IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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jchic - I have an appointment set up with him for next Friday so not sure what he's going to say. I did run into him this morning after my blood test and told him I was setting up an appointment because I was pretty sure my blood test would be negative. He told me he needs to see the embryologist report before we decide next steps. Also, he said the doctors, embryologists and the rest of the team meet on Wednesdays to review all the cycles and make decisions on how to proceed. In sum, I'll have to just wait for my appointment next Friday. He said most likely we will go right to a frozen embryo transfer. The thing is, I know our embryos are great quality, the 13 frozen ones are all day 5 blasts, and the one they transferred was also a blast that looked ready to hatch, so that leads me to think there's something wrong with my uterus. The HSG and ultrasound showed nothing was wrong and my doctor didn't think a laproscopy was necessary. He told me the percentage of false negatives on the hsg test was very low and he doubts that I have scarring from the d&C's. So, I guess I just have to keep moving forward.

Have they ran any extensive blood workup's on you? When I had my MC after my first cycle, they ran a ton of tests for my autoimmune, karotypes, and some other stuff. The one thing that came back is that I have the MTHFR gene, so this cycle had to do blood thinner injections. Just something to ask about to help rule things out.
Not- I'm so sorry, love. I hope they'll be able to give you some answers and are able to start your next round ASAP!!! Xoxo hugs!
Hi Ladies! :hi: TGIF!!! I have a lot of catching up to do after taking a couple days away. It's jsut been work and sleep for me. My MS converted to all day sickness and I have been struggling to eat which just adds to the tiredness. Anyway I got some magic pills now and am feeling better so it is time to catch up in here.

Azlissie: I am so sorry this cycle didn't work for you. :hugs: Please don't think that you aren't meant to be a mom, I know that isn't true. It might just take a bit longer then expected for you but it will happen.

Notoptomistic: Sorry to hear this cycle may not have worked for you. :hugs: it still could be a positive. Good Luck today! I am also sorry to hear about your D&C's at least one gave you an answer. Can you opt for chromosone testing on your frosties? I know some ladies on here did have their embryo's tested and were able to eliminate the abnormal ones. I know we can't have that done here in Canada, or at least where I am. I hope you can.

MoBaby: I love your attitude it's so great to be positive during this. Hard to do on the emptional rollercoaster so I think with that great attitude this will be your time!! FX!

Wantbaby: Hopefully Sunday works out to be your BFP! I know I needed to know before hand as well since I was at work for that call. But my beta was 16dp5dt which is so late so how could anyone not test while waiting. It was funny when she called to say that I was pregnant I just said a quiet yeah and she was shocked that I didn't sound excited. She asked if I already knew and I said yeah I may have tested once or twice or 20 times. I hope you have the same results! Good Luck!

One: Yeah for making it to 5 day transfer, your cycle seems very close to how mine went. Hope that continues!

Angie: I'm sorry for the BFN I was really pulling for you. I hope you enjoyed your night out. Come on AF hurry up Angie needs to get back to jabbing herself with needles. Looking forward to the video blogs!

Lindsay: So proud for you not testing it's super exciting waiting for you to get your result today. FX!

Annette: Sorry to here your FET didn't work, I wish you the best of luck with your next fresh cycle.

Threebirds: Sorry to hear you didn't get a positive result from this cycle. I hope you can start again soon.

Stacy: I had the discharge too, the nurse said it was normal from the nasal spray that I was on to prevent ovulation. Now I think it is partially from the vaginal progesterone. Good Luck on Monday, or if you test before good luck.

Likklegemz: I think everyone has one ovary with better results then the other, mine was my left. My right only had one from start to finish. You sould like you are well on your way and doing great!

Ash: Wow the shawl is amazing, you definitely have a talent for that. I just wish I could do something like that. Next you should make some booties for your baby. Good Luck with IUI #6.

Stinas: I am doing the vaginal progesterone that doesn't come with the applicator. At first I was grossed out by it but it's not that bad. They are easy to insert and painless. The only downside is waiting 20 mins after inserting to walk around.

Haj: The 15 week Bump looks great! How are you feeling?

Jchic: How are you holding up? I found the daily wait to hear about my embries hard I couldn't imagine a 5 day wait. I hope you hear great news on Saturday and have some great blasts to transfer on Monday.

Almost: This is IVF #1 for us and we would like two kids, ideally a boy and a girl. I always said I would like twin girls so I could have fun dressing them alike, yeah I will be one of those moms. LOL. If this is twins this time I think it may be the end for us unless they are both boys then I may try for a girl. It would be a lot of thinking though. Sounds like your cycle is going great. Yeah for a good amount of follies! Congrats on starting stimms tomorrow. Not much longer now.

Michelle: I have never heard of these HCG boosters before. I am guessing they should help and increase the BFP for you. But it kind of sucks that it delays testing.

Bubu: I hope you can get started again soon. FX for O!
thanks girls

Michelle - they ran extensive tests on me back in January. They took about 20 viles of blood and tested for everything imaginable. Everything came back normal. They did two work-ups on me, one was a miscarriage workup because of my two miscarriages, and the other was an infertility workup because I hadn't been able to get pregnant in a year since my last miscarriage. Some of the tests overlapped of course so they only needed to do those ones once. They found absolutely nothing wrong with me or my husband. The only thing about me that my dr could say may be contributing to my infertility is that my cycles are normally 36-41 days long. That being said, all my hormone levels are normal, and I ovulate every cycle and have a nice long luteal phase. One of my ovaries is polycystic based on its volume, but I do not have the syndrome (PCOS). I do know why I lost the first baby - it was a chromosomal fluke - the baby had an extra sex chromosome - xxy. The second one we have no idea about. It was an XX and had a normal chromosome count. We had even seen a great heartbeat of 160 something on the first scan we had.
Notoptimistic - hopefully you will get more answers on Friday. I am hoping it was just an unlucky IVF and that the next will work for you. Stay strong!

Jenn - Sorry about the MS :(

Michelle - how are you feeling?

Lindsay - few hours to go!!!!

TTB, Mobaby, teapot, angie, one - how are you all today?
Jenn76 - my test came back negative - definitely not pregnant. Regarding testing the embryos, we discussed this with my doctor before the start of the cycle and he told me because we have no genetic issues they wouldn't test embryos. He also explained that the science of testing the embryos is fairly new and their thoughts on it are they it is best to not disturb the embryos unless there's a reason to suspect there's an issue. Also, I think the embryo quality must be good because they only freeze good ones and also, 14 of my 21 fertilized eggs made it to day 5, 1 was transferred to me and the other 13 frozen. If they had issues I don't think they would have survived.
Notoptomistic - WOW, sounds like they have done a lot. Hopefully you will have better luck with the FET!!

Jenn - I wondered too why I had to do these boosters, but it has to do with them checking my ovaries and if they are not over 65, then I have to do them; which are 3 all together with both cycles now, at least yesterday was my last one. I believe it is supposed to trick your body into thinking you are pregnant...just hope it works this time! And now that I am one week away from my beta I am getting even more anxious! So your MS is so bad :( But glad you got some pills to help.
Jchic - Other then just really tired, I feel back to normal!? I had cramping all last cycle, so I am a little worried that it seems all symptoms have just vanished. And besides that my weight is slowly creeping up :growlmad: I am trying to eat better, more fruits, and cut down on my portions. How are you doing?
Michelle - I am hanging in there! Waiting for Sundays embabies result to see if we are good to go for a day 6 transfer of blasts. LETS GO EMBABIES!!! One more week? Brutal but hang in there, I am rooting for you!
jchic - I think I'd want two transferred. We would prefer one baby but we could handle twins. I'm not sure my doctor will allow it though. He is a huge proponent of elective single embryo transfers. I'm going to run it by him at our appointment. I think the program I go to is extra conservative.
Got it. Hopefully he will allow you to transfer two. Keep us posted and I am glad that you have so many strong frosties. One or two are your take home baby (ies) so hang in there. xo
Notto-so sorry, I hope this means you are only closer to your bfp for next cycle!

Lindsay-FX FX FX!!!!!

Michelle...not too much longer for you now, right??? I cannot remember when your beta is?

Sorry to any other BFNS I may have missed =(

Teapot-will you consider adoption?

Also, I just wanted to thank you ladies for being such great support-you are all truly amazing. I am so excited to share the rest of my IVF experiences with you all!!!
And notto-my FS also is more strict on only transferring one unless the grades are low, then he wants to do two which DH and I agreed to.
Hi All--so much going on!

Yikes. I'm needing support. I'm day 8 of a 2 day transfer--beta Monday. I have had no spotting, which has ALWAYS been true several days (6-7) before AF leading up to AF (in IVF and non-IVF cycles. This morning I poas--nothing. But, I have some cramping. Also, feeling emotional.

In fact, I was at a full faculty event this morning where we ran around speaking Spanish together and greeting each other...about 20 minutes in I started tearing up (crowds aren't my thing and I don't speak Spanish, but it was disproportionately anxiety provoking for me this morning). I had to leave, then when I came back everyone kept asking if I was okay because I had clearly been crying. I left the game permanently when my husband arrived (he works at my school) and I sat in his office sobbing/hyperventilating until the activity was over.

I had the notion that it was PMS that was provoking my tears...then that thought made me come undone. I have had 2 negatives before, but they were sad moments of disappointment--few tears even in private. Today I emotionally couldn't control myself even in public. In 6 years I don't think I've cried in front of my colleagues (well, maybe a few tears at graduation ;)), so this is really throwing me for a loop.

Any thoughts on this? I know no one has answers, and I won't know unless I start to bleed or get my test results Monday, so I guess I'm just looking for support.

Thanks for listening. I'm going to go get all weepy again! *sigh.
Awww, Stac!!! Don't psych yourself out! Aside from the home pregnancy test, you really don't know yet! Please wait for your beta to know for sure. Don't ever apologize for venting on here. Love you!!!
Hi All--so much going on!

Yikes. I'm needing support. I'm day 8 of a 2 day transfer--beta Monday. I have had no spotting, which has ALWAYS been true several days (6-7) before AF leading up to AF (in IVF and non-IVF cycles. This morning I poas--nothing. But, I have some cramping. Also, feeling emotional.

In fact, I was at a full faculty event this morning where we ran around speaking Spanish together and greeting each other...about 20 minutes in I started tearing up (crowds aren't my thing and I don't speak Spanish, but it was disproportionately anxiety provoking for me this morning). I had to leave, then when I came back everyone kept asking if I was okay because I had clearly been crying. I left the game permanently when my husband arrived (he works at my school) and I sat in his office sobbing/hyperventilating until the activity was over.

I had the notion that it was PMS that was provoking my tears...then that thought made me come undone. I have had 2 negatives before, but they were sad moments of disappointment--few tears even in private. Today I emotionally couldn't control myself even in public. In 6 years I don't think I've cried in front of my colleagues (well, maybe a few tears at graduation ;)), so this is really throwing me for a loop.

Any thoughts on this? I know no one has answers, and I won't know unless I start to bleed or get my test results Monday, so I guess I'm just looking for support.

Thanks for listening. I'm going to go get all weepy again! *sigh.

Awe..:hugs: Is this your 3rd cycle? It's so difficult I know, but try to stay strong...:hugs:
Just called my IVF medications coordinator at my RE/FS clinic. She is going to call me back here in a bit with my new IVF protocol!! :happydance:

Praying that I won't have any BCP or down reg this time. Just want to get it on already :haha:

Hubby and I had a great night. Wrote about it in my journal :winkwink:

Lindsey: Can't wait for your results! :happydance:

Happy Friday loves.

Stay strong. Stay positive and know you're not alone:hugs:

Prayers and blessings,
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