IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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I am just catching up with everyone's posts; yay for everyone stimming!! It will go so fast! And Haj....you should not be afraid to ask them questions! When I went through my first IVF, I asked them so many questions, they told me to call them as often as I wanted, that is what they were there for.

I found out today my results came back from my chromosome testing and everything was normal. In a way I was like...REALLY??? How could it all be normal, but the pregnancy fail? Then I was relived to know that there was nothing wrong either. I have a consult with the doctor on May 21. The nurse told me today that I cannot start another IVF round until my second cycle starts, so here I am just waiting for the first one to even start with no sign of it :nope: today is cycle day 32, so frustrating!!

mine took 8 weeks exactly for cd1....af was normal and i seem to be back on track as im pretty sure i ovulated cd13/14. my testing was normal as well which still left questions but i left it at that. maybe we will be cycling together?

afm: kinda down today (again) realized im not getting that natural bfp this month (or ever) and im just getting down on myself about it. but not long now until my ivf cycle so i will just be happy about that, happy that we can go through round 3.

I hope it doesn't take that long, but at least I am almost 4 1/2 weeks now. I just hate waiting; I have no patience! What would really be bad is if it did take 8 weeks, then I go back to normal, puts me into another IVF round towards the end of June/July, putting EC in the beginning of August and I cannot take off during the first 2 weeks of August. So I would then have to wait yet another month. I just cannot think about that right now and what could be!

I am sorry you are feeling down; just keep thinking about your next IVF cycle starting and that you will get that BFP!!!
mine took 8 weeks exactly for cd1....af was normal and i seem to be back on track as im pretty sure i ovulated cd13/14. my testing was normal as well which still left questions but i left it at that. maybe we will be cycling together?

afm: kinda down today (again) realized im not getting that natural bfp this month (or ever) and im just getting down on myself about it. but not long now until my ivf cycle so i will just be happy about that, happy that we can go through round 3.

Mobaby- I completely understand the frustrations with not getting a natural bfp. You are in a position now to obtain it through IVF... You will get there girl!! :hugs::hugs:
Is there like an ideal thickness for your lining to be for implantation? I know it can be too thin but can it be too thick?
Alsooo does anyone do menopur shots? Mine stung last night!!! Is it supposed to?:shrug:
Menopur burns like a Mother!! I hated it . I dont have to do it ivf 3 :)

Michelle: same thing happened to me. Since af took its sweet time I had to wait then the clinic doesn't do ivf in June so that put me to july! It's soo frustrating but this process isnt something we should rush I kept reminding myself.
Menopur burns like a Mother!! I hated it . I dont have to do it ivf 3 :)

Michelle: same thing happened to me. Since af took its sweet time I had to wait then the clinic doesn't do ivf in June so that put me to july! It's soo frustrating but this process isnt something we should rush I kept reminding myself.

I took it for the first time last nigth and i didnt know if i was imagining it burning lmao.

Now does that also stimulate follicles? Or does it do something different then Gonal F?
Haj - with menopur if you let it sit for at least 10 to 15 minutes after you draw it up, it does not sting or burn as bad. I remember reading that on other posts and also watching some u-tube videos and someone mentioned that mixing the solution with the powder it is so concentrated, which is why it burns if you do the injection right away. I also used to ice my injection areas for about 30 seconds as well before doing them before and after; I was such a baby with needles, but I got used to them. And doing it slow helps lessen the burning as well.
Haj - with menopur if you let it sit for at least 10 to 15 minutes after you draw it up, it does not sting or burn as bad. I remember reading that on other posts and also watching some u-tube videos and someone mentioned that mixing the solution with the powder it is so concentrated, which is why it burns if you do the injection right away. I also used to ice my injection areas for about 30 seconds as well before doing them before and after; I was such a baby with needles, but I got used to them. And doing it slow helps lessen the burning as well.

Thanks for the tip!! The nurse had said to do 1cc but on the instructions it said use as many vials of powder as your told and i dont think she said a number. i just used one last night but i have an email into them to double check. Even though i called yesterday to make sure it was 1cc:dohh:
Hello Ladies, I've been so so busy w/work and family obligations that I have to read up for personals. I hope everyone is handling their meds ok and keeping busy during tww.

I'm due to start IVF upon AF's arrival next week. I just got word that there is a shortage of Ganirelix, which is one of the prescibed meds they gave me. I left a message for the Doctor to see if there is an alternative to that medication. I am waiting to hear back.
Memopur is hmg and gonal f is fsh.... It works with fsh product. It has fsh and also a small amount of LH. It further stimulates the ovarian follicle development.
To mix my re nurse said 1 cc of saline and put it into 1st vial then draw that up and put it into next and draw it up until all vials are mixed.

How exciting oneof14!!
Memopur is hmg and gonal f is fsh.... It works with fsh product. It has fsh and also a small amount of LH. It further stimulates the ovarian follicle development.
To mix my re nurse said 1 cc of saline and put it into 1st vial then draw that up and put it into next and draw it up until all vials are mixed.

How exciting oneof14!!

You used all the vials in one night? I have a package with 5 vials. She told me to take it for the 3 nights though.
I did 2 vials per night so I ended up using 3 boxes. She said just 1cc no matter how many vials. I did Menopur 150 with 150 gonal. I really hate mixing them. I always felt like I was doing it wrong!
Hey Ladies!! I got a disappointing fertilization report today. The RE said that out of the 34 eggs, only 4 were fully mature and so far one fertilized :cry:. He said that there's a lot that are almost mature and he says he expects some of them to mature over the next 2 days. I'm really concerned and scared that the one that fertilized doesn't make it to transfer day. I feel like all this pain I'm going through might have gone to waste. I was willing to put up with any kind of pain to have something transferred. The only hope I have is to pray to God that some of the other ones mature and more fertilize.

Praying for you Lulu... I know more will mature!! But if they don't those 4 mature embies will be the best grade!!! :hugs:
TTB, I’m looking at your signature and have a question. I’m sure you’ve written it here, but can you remind me…of the 9 eggs that fertilized on your first go-round of IVF, is it right that you only got 1 egg to day 5 as an early blast? Nothing to freeze? If so, did they have any reason why only 1 made it?

I do menopur too and yes, they sting like a biotch! Nurse told me that was normal. My Follistim also hurts a little, but not Lupron.

Michelle, now you tell me about the Menopur tip! I just finished the shots last night!

For ladies who have done an intramuscular shot (in lower back/upper butt area...I'm sure that is the technical medical term), did anyone do it themselves? I trigger tonight (for a Thursday ER…Yah!) and DH won't be home. The nurse said some women do it themselves, but just wondering if anyone here has. The nurse drew a circle this morning with a permanent marker where the shot should go. Wow, IVF is sexy, isnt' it?!? :haha:

So, I had lots of follies this morning at my u/s (day 10 of stims), so the nurse warned me that I was at a higher risk of OHSS. I thought it was interesting that she recommended not drinking lots of water, as it could make it worse. She said mostly drink Gatorade or other sports drinks. I’ve been doing Gatorade, coconut water, and tons of water, so I’ll focus on the sports drinks.

Hope all is well with everyone else!
Good luck s08. I asked my nurse the same question, as my DH might night be here for some of the progesterone shots. She suggest turn my backside to a mirror so I can get a better look, she also said when the time comes, she will also draw a circle.
Well I spoke to the nurse and she said for me to just use one vile of powder. Tonight starts night 5 of stims for me, did anyone else feel a little pressue in the ovaries or anything by then?

So8-yayy how exciting!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
I am just catching up with everyone's posts; yay for everyone stimming!! It will go so fast! And Haj....you should not be afraid to ask them questions! When I went through my first IVF, I asked them so many questions, they told me to call them as often as I wanted, that is what they were there for.

I found out today my results came back from my chromosome testing and everything was normal. In a way I was like...REALLY??? How could it all be normal, but the pregnancy fail? Then I was relived to know that there was nothing wrong either. I have a consult with the doctor on May 21. The nurse told me today that I cannot start another IVF round until my second cycle starts, so here I am just waiting for the first one to even start with no sign of it :nope: today is cycle day 32, so frustrating!!

I'm glad your test came back with good news. Sorry it didn't provide and answer for you though. I hope AF shows for you soon so that you can get started sooner than later.

hi. :wave: good luck to all the girls trying and good patience and great results to the girls in their 2ww! i am two days away from egg retrieval, did my pregnyl shot tonight and i have a question.
since we started out for IUI but changed our minds to IVF around the beginning of clomid i only did my first estradiol blood test on saturday and got my results back tonight.
what are normal levels?
mine were at 1376
the doctor didn't comment on the level. i texted him the results as i was in class and couldn't call and he texted back "ok. see you tomorrow"

i am sure i will have a lot of questions throughout this wait.

thanks in advance :flower:

Welcome :hi: I hope your appointment goes well today. I don't know much about levels but hopefully yours were good.

afm: kinda down today (again) realized im not getting that natural bfp this month (or ever) and im just getting down on myself about it. but not long now until my ivf cycle so i will just be happy about that, happy that we can go through round 3.

:hugs: Sorry you are feeling down. Round 3 will work for you and you will get a sticky BFP!

On day 15 of buserelin.. Down reg scan tomorrow.
First attempt at IVF with unexplained infertility.

Welcome :hi: I hope your appointment goes well today!

Hey ladies how u all getting on?

Anyone got any tips during the TWW as it feels like the longest days ever lol

I really don't have any tips for the TWW but I imagine it's the longest wait ever! Is there anything you do as a hobby that you can sink yourself into?

Alsooo does anyone do menopur shots? Mine stung last night!!! Is it supposed to?:shrug:

I've heard some of them sting. I haven't started yet but it's good to know which ones do and which ones don't. I agree that leaving them out for a few minutes helps with the sting, at least thats what I've heard. :shrug:

Hello Ladies, I've been so so busy w/work and family obligations that I have to read up for personals. I hope everyone is handling their meds ok and keeping busy during tww.

I'm due to start IVF upon AF's arrival next week. I just got word that there is a shortage of Ganirelix, which is one of the prescibed meds they gave me. I left a message for the Doctor to see if there is an alternative to that medication. I am waiting to hear back.

Yay for getting started! Have you heard back from the doctor yet? Fingers crossed they will find enough for you or suggest something different.

TTB, I’m looking at your signature and have a question. I’m sure you’ve written it here, but can you remind me…of the 9 eggs that fertilized on your first go-round of IVF, is it right that you only got 1 egg to day 5 as an early blast? Nothing to freeze? If so, did they have any reason why only 1 made it?

I do menopur too and yes, they sting like a biotch! Nurse told me that was normal. My Follistim also hurts a little, but not Lupron.

Michelle, now you tell me about the Menopur tip! I just finished the shots last night!

For ladies who have done an intramuscular shot (in lower back/upper butt area...I'm sure that is the technical medical term), did anyone do it themselves? I trigger tonight (for a Thursday ER…Yah!) and DH won't be home. The nurse said some women do it themselves, but just wondering if anyone here has. The nurse drew a circle this morning with a permanent marker where the shot should go. Wow, IVF is sexy, isnt' it?!? :haha:

So, I had lots of follies this morning at my u/s (day 10 of stims), so the nurse warned me that I was at a higher risk of OHSS. I thought it was interesting that she recommended not drinking lots of water, as it could make it worse. She said mostly drink Gatorade or other sports drinks. I’ve been doing Gatorade, coconut water, and tons of water, so I’ll focus on the sports drinks.

Hope all is well with everyone else!

I have heard of a couple girls doing those shots themselves. I believe they said it was a little difficult but do able. Is there anyone you can ask to help you? I'm excited for you to do your ER and I look forward to hearing how many they collect! As for the OHSS and what to do... I'm going to bump a thread to the top that Mrs. Bear wrote. Not to scare anyone but to help with what to watch for and what she drank.

Oh and yes IVF is soooo sexy! :haha:

Not much going on with me still. Just counting down the days until the next appointment. Being bored out of my mind and tired of the waiting between appointments. Although we do have one each week this month. :wacko:
MrsC, I did hear back, the nurse told me not to worry, she said by the time I start that med, they will have it in or recommend something else. Thanks for asking.

When is the urologist appt? Next week? It must be so difficult to cramp everything in, as time is limited before your hubby gets deployed again.
im gonna do all my own injections.. the cats just arent catching on

oneof- cetrotide is the same that is what i used (doc wrote for either)

still in a good mood.. this is crazy
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