IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Amanda: 6 on ice and one in your tummy! Not bad at all! :thumbup: I hope the little one inside you sticks and then you have more embryos left than you know what to do with! I'm glad you're feeling better, but sorry about all the pain and discomfort you've still got--I hope that all settles and the only symptoms you're left with are pregnancy-related. :dust:

Disneyfan: I'm glad the bleeding has slowed down... Emotionally it's all really too much to process, I think--so much loss, so much worry--but you're doing an amazing job at it... Thank you so much for sticking around and cheering us on. I really appreciate it! :hugs:

Wish: here's hoping there are loads of REAL symptoms for you to try hard not to spot! :dust: I'm sorry, I don't know about the cider either... As for implantation, it's supposed to happen 9 DPO on average, but that's plus or minus a few days. A day 3 embryo wouldn't have hatched yet, though. I hope it's enjoying its digs! :hugs:

AFM: You're right, gals, this is a cycle that officially WAS cancelled right at the beginning. I'm really glad I decided to fly back home for this, and that my doc was actually willing to indulge me and use this strange cycle. Still sad for the embryo that stopped developing, but hey, I've never cultured to blastocyst before! Yay! :thumbup:
So much good progress on this thread. Amanda and Wish being PUPO and Klik with a little Frostie from an almost abandoned cycle. 6 frozen is great btw Amanda, I'm really hoping we have some to freeze this time.

Can someone tell me what DINKs means?

And with the pineapple core thing are you just supposed to eat the core or the whole pineapple? How many a day are we supposed to get through? Is it only relevant after transfer?

My baseline scan is next week. We all know anything can happen so I'm excited and nervous in equal measure!

Disney: I've had quite a long break between cycles but it is a good chance to do normal things and be good to yourself. Nice not to worry about work trips or socialising without any drinks. July will come soon enough xx
Hi, Asterimou! FXed for your baseline scan! I hope they get your cycle RIGHT this time! :dust:. Also, DINK means dual-income, no kids...
Thanks, Asterimou. :hugs: For the pineapple thing, I was told to eat the core of one pineapple ove the course of two days following my day 5 transfer (the day of and the next day). I was told that I could eat some of the main part of the pineapple but to at least eat the core. I was also told that if I couldn't actually consume the pieces of core to chewing up as much as possible before spitting it out. I'm not sure how the recommendation changes for a transfer done in a different day. Supposedly the bromelain in the core helps with implantation. That's exciting that your scan is next week. Good luck!

Klik - Did your doctor finalize a plan for your next cycle? Are you trying Dr. Davis' protocol?
ok I think I'm going to do the pineapple core thing this time. Worth a shot! My doc's office has laughed at me about these things but whatever. My acupuncturist just told me that the goal is to keep the abdomen warm. So all warm foods, drinks (nothing more than room temp, like yours disney), etc. So of course I'm dying for some ice cream right now!

aster - good luck at the baseline!!

amanda - that's awesome that you came away with 7 total!! who am I to think that I should get more than a 20% success rate on 5!! haha

klik - agreed about the implantation but we do assisted hatching so I think it's a little earlier? regardless, it is what it is.

I just dug out the crinone remnants (sorry) and there was quite a bit of brown-tinted stuff in there. I'm assuming from the ER on Monday. Can't be anything else yet.

any big plans for the weekend?
Wish - I always had a mug of hot water to counter the cold temperature of my pineapple. :winkwink: I was also told to eat lots of chicken and something with protein every 2-3 hours. Oh, and keep your feet warm. :shrug::haha: Regarding the Crinone, that's totally common even without a transfer, and I noticed the same thing when the was on it a few years ago. I had to switch to PIO because my progesterone was too low with the Crinone. I still have hard knots in my butt from the PIO. :dohh:
Hello, gals!

Disneyfan: my doctor's plan is that "modified" version of Dr Davis's protocol. So, original was: estrogen patch 7 DPO until AF; baseline scan day 2; if everything ok, then Clomid followed by light stims and antagonist. My doctor has eliminated the Clomid (which he doesn't like because it thins the lining and has a long half-life) and will only add the light stims after the lead follicle reaches 11mm. So he's not really going for recruiting multiple follicles--rather, he is trying to make sure the lead follicle is nice and mature before it's collected. His goal, then, is still just one good follicle... What I haven't spoken to him about yet is, is it possible to transfer one day-3 fresh embryo at the same time as a day-5 thawed blast? I suspect not, because you're targeting a short window when the endometrium is receptive, so timing is probably key... in which case I'll need the new embryo, should there be one, to again survive to blast in the lab... Assuming I don't have a cyst again, or some other reason for cancellation... Ugh! :dohh:

Wish: excellent question about whether assisted hatching speeds up implantation. I had only thought about it in developmental terms, but now your embryo is sort of precocious! :winkwink: Well, whenever it decides to do so, I hope it burrows nicely into your lining!

Weekend: One or both of DP's (divorced) parents have been coming over for 4 weekends in a row now, and his mom wants to go to an orchid show today (Saturday). I'm skipping it--she drives me bonkers. So, in compensation, I think, DP is willing to go somewhere for the weekend after the show... Need to look into dog-friendly B&Bs now! Monday morning I have an interview for a training I've wanted to do for a long, long time now, so I need to be as zen as possible. Probably helpful that I've just had a little blast frozen! What are you gals up to?
I asked about the fresh 2/ frozen 5 combo back in November and they said no. I'd be interested to hear if your doc says differently.

Thanks Disney! I've been eating a lot of eggs and other proteins at every meal. Not quite every 2-3 hrs though!and thanks for the note in crinone. This is the first time it's happened to me out of 5 cycles on it! My cervix seems tender too. It's traumatized!!

Not too much for me for the weekend. DH and I have a couples shower to go to tonight at a great nearby restaurant. So I went shopping and got a new dress and shoes for that! And one of our kitties hasn't been feeling well so I've been taking care of her. Lots of things to keep my mind off the TWW! Tomorrow we are getting snow!! Booooo
Klik - It sounds like your doctor has a good plan in mind. :dust: that all of the timings align well for you. A weekend getaway sounds divine right about now. :cloud9: Enjoy!

Wish - Keep up the good work! :thumbup: I think Crinone can irritate the cervix a little, so that's why some people report it coming out a little dark looking. Have fun at the shower. Stay warm!!

As for us, nothing big on the agenda this weekend. We need a new mattress, so we might start looking around to figure out what it is that we want. More money... :dohh: It'll be a Cal King, so whatever we get, it will be the most expensive size.
I thought about that irritation after. I'm sure that's what it is. No more in the shower yesterday. Gosh there is no such thing as TMI anymore!!

Good luck on mattress hunting! When we went from a queen to a king, I fell in LOVE!! We had no idea what we were missing! I can't even imagine a CA King!!

Cravings now: ice cream and wine :) not together, and just bc its stuff I can't have. Supplementing with decaf tea.
My Crinone eventually starts getting brownish too, but I never thought it was because the cervix was getting irritated...

Wish: my dog is really ill too--I mean, he'll be fine, but poor thing, in the meantime I can barely think about anything else. Congrats on the new dress and shoes! :thumbup: Aw, shame even ice cream is out of the picture...

Disneyfan: I've got a "super king," which may be the same thing? I love it! In the B&B we had a standard double and I could barely sleep! :haha: I hope you LOVE the new mattress and that it supports you well during your hopefully imminent pregnancy!

Re. my protocol: well, if it works I'll put my doctor on a pedestal and worship him forever, but if it doesn't I'll be upset we didn't actively pursue going for two or three eggs... But we shall see. I was afraid the estrogen patches would show through clothes but they are super-thin! :thumbup: AF expected around Friday, give or take...
Well, I now have bed envy! We only have a standard double. It doesn't seem to bother me as we like snuggling but I guess it's one of those things that once you go bigger and better you can't go back! Like getting a dishwasher, I always thought they were pointless but then got one as a moving in present, couldn't have a kitchen without one now;) So I will enjoy my double while still ignorant!

Thanks for the pineapple tips. Definitely going to do it this time. Wishing everyone a great week, especially those in the tww..... Hang in there!
hi girls!

hahaha - I had a dishwasher and then moved into an old apartment without one and I hated EVERY SINGLE DAY until I moved!! :haha: top it off that it had a porcelain sink so I broke so many dishes when washing them just b/c they were slippery. Porcelain has no 'give'.

How's everyone feeling? Amanda, how are you doing TWW twinnie? ;)
I'm doing well - 5dp2dt now. Still going to try to stay away from symptom spotting but it's tough to when my boobs DO hurt (though they started hurting while I was stimming so trying to throw that one out) and I'm having some cramping. I had some pineapple core yesterday - 3 pieces - and cut up the rest for today and tomorrow. i figure those are probably the implantation days with assisted hatching - days 6-8. Why not, right?

klik - I'm so sorry your pup is sick! My kitty is doing better - she decided to become super picky about her food over the last week too. So we took her into the vet on Saturday and she got an antibiotic shot and was back to normal that night. But she was still turning her nose up at the plethora of new food options and only wanted chicken or treats!! But I just got her yet another new bag and she seems to like this one. We'll see what she thinks at dinnertime in a few hours.
Asterimou: I cannot imagine not having a dishwasher... Then again, my mother has one but doesn't use it. Anyway, when is your baseline scan? I can't wait to hear good news! :hugs:

Wish: 5dp2dt? Gosh, you gals test early in the US! That is a one-week-wait! My clinic is adamant that it's 16 days, and patients have just got to suck it up... I can't wait to be in that state again, even though it's torture... You seem to be holding up really well! And your pineapple plan seems perfect! :thumbup: As for my dog, I've never seen him that ill--it really scared me. But he's on the mend now. We made him walk 20k with us on Sunday, poor thing... Usually he loves that kind of thing and runs ahead of us, but that day he was just trying his best to keep up. Yesterday I made him rice with chicken breast to use during his convalescence. Did your kitty eat something interesting? :hugs:
oh no, klik, I am not testing! HAHA! I was just saying which day I was. My beta isn't until Monday, 4/11. That will be 14dpo, the earliest my office will test. I think i will test this weekend, though, on my own.

I don't think she ate anything interesting - she isn't usually the one to 'get into things'. The antibiotic seemed to have cleared her up so I think she just had basically a UTI. But she's still being annoying with her food. She stopped liking the one in my last post, i got her a new one yesterday which she LOVED at first, and now there's a bowl of it just sitting there. Ugh!

it really stinks when our fur babies are sick! They can't tell us what is wrong and we feel so helpless and hate seeing them not act like themselves. :( I hope your pup gets back to 100% soon. What kind of dog?
Asterimou: I cannot imagine not having a dishwasher... Then again, my mother has one but doesn't use it. Anyway, when is your baseline scan? I can't wait to hear good news! :hugs:

My baseline is tomorrow. I'm a little anxious but am also really excited. I'll let you all know how it goes :)
So caved a POAS with a dollar store test. Hoping it's just too early, 8dp4dt. Test day is Monday.
aster, I'm so excited for you to start up again!! Let the fun begin! ;)

amanda - I'm sure it's too early. What dpt are you now? My beta is on Monday too. Are you having any symptoms?
Wish: Ok, I just can't read that abbreviation--I thought 5dp meant "5 days post-transfer" and 2dt meant "2 days to official test date", which would mean a total of 7 days post-transfer, which would be FAST! Wow, Monday. How are you holding up?

My fur baby is a white mini schnauzer. He's doing much better! He, too, used to be a picky eater--until he was neutered. Since then, anything goes. What sort of cats have you got?

Asterimou--can't wait to hear! Hope you have lots of follies ready to start growing!

Amanda: I'm sure it's too early... Hang in there--I know it's hard...

I spoke to my doc today and he confused me entirely. I thought this cycle we'd be going, ideally, for a fresh/frozen transfer. But he said for frozen transfers they prefer doing medicated, as it improves chances by 7% (though as far as I know I have no lining issues, so not sure it would apply to me...). So he suggested if I get an embryo this time around, maybe we culture to blast, freeze, and then do a medicated FET later on. Really disappointing--I was looking forward to ideally transferring two little embryos this month! Ugh! I'm minded to do a fresh day-3 transfer this month, if possible, and go for the frozen transfer only once I have a cancelled cycle anyway... I thought I knew the plan but now I'm all confused! :wacko:
oh ha! nope - 5 days post 2 day transfer. Today I'm 7 days post 2 day transfer, so 9dpo. I'm holding up ok - boobs are sore, which was a really good sign the first time I got a BFP. And I've been watching like a hawk since then and never got sore boobs with all of my BFNs, even on the Crinone and Estrodiol patch. So the meds don't give me false symptoms, i know that. Other than that, i feel normal!

my kitties are both gray and white tigers with black tiger stripes, big white chests and white toes or socks. :) I love them both dearly. Your pup sounds so cute, i love schnauzers! They have quite the little funny personalities!

oh wow, that IS confusing!! I say push for whatever it is that you see fit. You're not doing testing on the embryos, right? It almost looks like he's trying to 'batch' but I guess that would be with you on stims to get a lot more embryos. I dunno! I'm confused too!!

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