IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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No not at all!!! We aren't the normal ones haha. It's not about how many as to how big they are getting and how they're progressing. don't worry!!!
Almost ~ I would prefer to have 13 rather than what I had. My RE was aiming at getting somewhere between 10-15 follicles. So you are the normal one here.. Lol!
LOL I feel like the more the better! Sorry to hear you were both so bloated and uncomfortable after ER! Hope it works for you lulu!

I will be happy if some more follies are found-but most important, that on sunday-they tell me they are growing growing growing!!!! =) GN ladies!
Lulu: yeah for getting started on Stims :happydance: Wow I was surprised to hear you had 34 eggs and only 5 were mature. Glad to hear your RE isn't going to coast you this time. Stock up on Gatorade with all those follies.

Almost: I had 4 eggs and got my BFP so it is definitely quality over quantity. So don't fret you will be fine.
LuLu: I guess I am technically day 2 since the Lupron is being used as a stim instead of a suppression med. Tomorrow I start gonal F, but I dont get a scan until Wednesday after 4 days of gonal F and 2 days of Menopur :( I would like one sooner, but they know what they are doing!! I do have some bloodwork in between.
Jenn ~ RE was really surprised with the maturity as well. I will really have to stock up on the Gatorade if he's gonna push it even more.

Mobaby ~ Yaaay for cycle buddies! I also have my first scan on Wednesday which will be day 4 of stims for me.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BFPS!! Here we come!!!!!!!!!!
Just popping in after my EC, they got 6 eggs. Should find out soon how many are mature.

Will catch up a bit later, going to rest up a bit :)
Broody ~ Yaaay for starting stims!! Why do they make you wait so long to check follies? I go in day 4 of stims for my 1st ultrasound. I would think they have you go in sooner just in case they need to adjust meds. I hated the menopur too. That's the only one I always hesitated before injecting myself with. Good luck with it all!!

Almost ~ That's a great # of follies and they are at a good size. Looking forward to updates!

One ~ Your symptoms sound promising and you're testing super early so don't stress about the bfn. I have a good feeling for you!! As for AF, I didn't get mine until after I stopped the PIO (I think it was 3 days later).

Michelle ~ I'm so sorry :hugs: but I still have hope for you.

DaisyQ ~ CONGRATS!! H&H 9 months! can't wait for your beta tomorrow!

Want ~ FX for a good high beta tomorrow! Will be waiting for your update!

jchic ~ cramps and pinching like feeling are very good symptoms to have. I have good feeling for you!!

MoBaby ~ What stim day are you?

Likkle ~ I was a nervous wreck before EC too. I had never been put under before and I wasn't sure how I would react to the anesthesia but it was the easiest thing in this whole IVF process for me. Are they putting you under or will you just be taking pain meds prior to procedure?

Stinas ~ I'm glad you were able to enjoy some time with your DH. I'm overdue for little getaway as well especially with all this stress of IVF.

AFM ~ Today we bought our gonal-f and menopur from a local lady who had left over meds from her successful cycle. We ended up saving about $1500 which made me really happy since it's all out of pocket for us. I will be using the same meds but this time RE is not going to back off if I'm making too many follicles like he did last cycle. Also, he's not going to have me trigger until most follicles are past 18mm in size. I have been taking CoQ10 and I started drinking the Naked green machine juice to improve egg quality so I guess we'll see how that works. I can't wait to start stims on Sunday.:happydance:

Great job on saving money on the meds! I'm glad they are changing things a bit for you. Sounds like things will go great!

Just popping in after my EC, they got 6 eggs. Should find out soon how many are mature.

Will catch up a bit later, going to rest up a bit :)

Wonderful news! :happydance: Can't wait to hear tomorrows report.
Hello ladies! I've been reading everyone's posts but haven't felt like jumping in for a few days. For some reason I'm taking the failure of the FET worse than the fresh cycle and I've been completely bummed.

I had a question for the ladies here who've had more than 1 round of IVF - did you stay with your original RE or did you switch to someone else? I've been feeling frustrated with my RE as I feel like the plans aren't individualized enough and they haven't really tailored anything - meds, # of days stimming, anything - to my personal needs. I have been thinking about setting up a consultation with the only other RE in town but then I wonder if I should stick with my current guy because I've been seeing him over a year and he knows my history already. Do any of you have any advice about switching or staying?

Michelle, I really hope you get some good news with your beta tomorrow - fingers crossed!
Hello ladies! I've been reading everyone's posts but haven't felt like jumping in for a few days. For some reason I'm taking the failure of the FET worse than the fresh cycle and I've been completely bummed.

I had a question for the ladies here who've had more than 1 round of IVF - did you stay with your original RE or did you switch to someone else? I've been feeling frustrated with my RE as I feel like the plans aren't individualized enough and they haven't really tailored anything - meds, # of days stimming, anything - to my personal needs. I have been thinking about setting up a consultation with the only other RE in town but then I wonder if I should stick with my current guy because I've been seeing him over a year and he knows my history already. Do any of you have any advice about switching or staying?

Michelle, I really hope you get some good news with your beta tomorrow - fingers crossed!

Azlizzie, sorry you are feeling this way. You have to do whatever you personally are comfortable with, but I switched REs for the very same reasons you described. I did 2 IUIs with my first RE, and was starting my first IVF with him, but I too felt like he wasn't individualizing my care, and was putting me on a standard protocol he puts all women in my age bracket on. It's a GOOD thing I switched, because as it turns out that was the WRONG protocol for me. He was going to put me on the long lupron protocol. I had already started BCP and was due to start lupron injections soon when I switched. My new RE did an antral follicle count (something my old RE did not), and she also tested my AMH levels (something else my old RE did not), and determined that based on those two things, I may not be a great responder. Given that, she decided that the lupron would way over surpress me. So she switched me to an antagonist protocol (follistim or gonal, plus menopur, plus ganirelix). I stimmed for about a week, and then we ended up having to convert the cycle to IUI because my follicles were growing in a really scattered pattern (a few leads at 16, with others farther behind at 11-13, and others less than 10). My doctor felt that if we moved forward with ER, we'd only get 3-4 mature eggs. She also felt that using BCP on me was a mistake, because it probably oversurpressed me as well, and decided that for our next try, we'd use estrogen priming.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that my new doctor seems very knowledgable, and is absolutely tailoring my care to ME. She's taking what we've learned from past cycles, and using that to change/modify my treatment. She is also open to my questions and even my suggestions, where my old RE was kind of arrogant and dismissive.

It sucks that there are only 2 REs in your town, but I would REALLY consider at least a phone consult with the other one. Are there other, bigger towns/cities nearby that you would consider traveling to?

Once I decided we were doing IVF, another huge factor in making a switch is that I wanted to pick the place with the highest SART success rates. My first clinic had a ~43% success rate for the 35 and under age bracket, and my current clinic has a 69% success rate for the same age bracket. That, combined with my gut feeling that I liked the new RE better, made the decision a no brainer. If I was going to do IVF, I didn't want to have to do multiple cycles if it could at all be avoided. I'm so glad I made the switch!!
GettingBroody - yay for stimming, it will go so quick and you will being at EC before you know it!

almostthere - that sounds like a good number and size of follicles

oneof14 - I felt like I was getting AF too right before I got my BFP, hope you get your BFP soon!

michelle01 - sorry about the tests, wishing you so much luck with your beta tomorrow! Pease try to remain positive, even if it doesn't happen this time around I'm sure it will happen. There are things you can do to try and improve egg quality, try not to give up hope. Take some off the whole ttc thing if you need, it can do wonders for your outlook

DaisyQ - huge congrats! So excited for you!! Good luck for your beta tomorrow

wantbabysoon - thanks for asking, ER went pretty well, a bit of discomfort but nothing I can't handle :) Good luck with your beta tomorrow, can't wait to hear how you go :)

jchic - pinching is a good sign :)

Likklegemz - good luck for ER today, it is hard to cope with the whole ivf process :hugs: I understand what you mean about the pamper process, I got to ER and realized I forgot to shave my legs :o I was horrified, lucky I had a female doc this time

Stinas - sounds like you had a nice break, lucky thing :)

Lulu - awesome you got to save some money, nice work. Are they giving you a lower dose than last time?

azlissie - I stayed with my FS for all cycles, after each failed cycle he has taken steps to try and improve the result and also been running lots of tests, he is very knowledgable and I trust that he knows what he is talking about. With that being said, if he wasn't running tests and changing things up I would definitely be looking for a new FS. It is important to be comfortable with your FS, so if your not what is he harm in getting a second opinion

AFM - ER went well, a bit of discomfort afterwards but the hot water bottle is doing wonders for that :) Waiting to hear How many eggs were mature and how many fertilized. Today I found out my clinic is doing a 4 day transfer, they said they are having better results with day 4 transfers as opposed to day 5 and getting better results when freezing on day 4. Has anyone heard of this or having a day 4 transfer? I always had day 5 transfers in the past (because day 4 ET fell on a day they didn't do them) and have only heard of people have day 3 or 5.
TTB ~ Yaaay for 6 follies! Praying that they're all mature and you get a great fertilization report. As for the dosing, he's giving me a slightly lower dose on the gonal-f (112.5 as opposed to 150) but everything else is staying the same and he's going to let me stim for as long as I need to get most follies over 18mm before trigger.
Girls quick one still groggy egg collection was ok! We got 9 eggs!!
Just popping in after my EC, they got 6 eggs. Should find out soon how many are mature.

Will catch up a bit later, going to rest up a bit :)

:happydance:Yeah TTB! 6 is great news! I've never heard of 4 day transfers, but if your clinic is having success with that then I would trust them. I can tell you that my day 1 to 3 daily reports from the embryologist all mine were at the same amount of cells and on day 4 all three were at different levels. The two that were ahead stayed that way until day 5 and became blasts. So had I had a 4 day transfer I still would have gone with the same two and maybe getting them back in their natural environment would be good.

Hello ladies! I've been reading everyone's posts but haven't felt like jumping in for a few days. For some reason I'm taking the failure of the FET worse than the fresh cycle and I've been completely bummed.

I had a question for the ladies here who've had more than 1 round of IVF - did you stay with your original RE or did you switch to someone else? I've been feeling frustrated with my RE as I feel like the plans aren't individualized enough and they haven't really tailored anything - meds, # of days stimming, anything - to my personal needs. I have been thinking about setting up a consultation with the only other RE in town but then I wonder if I should stick with my current guy because I've been seeing him over a year and he knows my history already. Do any of you have any advice about switching or staying?

Michelle, I really hope you get some good news with your beta tomorrow - fingers crossed!

:hugs: Azlissie sorry you are feeling down. My clinic does the same protocol with everyone just different doses. They feel it works so they are sticking with it. They do have a 73% success rate for under 35 so I didn't question it. It worked for me so I guess I am lucky. I know a girl that has had two unsuccessful cycles there and I'm sure she needs a protocol change but I am not sure what they will do for her. We only have one clinic here so not many options. I guess you need to go with your gut.
Yay for everyone who had their ER!!! Rest up and can't wait to hear an update!!
Good luck to everyone who is having another beta today or the first beta :)

TTB- I have never heard of a 4 day transfer, however my clinic does 6 day transfers which no one seems to hear of either (except Jchic and Daisy and anyone else that goes there). They say that they find them the most successful. So I would just trust that they know what they're talking about, but if you're uncomfortable definitely have a talk with them!! Best of luck!!!
Hi all--just sending out sticky vibes to all of you who are in that realm of your journey (or who will be soon).

I'm "enjoying" a robust visit from AF...talking with my ER today and starting up with a new, more aggressive protocol next week!

Best to all! Stacy
So I have decided that I am not going to test....its just way more than I can handle and after weighing the pros and cons, I am going to wait for the phone call on Tuesday from my nurse. I checked and she is in on Tuesday, which most likely means she will be calling me. I trust her, and I think its best for me to get the news over the phone than to possibly stare at a stark white test. If the news is good, well then I will pee on a stick as my souvenir. I am trying to be realistic and prepare myself either way for the outcome. If its positive, great! If not, then we will meet with our RE, go ahead with the FET and go from there. Its hard to think this may have not worked....its brutal to even think about. I have been having the cramping still on and off, but now it feels more like period cramps I think.....or gas. I cant freaking tell which is SO annoying! It took me forever to poop (sorry tmi) yesterday and this AM I cant go. Had a cup of decaf to see if that helps move things along, but no dice so far. I cant tell the difference between gas and sharp cramps so I guess I am kind of screwed there, LOL.
This weekend we have nothing planned except laying out by the pool, lunch on Sunday and dinner. Should be relaxing for the most part anyway. Tuesday cannot come fast enough!!!
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