IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Lulu! Good luck honey! Thoughts and postivity and prayers for you!

o got back from my IVF appt with Dr. Morris at RMA - basically I am scheduled for a lap on 5/21 and originally she wanted to send me right into an IVF cycle before the lab shuts down from June 20-July 20th but now she is saying that it would be cutting it close to the lap, and she would prefer to do it in August to ensure I have the best success rate possible. So we are doing this:

In the luteal phase of my july cycle I will start estrogen
On CD 3 of my cycle (which would be right around Aug 3-5th) I start my Antagonist protocol for IVF
So hopefully, GOD WILLING by Labor Day I will be pregnant!

I am upset that the original plan was pushed back a bit, but she says that I have a 70% rate of success for a live birth, so given that, I will do what she recommends.

How is everyone else doing?

Thank you!! I'm sorry you're plan had to be changed. I know the wait can be tough but if it guarantees a better outcome then it's totally worth it. :hugs:

:hi: Ladies,
i am so happy o have found a thread like this,,,,,
may i join you on this thread,,,, i am starting my IVF June month,,,,, i have skipped iui#3, just cant handle all the bfn each month,,,, it has really taken a toll on me emotionaly.

I hope and pray that IVF will be the answer to my prayers.....

i also wish all you ladies lots and lots of babydust ....... goodluck to each of you.....

Welcome MommyMel!! I'm glad you decided to take a bigger step by moving to IVF. I hope it works the first time around for you :thumbup:.

Welcome drsquid, DaisyQ and MommyMel.

Dancing Diva - Grow embies grow!

Haj - Last time I went in for a blood test and u/s on day 10, they found I was ready to go and I triggered that night. I assume I will be on a similar this time around as well.

Daisy - Last time I just had the day off for ER, straight back to work the day after. For the transfer, I went to work afterwards. That was completely fine for me, if I had taken more time off I think I would have gone crazy with all the waiting.

Lulu - I had similar number of follicles as you last time, 19 follicles plus some more smaller ones, ended up getting 18 eggs. I got some mild OHSS, turned out to be uncomfortable bloating, but nothing I couldn't handle. I found weighing myself each morning a good way of keeping monitoring the situation. Hopefully yours doesn't get any worse. Keep drinking your water. Good luck for your egg retrieval, can't wait to hear how many eggies you got!

s08 - My specialist did not mention anything about abstaining. Although from how I felt last time whilst stimming, I was not really in the mood. Then afterwards I was on progesterone gel, so yeah, not going to happen lol. Although they did say for my DH to 'replenish his stock' the night before each scan so he would be ready in case of retrieval.

noasaint - how rude of that nurse, makes you wonder how people end up in a job like that!

Haj - Yay for no cysts! I will be stimming and having my collection around the same time as you.

drsquid - I have convinced myself I was pregnant for every single cycle that we were trying, except for the last one where I was actually got a +.

AnnetteCali - I will be on a very similar timeline as yourself, Haj as well.

raelynn - fx AF has finally arrived for you.

AFM - Well AF arrived tonight, so tomorrow is officially day 1. Starting stims on day 2. So extra protein for me for the next week or so, and hopefully get better quality eggs this time.

Thanks TTB!! I think I have about 30 follies or more including the smaller ones. I'm guessing they will probably get around 20 eggs but I don't know how many will be mature. I guess I will find out tomorrow.. Ahhhh!!! Did you freeze any from last time?

Good luck on Saturday lulu!

Thanks oneof14!! I will let you guys know how it goes!
I will be doing the antagonist protocol. I start w/the birth control patch, I dont know how long she said it all depends on blood work, I assume.

Got it. I will be on the same - but instead of BCP, I will be doing estrogen, since I have gotten a bad reaction to BCP's in the past. This cant come soon enough!

We are ALL due for some BFPSSSSSS :flower:

I agree!!!! Scared and excited at the same time!
Jenn I agree with you, step away and 10 pages go by!!! Sorry, I was in Pittsburg for meetings and I wasn't able to stay on top of the thread
or send out personals.

Welcome mommymel!!! :hugs: were glad you could join us!!

I am ecstatic... after my week delay, I officially get to stab myself 3 times tonight!! Stimming finally! :happydance: Haj we both start our meds tonight, anyone else. so this is my dosing schedule for now:

Follistim- 225 UI
Low dose HCG- 10 UI
Lupon- 5 UI
Jenn I agree with you, step away and 10 pages go by!!! Sorry, I was in Pittsburg for meetings and I wasn't able to stay on top of the thread
or send out personals.

Welcome mommymel!!! :hugs: were glad you could join us!!

I am ecstatic... after my week delay, I officially get to stab myself 3 times tonight!! Stimming finally! :happydance: Haj we both start our meds tonight, anyone else. so this is my dosing schedule for now:

Follistim- 225 UI
Low dose HCG- 10 UI
Lupon- 5 UI

Alscreetch, welcome back! I was just thinking about you yesterday. I was looking at the first page (which is growing!) and wondered where you had run off to. I totally know the feeling about getting to start stimming. Who would have thought we'd be excited to stick needles in our bellies?!? Even though it kinda hurts, I look forward to it every night....because it means we are one step closer to our bfp!
AFM~ I did my trigger at 8 pm and I go in on saturday at 8 am for my ER (EC). I am super nervous!! Also, the nurse showed me the needle I would be for my progesterone injections and it's HUGE!! I am not looking forward to those shots. I forgot to mention that my follies looked good and I have a few above 20 and quite a few between 16 and 20 and my lining is nice and thick.

Good luck tomorrow!! So many of you will get your BFP's in the coming weeks. I can't wait to see them all! :happydance:

:hi: Ladies,
i am so happy o have found a thread like this,,,,,
may i join you on this thread,,,, i am starting my IVF June month,,,,, i have skipped iui#3, just cant handle all the bfn each month,,,, it has really taken a toll on me emotionaly.

I hope and pray that IVF will be the answer to my prayers.....

i also wish all you ladies lots and lots of babydust ....... goodluck to each of you.....

Welcome :hi: I'm glad you have found us. IUI's and BFN's are very hard to handle. The success rates for IVF are so much higher. I wish you all the luck.

o got back from my IVF appt with Dr. Morris at RMA - basically I am scheduled for a lap on 5/21 and originally she wanted to send me right into an IVF cycle before the lab shuts down from June 20-July 20th but now she is saying that it would be cutting it close to the lap, and she would prefer to do it in August to ensure I have the best success rate possible. So we are doing this:

In the luteal phase of my july cycle I will start estrogen
On CD 3 of my cycle (which would be right around Aug 3-5th) I start my Antagonist protocol for IVF
So hopefully, GOD WILLING by Labor Day I will be pregnant!

I am upset that the original plan was pushed back a bit, but she says that I have a 70% rate of success for a live birth, so given that, I will do what she recommends.

How is everyone else doing?

jchic I'm sorry to hear that the schedule was changed. I think it's great that they are looking out for you and making sure you have the best chance possible though. We will all be here to support you during you cycle. I think we should all stick together until we all get our BFP's! :thumbup:

Welcome drsquid, DaisyQ and MommyMel.

Dancing Diva - Grow embies grow!

Haj - Last time I went in for a blood test and u/s on day 10, they found I was ready to go and I triggered that night. I assume I will be on a similar this time around as well.

Daisy - Last time I just had the day off for ER, straight back to work the day after. For the transfer, I went to work afterwards. That was completely fine for me, if I had taken more time off I think I would have gone crazy with all the waiting.

Lulu - I had similar number of follicles as you last time, 19 follicles plus some more smaller ones, ended up getting 18 eggs. I got some mild OHSS, turned out to be uncomfortable bloating, but nothing I couldn't handle. I found weighing myself each morning a good way of keeping monitoring the situation. Hopefully yours doesn't get any worse. Keep drinking your water. Good luck for your egg retrieval, can't wait to hear how many eggies you got!

s08 - My specialist did not mention anything about abstaining. Although from how I felt last time whilst stimming, I was not really in the mood. Then afterwards I was on progesterone gel, so yeah, not going to happen lol. Although they did say for my DH to 'replenish his stock' the night before each scan so he would be ready in case of retrieval.

noasaint - how rude of that nurse, makes you wonder how people end up in a job like that!

Haj - Yay for no cysts! I will be stimming and having my collection around the same time as you.

drsquid - I have convinced myself I was pregnant for every single cycle that we were trying, except for the last one where I was actually got a +.

AnnetteCali - I will be on a very similar timeline as yourself, Haj as well.

raelynn - fx AF has finally arrived for you.

AFM - Well AF arrived tonight, so tomorrow is officially day 1. Starting stims on day 2. So extra protein for me for the next week or so, and hopefully get better quality eggs this time.

Yay for AF! Now you can get started. It's crazy that we look forward to getting AF so that we can start the process.

Jenn I agree with you, step away and 10 pages go by!!! Sorry, I was in Pittsburg for meetings and I wasn't able to stay on top of the thread
or send out personals.

Welcome mommymel!!! :hugs: were glad you could join us!!

I am ecstatic... after my week delay, I officially get to stab myself 3 times tonight!! Stimming finally! :happydance: Haj we both start our meds tonight, anyone else. so this is my dosing schedule for now:

Follistim- 225 UI
Low dose HCG- 10 UI
Lupon- 5 UI

Yay for getting started! I'm so excited for all you girls. I hope you had a good trip/meeting. This thread does move very fast but try not to stress on keeping up if you are busy. We all sure have enough to keep up with in our daily lives.

AFM~ I had my SIS and mock transfer this morning. Everything went great. A little cramping but nothing to horrible. I was told to have a full bladder for the mock transfer so I drank a ton before going in. We got all set up and the nurse put the doppler on me and said "your bladder is way to full." :dohh: I had to go let some out and then come back. That wasn't easy! The 22mm cyst is gone but the 15mm one is still there. Nothing to worry about at the moment. We signed the consent form for the schedule and I was told I would be on the long protocol. Start BC with June AF and then 3 shots a day. Not sure for how long but it looks like ER and ET will be at the end of July. DH got scheduled for his TESE on the 22nd on this month as well. :happydance: A lot went on today but I'm feeling good about everything. We also have the injection training class on the 29th. We are doing the classes backwards because I would rather have dh home for that one. I think the IVF info class will be in the beginning of June. I'm very excited to be getting started and having my plan.
MrsC - glad your getting things done w/the small amount of time your DH is home. I agree, it so much info to digest during one sitting. I hope everything works out for your DH at the urologist.
wow that sucks that the lab is closed for a month.. and that success rate is crazy high im surprised. fingers crossed they can pull it off.

the funniest part of being convinced im pregnant is that im single and have bled etc since the last iui so.. umm yeah impossible.
Hey ladies, I need to catch up later tonight but wanted to let you know I just took my first stim. It's just like taking Lupron...super easy. Now I'm just thinking grow eggies grow!!!
Welcome georx! When do you start?? Wishing you lots of :dust:!!!

Jenn I agree with you, step away and 10 pages go by!!! Sorry, I was in Pittsburg for meetings and I wasn't able to stay on top of the thread
or send out personals.

Welcome mommymel!!! :hugs: were glad you could join us!!

I am ecstatic... after my week delay, I officially get to stab myself 3 times tonight!! Stimming finally! :happydance: Haj we both start our meds tonight, anyone else. so this is my dosing schedule for now:

Follistim- 225 UI
Low dose HCG- 10 UI
Lupon- 5 UI

Alscreetch, welcome back! I was just thinking about you yesterday. I was looking at the first page (which is growing!) and wondered where you had run off to. I totally know the feeling about getting to start stimming. Who would have thought we'd be excited to stick needles in our bellies?!? Even though it kinda hurts, I look forward to it every night....because it means we are one step closer to our bfp!

Thanks for thinking about me!! We are well on our way, one step, one dose at a time. How are you doing? What day are you on?

Hey ladies, I need to catch up later tonight but wanted to let you know I just took my first stim. It's just like taking Lupron...super easy. Now I'm just thinking grow eggies grow!!!

I just took mine too. It's funny that you say that, because I said that after my injections tonight!!
Welcome georx! When do you start?? Wishing you lots of :dust:!!!


Thx! I'm on bcp right now to calm everything down, then I start stims on 5/18 (2 weeks). Nervous, hoping this one will work. Also- my good friend just told me today she's 8 weeks along with no effort. :dohh: Hopefully we'll have little ones a few months apart.
Going for IVF #1 in May 2012...

Welcome :hi: Sorry about the pregnancy announcement. It's hard when some people don't have to put any effort into it like others do.

haj and alscreetch~ Yay for getting those injections done! :happydance:
MrsC~ Thanks!! I'm really glad that things are moving along for you. You'll be starting the IVF cycle before you know it.

Jenn I agree with you, step away and 10 pages go by!!! Sorry, I was in Pittsburg for meetings and I wasn't able to stay on top of the thread
or send out personals.

Welcome mommymel!!! :hugs: were glad you could join us!!

I am ecstatic... after my week delay, I officially get to stab myself 3 times tonight!! Stimming finally! :happydance: Haj we both start our meds tonight, anyone else. so this is my dosing schedule for now:

Follistim- 225 UI
Low dose HCG- 10 UI
Lupon- 5 UI

Yaaay for starting shots!! I remember how excited I was to actually start. It makes this whole thing feel more real. Good luck and fingers crossed for lots of good follies!!!

Hey ladies, I need to catch up later tonight but wanted to let you know I just took my first stim. It's just like taking Lupron...super easy. Now I'm just thinking grow eggies grow!!!

Yaaay! You won't be too far behind me.. I will be cheering for your follies to grow. Go Follies!!!!!:dance:

Going for IVF #1 in May 2012...

Welcome!! I hope it works the first time around for you. :hugs:

lulu good luck tomorrow!

Thank you so much!! I am super excited but nervous at the same time. Any sign of AF yet for you?
DancingDiva~ How did your egg transfer go today? YAAAAAY!!! You're officially PUPO! Please update us on how it went.:hugs:
thank you everyone for the warm welcome...... feels good.

nothing much from my side, jusy enjoying the break till i start my IVF meds.....

i am looking forward to start the next cycle, gonna be so fantastic,,,,,
Hey ladies I got ET done yesterday one 8 cell embryo and one 12 cell embryo both grade A best I could have wished for and both were successfully transferred.
Hey ladies I got ET done yesterday one 8 cell embryo and one 12 cell embryo both grade A best I could have wished for and both were successfully transferred.

That is fantastic...... bfp here we come... :happydance:
i wish you all the baby dust in the world,,,, let your beans snuggle up good and stick like glue..... :winkwink:
rest well... :hugs:
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