IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hey SO8 I was really tender after EC however nothing major, just excited and couldn't believe I got 10 eggs.
Major stress breakdown today... :cry:

The clinic called and said we need to schedule DH's TESE. I thought they were doing it the day of ER but they want to do it before. I became very overwhelmed and started stressing about everything. We haven't even met with the urologist yet so I don't know what his fee's are. I called to ask and she said just plan on paying anywhere between $400-1,000 :saywhat: Yeah, thats on top of the $600 office fee and the $350 urology consult. Needless to say I'm freaking out. Dh was very comforting and calmed me down but I can't help be feel so overwhelmed and stressed out. Oh and did I forget to mention they want this done a week or two before he leaves on June 3rd... thats not helping me at all. :nope:
alot of you sound further along in the treatment good luck.My drugs arrived today Gonal F menopur,ovitrelle protocol says call them on day 18 and start on the novethisterone tablet ,that will be bank holiday next monday.shall i call them tomorrow ? just want a talk threw on exactly when to take the tablet , maybe get an idea on my first appointment scan so i can make sure I'm able to get out of work.all the people at my clinic that i've spoke with just seem so matter afact and casual about things at my consultation the dr never actually told me what protocol or what drugs and why ?
don't want the feel like I'm bothering them but would like to have a clearer understanding of the drugs .anyone else feel the same ?
Dancing, thanks for the info. on EC. I'm planning on staying home from work for the day of the procedure and the next. I know everyone is different, but does that sound like enough time to you?

MrsC, I'm so sorry to hear you are stressed. I think we have all felt overwhelmed at some point during all this (or lets be honest, during the whole damn thing!). I cannot even imagine having to deal with your hubby's schedule on top of all the other stresses.

Waiting, do you have an assigned nurse you can call or e-mail? I definitely think you should contact someone. Like others have said, it is part of their job to inform you of what is going on. At my clinic, I have my assigned nurse I can always contact (and I do all the time...I'm THAT patient, I think :haha:). And they gave me a written calendar with all my info. Definitely call!
as it turns out apparently i am taking the two weeks off.. but that is cause i apparnelty am supposed to go to court everyday. guess ill take off for ER and that is it. and sit bored to tears in court everyday at least ill have something else to think abuot
as it turns out apparently i am taking the two weeks off.. but that is cause i apparnelty am supposed to go to court everyday. guess ill take off for ER and that is it. and sit bored to tears in court everyday at least ill have something else to think abuot

What do you have to do in court? I hope that is not too personal of a question! It's weird that I would feel totally normal on here asking about your cervical mucus, but that might be too personal! :haha:

I'm sure you'll be pretty sedentary in court, so it should be ok (although I'm sure you'd rather be at home in your jammies). I'm just taking two days off for ER, so we all just do what we can I guess.
im getting sued.. whee. med mal case from fellowship. they refused to drop any of our names. was supposed to be in jan but didnt get a court date. i dont know how im going to be able to sit and pay attention all day without playing with my phone. they said i pretty much need to be there everyday (i guess so i look like i care that im being sued etc). i already took an unpaid week off work for this case and it didnt happen. at least it means it is easier for me to do the egg retrieval. hoping i can do it later in the day and go to court in the am and thereby kill two birds with one stone
Hello Ladies...

I start my meds on Monday, along with an ultrasound... possible egg retrieval on 5/18. Anyone else have a similar cycle as mine? This will be my first IVF cycle.. i'm pretty excited.. and nervous at the same time!

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us! xoxo
MrsC - I know it is all very overwhelming, especially with trying to schedule a TESE in too. That is my major worry point right now too. Having gone through it once already, I can tell you it was not as bad as we expected. I'm sure your insurance coverage is different but our urologists financial consultant coded the procedure under testicular failure so we only ended up paying something like $65 out of pocket. I think the whole thing before insurance was around $1500 including freezing and storage fees. Our fertility clinic also freezes and stores up to 90 days for free if we use their labs and we're patients. The actual procedure was pretty easy too. The hardest part for hubby was the IV (he hates needles). He was on pain meds afterwards but he said the pain really just felt like a kick to the groin. Hopefully they get everything worked out for you too and it goes by smoothly!

As for me, I think AF has finally arrived. I say I think because 1) I have PCOS and my cycles are crazy irregular and 2) I have been spotting (or having a period so light that all I need is one pantyliner all day) for about 4 days now. Tonight I've started cramping and it seems to be getting heavier so if I don't go back to spotting again I plan on calling in my day 1 tomorrow.
Thanks s08 and raelynn. Realynn our insurance doesn't cover anything so theres nothing that is going to help us with the cost. I hope the call to the clinic goes well for you tomorrow. I'm sure it's difficult trying to figure out CD1 with PCOS.

Welcome Annette :hi: Yay for starting meds on Monday!! I think there are a couple people going through the process at the same time.

Dancing~ Good luck tomorrow! I can't wait to hear how things go.

haj~ Yay for no cysts and starting meds tomorrow!

s08~ I'm so glad things are looking well for you. Thats so exciting about ER next Thursday! I feel the same way about being prepared.

waiting~ I think you should call. You need to know what to do and when to do it. They are there to answer questions and to help so I wouldn't worry about it. Getting your meds is a great step! We haven't even made it that far yet so you are ahead of me.

drsquid~ Sorry to hear about court.

AFM~ We will be up bright and early tomorrow for an appointment. Have to be at the clinic at 845 for the mock transfer, SIS, and mapping. It seems like a lot of us have something going on tomorrow. I look forward to all the updates when I get in. I need to head off to bed so I will get the front page updated tomorrow.

I hope you all are doing well. :flower:
Hey ladies just got an update both embryos looking fine one is at 2 cells and other is at 6 cells, ET tomorrow so fingers crossed.

I'm so glad and I'll be praying for the little embryos to keep growing well. Are you having a 3dt or 5dt?

Good morning ladies!!! Sooo I just got back from my baseline. NO CYSTS!!!!! YAYYYY!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance: I had 10 follicles on one side and 12 on the other...so 22 total!!! They are just going to wait for my bloods to come back and as long as everything is ok, I start my stims tomorrow and Monday I go in for my first sonogram. I feel so relieved!!!:thumbup:

Yaaayyy to no cysts and to good follie count. I'm really happy for you and you must be super excited to start your stims. :happydance:

Good news, Dancing! Can’t wait to hear how the transfer goes. By the way, how did you feel after ER? (Sorry if you said and I just missed it).

Yah, Haj! That’s great there were no cysts!

AFM, I just had by day 5 bloods and u/s. They couldn’t even find the cyst I had during suppression check, so that’s good. She found about 4 follies on each side she measured at around 10mm by 10mm (plus about 5 smaller ones on each side that she didn’t measure but said could catch up). I guess all looked well, and they predict I will do my ER next Thursday (or possible 1 day ahead of schedule on Wednesday). This is actually happening! Somehow I thought I would feel more prepared at this point. Ha!

That's great news about the cyst being gone and I hope the little follies grow. Grow follies grow!!!

Major stress breakdown today... :cry:

The clinic called and said we need to schedule DH's TESE. I thought they were doing it the day of ER but they want to do it before. I became very overwhelmed and started stressing about everything. We haven't even met with the urologist yet so I don't know what his fee's are. I called to ask and she said just plan on paying anywhere between $400-1,000 :saywhat: Yeah, thats on top of the $600 office fee and the $350 urology consult. Needless to say I'm freaking out. Dh was very comforting and calmed me down but I can't help be feel so overwhelmed and stressed out. Oh and did I forget to mention they want this done a week or two before he leaves on June 3rd... thats not helping me at all. :nope:

I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed out. It's normal to feel overwhelmed but you have to trust that everything will fall into place. The expenses do add up but it will be all worth it in the end. We had to re-order meds 3 times and that added about $1000 more to our expenses that we didn't expect but there's nothing we can do. I really hope everything goes the way you want it and better.

Hey SO8 I was really tender after EC however nothing major, just excited and couldn't believe I got 10 eggs.

I am super nervous about egg retrieval. I think it's mainly the anesthesia that is making me nervous the most. I have never been put under, heck.. I've never even taken a narcotic before. Did they do general anesthesia for you?

AFM~ I did my trigger at 8 pm and I go in on saturday at 8 am for my ER (EC). I am super nervous!! Also, the nurse showed me the needle I would be for my progesterone injections and it's HUGE!! I am not looking forward to those shots. I forgot to mention that my follies looked good and I have a few above 20 and quite a few between 16 and 20 and my lining is nice and thick.
:hi: Ladies,
i am so happy o have found a thread like this,,,,,
may i join you on this thread,,,, i am starting my IVF June month,,,,, i have skipped iui#3, just cant handle all the bfn each month,,,, it has really taken a toll on me emotionaly.

I hope and pray that IVF will be the answer to my prayers.....

i also wish all you ladies lots and lots of babydust ....... goodluck to each of you.....
o got back from my IVF appt with Dr. Morris at RMA - basically I am scheduled for a lap on 5/21 and originally she wanted to send me right into an IVF cycle before the lab shuts down from June 20-July 20th but now she is saying that it would be cutting it close to the lap, and she would prefer to do it in August to ensure I have the best success rate possible. So we are doing this:

In the luteal phase of my july cycle I will start estrogen
On CD 3 of my cycle (which would be right around Aug 3-5th) I start my Antagonist protocol for IVF
So hopefully, GOD WILLING by Labor Day I will be pregnant!

I am upset that the original plan was pushed back a bit, but she says that I have a 70% rate of success for a live birth, so given that, I will do what she recommends.

How is everyone else doing?
Jchic, sorry about the original plan not working out, but at least you have a plan in place and you are one step closer to your BFP!!

MommyMel, welcome and yes its does that a toll on you emotionally and pysically with all the hormoes month after month w/IUI. I will probably be joining you w/IVF in June. I planned on starting this month, but with my DH's travel schedule, next month is better for us. Good Luck!!
Welcome drsquid, DaisyQ and MommyMel.

Dancing Diva - Grow embies grow!

Haj - Last time I went in for a blood test and u/s on day 10, they found I was ready to go and I triggered that night. I assume I will be on a similar this time around as well.

Daisy - Last time I just had the day off for ER, straight back to work the day after. For the transfer, I went to work afterwards. That was completely fine for me, if I had taken more time off I think I would have gone crazy with all the waiting.

Lulu - I had similar number of follicles as you last time, 19 follicles plus some more smaller ones, ended up getting 18 eggs. I got some mild OHSS, turned out to be uncomfortable bloating, but nothing I couldn't handle. I found weighing myself each morning a good way of keeping monitoring the situation. Hopefully yours doesn't get any worse. Keep drinking your water. Good luck for your egg retrieval, can't wait to hear how many eggies you got!

s08 - My specialist did not mention anything about abstaining. Although from how I felt last time whilst stimming, I was not really in the mood. Then afterwards I was on progesterone gel, so yeah, not going to happen lol. Although they did say for my DH to 'replenish his stock' the night before each scan so he would be ready in case of retrieval.

noasaint - how rude of that nurse, makes you wonder how people end up in a job like that!

Haj - Yay for no cysts! I will be stimming and having my collection around the same time as you.

drsquid - I have convinced myself I was pregnant for every single cycle that we were trying, except for the last one where I was actually got a +.

AnnetteCali - I will be on a very similar timeline as yourself, Haj as well.

raelynn - fx AF has finally arrived for you.

AFM - Well AF arrived tonight, so tomorrow is officially day 1. Starting stims on day 2. So extra protein for me for the next week or so, and hopefully get better quality eggs this time.
Lulu! Good luck honey! Thoughts and postivity and prayers for you!
Jchic, sorry about the original plan not working out, but at least you have a plan in place and you are one step closer to your BFP!!

MommyMel, welcome and yes its does that a toll on you emotionally and pysically with all the hormoes month after month w/IUI. I will probably be joining you w/IVF in June. I planned on starting this month, but with my DH's travel schedule, next month is better for us. Good Luck!!

One - what protocol will you be on for your IVF in June?
I will be doing the antagonist protocol. I start w/the birth control patch, I dont know how long she said it all depends on blood work, I assume.
I will be doing the antagonist protocol. I start w/the birth control patch, I dont know how long she said it all depends on blood work, I assume.

Got it. I will be on the same - but instead of BCP, I will be doing estrogen, since I have gotten a bad reaction to BCP's in the past. This cant come soon enough!

We are ALL due for some BFPSSSSSS :flower:
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