IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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hi! welcomev all new girls! s08: thats a good e2.. my re likes it to be around 100ish....one of my issues was oversupression and my e2 after 3 days was 60 #1and 23 # 2 (but bounced up quickly) ....hope you get lots of great eggies! not long now!
oneof1: i did 150 gonal f/150 menopur but all my levels are ok...what protocol are you on? it will work! glad u got some answers today. its all overwhelming!
SO8, my nurse really did tell you to abstain, not that we have really been just "in the mood" lately. How often do you go for blood during stims? My nurse told me everyday, seems like it was a lot to me. I am happy everything is going as it should for you.

Sorry, but I didn't quite understand this. Did your nurse tell you to abstain? I just don't want to do the wrong thing, you know?

Assuming everything goes as planned, I go in for a blood test on days 3, 5, and 8 (with ultrasounds on days 5 and 8). After that, I think I will have bloods and u/s every day until ER. Does that sound similar to most people?
sounds like alot of use will be around the same time , i think i'll be ER aprox june1st , how have the rest of you planned ,have you all booked 2 weeks off work ? i have me own businesss so can just book 2-3 weeks off specially when the the dates keep moving ?.I ve just booked out some days, and half days to try to take it a bit easier.
I ve told my work colleagues , better than them guessing and thinking i'm sick .But we have step children that live with us full time , I don't want them knowing yet because they still have some contact with there mum , not someone i want discussing my business.
Are many of you struggling to keep things private ?
good luck to all that are stimming now
2-3 weeks.. hah.. i asked for a week off cause im supposed to go to court that week.. im going to try to do both the same week. (i dont have to go to court everyday apparently). big plan is resting the day of the retrieval. other than that... ill only be resting if i dont have to go to court. im timing my cycle to aim for retrieval around june 11
sounds like alot of use will be around the same time , i think i'll be ER aprox june1st , how have the rest of you planned ,have you all booked 2 weeks off work ? i have me own businesss so can just book 2-3 weeks off specially when the the dates keep moving ?.I ve just booked out some days, and half days to try to take it a bit easier.
I ve told my work colleagues , better than them guessing and thinking i'm sick .But we have step children that live with us full time , I don't want them knowing yet because they still have some contact with there mum , not someone i want discussing my business.
Are many of you struggling to keep things private ?
good luck to all that are stimming now

Waiting, we are in the same boat, in several ways. My ER will also be around June 1. And I also have 2 step kids that we are keeping this from, also because I dont want the ex to know our business. I don't want her negative juju vibes, if you know what I mean.

As for time off, I think I will wait until it gets closer and I have a better idea of when ER might be. I will either request off that day, and the next, or call in sick. I considered telling my boss, but she is very catty and a gossip, and I decided its none of her business. As for the transfer, I also plan on taking 2-3 day off, but again I will wait until I know if it'll be a three day or five day or what.
sounds like alot of use will be around the same time , i think i'll be ER aprox june1st , how have the rest of you planned ,have you all booked 2 weeks off work ? i have me own businesss so can just book 2-3 weeks off specially when the the dates keep moving ?.I ve just booked out some days, and half days to try to take it a bit easier.
I ve told my work colleagues , better than them guessing and thinking i'm sick .But we have step children that live with us full time , I don't want them knowing yet because they still have some contact with there mum , not someone i want discussing my business.
Are many of you struggling to keep things private ?
good luck to all that are stimming now

Waiting, we are in the same boat, in several ways. My ER will also be around June 1. And I also have 2 step kids that we are keeping this from, also because I dont want the ex to know our business. I don't want her negative juju vibes, if you know what I mean.

As for time off, I think I will wait until it gets closer and I have a better idea of when ER might be. I will either request off that day, and the next, or call in sick. I considered telling my boss, but she is very catty and a gossip, and I decided its none of her business. As for the transfer, I also plan on taking 2-3 day off, but again I will wait until I know if it'll be a three day or five day or what.

yes def. agree about juju vibes
.I guess we'll know soon enough how our eggs develope and start to plan dates.
getting exciting , its a good feeeling to be doing something and trying
Yes indeed! Feeling impatient though - it can't come soon enough.
sounds like alot of use will be around the same time , i think i'll be ER aprox june1st , how have the rest of you planned ,have you all booked 2 weeks off work ? i have me own businesss so can just book 2-3 weeks off specially when the the dates keep moving ?.I ve just booked out some days, and half days to try to take it a bit easier.
I ve told my work colleagues , better than them guessing and thinking i'm sick .But we have step children that live with us full time , I don't want them knowing yet because they still have some contact with there mum , not someone i want discussing my business.
Are many of you struggling to keep things private ?
good luck to all that are stimming now

Waiting, we are in the same boat, in several ways. My ER will also be around June 1. And I also have 2 step kids that we are keeping this from, also because I dont want the ex to know our business. I don't want her negative juju vibes, if you know what I mean.

As for time off, I think I will wait until it gets closer and I have a better idea of when ER might be. I will either request off that day, and the next, or call in sick. I considered telling my boss, but she is very catty and a gossip, and I decided its none of her business. As for the transfer, I also plan on taking 2-3 day off, but again I will wait until I know if it'll be a three day or five day or what.

I'm taking 2 weeks off after the embryo transfer. I have quite a stressy on-your-feet-all-day job so took the decision to do what's right and go off sick for 2 weeks. I told my boss cos I'll need off for scans etc and she's totally fine with it. It's quite tricky keeping it quiet, we have though. In some ways I just want to broadcast it cos I'm so excited but then my inner pessimist tells me to shut up and don't tell!!!

Waiting and DaisyQ - we'll be all strssed at the same time!

Ali x
Hi ladies!!

Drsquid, nice to see you over here but sorry it has come to this point. With the new swimmers I'm hoping IVF is your ticket to a huge BFP.

I see some are taking off work two weeks. I was planning on only one week, hopefully I can time it OK and not tell them last minute. I have to get it approved through FMLA.

My RE practice takes meds to use for others too. I have great insurance and was happy to hand over my unused pens and such. Maybe after IVF I can donate some again. I feel bad for those paying out of pocket for everything.

Todya was day one of no coffee for me. I gave it up and am now drinking one cup of decaf green tea daily. I better get a BFP cause this is tough, I really love coffee. I started Royal jelly w/ bee pollen on Sunday and that's not a walk in the park either. But I'm willing to do this for two months to get pregnant and see what happens. I've also decided I want DH to have another SA done. It's been 6 months since the last one and I'm just terrified something is wrong. I would hate to go through all of this and end up having MFI issues.

Currently I'm waiting to take provera starting this weekend then I can start bcp in 2 weeks. My RE has me on them 3 weeks but said we might go to 4 so my cycle doesn't land on the time they do maintenance on the equipment.
The main thing that makes me nervous after transfer is that I have a long commute. A 15 minute walk to the train, a 40minute train ride and then another 15 minutes on a very, very bumpy subway, 5 minutes on a bus that's also bumpy, and then another 10 minute walk. I'm worried all the walking and the bumpy commute may not be good for implantation.
SO8, my nurse really did tell you to abstain, not that we have really been just "in the mood" lately. How often do you go for blood during stims? My nurse told me everyday, seems like it was a lot to me. I am happy everything is going as it should for you.

Sorry, but I didn't quite understand this. Did your nurse tell you to abstain? I just don't want to do the wrong thing, you know?

Assuming everything goes as planned, I go in for a blood test on days 3, 5, and 8 (with ultrasounds on days 5 and 8). After that, I think I will have bloods and u/s every day until ER. Does that sound similar to most people?

Sorry, she really didnt say not to abstain (too much info absorbed today, I'm not writing clearly).
Daisy, I asked that question in my IVF class, about walking, riding a bus and subway, cause I will have to walk to my clinic, walk to the bus and take the subway. She said there is no need to worry about those things and it will most likely not affect implantation. I felt like a crazy woman asking the question, I am glad you have the same concerns.
Just wanted to let you ladies know I'm still around. One week until our second opinion apt. We're nearing the end of the school year (17 school days left!!!!) so things have been SUPER crazy! Hopefully I'll have some info to post after next week's apt!

Thanks for letting us know you are still hanging around. How are you doing?

Hi all, can I join you? It seems I know a lot of you from other threads. Starting our IVF journey after two failed clomid/IUI cycles. I am on BCP currently (one week down, two to go) and starting Lupron next week. Egg retrieval should be at the end of the month or beginning of June. Excited and scared, and dreading all the meds, and all the expense (and time), but what are you going to do?

Really hoping it works first try.

Going for a second opinion tomorrow at a fertility clinic with a higher IVF success rate than my current clinic. Just in case we need a second round.

:dust: to all! I look forward to taking this journey with all of you.

Welcome :hi: I hope you have a good appointment tomorrow. All the expense really is overwhelming isn't it? You are right though, what can we do?

got my "plan" from the doc today. go for progesterone level on the 11th then start lupron that day. hopefully get my period on the 21st and get a baseline us on the 22nd (this could be dicey cause i leave for philly on the 22nd at midnight, but i guess i can get us in philly too). then around june 1 i start gonal f. of course i dont end up using my cetrotide... sigh. 6 boxes of that go to waste. noticed they didnt say anything about bcp to get from may 22nd to june 1.. but emailed the doc and he wrote back in minutes saying people dont usually ovulate on lupron so i guess that is what is going to shift my cycle.

Sounds like everything is moving right along for you. Having a plan is a good step. I can't wait to get our plan set.

Hey ladies, went for my IVF class and mapping sono today. It was a very long day. My protocol is starting Climara patch, Bravelle, Menopour, and Ganirelix Acetate (similar to lupron) all before ER and progesterone injectection as well as suppositories. My doctor also said I tested as a carrier for some blood clotting disorder, not MTHFR, and he wants to put me on another injection of Lovenox to help thin my blood after transfer. They are starting me off of 4 powders of Bravelle and 2 powders of Menopour. Anyone taking a similar dose? We also opted to do some IVF some ICSI. My mapping sono went great, no fibroids.

We are not going to start until June, as my DH will not be here during a lot of may to inject and also give a fresh sample.

I left there will a boat load of information and a migraine. I will say the IVF nurses are much nicer then the IUI nurses.

So not looking forward to all these hormones and I am just praying for a BFP at the end of all this.

I'm glad everything went well for you today. All the info takes some getting used to. Sorry to hear about the blood clotting disorder. Did they say which one it is?

Afm, I just received the result of my day 3 (of stims) bloods. In case anyone wants to compare, my e2 was 181, which the nurse said was good. I will stay on the same stims for now (225 follistim, 75 menopur, and 5 lupron), and have another blood draw and ultrasound in 2 days.

About the sex question, I don't mind the reprieve so much either, but I was trying to be a dutiful wife if possible. :haha:

Sounds like everything is going great with the meds. I don't know much about levels yet but I'm sure the time will come.

Hi ladies!!

Drsquid, nice to see you over here but sorry it has come to this point. With the new swimmers I'm hoping IVF is your ticket to a huge BFP.

I see some are taking off work two weeks. I was planning on only one week, hopefully I can time it OK and not tell them last minute. I have to get it approved through FMLA.

My RE practice takes meds to use for others too. I have great insurance and was happy to hand over my unused pens and such. Maybe after IVF I can donate some again. I feel bad for those paying out of pocket for everything.

Todya was day one of no coffee for me. I gave it up and am now drinking one cup of decaf green tea daily. I better get a BFP cause this is tough, I really love coffee. I started Royal jelly w/ bee pollen on Sunday and that's not a walk in the park either. But I'm willing to do this for two months to get pregnant and see what happens. I've also decided I want DH to have another SA done. It's been 6 months since the last one and I'm just terrified something is wrong. I would hate to go through all of this and end up having MFI issues.

Currently I'm waiting to take provera starting this weekend then I can start bcp in 2 weeks. My RE has me on them 3 weeks but said we might go to 4 so my cycle doesn't land on the time they do maintenance on the equipment.

Good job with cutting out the coffee today. Thats something I need to work on. One cup a day isn't bad but anymore than that I want to cut out. I think it's great that you ladies donate your meds if you are not using them. I wonder if every clinic takes donated meds.

Nothing much going on with me. We have our CD 10 appointment on Friday. This will include trial transfer, SIS, and mapping. I suspect having a full bladder during those will not be fun at all. :nope:

EDIT: As for the TWW I'm off since I technically don't work. It's a different kind of situation but it works for us with dh's schedule.
Hey mrs, ER went well I got 10 eggs they said everything looks really good so far I'll find out tomorrow if they fertilised.

Yay for getting 10 eggs!! :happydance: Thats so exciting! Are you doing ICSI or no? How many days between ER and ET?
Hey ladies, just got call about eggs not as good as I would have hoped for only 2 of them have fertilised so I'm getting both put back in on Friday.
"Todya was day one of no coffee for me. I gave it up and am now drinking one cup of decaf green tea daily. I better get a BFP cause this is tough, I really love coffee. I started Royal jelly w/ bee pollen on Sunday and that's not a walk in the park either. But I'm willing to do this for two months to get pregnant and see what happens."

Well done on the no coffee thing noasaint! I'm the same - LOVE my coffee but switched to decaff in January, now I think I'm used to it. Also stopped eating red meat and have not drank alcohol since 7th Jan (for my birthday). This IVF better work!!!! Now I just need to sort out my diet, not the best with fruit and veg, must make more of an effort! The things we do...

Ali x
ladies im booked for ec 30th july, start pill mid june !! xx
DancingDiva-Did you do ICSI? And 2 eggs are still great!!!!
Mrsc, they did say, but of course I dont remember, he didnt seem too concern, which is probably why I dont remember. I will call and ask again today. I am waiting for a call back from the doctors office regarding all the meds they have ordered to see if the insurance is giving them a hard time or how much I will have to pay.
Dancing - thats still great! 2 eggies back means 2 chances for babies to implant. All the luck in the world darlin :)

Haj - you are getting close, you excited?

AFM - have an appt tomorrow to discuss my IVF protocol (what I will be on) and am scheduled for my laprascopy to remove the endo on 5/21....then straight into an IVF cycle with an ET probably last week of June. So hoping to find out I am prego by July 4th. Gotta be optimistic, right? ;)
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