IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Oooooh egg retrievals and triggering -- good luck to everyone here!!

Klik - I hope the bath was nice and relaxing for you. :dust: for your retrieval today!

Amanda - I think your plan is a good one. I'm hoping you get lots of embryos to help make your decision easier to make. :hugs:

Wish - That's awesome that you can trigger tonight. Not having to buy more meds is fantastic! :thumbup: The link didn't work for me, but I'm sure it's a good read. Coincidentally, the main website that the blog is hosted on is the company that my doctor contracts with. She runs her own practice and does all monitoring and procedures, but she uses the neighboring RSC to perform egg retrievals, embryo transfers, and all lab-related activities related to the embryos.

Yes - DD is such a joy to be around. I thank my lucky stars that she has blessed us with her presence. :kiss:
amanda - that's amazing!!! you'll surely have a good lot to freeze and transfer! wow, I'm in awe!

disney - thank you! I hope we are triggering tonight but I'll get the final word in a couple hrs. Even if it's one more night of stimming, I have that here. I just don't have another antagonist so I'd have to either get one from them if they have a sample or order one to be here as soon as possible tomorrow morning.
I was actually wondering if you would recognize the place - that's where my new friend in Sacramento goes! She's actually in Oakland, I think. So funny, small world.

klik - can't wait to hear from you!
I totally missed Amanda's last post. That's a fantastic number of eggs! :dust: for great fertilization rates! :hugs: Be sure to drink lots and lots of water to help flush your system. Beverages with electrolytes can help with the bloating.

Wish - My doctor is in San Ramon, which is about an hour drive for me. The RSC in San Ramon is currently maintaining custody of my rainbow baby (while I continue to pay the monthly storage fees). :kiss:

I'm glad you have enough meds to get you by. Hopefully your clinic can hook you up with a sample if you need that extra day.
amanda - 28 eggs, that's incredible!! You did an amazing job. :thumbup::thumbup:

Wish - GL on Easter Sunday retrieving your golden egg. :winkwink:

klik - I hope all is going well at your ER. xoxo

Hello Disney =.) How are you feeling?? Sending you lots of hugs!!

AFM - I'm still waiting for AF. Hopefully, she'll be here by the first week of April for a May FET!! Fx'd the old hag shows up, ASAP.. lol!!

Have a wonderful weekend & HAPPY EASTER everybody!! :bunny:
boopin - I hope AF gets here quickly for you!! are you going in for bloods to track your e2 down to zero or just waiting it out for AF?

bah - got the call and stimming again tonight, scan/bw tomorrow and hopefully trigger tomorrow night. i can't see stimming 2 more nights with one already being at 20. I am sorta glad, though - give the little ones a last boost to catch up! maybe that 10 will make a showing by Monday.
More good news is that I don't have to purchase more Gonal if they want me to stim again tomorrow night. She said, at this stage where they are growing and are big, if I have it, I have it. If I don't and don't want to buy it, that's fine. WHEW! But I did have to get another antagonist for the morning, but that's minimally priced.

enjoy your weekend, ladies!
Wow, lots of activity!

Let me give my update first: they managed to get two eggies from me! :happydance: Really, though, still unclear if they are mature and I've accepted there's a high chance that the little one is not (and they don't do in-vitro maturation at this clinic...). If one makes it to day 5 and survives the freeze/thaw, I'll be ecstatic!

Boopin: thanks for the wishes! I hope your AF is here asap so you can get started! Heh, I love the dancing bunny!

Amanda: thanks for the wishes! And WOW, 28!!! Well done! Yes, watch out for the OHSS--hopefully it won't get you; and hopefully you'll have LOTS of embryos to choose from! I'm so glad your clinic seems to be able to work with you, and is willing to try a transfer now as well as freeze for next time. Ooooh, little eggies, fertilise! :dust:

Wish: thanks for the wishes! I agree, it's probably better that your follies have a bit more time to develop. Also excellent that they're not making you buy more of the expensive stuff. Go, little ones, catch up! Incidentally, I can't follow the link for some reason... funny that you pointed to the clinic where Disneyfan actually does her treatment!

Disneyfan: that bath was just what I needed, thanks! Also, thanks for the wishes! Are you still feeling achey?
boopin - I hope AF gets here quickly for you!! are you going in for bloods to track your e2 down to zero or just waiting it out for AF?
I've been monitoring my bhcg level. The last time I checked it was 2. That level is considered undetectable. Hopefully, I'll start my period within the next couple of weeks. The sooner AF gets here, the sooner I can start my FET cycle!! Fx'd she cooperates ASAP!! [-o<
Wish - Good luck at your next scan! I'm sure this will be it for you! I'm so glad you don't have to buy anymore Gonal-f. :thumbup:

Klik - Yay! 2 eggs! :dust: that they are both mature and fertilize for you!

Boopin - I'm doing ok. I felt some cramping earlier but am not feeling too much discomfort physically. I'm only spotting now, which is to be expected. My sleep schedule is still a little wonky after sleeping so much on the day of my surgery, but I think it'll balance back out this weekend. My doctor told me to expect AF in 6 weeks or so. Hopefully AF shows up for you soon so that you can get the ball rolling again. Do you know what kind of protocol your doctor will put you on for your FET? My doctor is planning on changing every single aspect of mine. :wacko:
Both my eggs were mature and fertilised! Who would have thought it? Hurray! :happydance:

Boopin: I can see you can't wait to start! Hurry up, AF! :witch:

Disneyfan: Glad the discomfort is diminishing... Good luck getting your sleep schedule back on track! I slept some 3 hours last night, mostly because I'd slept too much during the day yesterday... Oh, well, it's nice to have a long weekend to recover. I hope you feel better soon... :hugs: How will your protocol change this time around? Also, when do you hear back re. the tissues recovered?
Klik that's awesome!!!! Grow embies grow!!!

Disney maybe change is good! It's good that your dr is willing to change and try a new approach, hoping that's all it takes for you!

AFM, I'm so bored, still very bloated and pain cone and goes. Due to the nurses telling us yesterday that I need to rest and not move, and started talking about ovarian torsion and all sorts of other OHSS stuff, my husband has ordered me to stay and rest on the couch while he does all the Easter shopping. I should be happy but I'm so bored! Anyone ever have to deal with OHSS? When does it start to show up?
Disney - I'm happy to hear your doing okay. Please don't blame yourself, love yourself and take the necessary time to grieve your loss. :hugs: What exactly is going to change in your protocol?? I'm sure I'll stay with the same protocol. Everything went picture perfect with my fresh DE cycle, except for the fact that my pregnancy stopped developing at 5.1 weeks. I'm going to have a saline sonogram before my next cycle and I've asked the doctor to monitor my progesterone levels just for a piece of mind. Other than that, I don't think much will change. I won't find out officially until I meet with my nurse coordinator. She instructed me to call her on CD1 of my next period and then I can start my FET cycle.

The waiting for AF is torture!! I just want to move forward. I so dearly want that bond/feeling back of pregnancy. The short time I had being pregnant was absolutely precious and I'll cherish those moments forever. :cloud9:

We'll have our rainbow babies Disney!! We just have to stay the course and keep our faith [-o<. We can't let our unfortunate miscarriages derail us from our paths to motherhood. I'll be here with you for the ride, no matter how bumpy it may get!! :friends:
Klik - That's fantastic news!! I'm praying that both stay strong make it to day 5 for you! And I hope you're getting some rest, too. :hugs: I'm not sure how long it will take to get the results of the testing on the "products of conception". I'm guessing at least a few weeks. I'm definitely feeling better physically with each passing day, which is good.

Hang in there, Amanda. I'm glad that DH is taking care of you. :thumbup: Unfortunately I can't comment on OHSS as I only got 5 eggs the first time and 6 the second time. Continue to rest and take it easy. :hugs:

Disney - I'm happy to hear your doing okay. Please don't blame yourself, love yourself and take the necessary time to grieve your loss. :hugs: What exactly is going to change in your protocol?? I'm sure I'll stay with the same protocol. Everything went picture perfect with my fresh DE cycle, except for the fact that my pregnancy stopped developing at 5.1 weeks. I'm going to have a saline sonogram before my next cycle and I've asked the doctor to monitor my progesterone levels just for a piece of mind. Other than that, I don't think much will change. I won't find out officially until I meet with my nurse coordinator. She instructed me to call her on CD1 of my next period and then I can start my FET cycle.

The waiting for AF is torture!! I just want to move forward. I so dearly want that bond/feeling back of pregnancy. The short time I had being pregnant was absolutely precious and I'll cherish those moments forever. :cloud9:

We'll have our rainbow babies Disney!! We just have to stay the course and keep our faith [-o<. We can't let our unfortunate miscarriages derail us from our paths to motherhood. I'll be here with you for the ride, no matter how bumpy it may get!! :friends:

Boopin - Thanks so much! :hugs: I'm praying for both of our rainbow babies!

My normal fresh and frozen transfer protocol was always just estrace tablets to build the lining and baby aspirin. For some cycles, she had me taking BCP first if we wanted to manipulate the timing of the cycle to transfer around a certain date. For my first 3 transfers (fresh and frozen), she had me taking dexamethesone as well, but she asked me not to take that this last time. I also took antibiotics and medrol as we got closer to transfer, and of course the progesterone shots. For this next cycle, she indicated I will be doing BCP and Lupron injections (I think the injections are 5 weeks??). I've never used that medication before, so I'm not sure what kind of side effects to expect. I'll also be doing estrogen patches, and she said that she may also have me doing another daily injection until a heartbeat is found (not sure what medication that would be or at what point I'd start it). I know that she mentioned some other things, but I didn't ask for too much detail at the time as we had the discussion at the appointment where we confirmed that the pregnancy wasn't viable. We'll of course be doing a saline sonogram as well, and she'll run my blood work to check for some immunity factors, too.

I was looking at the calendar last night, and I'm thinking we will aim to transfer later in July. I want to transfer at least a month after we get back from Disneyland so that I can clean up my diet and go back on the wonky diet that my acupuncturist puts me on. I also don't want to transfer right before my daughter's birthday (July 5), so we'll wait just a tad longer.

What kind of protocol did you follow for your last FET? I hope AF comes for you soon so that you can get started!
Disney - For my one and only fresh DE cycle my period was synced with our donor's using BCP for 3 weeks. On day 17 I started 10 u Lupron, 2 weeks later I began 6 mg Estrogen injections, Estradiol suppositories and 81 mg Aspirin. By the 6th week I started Progesterone (in oil) 50 mg injections, Medrol 16 mg and Zithromax 250 mg tablets for 5 days. A few days later I stopped Estradiol supps and switched to the Estrogen/Progesterone combo supps. My cycle began on 12/16 and by 1/31 I had my transfer.

Post mmc my FS ordered a Lupus anticoagulant & Cardiolipin antibody test. These tests are done to rule out blood clotting disorders that can cause recurrent miscarriage. They were both Negative. :dance:

I currently take a prenatal vitamin, fish oil and a vitamin d supplement daily. Also, I've lost 40 lbs since May 2015. I'd like to lose another 10 lbs before my next transfer. I think I might try fertility massage with my next cycle, too.

Late July sounds like the perfect time for your FET. Enjoy your Summer Disneyland trip with DD. I've never been. I bet its a lot of fun!! :icecream::juggle::lolly:
Amanda: Thanks! When do you hear next about fertilisation, development, etc.? As for OHSS, like Disneyfan I've never gotten close to it--the most eggs I've ever had at a time is 6! But you really are at risk of OHSS, so if bed rest was prescribed then you probably need to put up with the boredom... Especially while you still have pain... Sorry! :flower: But hey, 28 eggs is worth it, I'd say! :winkwink:

Boopin: I hope you get that feeling again soon, that amazing bond of pregnancy! :dust:

Disneyfan: Thanks! I had a good night's sleep this time around--I hope your sleep pattern is settling down, too... I'm happy to hear you're feeling physically better... I hope you're healing emotionally as well. I'm so sorry... Maybe it's good you'll be taking some extra time off... I can feel it in my bones, how sad and traumatic this experience has been for you. Also, your new protocol sounds demanding, so it makes sense to get yourself ready for it, physically and emotionally. :hugs:
Boopin - Thanks for the summary of your FET protocol. Some of it sounds familiar to me, and other parts are new (and things I think I may also be doing). How long were you on lupron for, and did you have any side effects from it? I'm taking the same supplements as you except for the fish oil since my prenatal vitamins have DHA in them. I'm curious what my RE is going to test me for. We also tried a transfer in December with another embryo that was genetically tested, and that cycle didn't work. We have one normal embryo left (and 2 abnormal ones that we obviously won't be transferring), so I really want to do whatever it takes to try and make sure we are successful next time. I think I'm also going to have my AMH levels checked again, just because I'm curious. It was 0.64 back in 2013 (when I was 28). If anything, I want to estimate how long I have before I may be hit with menopause, just because I want to know. :dohh:

As for Disneyland, this will be our DD's second trip there (we took her in December). We have one more trip planned for after Thanksgiving before our APs expire, which we only just booked very recently. If they didn't keep raising the prices to make it so gosh darn expensive to go, I'd encourage you to take a trip down south. We love that place (and WDW :thumbup:).

Klik - Thanks so much for your kind words. All of you wonderful ladies here have really helped me through what has definitely been a difficult time. The pain is still fresh, but we are continuing to persevere and stay strong, and it gets a tiny bit better with each passing day. DD has been a wonderful and positive influence on our outlook. I'm waiting for her to fall asleep and then wake up from her nap so that she can do the mini Easter egg hunt that we set up for her in playroom. :kiss:

Both my eggs were mature and fertilised! Who would have thought it? Hurray! :happydance:

I'm keeping my everything crossed that your 2 eggies make it to transfer!! :dust:

Me, too! :hugs:
Boopin - I forgot to add... I did the fertility massage before my last 3 transfers, all through my acupuncture place. They are not the most comfortable thing in the world, so just be prepared for that. They typically recommend them within the first several days of the start of AF. Something about increasing blood flow and encouraging a uniform lining in the uterus (I think). :shrug: I struggled with my lining for the first time during this most recent cycle, so take that all with a grain of salt.
Happy Easter everyone. This thread is moving quickly at the moment!

Well done Amanda, 28 is loads. Hope you are resting up and those embies are growing strong.

Well done Klik as well!

Thinking of you all. I've eaten too much chocolate this weekend and need to do some exercise!
Hello, ladies!

Wish: I imagine your egg retrieval has happened already? I really, really hope it went well! :dust:

Boopin: Thanks! Any signs of that pesky AF? A little bit of PMS maybe? :winkwink:

Disneyfan: Thanks! It's wonderful that you've got your DD to help you through this, just by being herself! I hope she enjoys the Easter egg hunt! It's a shame Disneyland is so expensive, but it's great that you get to go soon, to recharge. That embryo you have left needs every chance, and I know you'll do everything to provide this for her. Re. AMH: through a different board (https://www.network54.com/Forum/53068) I know of a number of women who have undetectable AMH and still go on having periods, some even getting pregnant years after having measured AMH as undetectable. I've personally come to the conclusion that low AMH or high FSH tend to mean no more than that you're producing only a few (or even just one) follicle per cycle--but that can potentially go on for years... Maybe that makes it harder, not having a clear-cut endpoint to your attempts... I don't know... All I can do is wish you peace and healing, and a lot of luck in your next attempt... :hugs:

I did get the day-3 call today: both my embryos have managed to survive thus far. One seems to be doing amazingly well: it is a top-grade 8-cell embryo (as good as it gets, by day 3!); the other one is struggling a bit: it's a "good" 5-cell embryo (embryologist said they hope for 6 cells at least, but as she was calling me early in the morning, the slower embryo might still have gained another cell later in the day). I'm cautiously optimistic that at least the 8-cell will survive until Wednesday, when they will freeze it...

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