IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Dancing: 2 is great! You will be pupo soon! what day will you transfer?
Haj: getting close! Yea for baseline!
Afm: bcp soon! Af due in 9 days although I hoping she stays away! I've been feeling awful past few days with headaches, stomach upset and today scratchy throat, foggy head an headache. This is tmi but im either 5 or 7 dpo and this am I had some blood tinged cm.. Probably means nothing but my fx for a natural bfp.

Im just so nervous about this dumb cyst. My fingers are crossed for a natural BFP for you. That would be wonderful!!

Haj, I was totally worried about my cyst too, but it turned out to be nothing. My e2 levels were low, so my cycle started as planned. But I totally understand about not wanting to have your cycle delayed. Fingers crossed for you!

Jchic, I have a question about your lap before IVF. I asked my RE about having a lap because my mom had endo. Because I'm not symptomatic of it, she didn't think it was worth having the surgery. She thought this was especially true for me because, even if I did have endo, IVF would make it a non-issue. I'm interested in hearing other doctors' positions on laps and endo before IVF and thought you might have some thoughts.

I'm sorry, refresh my memory real quick. When you went for your basline you had a cyst? Any idea how big it was? mine originally was 4 cm but last time they checked it was between 1-2. (14mm). That was April 18th. So I'm hoping since then it has disappeared...especially because I got my period. So your doctor didnt care you had a cyst because your e2 levels were low?

When I had my suppression check and u/s last friday to confirm I was OK to start stims, I had a cyst on my right ovary (17mm by 21 mm, I believe). They were not even able to tell how many follies I had on that side because it was blocking them. So, they took bloods and said if my e2 level was below 50, I could cycle as planned. If below 50, I guess the cyst will likely go away on its own and is not one that the injectables will stimulate. My e2 level was 34, so they had me start stims as planned on Sunday.

My e2 level yesterday (day 3) was 181, which the dr. said was fine so I'm sticking to the same meds.

You mention you got your period since then. I also started my period on Saturday (day after u/s), and I'm not sure the effect, if any, it has on the cyst.

Long story short, I just wanted to let you know that even if you have a cyst, there might still be hope!

well the nurse said your period should help it go away so maybe thats what your doctor was thinking as well. thanks so much!!!
OMG there is so much going on here! There seems to be a bunch of us starting around the same time.

DaisyQ - Glad to see you over here :flower:.

Dancing - Fingers crossed for you - 2 is great you will be fine!

Mrs C - Good luck at your appointment on the 10th

Haj - Good luck on Friday!

AFM - I am going in an hour for my mock transfer. Still praying for my insurance ID number and that it all works out!
Anyone get cramps when they started bcp's? I have had lots of cramps since I started mine on sunday. I don't think that is normal but maybe it's just gas :blush:

The worst part about the mock transfer is a full bladder!!!

Funny, I had my mock transfer yesterday and my doctor told me to release my bladder before. Could that be because he put saline into my uterus?

I am confused b\c I just got back from mine and I didn't have a full bladder. All they did was put an IUI catheter up there and took some sort of measurement and that was it. Maybe it wasn't really a mock transfer but that is what the girl called it on the phone when we scheduled it.
Dancing: 2 is great! You will be pupo soon! what day will you transfer?
Haj: getting close! Yea for baseline!
Afm: bcp soon! Af due in 9 days although I hoping she stays away! I've been feeling awful past few days with headaches, stomach upset and today scratchy throat, foggy head an headache. This is tmi but im either 5 or 7 dpo and this am I had some blood tinged cm.. Probably means nothing but my fx for a natural bfp.

Im just so nervous about this dumb cyst. My fingers are crossed for a natural BFP for you. That would be wonderful!!

Haj, I was totally worried about my cyst too, but it turned out to be nothing. My e2 levels were low, so my cycle started as planned. But I totally understand about not wanting to have your cycle delayed. Fingers crossed for you!

Jchic, I have a question about your lap before IVF. I asked my RE about having a lap because my mom had endo. Because I'm not symptomatic of it, she didn't think it was worth having the surgery. She thought this was especially true for me because, even if I did have endo, IVF would make it a non-issue. I'm interested in hearing other doctors' positions on laps and endo before IVF and thought you might have some thoughts.

My re said it would not be necessary as well since IVF bypasses that. Jchic and I go to the same clinc but have different re's. I think the reason Jchic is having it done is b\c she has servere symptoms. Correct me if I"m wrong..
I didn't have to have a full bladder. Re did baseline ultrasound with antral follicle count then the saline ultrasound with trial transfer. He measured twice then also confirmed measurements during the transfer.
Hmmm i dont know. I guess thats just the way my RE does it. I've heard other woman having to do that so I'm not worried. Plus he has great success rates so i guess there is a method to his madness lol
ladies im booked for ec 30th july, start pill mid june !! xx

Thats great! I'm very excited for you that everything is moving forward. :thumbup:

Mrsc, they did say, but of course I dont remember, he didnt seem too concern, which is probably why I dont remember. I will call and ask again today. I am waiting for a call back from the doctors office regarding all the meds they have ordered to see if the insurance is giving them a hard time or how much I will have to pay.

No worries, I'm sure if he wasn't to concerned than it's not a big deal. I can only think of one other blood clotting disorder but it's a long word and honestly I'm to lazy to go look up how to spell it right now. :haha:

AFM - have an appt tomorrow to discuss my IVF protocol (what I will be on) and am scheduled for my laprascopy to remove the endo on 5/21....then straight into an IVF cycle with an ET probably last week of June. So hoping to find out I am prego by July 4th. Gotta be optimistic, right? ;)

I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Having a plan makes everything seem more real and so exciting! Bring on July 4th!

OMG there is so much going on here! There seems to be a bunch of us starting around the same time.

DaisyQ - Glad to see you over here :flower:.

Dancing - Fingers crossed for you - 2 is great you will be fine!

Haj - Praying for no cysts

jchic and Mrs C - Good luck on Friday!

AFM - I am going in an hour for my mock transfer. Still praying for my insurance ID number and that it all works out!
Anyone get cramps when they started bcp's? I have had lots of cramps since I started mine on sunday. I don't think that is normal but maybe it's just gas :blush:

Sorry the insurance is being a pain. My insurance makes everything so difficult. Right now we are in a battle over acupuncture. :growlmad: I believe you updated that you were already back from your appointment. Did they give you your ID number or is the clinic just working with you until you get it?

So the doctor just called and asked if I can come in tomorrow instead for my baseline. omg sooooo nervous!!!!!

Haj thats so exciting! Fx everything comes back great. :thumbup:

Hey ladies just feeling disappointed and upset was hoping for more however as u all said 2 eggs are better than none and I have two chances for implantation.
I didnt have icsi just natural cycle

:hugs: Try not to be disappointed. I know it would be hard but the two you have will grow nice and strong. On Friday you will be PUPO with twins and they will give you a BFP! Will they give you daily updates until Friday?

Dancing: 2 is great! You will be pupo soon! what day will you transfer?
Haj: getting close! Yea for baseline!
Afm: bcp soon! Af due in 9 days although I hoping she stays away! I've been feeling awful past few days with headaches, stomach upset and today scratchy throat, foggy head an headache. This is tmi but im either 5 or 7 dpo and this am I had some blood tinged cm.. Probably means nothing but my fx for a natural bfp.

MoBaby fx for a natural BFP before your IVF. Will you be waiting for AF or are you planning on testing before she is due?

No real update for me although I feel like something is going on in my ovaries. I don't know if it's all in my head because I know I have those two cysts but I feel like I could O any day now and it's only CD8. :shrug: Possibly TMI but I always have quite a bit of clotting with AF and this time there was none. Is this due to the acupuncture or something else? I have no idea but I can't help but wonder whats going on.

Oh and regarding the full bladder talk during the mock transfer... I'm told to have a full bladder as well. I'm curious as to why some want a full bladder and others don't.
I'll prob test this weekend although I'm not expecting anything.

Idk why your cycle would be different? Maybe acupuncture? Do u think you feel like o because of the cyst?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Just read your blog and really enjoyed the new post. :flower:

I'm thinking thats why I feel the way I do but then again I don't know. It's weird. I will find out whats going on Friday. I don't know if this makes any sense but I guess in a way I just feel "full" in that area. :shrug:
Ok ladies, questiong. *WARNING* It might be dumb lol:haha:

I have my baseline on Friday. Are the looking to see how many follicles I have or am I not supposed to have them yet?

My first baseline scan is to check that my ovaries are "quiet" (down regulated). If all is quiet then stims can start. I don't ovulate so I'm sure mine will have cobwebs growing off them already!!! :laugh2:

Welcome drsquid! And thanks Mrs Bear for sharing your story, I think all mine will be IVF but they said they can change to ICSI if they foresee any problems.

Ali :flower:

ok sorry what exactly is down regulated? is that what the lupron does?
Cobwebs? lmfao:rofl:
I dont ovulate either but i produce follies...they just dont do anything.

Yes, down regging means your "system" is shutting down and lupron is one medication that does that. I took lupron through during my first IVF. My RE told me that it basically will shut things down and make it quiet. I started with 10 units and when I started stimming, they reduced it to 5 units. I really never asked why I needed to continue with lupron; I just trusted them.

What stimming meds do they have you taking?

Right now I'm on 20 units of Lupron and then when I start stims they knock it down to 10. Right now the have me just doing 150 of Gonal F. What were you on?

I was on menopur & follistim, but I was slow responding and ended up stimming for 11 days. Towards the end I was doing injections of follistim in the morning and another injection in the evening. I am hoping when I can start my second round, they either change my meds or start me at a higher dosage so I respond quicker. I ended up getting 9 eggs and doing a 5 day transfer, but the quality I was told was OK on the day of transfer. I also was did 2 Hcg booster injections after my transfer.

I have menopur just in case they decide to use it. Do you have any fertility issues?

Sorry for the late response; I have is one blocked tube and that is because I had a tubal reversal October 2010. I also am prone for cysts. I was supposed to start my first IVF the end of 2011, but they found a cyst back in September 2011 and they just pushed everything back. We decided to go the IVF route due to my age, I turned 38 in January and the doctor figured that was my best chance since I already had a heathly son who will be 3 this july. Now I am having issues getting pregnant again and they have no idea why the IVF cycle failed in March.
Hey ladies, just got call about eggs not as good as I would have hoped for only 2 of them have fertilised so I'm getting both put back in on Friday.

Fingers crossed for you; you will be PUPO before you know it! It only takes one :winkwink: Good luck Friday!
Hi all! :hi:

Mini update on me - I'm switching RE's! Arhghghghga! I decided to meet Jchic's RE, partially because I don't love my current RE, and secondly because Jchic (and Blue's) clinic have higher success rates than mine. So I met with Jchic's doc, and thought she was great. I am so nervous to change REs, and I haven't yet called my old one to tell them - it feels like I'm breaking up with a boyfriend!

I'm also nervous because they only do 6 day transfers, which on one hand is great - but on the other hand I'm so nervous I won't have any embies to transfer on day 6!

Also had blood work today, and we did an US to look at antral follicle count - I had 15. It's day 11 of my cycle though and I've been on 8 days of BCP so not sure how predictive that is or not of how I'll respond.

No idea what my new protocol might be - we are waiting for my AMH to come back. They never even tested my AMH at the other place. It will either be lupron protocol or antagonist. Sounds like I won't be on BCP for 3 weeks after all, probably more like 2 weeks. Yay!
Yay, Daisy, so happy you decided to switch, I know your were mulling about that. Im very surprised they didnt take your AMH, although seems good if your follicle count was 15. I'm also on the antagonist protocol, I asked my nurse today when she called. I seruously didnt know the difference. good luck with everything and let us know how the "break-up" was.
Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...
Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...

I'm doing ICSI but we are doing it due to DH's poor morphology
Ugh. Well the break up is done - sort of. I told them not to expect me tomorrow for testing or the IVF class, but that I would let them know definitively later this week what I"m doing. That's just like a guy telling you "he's not that into you" without actually breaking up! :rofl: Of COURSE I had to do the break up with my absolute favorite receptionist! Oh well....
My DH's SA came back normal as well and they were going to just do IVF, when I sat down w/my doctor yesterday I mentioned my concern about my egg shell possibly being too hard for the sperm to penetrate it, so he said he would do some ICSI, because we are unknown infertility. Although he did mention they can only do ICSI on the mature embies. I was ok with some IVF and some ICSI because I told him because I only want to do IVF once!!!
Daisy, you have to do with what's best for you, good job!
I'm going to have the SAME conversation. I think the assumption is that my eggs are probably OK and penetrable (is that a word) since I'm still technically <35, but I don't want to take that chance.
Hey Ladies!!

Welcome to the newbies!!

Sorry I went MIA again. I don't know if I can catch up with all the missed posts. I have been going to the RE's office daily for the past 3 days. I've been a little upset that follies are growing a little slow. I think it's because he lowered my dose midway during stims but now he has my dose up at where it was again. I am definitely hyperstimulating:nope:, I have about 25+ follies. I have about 14 that are measuring at about 14mm or higher and these are the ones that are more likely to contain mature eggs. He was going to trigger me today but decided to do tomorrow instead, so I am still stimming and today is day 11 of stims so by tomorrow I'll have stimmed for 12 days. I am really nervous about how many mature eggs I will get. I feel like so many egg will be going to waste since they're not big enough yet. I hope they all have a really big growth spurt by tomorrow.
We are doing ICSI 100% because my DH had a VR and it healed up. So along with ICSI we will do TESE since that is the only way to get his sperm.
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