IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Welcome back Hope! 1 already! Wow 😊 he’s so handsome!

Wish, you look stunning, love the bump! Getting close now eh? Are you all set for the boys arrival now after your shower? I have the spectra s1, and did not know I could program it! I’ll have to look into that. I splurged and got a Sarah wells pump bag for it. Love it.

Scooby, hope you’re doing well! Are you all set for baby now?

Disney, really sucks about the fires, but glad you had a safe place to go.

Klik how are you doing?

Boopin, hope everything is well! I will check into your journal 😊

AFM, B just turned 5 months, but we are all battling a nasty cold. She’s finally on the mend, but I fought it last, so still feeling pretty crappy. She’s starting to get super curious about things around her, and seems to be getting close to sitting up on her own. Her current favourite activity is the jolly jumper, I’ll go post a video on FB in a few minutes 😊
hi girls!!

amanda - SUCH cute pics on FB!! She's growing so fast!! I'm sure you're enjoying every developmental moment. So excited to experience this soon!!

ready for babies?? ermmmmm - nope. HAHA! My body is ready to almost be done with the pregnancy but as far as the real life of now having 2 infants - I think we're both not ready. As far as having 'things' ready for them, though - we're on our way. We got a few other gifts this weekend that were necessities on the registry from people that couldn't come to the shower, so that was happily received. But we have to organize and shift the furniture in the nursery, get cribs from people that are donating to us (scored our 2nd one this weekend from someone at the Halloween party!), set up the car seats and such. We should still have time but I want this stuff done by mid-December. So the clock is on for 6 weeks from now!

How's everyone else?
My dear women!

Sorry I disappeared for a while, but I'm chuffed to see the really positive activity on here!

Hope, he's gorgeous! <3 He looks really content, though he's already been through so much... You must be amazing parents! I really hope this second time you will rather easily conceive naturally, and that your second baby will be free of early medical issues... :hugs:

Wish: I love the bump pic! You're absolutely a glowing pregnant woman! I'm excited that you've picked names--can't wait to find out what they are! That said, I hope the boys hang in there for a while longer... :hugs:

Amanda: I'll get to that Facebook video at some point... I've just got a really... complicated relationship with Facebook at the moment. I trust you're all over your colds now and that your sweet little girl is getting to fully enjoy the jolly jumper! :hugs:

Disney: I'm so sorry to hear you had to evacuate for the fires... I did think of you when that was in the news... I'm very glad your house was spared but it must be very sad to see other houses that weren't so lucky... I hope everything is back in order now and that your little girls are both doing great! :hugs:

Scooby: So you've moved now? Amazing! I'll go check out your journal in a sec... I hope everything is going well with you and DH and Moobley! :hugs:

Boopin: I'll go check out your journal too, in a minute--I really hope you're ok and that things are progressing!

AFM: had a bit of a scare in my 3D HyCoSy--looked like my tubes were partially blocked, so hydrosalpinges were suspected. A lap was initially recommended (ack!), but my RE sent me to have a transvaginal ultrasound with a specialist, who totally set my mind at ease re. my tubes. He has a new machine with which he could see my tubes from beginning to end without any contrast--no hydrosalpinges. Phew! He also found no adhesions or polyps or signs of endometriosis. I do seem to have focal adenomyosis, though, but he told me that doesn't affect fertility (I thought of Boopin, though, and that made me kinda nervous). My uterine cavity looks clear, so why my lining isn't thickening any longer remains a mystery. I might have some scarring underneath the lining, which a 3D HyCoSy or an ultrasound wouldn't pick up... But I really don't feel like having a hysteroscopy. I'm just going to chance it and hope if there's an implantation, it's not in any scarred areas.

Sorry to throw all that technical stuff at you! The upshot is, I'm on norethisterone for another week or so; my period should start few days later and then I'll do the baseline scan to get ready for a frozen transfer!
klik!! wow, you've been through a lot lately but I'm so happy that it turned out that your tubes are clear. FX'ed for some thick lining coming up. I am so excited for your cycle to start!!! :wohoo: please keep us posted on everything!!
:wave: we connected on FB so you know how I'm doing! :)

klik - we need updates!
Hey, gals!

Gosh, Wish and Scooby are probably just about due!

Sorry I've been quiet--I'll head over to the journals and FB in a minute, to catch up... Just doing some navel-gazing, as one does... I tried to have my first transfer in November but, while the lining did get to 7.8, it shrank really fast post-ovulation: first to 6.5, then to 5.6, then to 4.9. It's supposed to shrink after ovulation, under the influence of progesterone--that's normal... but my doctor reckoned the shrinkage was too fast, and brought the lining to a thickness he just wasn't comfortable with... So I had a cancellation and we'll change up the protocol a bit and start again in January. So I'm disappointed and I'm still terrified that, post m/c, my lining just isn't any good any longer... I have an appointment with someone who might be able to tell me something about this, but it would probably be just as I'm starting a new transfer cycle... So I'm trying to figure out whether or not I should postpone it. Ho, hum. Apart from that, everything ok, more or less... Hope you're all doing well, my dears! :hugs:
Bollocks, klik!!! (Is that how you spell it?) that sucks. I hope you can get some answers. Or you limit cooperates in Jan! Keep us posted please!!

Almost due - c-section is now scheduled for 1/15!!!
Klik - I hope your lining cooperates next time and that all goes smoothly and according to plan! :dust: I&#8217;m so sorry that your last attempt has to be cancelled. :hugs:

Wish - Super exciting news!!
Thinking of you too klik, I miss chatting with you! Update when you've got some time :) I hope the new protocol improves the lining issue and you're able to move forward with your next transfer!
I miss you, too klik!! :hugs: Hope your having a great start to the new year!! :kiss:
Hey guys! After a lot of mis-timing things in November and December, we finally got on track this month. I took clomid 50mg days 5-9 and I triggered last night. Tomorrow morning is my first IUI for baby #2!

I am excited and scared. DH's sperm count is very low and his morphology is 0 (which means he barely has any normal shaped sperm). His counts have been around 7 million and that's before they wash it :(

Hopefully his numbers come back decent tomorrow morning. I have three mature follicles to work with so I am a little optimistic.

Anyone else's dh's have poor sperm quality??
Hope! It’s great to hear from you! That’s great that you are TTC again! No experience with male factor fertility issues, but I wants to wish you th best of luck!! :dust:

Wish & Scooby are getting close! :happydance::happydance:
Hope - good luck!! Same as Disney, all of our problems were me. :( but I’ll be keeping out lots of hope for you!! FX’ed!!
Hey hope! Good luck! So my husband has a count of pretty much 0, hence us needing a donor, so unfortunately I’m not much help there either.
Dear women,

you are NEVER far from my thoughts, even when I disappear!

Wish, IIRC you are due tomorrow!!!!! Good luck!!!! Above all, health to you and the boys, but besides that I wish you as easy a birth as possible. I'm so excited for you!!! Massive :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: -- you must be so anxious and so excited!!!

Scooby: thanks! I'll check out your journal to see how you're doing--you must be due soon!!!

Disney: thank you, my dear! Gosh, I need to check out that FB page--I'm curious to see what you and your girls are up to!

Amanda: hi! I hope you and DH and baby B are doing great! Again, need to check out that FB page...

Boopin: thinking of you and sending you :dust:! I'll check out your journal in a minute, too!

Hope: wow, that is exciting! My DH's sperm is all good... I do know some women whose partners have sperm issues... Sometimes antibiotics help... Sometimes selenium... sometimes abstinence from alcohol, though funny enough sometimes when these same guys go back on the booze their sperm is better (maybe just relaxing a bit helps...) Either way, it worked once, so I'm really hoping it will work this time! :dust:

AFM: I spoke to a doctor who specializes in uterine scarring and he said given my history (thinner lining now than before m/c, lighter periods), it's worthwhile doing a hysterosalpingogram with an awesome technician--that it should pick up more issues of subtle adhesions than a saline sonogram can. It was very interesting, as it was a difference of opinion from my usual doctor here in the UK. So, if the HSG shows nothing, I'll just have to accept that thin linings are my new normal and that is that... if it shows something, I'll have a hysteroscopy and this new doc will try to sort out the adhesions for me. So, that does mean even more of a delay... :coffee:

We did have a bit of excitement, though... this current cycle, which is about to end, we couldn't do an FET because I ovulated while the lab was closed for the holidays. So we tried naturally... and I had a chemical pregnancy. I'll never know if it failed because it was a bad embryo, because my lining is dodgy, or because I wasn't producing enough progesterone to save the embryo from being shed along with the lining (I gave myself huge doses of progesterone when I found out, but it would have been too late by then...) So I was really sad for a while, but right now I am grateful that I can at least still make eggs that can be fertilised and implant, and that my lining can at least allow them to implant... It's a good sign! I hope it portends good things for 2018!

:hugs: to all! I need to go for now but will try to check out those journals soon!

Wish and Scooby, thinking of you and your boys!!!

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