IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hey Ladies!!

Welcome to the newbies!!

Sorry I went MIA again. I don't know if I can catch up with all the missed posts. I have been going to the RE's office daily for the past 3 days. I've been a little upset that follies are growing a little slow. I think it's because he lowered my dose midway during stims but now he has my dose up at where it was again. I am definitely hyperstimulating:nope:, I have about 25+ follies. I have about 14 that are measuring at about 14mm or higher and these are the ones that are more likely to contain mature eggs. He was going to trigger me today but decided to do tomorrow instead, so I am still stimming and today is day 11 of stims so by tomorrow I'll have stimmed for 12 days. I am really nervous about how many mature eggs I will get. I feel like so many egg will be going to waste since they're not big enough yet. I hope they all have a really big growth spurt by tomorrow.

Fingers crossed those little eggs will grow grow grow!!!
Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...

We are not doing ICSI. RE is not recommending it for us since DH's sperm is great and I am relatively young (just turned 29). We are also likely only transfering 1. I hope I don't regret these decisions!
Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...

We are not doing ICSI. RE is not recommending it for us since DH's sperm is great and I am relatively young (just turned 29). We are also likely only transfering 1. I hope I don't regret these decisions!

Does your clinic only transfer 1 or is that your decision?
Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...

We are not doing ICSI. RE is not recommending it for us since DH's sperm is great and I am relatively young (just turned 29). We are also likely only transfering 1. I hope I don't regret these decisions!

I *hate* these decisions.

Also considering single ET as our new clinic has an extremely high twins rate (65%). But don't know if we are willing to risk it. Will probably transfer two and take our chances.
Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...

I will be doing just IVF, no ICSI. I am really nervous as well but we really cannot afford another $1500 right now. I'm only 26 and DH is 30 with a high sperm count and 13% morphology which is considered normal. The only problem is a slightly low motility but since the egg and sperm are right next to each other, they don't have to travel far or die off before reaching the egg. Good luck with your decision!!
I'm going to have the SAME conversation. I think the assumption is that my eggs are probably OK and penetrable (is that a word) since I'm still technically <35, but I don't want to take that chance.

I feel like something must be wrong if we are unexplained and I dont want to risk none of my embies being fertilized. So if they can do both, why not! The nurse in my IVF class was saying that they dont want to mess with the embies if there is nothing wrong with the sperm. But I agree to not change anything.
Hey Ladies!!

Welcome to the newbies!!

Sorry I went MIA again. I don't know if I can catch up with all the missed posts. I have been going to the RE's office daily for the past 3 days. I've been a little upset that follies are growing a little slow. I think it's because he lowered my dose midway during stims but now he has my dose up at where it was again. I am definitely hyperstimulating:nope:, I have about 25+ follies. I have about 14 that are measuring at about 14mm or higher and these are the ones that are more likely to contain mature eggs. He was going to trigger me today but decided to do tomorrow instead, so I am still stimming and today is day 11 of stims so by tomorrow I'll have stimmed for 12 days. I am really nervous about how many mature eggs I will get. I feel like so many egg will be going to waste since they're not big enough yet. I hope they all have a really big growth spurt by tomorrow.

Good luck!! grow, grow, grow!!!!
I'm going to have the SAME conversation. I think the assumption is that my eggs are probably OK and penetrable (is that a word) since I'm still technically <35, but I don't want to take that chance.

I feel like something must be wrong if we are unexplained and I dont want to risk non of my embies being fertilized. So if they can do both, why not! The nurse in my IVF class was saying that they dont want to mess with the embies if there is nothing wrong with the sperm. But I agree to not change anything.

We are also unexplained so I always think that what if the problem was fertilization. I wish I had the choice to do 1/2 ICSI and 1/2 natural then I would definitely do it. I would still have pay the full amount to do that.
Hey Ladies!!

Welcome to the newbies!!

Sorry I went MIA again. I don't know if I can catch up with all the missed posts. I have been going to the RE's office daily for the past 3 days. I've been a little upset that follies are growing a little slow. I think it's because he lowered my dose midway during stims but now he has my dose up at where it was again. I am definitely hyperstimulating:nope:, I have about 25+ follies. I have about 14 that are measuring at about 14mm or higher and these are the ones that are more likely to contain mature eggs. He was going to trigger me today but decided to do tomorrow instead, so I am still stimming and today is day 11 of stims so by tomorrow I'll have stimmed for 12 days. I am really nervous about how many mature eggs I will get. I feel like so many egg will be going to waste since they're not big enough yet. I hope they all have a really big growth spurt by tomorrow.

Good luck!! grow, grow, grow!!!!

Thank you!! I hope they do grow. I guess we were posting at the same time. Lol
Hey Ladies!!

Welcome to the newbies!!

Sorry I went MIA again. I don't know if I can catch up with all the missed posts. I have been going to the RE's office daily for the past 3 days. I've been a little upset that follies are growing a little slow. I think it's because he lowered my dose midway during stims but now he has my dose up at where it was again. I am definitely hyperstimulating:nope:, I have about 25+ follies. I have about 14 that are measuring at about 14mm or higher and these are the ones that are more likely to contain mature eggs. He was going to trigger me today but decided to do tomorrow instead, so I am still stimming and today is day 11 of stims so by tomorrow I'll have stimmed for 12 days. I am really nervous about how many mature eggs I will get. I feel like so many egg will be going to waste since they're not big enough yet. I hope they all have a really big growth spurt by tomorrow.

Fingers crossed those little eggs will grow grow grow!!!

Thank you. I really hope so!! I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
We are doing ICSI due to DH having below 1% morph, so we have no choice really.

DaisyQ - I thought it was 30% for twins. is it really 65%!!! Holy :mamafy:

Lulu - I hope you gets lots of mature eggies and don't hyperstim
Thanks guys... I'm going to ask for at least some ICSI, especially if the number of eggs retrieved is on the lower side... I hate to spend money for nothing if we don't need it, but I'd rather throw an extra 1500 at this cycle than have to do it all again.
On their website blue, it says 30%, but Morris told me 65%. ??

Maybe the 30% number is low because they are including SET in that...?
Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...

We are not doing ICSI. RE is not recommending it for us since DH's sperm is great and I am relatively young (just turned 29). We are also likely only transfering 1. I hope I don't regret these decisions!

Does your clinic only transfer 1 or is that your decision?

It would be our decision. We will likely go with the embryologist's recommendation on the morning of the transfer (although I realize they are usually conservative because they don't like lot of multiples coming out of their clinic). We're both OK with twins, so we'll see. It might depend on whether we will have any embryos to freeze too.
On their website blue, it says 30%, but Morris told me 65%. ??

Maybe the 30% number is low because they are including SET in that...?

Not sure they had a chart out at morristown on saturday while i was there but I didnt' get to look at it good.
My clinic has dif prices for ivf, 50:50 and all icsi. Because of donor sperm and my age they are recommending icsi. It is tempting to me to do some without just to see (cause the doc keeps saying the problem is my old eggs).

That seems weird that a clinic would only do day 6. While I realize there is some difference in rates of success depending on date of transfer and it is better to select for stronger embies it seems crazy to run the risk of ending up with nothing. (https://m.humrep.oxfordjournals.org/content/15/9/1947.full) what is their reasoning? Will they change their mind depending on egg number?

Afm- ordered the rest of the meds. Another 1300 on top of the 1600 I already spent , the 600 or so I owe for the canceled cycle, the 8000 or so ive spent on failed iui cycles,close to 11,000 for icsi. People keep askin when Im going to give up. Seems crazy to believe I've spent so much since January and have zilch to show for it. At what point does it become insane to keep throwing money down? I feel like if I walk away now then all that money was wasted. That if I end up with a baby at the end then it was worth it but at what price point do you decide it isn't worth it?
Hi ladies!

Good luck DaisyQ with the new RE. I switched REs myself and am much happier with the new one. The original one made me feel like I was a complete moron and wasn't willing to work with me at all in rgards to schedule conflicts for appointments.

Squid, if I could donate some meds to you I would!!! I have two refills on my Gonal F pens I haven't filled yet. I hate to see them not used when I know other people don't have insurance that covers anything :(

AFM, can I rant here a little? My paperwork clearly states that after the consent signing I am to call the ART nurse. I did that on Thursday. We made our consult appointment with her and she gave me a verbal calendar of how it will probably go. We also were discussing medications and there was a problem. What my RE told me at consent signing is completely different than what is on the ART nurse's paperwork for meds. She was going to check with the RE and call me back. I didn't get a call back so I called again today. She bites my head off saying "Why are you even calling, you haven't gotten your period yet." Talk about making me feel reassured. Not. I don't consider myself a high maintenance patient. I rarely call the office and given that this is my first IVF cycle I do have questions. I also requested they do another SA on my husband in a month. She tried talking me out of it. WTF??? He lied at his last SA, he had been abstinent like two weeks, not the 4 days they wanted. I've always felt the results weren't true and want another one. I don't want surprises on ER day. I can tell I won't like this nurse. End rant, thanks!
noasaint~ :hugs: Feel free to rant here. We all need a place where we can do it. Sounds like a wonderful lady (not)! Sorry you had a bad conversation with her today. Theres no need to treat patients, or anyone, like that. We all have questions and that is part of their job. :nope: I hope if you have to deal with her again she is nicer to you. I would still push for another SA. I wouldn't tell them he lied but I would just say that you think things might have changed. Hopefully the med situation works out and everyone is on the same page tomorrow.
Here is my big learning of the day:

Don't take any days away from reading this thread or you will fall behind! My how we have grown! Welcome to all the new ladies!!

I have nothing new to report for myself, just really excited to follow you guys through your journey's. Hopefully many of you will be preggo by the time I have my cycle start.

Hi ladies,

Sadly I had a miscarriage at the weekend, so now I'm a mummy to 4 angels. I'm gutted :cry:

So I may be joining you ladies yet for another round of IVF.

I wish you all every success with your upcoming treatment. I may not be on for a while but I'll keep checking on you all :hugs:

So sorry to hear about your loss JDH. I can't even begin to understand how you must be feeling. Having a MC is my biggest fear. I hope you are doing well. Take the time you need and just know we are all here for you.

Hey Ladies!!

Thanks for all the support. I hope all of you are doing well. Today's scan showed 20 follies between 9 and 14 and some smaller ones:wacko:. I guess that is a lot of follies so my risk of hyperstimulation is still up there. I think he will increase my gonal-f dose again since last time he decreased it. I'm waiting for them to call me back with my E2 level and new dose for gonal-f. He said that I would be triggering either on wednesday or thursday, which means that egg retrieval will be either on friday or saturday. Also, he said that he would be triggering me with lupron because that decreases the chance of hyperstimulation so fx for that. I can't believe I'm almost done with stims!!!! :happydance:

Good luck with your ER LuLu!! I hear gatorade is good for hyperstimulation. I knew someone that was at risk as well and the RE suggested drinking it and she ended up fine.... actually pregnant now!

so im hopping over here and recognize bunches of you, so yay =)

did 4 failed iuis (only to find out there was an apparent male factor).. was going to do a natural cycle this month but apparently if i do that it wont time out for ivf in june (im off the week of the 11th so it has to be that week) and my doc is going away for most of july. so.. here i am. still unsure how i feel about it. but.. onwards and upwards i suppose

because im using donor sperm icsi has been highly recommended.. my doc keeps saying he thinks the problem is my eggs not the crap sperm but.. so if i do all icsi im not sure if ill be able to know how my eggs actually were. there is a set price for ivf wo icsi, 50:50 and 100% icsi. i guess i might as well do 100%. in for a penny in for a pound right? they are supposed to call me tomorrow to let me know what the schedule will be for meds. at least i have a stock in the fridge which were supposed to be used for this injectible cycle.

Welcome Drsquid! My clinic says icsi is necessary with donor sperm since it has been frozen. Our issue is male factor as well and I questioned whether donor sperm with higher numbers would be better then my DH's but they said even with DH's low numbers that his would be better with IFV since it would be fresh not frozen. Since there is so much more control with IVF verses IUI she feels we have a good chance. Is that not an option for you? In anycase I agree that icsi is worth the money if it improves the probability of a BFP!

Speaking of which, I think we are going to be 3K out of pocket for our drugs. My husband is freaking out, even though our actual IVF will be covered (just one round). I really hope it works, because if we are out of pocket for round two, I don't know how he'll react to that price tag.

We pay out of pocket for whole thing, and breaking the price tag to my hubby was definitely difficult. Telling him about the fender-bender I got into on the way to my clinic this morning (totally my fault) was also fun news to tell. Ugh.

Back to the sex question, in case anyone was wondering, my nurse just responded to my e-mail with following: "You do not need to abstain until we get closer to egg retrieval. At that time he should abstain for 2-5 days prior to sperm collection."

OMG sorry to hear about your accident I hope it is covered by insurance, but I know no matter what it sucks.

Hey ladies, just got call about eggs not as good as I would have hoped for only 2 of them have fertilised so I'm getting both put back in on Friday.

Congrats DancingDiva! All you need is one so two is great! Good luck with your transfer on Friday!

Hi all! :hi:

Mini update on me - I'm switching RE's! Arhghghghga! I decided to meet Jchic's RE, partially because I don't love my current RE, and secondly because Jchic (and Blue's) clinic have higher success rates than mine. So I met with Jchic's doc, and thought she was great. I am so nervous to change REs, and I haven't yet called my old one to tell them - it feels like I'm breaking up with a boyfriend!

I'm also nervous because they only do 6 day transfers, which on one hand is great - but on the other hand I'm so nervous I won't have any embies to transfer on day 6!

Also had blood work today, and we did an US to look at antral follicle count - I had 15. It's day 11 of my cycle though and I've been on 8 days of BCP so not sure how predictive that is or not of how I'll respond.

No idea what my new protocol might be - we are waiting for my AMH to come back. They never even tested my AMH at the other place. It will either be lupron protocol or antagonist. Sounds like I won't be on BCP for 3 weeks after all, probably more like 2 weeks. Yay!

Hi Daisy, good luck with your new clinic I think you are making the right choice. My clinic believes in 5 day transfers and they have good success rates. I have not heard of 6 day ones but I assume it would be similar. I think if the embryos are meant to be they will make it the 5-6 days. If it doesn't give the BFP then the results probably would have been the same at 3 day transfer. That's what my clinic has convinced me of.

Thanks oneof14! Will do.

How many of you guys are doing ICSI, and are you doing it because your DH has abnormal SA, or are you doing it just in case?

My DH has a normal SA, and they are not recommending it for us, but I am SO scared to not do it...

I will be doing just IVF, no ICSI. I am really nervous as well but we really cannot afford another $1500 right now. I'm only 26 and DH is 30 with a high sperm count and 13% morphology which is considered normal. The only problem is a slightly low motility but since the egg and sperm are right next to each other, they don't have to travel far or die off before reaching the egg. Good luck with your decision!!

We are doing the same thing although I am much older. Our RE did a pretest on my DH's sperm and determined that it tested well so she said icsi isn't needed. Being this is our first IVF we are going to go with what she says. FX!
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