IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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alscreetch, I feel the exact same way about having everything delayed. We've all waited enough for our babies, and we don't want to wait anymore!

Plus, it was nice to have tentative retrieval and transfer dates for work, personal life, etc. But my new mantra is, "it is what it is."

I couldn't agree more!! My quote of the day is "Don't Poke the Crazy" Cause I am feeling a wee bit out of my head. I actually felt dizzy when she told me we would have to delay!!! I had the mock last week. Oh Well... we will get there girl!!

So baseline US/Lab today Estradiol level came in at 51.96. Wtf...So another week of Lupron for me... Anyone else have this issue? I am really bummed.:cry::cry::cry:

I'm sorry love:nope: What are your estrogen levels supposed to be?

They like to see the level under 50 & I came in at 51.96. I will attribute this to starting AF on day 5 after bcp. Then doing baseline the day after. Just sucked because I was really excited and wanted to start today.

Good morning all and welcome to the new ladies!

Just returned from my supression check appointment with some disappointing news. I have a cyst on my right ovary (17 by 21, I think). Uh, I hate cysts! They said it could delay the start date for my stims, as they obviously don't want to stimulate the cyst. So, they did a blood draw, and if my e2 is under 50, we can start on schedule. I should know by the end of the day. Alscreetch, does this sound like the same test you had?

So, I am super down in the dumps right now and almost started crying at the clinic. What is wrong with me....I'm an emotional wreck!

By the way, the sounding was just where they took some measurements of my uterus. Not too bad; felt like an IUI or pap.

On a side note, two pregnancy announcements yesterday...awesome.

Yes, this was the same test, no cysts, 22 resting follicles, just high E2. I did cry S08. :cry:

Uh so close!! You just got AF yesterday? What day did you stop BC? They have you going back in next friday for other sono and bloodwork?

I stopped bcp on Saturday 4/21. Yesterday morning when I woke up she had arrived. I know I was so frustrated by 1.96 seriously wft... LOL But yes I am scheduled on 5/4 for round 2 of baseline!

I do want to say welcome to our new ladies waiting, havelove, and mammy... :hugs::hugs:

Well my doctor gave me an extra week in between then. i finished bc 4/22, got af on wednesday and i dont have my 1st baseline till next friday. So yayyy we both have our baseline the same day so we should be on a similar sched!!! We can go crazy together.
alscreetch, I feel the exact same way about having everything delayed. We've all waited enough for our babies, and we don't want to wait anymore!

Plus, it was nice to have tentative retrieval and transfer dates for work, personal life, etc. But my new mantra is, "it is what it is."

You're not sure if youre delayed yet right? Or are you definitely because of the cyst?

Yep, I'm not sure if delayed or not. Should know by the end of the day. I had a cyst before a medicated IUI cycle, and it wasn't a problem, so I'm hoping that is the case again. I might be freaking out for no reason.

If I am delayed, I'll probably be closer to you and alscreetch for starting stims. And I just stopped bcp like 3 days ago, so it sounds like that timing will be more similar to you. I'll keep you all updated.
Thanks for the welcome everyone :) Is anyone watching The Talk today? They are doing a million dollar baby shower. The entire audience is pregnent women. They showed some great products and interesting ideas.

Haj, I'm sorry I didn't get to see what happened with your insurance before. I know you were awaiting the medical director's 2nd review after the first denial. What happened? Obviously you're moving forward so that's awesome!! How much did they end up covering?
alscreetch, I feel the exact same way about having everything delayed. We've all waited enough for our babies, and we don't want to wait anymore!

Plus, it was nice to have tentative retrieval and transfer dates for work, personal life, etc. But my new mantra is, "it is what it is."

You're not sure if youre delayed yet right? Or are you definitely because of the cyst?

Yep, I'm not sure if delayed or not. Should know by the end of the day. I had a cyst before a medicated IUI cycle, and it wasn't a problem, so I'm hoping that is the case again. I might be freaking out for no reason.

If I am delayed, I'll probably be closer to you and alscreetch for starting stims. And I just stopped bcp like 3 days ago, so it sounds like that timing will be more similar to you. I'll keep you all updated.

I'm the queen of freaking out for no reason...just ask my husband lol.:wacko: Well hopefully this doesnt delay you so you dont have to wiat another week but if it does its kinda of cool that all 3 of us will be on the same sched!!!
Thanks for the welcome everyone :) Is anyone watching The Talk today? They are doing a million dollar baby shower. The entire audience is pregnent women. They showed some great products and interesting ideas.

Haj, I'm sorry I didn't get to see what happened with your insurance before. I know you were awaiting the medical director's 2nd review after the first denial. What happened? Obviously you're moving forward so that's awesome!! How much did they end up covering?

They ended up approving it. But the insurance company covers 75% of the IVF but no freezing of embryos or sperm. So DH and I have to pay for that and obviously the other 25%
Let's do it!! The 4th is going to be our time to shine!!!

I will do personals later... I am definitely having a moment, told co-workers "Don't Poke the Crazy" as I am definitely in my head today!
Anyone in the bad news club can join me, as I drink my "air" drink and chuck my dueces up to this week (and middle finger to the blood vial that stole my sanity) :wacko::cry::wacko::rofl::rofl:
I thought this was an interesting read!!

"Estradiol: What It Is and What It Tells Us.
The level of estradiol is measured in almost every blood sample taken during the monitoring of almost every type of assisted pregnancy. It is arguably the most informative of the three tests. Because of this, we will spend more time and space on estradiol. Don't worry-- the other two won't be nearly as long.

Estradiol is a hormone that stimulates the lining of the uterus, causing the lining to grow, and to make itself ready for embryo arrival. (This is not estradiol's only function, but for us, it's the important one). Estradiol is tied into pregnancy by it's method of production: oocytes (eggs) contain follicles. These developing follicles contain 'granulosa cells'. These granulosa cells synthesize the estradiol and release it into the blood circulation.

This means that more follicles produce more estradiol. This helps measure how many follicles are actively developing. The longer they continue to develop, the longer the estradiol level continues. As they develop, the level continues to rise. This rise can further indicate that the oocyte within the follicles is reaching its maturity.

An example of the use of estradiol level is when it is measured during down-regulation cycles. In down-regulation we expect low levels of estradiol: below 30pg/ml. If levels are not this low, this suggests that the ovaries are not yet suppressed, and that the down-regulation should continue a little longer, until they actually are suppressed.

Estradiol And Ultrasound Scans
Blood estradiol is also used in combination with ultrasound scans. Taken together they help indicate how (and if) the ovaries are responding to stimulation. Is there a response? Is it adequate? Is it excessive? To tell us this, the blood level has to be viewed in relation to the stage of pregnancy and the day in the cycle in which the level is being taken.

For example, a level of 1500 pg/ml on day eleven might be considered acceptable in a stimulated cycle, as reflecting the presence of a reasonable number of mature follicles. However, if this level were present on day eight, it would be considered unacceptably high. It would almost certainly reflect the presence of an excess of follicles. At this stage (day eight) they would still be Immature ones. Their quantity, however, would suggest that continued stimulation would carry an unacceptable risk of developing OHSS-- ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Don't Expect Easy Comparison
Before we continue, one important point: levels of estradiol are not the same from person to person. They cannot simply be compared from one to another. People vary-- everyone is slightly different, and everyone responds to a different degree. Some more so than others. A level that is dangerously high in one person-- or dangerously low in a second-- might be normal and healthy for a third. This is why blood levels can't just simply be compared. It's also why blood levels can't always be interpreted with complete certainty in the first cycles. Without prior cycles to 'calibrate' the levels, the meaning of a level can only be determined as to what it usually means-- what it 'probably', or perhaps even 'almost certainly' means.

Despite individual variation, estradiol level does provide very useful information.

A Rough Rule-of-Thumb for Good Estradiol Levels.
Exact figures are not possible. As a rough guide, however, a level in the range of 150 to 500 pg/ml is generally considered reasonable for the eighth day of a stimulated cycle. An approximate doubling of this level every 48 hours is considered promising, as a sign of continued good follicle development.

When the Estradiol Level Stays Flat or Begins to Fall.
Occasionally, the level of estradiol fails to rise during a cycle, or even falls. If this happens it strongly suggests that the follicles are not responding appropriately, and that the oocytes within will not be of good quality. Under these circumstances our advice is almost invariably to cancel the cycle, because a change in stimulation protocol may yield more oocytes-- and healthier ones-- in a later attempt.

Low Estradiol Not Always a Problem
A more common situation is when the level is low in the early part of the cycle. The choice then is to either carry on with the same amount of stimulation, to increase the amount of stimulation, or to cancel the cycle. This decision has to be based on a number of factors. These include:
the previous response to stimulation chronological age how low the level is
the ultrasound appearance of the ovaries is there a pressing need to ensure that an optimal number of oocytes are obtained, as in the case for couples with male factor infertility?

How It All Comes Together with Estradiol.
It should be clear from all of the above that estradiol levels do not tell the entire story by themselves. One level leads us to advise a couple to cancel. The same level in another couple leads us to suggest continuing.

We've already discussed levels that are low. When levels are high, we have the same choice: change the stimulation (reduce it), or cancel the cycle. The criteria to consider are the same as for low levels. The one additional factor is that with high levels we also think carefully about OHSS (ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome). When assessing the risk of OHSS we look to previous cycles, if there are any. Any suggestions from these cycles of OHSS problems would quite definitely weigh heavily towards cancelling the cycle.

When the decision is to proceed, levels of estradiol continue to be monitored. If they continue to exceed acceptable levels, even with reduction in stimulation, we might reassess the cycle, and once again advise cancelling. If however they do return to normal levels, then the cycle will continue.

What is the limit of acceptable estradiol level? Acceptable levels vary-- it's not possible to give a definite, absolute number. However, any level of 4000 pg/ml or above does require careful consideration. Levels that are much in excess of this usually do lead to cancellation, though not always.

What about the lower limit? This too involves many factors. However, if the estradiol level has not reached a minimum of 600pg/L (**** beth-- should this be per liter, or per ml?***), then our usual policy is to discontinue the cycle. In practice we usually don't proceed unless the ultrasound shows three or more mature follicles. Since estradiol levels and the total number of follicles are related (as discussed in the beginning of this essay), this by itself eliminates most of the possibility for levels at or below this lower limit. Three or more mature follicles will, under most circumstances, secrete enough estradiol by themselves to give a level in excess of this minimum.

Do bear in mind that the above are only a rough, rule-of-thumb guides, however. They can and do vary depending on individual circumstance.

Luteinizing Hormone, or "LH": What Is It and What Does It Do?
Before the introduction and widespread use of drugs such as Lupron, assessment of luteinizing hormone was at least as important, if not
more important, than estradiol levels. It remains an important test for anyone undergoing any cycle where Lupron or Synarel (GnRH agonist) is not being used. This is because, without Lupron, an early unwanted LH surge may occur.

LH Surges (note: the next entry implies that an LH surge is desirable, and necessary. This entry implies that it isn't. How do the two reconcile? is early=bad, but near end=necessary?)

A surge in the level of LH may cause undesirable changes in egg quality, or cause early egg release. Both of these decrease the chance of pregnancy. Regimens such as Clomid, Clomid/Pergonal cycles, or "straight" Pergonal, Metrodin or Humegon cycles all must include urine LH testing (for instance, Ovuquick, or ClearPlan Easy). If a sudden rise in the level of LH is detected (often termed "an LH surge"), this indicates that the process leading to ovulation and release of the oocyte has begun. It is this process that is blocked, in the vast majority of cases, by the use of Lupron. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing when a rise in the level of LH actually begins, except for testing blood or urine every three to four hours. This makes it virtually impossible to accurately time egg retrieval. This timing is necessary to be certain that the oocytes are mature. Because of this problem, the cycle is usually canceled if an LH surge is detected.
BlueStorm, I watched your show online (at least i think that was it). It focused a lot on fertility nutrition, right? Funny that they made you pretend to know less than you really do. I wish you were able to share more details about you and and your hubby, your struggle, etc. The clip just seemed like it barely scratched the surface of infertility, you know? Like me just eating more beans and asparagus is going to get me knocked up. Does that make any sense?
I was to start stimming this cycle, but panicked.... so am lying low until the next. Until then I decided I need to get more info about the stims, and protocols and such from my doc/nurse .... will keep you guys posted, Good luck!
I had a clomid round couple of months ago, for a test to check ovarian reserve. It didn't include any HCG triggering or iui...I was hopeful but was a bummer :bfn: Decided to chill out a couple of cycles for clomid to get out of my system, and now feel almost normal. :)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me 40, DH 52, TTC#1 for 2.4 yrs; Me cycling normally, but discovered severely DOR with <.16ng/mL AMH. DH high numbers, but slightly low morphology and motility.
So, I'm blowing this thread up today with all my posts! Anyway, I wanted to report that I freaked out for nothing. My nurse called and my e2 level was 34 (they want is under 50). So, I'm am still starting stims in Sunday (try saying that three times really fast!). Yeah! I just got out of acupuncture, and am feeling good. Isn't it funny how much can change in a few hours?

Also, I wanted to report something nice I saw in the waiting room at my clinic this morning. I was totally eavesdropping on a couple's conversation with a nurse, and they were being referred to an OB because their IVF was successful. Made me happy seeing them so thrilled. I hope we are all in that same position in no time!
BlueStorm, I watched your show online (at least i think that was it). It focused a lot on fertility nutrition, right? Funny that they made you pretend to know less than you really do. I wish you were able to share more details about you and and your hubby, your struggle, etc. The clip just seemed like it barely scratched the surface of infertility, you know? Like me just eating more beans and asparagus is going to get me knocked up. Does that make any sense?

I totally agree! I did say a bit more about it all but they cut it out. We were discussing it in my journal. Still good that its being talked about a bit anyway
Noasaint, waitingmids, & havelove2give~ Welcome!! I hope your stay here is short and you get your bfp the 1st time around.

AFM~ I have my appointment to check on the follies tomorrow morning. I will update you guys as soon as I get a chance. I am really excited about it since it will give a me more accurate count and sizes of follies.

Good luck at your appointment tomorrow! I hope everything goes well and you get some great numbers. :thumbup: EDIT: Lulu was your appointment today? I wasn't sure because of what time you posted. If it was today I hope everything went well and I look forward to your update.

Im starting to feel a bit anxious now, ive been quite chilled up to this point! Woke up last night and started thinking the most random things! We were talking about 1 or 2 embryo transfer last night, i only recently passed my driving test and hubby bought me my dream car, which is really dinky, and i worrying about having twins incase i cant fit a double pushchair in the boot! Infertility really does make you crazy! :)

I'm the same as you today. I sat here and all the sudden started thinking about the timing of the whole cycle. I'm so scared that things won't fall right with the timing. The whole IVF is based around DH's schedule, with him being in Afghanistan 6 weeks at a time everything has to be just right. Either I will do the injections all by myself while he is gone and we do it right when he gets home or I have him here for the injections but him miss test day. I would much rather have him home for test day. Sometimes I just wish we had a "normal" life with him home every night. I wouldn't be worried about the timing but then again I know we wouldn't be able to afford IVF if he was home every night. Ugh... sorry to let all that out. I can just really relate to your post and thinking about whats to come.

So baseline US/Lab today Estradiol level came in at 51.96. Wtf...So another week of Lupron for me... Anyone else have this issue? I am really bummed.:cry::cry::cry:

Sorry you have to wait a little longer. Maybe the wait is a good thing and it will help in the long run. I know you want to move forward but the next week will be here before you know it. :hugs:

i am waiting for the ivf/icsi meeting, 15th may,hoping to start june 2012..nervous and excited ....

Welcome! :hi: I should be right behind you (I hope)

I was to start stimming this cycle, but panicked.... so am lying low until the next. Until then I decided I need to get more info about the stims, and protocols and such from my doc/nurse .... will keep you guys posted, Good luck!
I had a clomid round couple of months ago, for a test to check ovarian reserve. It didn't include any HCG triggering or iui...I was hopeful but was a bummer :bfn: Decided to chill out a couple of cycles for clomid to get out of my system, and now feel almost normal. :)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me 40, DH 52, TTC#1 for 2.4 yrs; Me cycling normally, but discovered severely DOR with <.16ng/mL AMH. DH high numbers, but slightly low morphology and motility.

Welcome :hi: I think it's good that you are waiting until you are truly ready. Did you already have a plan and protocol set?

So, I'm blowing this thread up today with all my posts! Anyway, I wanted to report that I freaked out for nothing. My nurse called and my e2 level was 34 (they want is under 50). So, I'm am still starting stims in Sunday (try saying that three times really fast!). Yeah! I just got out of acupuncture, and am feeling good. Isn't it funny how much can change in a few hours?

Also, I wanted to report something nice I saw in the waiting room at my clinic this morning. I was totally eavesdropping on a couple's conversation with a nurse, and they were being referred to an OB because their IVF was successful. Made me happy seeing them so thrilled. I hope we are all in that same position in no time!

s08 no worries about all the updates! They are great and this one made me happy. I'm so glad that you are able to get started!! :happydance: Yes, tons can change in just a short amount of time. Actually understanding that is what I have a hard time with. :haha: Thank you for sharing the story about the couple at your clinic. It's always nice to hear some good news about the end result.

AFM: I forgot to mention yesterday that I asked my FS about what I was told during acupuncture. You know the whole no dairy thing and no cold drinks. :wacko: I said "so what are your thoughts on this." His exact response was "I have no opinion. It's part of the chinese medicine and if you want to follow it go ahead but I don't require it." He said all of this with a smile so I knew that he didn't really think it would make a difference but I wanted to know what he thought about it and if he thought I should go with the whole idea. I may cut back on dairy and cold drinks but I personally don't see the need to change everything. Oh and at the u/s I had 15 follicles on one side and 7 on the other. This is with no meds so I'm hoping I will respond to the meds well.
Hey Everyone .. new to all this// started IVF ..ICSI late March 2012..
In my TWW period going crazy ...
Wish I had found this forum 3 weeks ago but better late than never..

32years old
#1 IVF Cycle
3 frozen embryos
Hey Everyone .. new to all this// started IVF ..ICSI late March 2012..
In my TWW period going crazy ...
Wish I had found this forum 3 weeks ago but better late than never..

32years old
#1 IVF Cycle
3 frozen embryos

Welcome! :hi: You are our first one in the TWW. I look forward to hearing about your BFP very soon. When did you have your transfer and when is your test date?
Thanks MrsC8776..
Had my Transfere last Saturday 21/4/2012
Test date 5th May 2012
been an interesting journey :)
Hey Ladies!!

Alscreetch ~ I'm sorry things are not where you want them to be. I know it's hard to wait longer but the wait will be over before you know it.

s08 ~ I'm glad things worked out. Yaaay for starting stims sunday. You'll be exactly one week behind me.

MrsC ~ I did have my appointment today (or yesterday since it's past midnight now). I really don't know what to think of my visit. My update is below.

AFM ~ My appointment didn't go as well as I wanted it to go. I had about 7 or 8 follies at around 11mm on my right which is good, but my left was not as great. I had about 4 at around size 9 or 10mm on the left side which is ok but the problem is that I had about 10 or more small ones which could cause me to hyperstimulate. Because I had so many follies, my estradiol level came back sky high which my RE had predicted. It came back at 1847 and I'm only on day 6 of stims. He also said that he had hoped to see my big follies at around 14 or 15mm. Overall, he said this is better than not stimulating well. His only concern is with the possibility of hyperstimulation. He ended up reducing my gonal-f dose in hope that that would get the big ones to continue to grow but not give enough for the small ones to grow bigger. He also had me start the antagonist (ganirelix) today. He said he usually starts that when the follies are about 14 or 15 mm but that he was going to start me on it anyways. I'm just really confused and worried about this whole thing. I really hope the follies do what he wants them to do. Also, both my ovaries hurt. They hurt more when I walk and it's really uncomfortable. I'm thinking about the fact that I have at least 4 or 5 more days of this pain and it's only going to get worse so this is not going to be fun :nope:. I'm willing to put up with any kind of pain as long as this works out. I'm really sorry about the long post but I just had to get it all out.
afm iv been pencilled in for ec on the week of either 16th july or 30th july so we are startin either with nxt af or the one after
iv got to cal nxt week and find out which one fs wants

iv been told i dnt need to down reg
im goin to be on bcp for 3-5 weeks then stimming wth ceritide and gonal f

wooo xx
mrsc: thats great!
lulu: sorry about you possibly hyperstimulating. Im sure it will all work out sounds like you have a good # to work with also. hope the antagonist calms thins down and brings others up to speed. eat protein and hydrate well to decrease chance/symptoms of ohss. ovary pain is not fun! rest up and dont do a whole lot. i remember my jeans hurting me so ad starting mid way! i ran like 19 miles w/ first ivf on day 8 i think and i aid for that! with #2 i stopped exercising just before stims bc i knew how i would feel.
smile: exciting! dates are awesome! just a week behind me.
casper: welcome! hope your fet is bfp! how many went back?

AFM: i had weird dreams last night. But my favorite part was the part where i kept doing ultrasounds on myself and i had TWINS! i was around 7 wks and they were moving around and had good heartbeats. now idk why i had an us machine at my house(or where ever i was not a dr office) but it was a dream. too bad it hasnt come true yet but it will! oh and i started a blog. idk how much i will update it but i will try. its in my siggy. its basically just for me, dh and yu girls :) im not ready to show my family/friends. most have no idea we are having issues. And today im 1 (or 3) dpo....i had ovulation bleeding wednesday and friday so somewhere between. this is our last chance go around for a BIG miracle. then i start bcp when af gets here. at least i know my cycles arent screwed up after d/c (idk what was up with that 8 wk delay). ovulation was right on schedule: cd 14. sorry fr rambling on and on lol :)
Well i kinda dont know what to say... I think i might have got a bfp this morning?!? As younknow, due to start down regging on Wednesday, i also have a minor op scheduled on friday, so because i was due to start the buserelin the day before AF was due i bought a pg test last week to make sure i wasnt... But ive felt a little strange this week, very sore boobs so for some reason this morning when i remembered i had another test in my drawer, i used it and got a very feint line, although it was definately there. Bought a first response to use with fmu, but not going to get my hopes up just yet. After 3 years ttc and a mc, i know all about disappointment...

I really dont know what to think or feel at the moment.... I hope its appropriate to share this here, sorry if this offends anyone, just as ive become part of the thread recently i thought you all wouldnt mind! x
omg! congrats! get a digi! natural bfp before cycle = amazing! i hope this is it for you. if you dont have to go through ivf its awesome!
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