IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

I called my clinic and they didn't seem too worried, so I'm not too worried. Just more resting on the couch for me!

Wish good luck tomorrow! I really hope this one sticks and proves you wrong :p
Thank you so much everyone! I've recently moved uk to usa so I'm gutted I'm not at home to be with her, but on the plus side it feels like less of a wait for news with the time difference! :)

You're a wonderful friend no matter where you live. What part of the US did you move to?

Wish - Keep thinking positive thoughts. Just a little longer and you'll be PUPO. I've done acupuncture before and after transfer, but I agree with your reasons for skipping it today. It's good that you're taking the day off tomorrow. The Hang in there & best of luck tomorrow! :hugs:

Amanda - Congrats on being PUPO! Kick your feet up and rest up! I hope you'll be feeling better soon! Have you gotten a report on your other embryos yet?
Thank you so much everyone! I've recently moved uk to usa so I'm gutted I'm not at home to be with her, but on the plus side it feels like less of a wait for news with the time difference! :)

You're a wonderful friend no matter where you live. What part of the US did you move to?

Wish - Keep thinking positive thoughts. Just a little longer and you'll be PUPO. I've done acupuncture before and after transfer, but I agree with your reasons for skipping it today. It's good that you're taking the day off tomorrow. The Hang in there & best of luck tomorrow! :hugs:

Amanda - Congrats on being PUPO! Kick your feet up and rest up! I hope you'll be feeling better soon! Have you gotten a report on your other embryos yet?

Thanks! We moved to Northern Virginia, so at least flight time not too bad. I so hope when she comes to visit there will be a baby on board!
Wow, they got 50 eggs from my friend!! She's doing well recovering at home now, just a bit of a sore tummy. So proud of her!
fxmummyduck - 50 as in 5-0, not 1-5? :shock: Wow! I think that's the most I've ever heard of someone getting! Good for her. Be sure to tell her to take it very easy as someone who got that many eggs is likely susceptible to OHSS. Electrolytes and lots of fluids should help with bloating and flushing her system. I typically only got 5-6 eggs during my egg retrievals, so 50 is mind boggling to me. :wacko:
Yes 5-0!!! Was mind boggling to me too! They thought it would be about 15 to 20 by the scan. Yes she's worried about ohss too, I have told her about fluids etc

Just hoping they are good ones now!
Amanda: glad you're not worried! Did the pain go away? Oh, the ever-exciting 2ww! How are you feeling?

fxmummyduck: 50 is truly mind-boggling! I was over the moon this cycle for getting 2! :wacko: Wow, I hope they fertilise really well!

Wish: thinking of you. I hope it all went well today!

My news: one of my embryos made it to blast and will be frozen (a good grade, they said: expanding B+B+ whatever that means! Haven't looked it up yet.) The other I think didn't even make it to morula yet, but they're going to be kind enough to give it another day...
Klik - Congrats on the frozen embryo! Hopefully the other one catches up, but it's great that you have at least one. That grade sounds excellent! :thumbup:
Hi all!

First off - holy MOLY for your friend, mommyduck!! That's mind-boggling to me too!! I hope she has time to rest and yeah, drink lots and lots of Gatorade!

Klik - congrats on the awesome embie!!!

Amanda - are you feeling better?

Afm - everything went great! Grade 4AF, which is really good. Acupuncture last night and this morning after transfer were amazing as usual.
Feeling good - nice and relaxed. :)
Wish that's great! Rest up and think positive!

Klik amazing that you have one great embie!! I also hope the other little one catches up tomorrow!

Fxmummyduck, 50??!!! Holy!!! Even if only half of them are mature that's still an incredible number. Tell her to rest, and drink lots of Gatorade, and eat protein. Did the Dr's seem concerned or giver her anything? My dr prescribed me dostinex for OHSS, and I only had 28 hehe.

AFM, pain is manageable today, but still feel pretty crappy and sore. I spoke to the dr yesterday, and he said he checked my abdomen with the ultrasound yesterday to make sure there was no cause for concern, if there was he wouldn't have done the transfer. It's probably just my ovaries healing which will take a little longer than last time due to double the eggs. So even though I'm in some pain, I feel better that he checked me out (without me realizing that he was). I do however still feel so incredibly bloated, that I feel like I've gained 20lbs over the weekend. I've already put on a fair bit of weight since starting this journey in September, but man I'm so uncomfortable. Just actually had a meltdown over it......damn hormones. Sigh....
Wish - Congrats! I'm so glad that your strong little embie is a fighter! Rest up and don't over do it over the next couple of days. :dust: to you and Amanda!

Amanda - I'm glad your doctor took the opportunity to do a quick check on your ultrasound yesterday. Hopefully you will start feeling better soon. The weight gain and bloating should be temporary. Hang in there.

It's nice to see some good news here for a change.

The wait until July for my transfer feel like an eternity from now.
Disneyfan: thanks! How are you? Has the bleeding stopped? July does feel really far away... Sending you good thoughts! :hugs:

Wish: Thanks! Yay, you had acupuncture before and after! That is excellent! Also super-happy your embryo is a good grade! :thumbup: I hope your 2ww goes as well as possible, given the crazy anxiety! :hugs:

Amanda: Thanks! I'm sorry about the pain and bloating, and the meltdown... This is a really demanding process--I think the occasional meltdown is actually pretty healthy, but it sure doesn't feel that way when you're in the middle of it. :hugs:
Second embryo didn't make it past the morula stage... :nope: Oh, well. But I have a blastocyst! Yay! My next cycle will have mild stims--maybe that will help me recruit more than one--who knows... Estrogen patch goes on on Friday. And then, hopefully, it all kicks off again...

Amanda, did you ever get an update on those other eggs? I hope you have loads of embryos by now, developing in the lab even as the little one inside you is digging in! :dust:
Klik, yes I did. They froze 3 on day 4 when they did my transfer, then froze 3 more day 5 blasts yesterday. There were still a few more that they were going to give until today. I'll get the final update this morning. Out of the 28, 16 were mature enough to be icsi'd. I'm happy because we've completely drained our bank accounts doing this, and we wouldn't have been able to afford another fresh cycle at full cost. Even the FET's are over $2000 a pop. Hoping at least one of these is our take home baby.
I'm sorry to hear about your other embryo, but you do have one great one!

Wish, how are you feeling?

Disney hoping that your doing well! I know July seems like forever away now, but it'll come quicker than you think!

How is everyone else doing?
Klik - I'm very happy that you got a nice blastocyst to freeze -- especially since this cycle was almost scrapped altogether. :thumbup: Best of luck for the next cycle! You've got this! :dust:

Amanda - That's great that you were able to freeze a bunch of embryos. That would be awesome if you got a couple more by the end of the day. :thumbup: Feeling any better today?

AFM, bleeding has slowed down a lot, which is good. Physically, I feel fine. I'm not horribly off emotionally, but I still find it difficult to accept the reality of what we've been through. I so desperately wish that I'm still pregnant and that things were progressing normally. I do what I can to keep my mind busy with other things and try not to dwell on the fact that we're down to our last try this summer. I enjoy cheering on everyone here, so I'm living vicariously through you guys until we can try again. :flower:
hi all!

disney - I agree that though July seems far off, it's really right around the corner. You have some awesome things to look forward to between now and then too, that's going to help! Thank you for continuing to cheer us on. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better.

klik - aw, i'm sorry about embie #2. But I concur about being excited about embie #1 considering you weren't sure about this cycle at all! WOO! every little bit helps, that's for sure.

amanda - oh I can so relate about the bloating from all the meds and such. I am so uncomfortable right now and the fact that I can't workout or go running now that the weather is beautiful is killing me! I'm so glad your doc inadvertently checked you out and you passed, though. Sigh of relief! How are you feeling besides?

afm - I'm feeling just fine. i went a little nutty with symptom spotting last time and I really want to try not to do that again (I sound like a broken record, honestly). But if I know me, and I think I do, I'll be looking for every little thing in about a week! :haha:
so, therefore - I'm feeling fine right now, other than a few little tweaks and twinges which I'm sure are being caused by the bloat, the constipation or the healing from the puncture wounds in the uterus to get to the follies. :) I don't even think this little thing will implant for a few days, right? We did do assisted hatching but it's only a 3-day embryo right now, if it even survived overnight.

question - do any of you know anything about organic apple cider? it's really good for you, like skin, body pH, etc. I usually drink one teaspoon of it a morning with a cup of water - it's gross but if it balances out the body's pH, I'm all for it. BUT, I was wondering if it would be ok after a transfer. On the one hand, I'm thinking it would be b/c I've read things about the uterus being too acidic but then again, I didn't want to do any harm. Thoughts?
Thanks, Wish. :hugs: I'm guessing the cider is probably OK for the time being, but I'm not positive. Just a teaspoon is a very small amount. I know that once your pregnant you should avoid non-pasteurized juices. My acupuncture lady suggests nothing colder than room temperature (cold stuff cools the uterus), but she also recommends a lot of hokey things. Lots of protein (like chicken) and pineapple core are supposed to help with implementation.
Wish I have no idea about the apple cider vinegar. I have also heard great things, but no clue when it comes to after the transfer. Maybe ask your clinic?

I'm feeling better today, just bloated and major heartburn from all the meds. Also had mild one cramps last night and this morning, but also chalking that up to the meds, and the healing process after ER. From what I know implantation starts day 6dpo, which for me would be today. But then again I'm sure everyone is different. Clinic called this morning, there were no more to freeze today, so overall I've got 3 day4's and 3 day5's in the freezer, which is much better than last time, so I'm happy.
Amanda - Those are great numbers for frozen embies! Congrats. :hugs: Hopefully the little guy (or girl!) is snuggling in right now. :thumbup:

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