IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I'm in 2ww right now. Supposed to test on fri 5/11... but I did a hpt, and it shows positive. Let's hope it stays that way. : fingers crossed :

Welcome :hi: Fingers crossed that the positive test stays that way. I can't wait to hear the final results. How many did you put back and on what day? :flower:

Wow, it's all happening for a few of you. GL and hope everything goes to plan.

I have just dragged OH out of bed to come to my baseline scan. All is good, no cysts so all ready to start stimming tomorrow evening! Just hope that all goes okay.

Yay for no cysts and starting stims!! :happydance:

Hiya ladies :hi: Only just found this thread so im rocking up to the party a bit late but i have my EC tomorrow.

I had my final scan yesterday which showed around 21 follicles.

Congratulations for all the BFPs xx

Welcome :hi: Good luck at EC. :thumbup:

MrsStru-yayyy for stimming!!!

Lisa-Good luck at your EC!!!

AFM: I went for my first sono since I started my stims today and they said my linning looked great it was 7.7. And she said my biggest egg right now was 10.8 which was a good size for 3 days of stims. I forgot to see how many were there. I had asked a bunch of question today. I felt like I kinda annoyed her...I figured maybe she was having a bad morning bc theyre usualyl so nice there or maybe they're getting sick of my asking questions. I dont know why but the past few days I've been OBSESSED with the MTHFR. I've been doing so much research (the worst idea) and i see that majority of woman with it take baby asprin even if their levels are normal but my RE told me that since mine are normal I dont need it. So I've been driving myself crazy about it. And I had called last week to see if I should be taking it and they called me back and told me no but since its been driving me crazy since I looked stuff up today I had asked again in not so many words and I think thats what annoyed the nurse. I really really love the doctor but I think I'm just so nervous about having implantation problems or finally getting my BFP and miscarrying that its driving my nuts. I don't know about anyone else but my stims and lupron have made me a little extra nutty.:wacko:

Haj I'm sorry you are having a difficult time. The other girls are right... the people at the clinic are there for YOU. Don't let them make you feel like you are doing anything wrong by asking questions. If you didn't ask you would end up driving yourself crazy. I truly think all of this makes us all a little bit crazy at times. :wacko: No more Dr. Google though... I have found that it doesn't help anything in most cases. :thumbup:

Lulu~ How are things looking today?? I hope you are doing ok and the one egg that fertilized is growing nice and strong!

I hope you all are doing well. I don't have anything to report but I want you all to know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Does anyone have any updates that I'm missing or they would like added to the front page? If so please let me know. I'm trying to keep up with you all. :flower:
So the doctors office just called back and they are changing the dosage on my medicine because I have a lot of follicles.

I'm staying on 10iu of lupron
My gonal f I'm knocking down from 150 to 112.5
and now i have to add 2ml (1 vile) of menopur.

3 shots a night now. So I have to do this tonight, tuesday, and wednesday and then thursday morning I go back in for my next sonogram.

Just got my AMH results back. 1. Not what I was hoping for, although the nurse says it's a "normal" value. My doctor had said that if it was just normal or "average" that she might want not want to do a lupron protocol like my original RE wanted to do, but try an antagonist protocol instead. No idea what the differences are. She is out today, so I have to wait until tomorrow to find out. I hate the waiting.

Also, DH did a new SA - and his morph was only 1%. During his first SA in January, his morph was 6%, but it was done by a different lab. Also, DH did spend a little time in a hot tub on vacation 2 weeks ago so... probably not a good idea. So we are doing ICSI. Relieved not to have to decide anymore whether to do it or not, and relieved to have some answers (maybe) about why we are not concieving naturally. But a bummer to know that we are working with suboptimal sperm and possibly eggs.

I really hope this is the extent of our issues and we won't have issues getting blasts or issues with implantation...

Just got my AMH results back. 1. Not what I was hoping for, although the nurse says it's a "normal" value. My doctor had said that if it was just normal or "average" that she might want not want to do a lupron protocol like my original RE wanted to do, but try an antagonist protocol instead. No idea what the differences are. She is out today, so I have to wait until tomorrow to find out. I hate the waiting.

Also, DH did a new SA - and his morph was only 1%. During his first SA in January, his morph was 6%, but it was done by a different lab. Also, DH did spend a little time in a hot tub on vacation 2 weeks ago so... probably not a good idea. So we are doing ICSI. Relieved not to have to decide anymore whether to do it or not, and relieved to have some answers (maybe) about why we are not concieving naturally. But a bummer to know that we are working with suboptimal sperm and possibly eggs.

I really hope this is the extent of our issues and we won't have issues getting blasts or issues with implantation...

My Dh's SA came back similar. His morph went from 5% to 2%. I'm glad were doing ICSI though because we dont have to worry about the sperm penetrating the eggs.

If your egg quality seems normal then I honestly wouldnt worry, I'm sure your doctor would tell you if they felt there would be issues from this and with the ICSI your DH's issues will be taken care of. No worries it will all work out!!!:hugs:
kind of a relief not to have to make that decision. i kinda like that my doc said he recommends icsi with donor sperm. then i dotn have to worry, should i do it, 50,50 etc. still in a waiting game, go back friday for progesterone level. i guess i was wrong about it being the waiting that is makig me crazy cause i feel a ton better. i was actually super happy over the weekend and it has been ages.
Hi ladies! I just caught up with the thread from the weekend. Work is a little crazy, so sorry I don't have time to leave personalized messages. But I promise I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you all.

AFM, I went in for a u/s yesterday (day 8 of meds) and everything looked good. 15 or so follies between 11 and 15 mm. Plus another 10 or so under 10. I return tomorrow for another u/s and probably trigger tomorrow night for a Thursday ER. I'm still feeling really good, no side effects from the stims yet...knock on wood.
Hi ladies! I just caught up with the thread from the weekend. Work is a little crazy, so sorry I don't have time to leave personalized messages. But I promise I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you all.

AFM, I went in for a u/s yesterday (day 8 of meds) and everything looked good. 15 or so follies between 11 and 15 mm. Plus another 10 or so under 10. I return tomorrow for another u/s and probably trigger tomorrow night for a Thursday ER. I'm still feeling really good, no side effects from the stims yet...knock on wood.

That's great! Good luck.

Just got my AMH results back. 1. Not what I was hoping for, although the nurse says it's a "normal" value. My doctor had said that if it was just normal or "average" that she might want not want to do a lupron protocol like my original RE wanted to do, but try an antagonist protocol instead. No idea what the differences are. She is out today, so I have to wait until tomorrow to find out. I hate the waiting.

Also, DH did a new SA - and his morph was only 1%. During his first SA in January, his morph was 6%, but it was done by a different lab. Also, DH did spend a little time in a hot tub on vacation 2 weeks ago so... probably not a good idea. So we are doing ICSI. Relieved not to have to decide anymore whether to do it or not, and relieved to have some answers (maybe) about why we are not concieving naturally. But a bummer to know that we are working with suboptimal sperm and possibly eggs.

I really hope this is the extent of our issues and we won't have issues getting blasts or issues with implantation...

My Dh's SA came back similar. His morph went from 5% to 2%. I'm glad were doing ICSI though because we dont have to worry about the sperm penetrating the eggs.

If your egg quality seems normal then I honestly wouldnt worry, I'm sure your doctor would tell you if they felt there would be issues from this and with the ICSI your DH's issues will be taken care of. No worries it will all work out!!!:hugs:

Thanks. It's hard not to feel bummed. I was sure my AMH would be fine. And I guess it is OK, but honestly, it's low for my age. I read a study where my level is more typical of someone 37-38. :shrug:
I am just catching up with everyone's posts; yay for everyone stimming!! It will go so fast! And Haj....you should not be afraid to ask them questions! When I went through my first IVF, I asked them so many questions, they told me to call them as often as I wanted, that is what they were there for.

I found out today my results came back from my chromosome testing and everything was normal. In a way I was like...REALLY??? How could it all be normal, but the pregnancy fail? Then I was relived to know that there was nothing wrong either. I have a consult with the doctor on May 21. The nurse told me today that I cannot start another IVF round until my second cycle starts, so here I am just waiting for the first one to even start with no sign of it :nope: today is cycle day 32, so frustrating!!
hi. :wave: good luck to all the girls trying and good patience and great results to the girls in their 2ww! i am two days away from egg retrieval, did my pregnyl shot tonight and i have a question.
since we started out for IUI but changed our minds to IVF around the beginning of clomid i only did my first estradiol blood test on saturday and got my results back tonight.
what are normal levels?
mine were at 1376
the doctor didn't comment on the level. i texted him the results as i was in class and couldn't call and he texted back "ok. see you tomorrow"

i am sure i will have a lot of questions throughout this wait.

thanks in advance :flower:
hi. :wave: good luck to all the girls trying and good patience and great results to the girls in their 2ww! i am two days away from egg retrieval, did my pregnyl shot tonight and i have a question.
since we started out for IUI but changed our minds to IVF around the beginning of clomid i only did my first estradiol blood test on saturday and got my results back tonight.
what are normal levels?
mine were at 1376
the doctor didn't comment on the level. i texted him the results as i was in class and couldn't call and he texted back "ok. see you tomorrow"

i am sure i will have a lot of questions throughout this wait.

thanks in advance :flower:

From what I have heard, there is not a standard estradiol level for all women. It varies from person to person. They will monitor to see how it is rising from day to day however. And correct me if I'm wrong ladies, but if its too high, you are at a greater risk of OHSS. For comparison purposes, my e2 levels were as follows:

Day 3: 81
Day 5: Just over 500
Day 8: Just over 1000

My RE was happy with these numbers and they have not changed my meds. I hope this is at least somewhat helpful, and good luck with your transfer! I'm just a couple days behind you.
I am just catching up with everyone's posts; yay for everyone stimming!! It will go so fast! And Haj....you should not be afraid to ask them questions! When I went through my first IVF, I asked them so many questions, they told me to call them as often as I wanted, that is what they were there for.

I found out today my results came back from my chromosome testing and everything was normal. In a way I was like...REALLY??? How could it all be normal, but the pregnancy fail? Then I was relived to know that there was nothing wrong either. I have a consult with the doctor on May 21. The nurse told me today that I cannot start another IVF round until my second cycle starts, so here I am just waiting for the first one to even start with no sign of it :nope: today is cycle day 32, so frustrating!!

mine took 8 weeks exactly for cd1....af was normal and i seem to be back on track as im pretty sure i ovulated cd13/14. my testing was normal as well which still left questions but i left it at that. maybe we will be cycling together?

afm: kinda down today (again) realized im not getting that natural bfp this month (or ever) and im just getting down on myself about it. but not long now until my ivf cycle so i will just be happy about that, happy that we can go through round 3.
On day 15 of buserelin.. Down reg scan tomorrow.
First attempt at IVF with unexplained infertility.
S08- I'm glad u posted that, bc my day 3 (which was today) came back at 100. They upper my Follistim from 225 to 300 just until Wednesday. They continuously will monitor these levels. I have 4 appointments this week alone. I'm crazy calm right now... I feel like I'm listening and talking to my ovaries... Lmao... Tell me I'm not alone at talking to my organs... Haha
S08- I'm glad u posted that, bc my day 3 (which was today) came back at 100. They upper my Follistim from 225 to 300 just until Wednesday. They continuously will monitor these levels. I have 4 appointments this week alone. I'm crazy calm right now... I feel like I'm listening and talking to my ovaries... Lmao... Tell me I'm not alone at talking to my organs... Haha

Glad you're feeling calm and hope the meds are treating you ok so far. I can't say that I have been chatting with my ovaries much lately, but maybe I should start! :haha:
Hey ladies how u all getting on?

Anyone got any tips during the TWW as it feels like the longest days ever lol
Haj - ask away, this is a new process for all of us, the doctors and nurses are there to answer your questions. Did they say how many follicles you had?

DaisyQ - glad you have a decision about the ICSI

s08 - yay, not long now

michelle01 - hope the wait goes quick! Try to keep busy, I find throwing myself into my work makes time fly by.

Greekgirl - sorry cant help with the levels, but wanted to wish you lots of luck for your retrieval

Tink31 - Welcome and good luck with your cycle!

MoBaby - so sorry your feeling down, this will be all worth it in the end!!!

alscreetch - your not alone, i talk to my ovaries too hehe :) Last cycle after I found out I had 19 follicles I said "good job ovaries" out loud my husband cracked up :D

DancingDiva - I throw myself into my work, I find it really takes my mind off things.
Thanks, I'll try however we are really quiet in work just now so it's hard to keep myself occupied lol
TTB-I didnt find out yesterday but at my baseline on Friday I had 22. I go back in on Thursday morning and I will ask then.

Dancing-Sorry I would be the worst at giving you advice I have zero patience.
I'm starting to feel that way myself everyday is getting longer lol
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