. So much can go wrong again. My HCG Beta test is tomorrow. Im already concerned because technically I should be about 4 weeks pregnant by the Beta test, so why is my test saying 1-2 weeks? Im scared something is wrong already, the pregnancy is not viable or my hcg levels would be higher indicating a a 3-4 week identification on the test. So I am overcome with worry already. If I can bury my daughter on her due date, anything is possible. If I can have the most perfect pregnancy with no issues and my full term little girl is born sleeping (a time when I am allegedly "in the clear") what all can go wrong while I navigate first trimester? My husbands reaction was deer in the headlights fear. There was no joy, he said he knows better now, because of what we have been through with Adalynn. Thank God I have therapy Tuesday! Thank God my beta is tomorrow and I wont have to wait anymore to find out something.
Okay like a man, I just read the instructions! the 1-2 weeks indicates the time since ovulation and the doctor will date your pregnancy at this time 3-4 weeks pregnant. Feeling relieved right now. Just get me to the Beta!!
Adr I'm wishing you tons of luck tomorrow!!!! I can only imagine how worried you are, and I think it's completely normal given what you have gone through. Try to see it as something good that is finally happening to you. Fingers crossed Hun!!
Congratulations on your BFP adr!! :happydance: And yes, you're correct your 1-2 weeks pregnant from ovulation or egg retrieval. So, in your case you transferred two 5 day embryos, so calculate 5 days before your ET. That's how you'll get 1-2 weeks, but your pregnancy is 3-4 weeks. I'm rooting for you!! I've got everything x'ed for you lovely. xx

Adr - I'm so happy for you! I've been praying for you and wishing for your BFP. You've been through so much and deserve some happiness. :dust: for some nice strong beta numbers. :hugs::hugs:
Firstly, Adr: Congratulations! I am soooooo happy for you! :happydance: I know you can barely dare to hope--you're traumatised... You're incredibly brave even to be trying again--and so far so good! I hope this time you do get to hear your baby cry, and then hold it and watch it grow and develop. Best of luck tomorrow! :dust:

Asterimou: Thanks! :hugs: Also, lovely to hear your friend's story: gives me some more hope...

Disneyfan: yes, I will definitely ask about supplements... I have started acupuncture already, but I'm not helped by the fact that I'm not entirely convinced--still, I will do all I can! And how are you? How is the wait for the scan? I get the "surreal" feeling--it takes a while for such big news to sink in. :hugs:

Boop: Hi! I may have entered this thread too late to have read your story, but welcome (back?)!
Boop: Hi! I may have entered this thread too late to have read your story, but welcome (back?)!

Hello klik - I hang out on another thread called Inconceivable and Beyond. (Confession) I lurk from time to time when things get slow over there. :haha: You guys are a lovely group of Ladies. I wish you all the best of luck with your ttc journeys. I recently suffered a mmc and I'm still processing it all. Adr's story has truly touched my heart and I felt compelled to congratulate her. She's so deserving of her Rainbow Baby!! xx
Klik - I don't really know how much I truly believe in the "powers" of acupuncture, either, but it doesn't seem to be hurting me. A lot of the dietary guidelines and whatnot that I'm told to follow seem rather hokey to me, but I'll do whatever to make this work out. :haha: Still tired, and not looking forward to the start of another work week. One more week until our doctor visit, though. :thumbup: I'm sending you good vibes for your call with Dr. Davis! :dust:

Boopin - I'm so sorry about your mmc. :hugs: I'll admit that I often lurk on other threads, too, and I'm familiar with your story. I really hope that your next FET brings you a sticky bean and BFP. Hang in there! :hugs: Feel free to hang around here. The ladies here are so supportive and wonderful!
Disney - I appreciate your invitation so much!! I need all the support I can get right now. I have moments when I'm sad and think about how far along I'd be if I hadn't miscarried. And then I have to remind myself that the pregnancy wasn't viable and I can't dwell on the "what could have been". I'm trying to stay optimistic and remain hopeful for what the future holds.

FYI.. I live in the Sacramento area!! We may be close to each other. :hugs:
Hey Boopin! I remember you from another thread several months back. Sorry to hear about your m/c. Hoping the next one works for you. When is your next round?

Disney and klik, I tried acupuncture for my FET, but I didn't enjoy the experience at all. Maybe it was just my clinic, but I did not find it at all relaxing. I've heard Shiatsu massage is good, follows the same acupressure points as acupuncture, works with the meridians and qi, but it's more of a massage. I'm trying that tomorrow. I figure if nothing else, it can't hurt, and might even relax me.
I'm also going to call and get an appointment for counselling.

Asterimou, you said the counselling helped you, right? I feel so down on myself and depressed, that I'm starting to recognize the need to get help, as I'm sure this isn't healthy. I'm just not sure what they could tell me to make me feel better.
Boopin - I know how hard it must be for you. The ladies here are so supportive that I find it helpful through the good and the bad. Hang in there -- I'm sending you warm and positive thoughts for you next cycle. :hugs: Do you know when you might be able to start getting ready again?

Oh, and I live in the middle of SF and Sacramento. :thumbup: Did you get a lot of rain in your area? The news people (we have Sacramento stations) made it sound like we'd get heavy rain all weekend, but it was only really Friday and Saturday and a little bit yesterday. I hate being out in the rain, but I've yet to see the big and constant El Niño storms that we had heard about for most of the second half of last year, and we definitely need the water. :shrug:

Amanda - I hope that your massage is relaxing for you. I'm sorry that you've been feeling so down lately. I think counseling is a great idea. If anything, I'm sure it would be helpful just to get things off your chest, but I'm sure that they'd be able to offer some coping mechanisms, too. :hugs::hugs:

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