IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

Hey beo2012 - my beta is 9/28 too!
Today I have been kind of light headed/dizzy feeling - but other than that nothing really. Kind of tired and tender boobs - slight bloating still, but I think that is the progestrone.

Great - glad to know we are on the same date...we can keep each other sane over the next 6 days.
on day 1 and day 2 post transfer I had a bit of cramping
day 3 and now today day 4 I feel as if AF is coming
more tired then usual..but im assuming its from the estrace/progesterone

have you taken a HPT test...I took a baseline test on day 2pt and it was negative.
Hey beo2012 - my beta is 9/28 too!
Today I have been kind of light headed/dizzy feeling - but other than that nothing really. Kind of tired and tender boobs - slight bloating still, but I think that is the progestrone.

Great - glad to know we are on the same date...we can keep each other sane over the next 6 days.
on day 1 and day 2 post transfer I had a bit of cramping
day 3 and now today day 4 I feel as if AF is coming
more tired then usual..but im assuming its from the estrace/progesterone

have you taken a HPT test...I took a baseline test on day 2pt and it was negative.

I'm one day after you, at 3dp5dt and am feeling exactly the same. Kind of like AF is coming :( The cramps aren't that bad, but they feel just like AF, plus the lower back pain. On top of that I have a few extra symptoms, mostly feeling super hot from about 2am until 2pm, and then suddenly I am freezing from 2pm until I get into bed. That was how I felt yesterday and again today, I woke up sweating, but am now starting to cool off to the point where I may have to put a sweatshirt on! I live in FL its HOT down here, I shouldn't need to wear a sweatshirt, LOL!
Ooh Signora I start PIO tomorrow! Did the ice help? I could care less about the other shots, but I'm sooo dreading the PIO. I have to take it twice a day and very anxious about it. Like everythin else, we do what we gotta do right?!

Good luck, L4hope! I iced and it definitely helped! I didn't feel the needle go in, but I did feel the PIO go in (but it didn't feel painful). Afterwards DH massaged it with a hot washcloth. However, during the night I work up and my bum felt so sore! It still feels a bit sore but now I'm just sitting on my heating pad to make it feel better. Tonight I start Progesterone and Estradiol suppositories. Just sent DH out for finger protectors so I don't scratch myself and more pads. :haha:
Hey beo2012 - my beta is 9/28 too!
Today I have been kind of light headed/dizzy feeling - but other than that nothing really. Kind of tired and tender boobs - slight bloating still, but I think that is the progestrone.

Great - glad to know we are on the same date...we can keep each other sane over the next 6 days.
on day 1 and day 2 post transfer I had a bit of cramping
day 3 and now today day 4 I feel as if AF is coming
more tired then usual..but im assuming its from the estrace/progesterone

have you taken a HPT test...I took a baseline test on day 2pt and it was negative.

I'm one day after you, at 3dp5dt and am feeling exactly the same. Kind of like AF is coming :( The cramps aren't that bad, but they feel just like AF, plus the lower back pain. On top of that I have a few extra symptoms, mostly feeling super hot from about 2am until 2pm, and then suddenly I am freezing from 2pm until I get into bed. That was how I felt yesterday and again today, I woke up sweating, but am now starting to cool off to the point where I may have to put a sweatshirt on! I live in FL its HOT down here, I shouldn't need to wear a sweatshirt, LOL!

Im in Fl too...and your right you shouldnt need a sweatshirt, sounds like your having hot flashes. I had those when i took clomid several months ago.

Praying and hoping that these embies...stick for all of us!!!:hugs:
Hey beo2012 - my beta is 9/28 too!
Today I have been kind of light headed/dizzy feeling - but other than that nothing really. Kind of tired and tender boobs - slight bloating still, but I think that is the progestrone.

Great - glad to know we are on the same date...we can keep each other sane over the next 6 days.
on day 1 and day 2 post transfer I had a bit of cramping
day 3 and now today day 4 I feel as if AF is coming
more tired then usual..but im assuming its from the estrace/progesterone

have you taken a HPT test...I took a baseline test on day 2pt and it was negative.

I'm one day after you, at 3dp5dt and am feeling exactly the same. Kind of like AF is coming :( The cramps aren't that bad, but they feel just like AF, plus the lower back pain. On top of that I have a few extra symptoms, mostly feeling super hot from about 2am until 2pm, and then suddenly I am freezing from 2pm until I get into bed. That was how I felt yesterday and again today, I woke up sweating, but am now starting to cool off to the point where I may have to put a sweatshirt on! I live in FL its HOT down here, I shouldn't need to wear a sweatshirt, LOL!

Im in Fl too...and your right you shouldnt need a sweatshirt, sounds like your having hot flashes. I had those when i took clomid several months ago.

Praying and hoping that these embies...stick for all of us!!!:hugs:

Yes, it is like that except that the chills last almost as long as the hot flashes, and they only started yesterday. I've been taking progesterone (PIO) and Vivelle (estrogen) for several days now. Oh well.. if it means I get a :bfp: in a few days to a week and in 8.5 months a beautiful baby! It will all be worth it! Hoping and praying the same for you too! :dust:
Hey beo2012 - my beta is 9/28 too!
Today I have been kind of light headed/dizzy feeling - but other than that nothing really. Kind of tired and tender boobs - slight bloating still, but I think that is the progestrone.

Great - glad to know we are on the same date...we can keep each other sane over the next 6 days.
on day 1 and day 2 post transfer I had a bit of cramping
day 3 and now today day 4 I feel as if AF is coming
more tired then usual..but im assuming its from the estrace/progesterone

have you taken a HPT test...I took a baseline test on day 2pt and it was negative.

I'm one day after you, at 3dp5dt and am feeling exactly the same. Kind of like AF is coming :( The cramps aren't that bad, but they feel just like AF, plus the lower back pain. On top of that I have a few extra symptoms, mostly feeling super hot from about 2am until 2pm, and then suddenly I am freezing from 2pm until I get into bed. That was how I felt yesterday and again today, I woke up sweating, but am now starting to cool off to the point where I may have to put a sweatshirt on! I live in FL its HOT down here, I shouldn't need to wear a sweatshirt, LOL!

Im in Fl too...and your right you shouldnt need a sweatshirt, sounds like your having hot flashes. I had those when i took clomid several months ago.

Praying and hoping that these embies...stick for all of us!!!:hugs:

Yes, it is like that except that the chills last almost as long as the hot flashes, and they only started yesterday. I've been taking progesterone (PIO) and Vivelle (estrogen) for several days now. Oh well.. if it means I get a :bfp: in a few days to a week and in 8.5 months a beautiful baby! It will all be worth it! Hoping and praying the same for you too! :dust:

Today I am 7dp3dt and feel AF like lower abdominal cramping with some lower back pain. Not too bad - just dull. My temp seems to be fluctuating a bit too. Gosh I sure hope this works for us too...the more hope I feel the more scared I get! :wacko:
Hello Ladies...

Just checking in... good luck to annabelle and alicatt... and everyone else who is PUPO!!

AFM: I'm on day 3 of stimming... went in for blood work today. ... should get a call tonight from my doc to tell me how much follistim to take. I'm pretty excited.. but.. still a bit guarded. you put so much hope into this process.... it's a scary thing at times.

Got a question... have any of you tried acupuncture ? my infertility office offers it.. i was considering it.. but it's pricey. they had packages... starting at $900 ... i was like.. " ummmm no thank you"... but decided to break down the treatments.. which is much cheaper. What are your thoughts on that? i figure... if i'm already paying $10,000 .. what's another $500 !

Anyone else taking a growth hormone to help with the quality of their eggs? The doc changed my protocol and is introducing omnitrope this cycle. Small.. expensive vial.. hope it helps!

Sending baby dust our way!!! i can't believe how fast the cycle goes once you start stimming!!!
Hello Ladies...

Just checking in... good luck to annabelle and alicatt... and everyone else who is PUPO!!

AFM: I'm on day 3 of stimming... went in for blood work today. ... should get a call tonight from my doc to tell me how much follistim to take. I'm pretty excited.. but.. still a bit guarded. you put so much hope into this process.... it's a scary thing at times.

Got a question... have any of you tried acupuncture ? my infertility office offers it.. i was considering it.. but it's pricey. they had packages... starting at $900 ... i was like.. " ummmm no thank you"... but decided to break down the treatments.. which is much cheaper. What are your thoughts on that? i figure... if i'm already paying $10,000 .. what's another $500 !

Anyone else taking a growth hormone to help with the quality of their eggs? The doc changed my protocol and is introducing omnitrope this cycle. Small.. expensive vial.. hope it helps!

Sending baby dust our way!!! i can't believe how fast the cycle goes once you start stimming!!!

Hi AnnetteCali, good luck with your appointment! Keep thinking positive, hon. I know it can be tough, but I truly believe it helps.

I've been doing acupuncture and taking DHEA and a bunch of other supplements since March. My RE thought I could potentially conceive naturally with that, which I didn't, but he did see some improvement with my ovaries and I'm hoping it improved the quality of my eggs. The acupuncture is pricy (my insurance doesn't cover it) but it is pretty relaxing. I got a package of 12 for just over $700 (it can vary). Please let me know if you have questions and best of luck with it.
Alicatt and MissAnnabelle, those signs sound promising. I hope they lead to your bfp.

AnnetteCali, I'm glad everything is moving along. I did Acupuncture back in April and I loved it but it did get expensive. The Dr office said that it was up to me because there are not enough studies that show its benefitial for you.

AFM, I had my scan and we have about 17-20 follicles. ER is scheduled for Tuesday. So excited.

:dust: to all! I hope we all get our bfp.
Alicatt and MissAnnabelle, those signs sound promising. I hope they lead to your bfp.

AnnetteCali, I'm glad everything is moving along. I did Acupuncture back in April and I loved it but it did get expensive. The Dr office said that it was up to me because there are not enough studies that show its benefitial for you.

AFM, I had my scan and we have about 17-20 follicles. ER is scheduled for Tuesday. So excited.

:dust: to all! I hope we all get our bfp.

Excellent numbers, HappyBunnyAB!!! So excited for your ER!!! Can't wait to hear the great news!!!
Alicatt and MissAnnabelle, those signs sound promising. I hope they lead to your bfp.

AnnetteCali, I'm glad everything is moving along. I did Acupuncture back in April and I loved it but it did get expensive. The Dr office said that it was up to me because there are not enough studies that show its benefitial for you.

AFM, I had my scan and we have about 17-20 follicles. ER is scheduled for Tuesday. So excited.

:dust: to all! I hope we all get our bfp.

It's so tough because all of those could be side effects from the progestrone! Oh weel, I guess I will find out soon enough...

That is great news! That is a really good follicle count too. So, are you triggering tomorrow night? Does your clinic typically do 3dt or 5dt? Do they beta test you 2 weeks from e/r or e/t?
HappyBunny that's an absolutely awesome number, you must be thrilled!!

Welcome to all the newbies. Good luck to those who are stimming it will go by in a flash.

Cheering on everyone who is PUPO I really want to hear some BFPs on this thread soon!
Hello Ladies...

Just checking in... good luck to annabelle and alicatt... and everyone else who is PUPO!!

AFM: I'm on day 3 of stimming... went in for blood work today. ... should get a call tonight from my doc to tell me how much follistim to take. I'm pretty excited.. but.. still a bit guarded. you put so much hope into this process.... it's a scary thing at times.

Got a question... have any of you tried acupuncture ? my infertility office offers it.. i was considering it.. but it's pricey. they had packages... starting at $900 ... i was like.. " ummmm no thank you"... but decided to break down the treatments.. which is much cheaper. What are your thoughts on that? i figure... if i'm already paying $10,000 .. what's another $500 !

Anyone else taking a growth hormone to help with the quality of their eggs? The doc changed my protocol and is introducing omnitrope this cycle. Small.. expensive vial.. hope it helps!

Sending baby dust our way!!! i can't believe how fast the cycle goes once you start stimming!!!

Good luck with everything! I had accupunture on the day of my ET, right before and then right after. I paid $425 for both 30 min sessions...i cant say it helped or not...but it did help me relax, thats for sure.
Alicatt and MissAnnabelle, those signs sound promising. I hope they lead to your bfp.

AnnetteCali, I'm glad everything is moving along. I did Acupuncture back in April and I loved it but it did get expensive. The Dr office said that it was up to me because there are not enough studies that show its benefitial for you.

AFM, I had my scan and we have about 17-20 follicles. ER is scheduled for Tuesday. So excited.

:dust: to all! I hope we all get our bfp.

It's so tough because all of those could be side effects from the progestrone! Oh weel, I guess I will find out soon enough...

That is great news! That is a really good follicle count too. So, are you triggering tomorrow night? Does your clinic typically do 3dt or 5dt? Do they beta test you 2 weeks from e/r or e/t?
Yes I'm triggering tomorrow with Ovidrel and HCG. The instructions say 2dt, 3dt or 5dt. They will call me on Wednesday and let me know. I test two weeks after ER.
HappyBunny that's an absolutely awesome number, you must be thrilled!!

Welcome to all the newbies. Good luck to those who are stimming it will go by in a flash.

Cheering on everyone who is PUPO I really want to hear some BFPs on this thread soon!

Yes let's bring our bfps!
Hey HappyBunnyAb those are really good numbers!!! I am also triggering tomorrow with ovidrel. I have been told my official test day is on 9/10. I am getting really nervous, don't know why! I just need to chill.
I agree with Athena, praying for a lot of bfps on this tread!!!
Hey HappyBunnyAb those are really good numbers!!! I am also triggering tomorrow with ovidrel. I have been told my official test day is on 9/10. I am getting really nervous, don't know why! I just need to chill.
I agree with Athena, praying for a lot of bfps on this tread!!!
That is the same date as me. Are you testing early?
Praying for lots of BFPs to start popping up on this thread!

Does anyone doing PIO have a super sore bum right now? Ouch! I had to get out of bed this morning because it hurt to lie on my back and my ovaries still feel a bit sore and my tummy is bloated. I told DH we'll have to stand in church today - even though our pews have seat cushions, I think that would still hurt. It may be the only time kneeling is more comfortable!
Praying for lots of BFPs to start popping up on this thread!

Does anyone doing PIO have a super sore bum right now? Ouch! I had to get out of bed this morning because it hurt to lie on my back and my ovaries still feel a bit sore and my tummy is bloated. I told DH we'll have to stand in church today - even though our pews have seat cushions, I think that would still hurt. It may be the only time kneeling is more comfortable!

Oh no your poor bum :( Well I have the progesterone suppositories and they are icky :nope: It will all be worth it in the end!

Hey lucky you get cushions on your pews at church lol ;) we just have hard benches. I actually feel really bad as we didn't make it to church this morning, I woke up to the smell of gas and we had to call the emergency number, turns out it wasn't our house but my neighbour left his gas oven on all night and it was coming through the walls!! They didn't even realise as weren't awake to smell it!

Anyway, I feel bad not to have gone because it's my ET tmw. I did send an online prayer to Lourdes though, it will be displayed in the grotto there so that's nice, you just go on their website it's really cool.

Hope all having a fab weekend and everyone is well :hugs:
Hey HappyBunnyAb those are really good numbers!!! I am also triggering tomorrow with ovidrel. I have been told my official test day is on 9/10. I am getting really nervous, don't know why! I just need to chill.
I agree with Athena, praying for a lot of bfps on this tread!!!
That is the same date as me. Are you testing early?

I will try not to! :wacko: On my last cycle, I tested early and I got my BFP which was great, but then I started stressing about everything. I also had implantation bleeding on my last cycle. Are you going to test early??

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