IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

I did a 3dt. Today I am 12dpt and 15dpo 17dp trigger....lol I had 3 put back...I wonder how many there will be! When do they find that out? Is it at the 7 week scan?
Hi ladies

Congratulations happybunny on youe fertility report.

Chichifab great news about being PUPO.

Hope everyone else is doing good!

AFM - Had ER this morning everything went well sitting relaxing at the mo. Was a little disappointed as we only had 14 eggs and was expecting more from 26 follies but its still a good number. will get a call tomorrow about fertility report xx
Sandy 14 is amazing, can't wait to hear your fertility report!

MissAnnabelle, wow you have three in there!! I can't wait to hear how many they see on your scan. My SIL has a friend who has identical triplet girls they are the most gorgeous babies I've ever seen, they are the cutest thing ever, their names are Florence, Eva and Nancy! When we see them at parties and things I get so broody over them!! Thanks for your advice about the implantation and testing, I think I will test on Sunday if I can hold out til then eeek!

Hope everyone else feeling good today :)
Athena - have you seen this? The 3 day transfer chart really helped pass the time during my tww. I kept a journal and each day wrote down how many days past transfer, ovulation and hcg i was along with any symptoms or emotions that day. It really helped me this time.

-1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT
Hi All, it's me again...sorry I've been absent for some time. Just been trying to stay positive while I figure things out. I can't believe how MUCH I missed!! Congrats on the BFP's!!! woohoo! :happydance: So exciting this thread has been! And you gals with all your awesome follie counts - amazing! So it seems like everyone is doing very well FX to you all!!

AFM, went in for BW and US yesterday - typical cycle 20 day testing (to see if you o'd and hormone levels) Usually no follow up call in the afternoon BUT this time the office called. Nurse stated my hormone levels are looking excellent so they wanted me to do an HCG booster shot to keep hormone levels moving along and help with a pregnancy/implantation if it happens. I'm trying to be positive but not get my hopes up high. I'm 6dpo from IUI date with lower back aches since yesterday.

:dust: to everyone!
Hi ladies

Congratulations happybunny on youe fertility report.

Chichifab great news about being PUPO.

Hope everyone else is doing good!

AFM - Had ER this morning everything went well sitting relaxing at the mo. Was a little disappointed as we only had 14 eggs and was expecting more from 26 follies but its still a good number. will get a call tomorrow about fertility report xx

That is a great number Sandy!! :happydance:
Oh MissAnnabelle - I also wonder how many you got in there! My clinic does US at 5 or 6 weeks. I can wait to hear your news!

Sandy - 14 eggs is a really good number. I can't wait to hear your report. Are you taking time off? Enjoy your day and relax. I went back to work the day after and I was sore.

Kchope - :dust: to you lady! I hope this is it for you!
Things are really moving along Annettecali. Are you going back Friday - tomorrow? It sounds like this time they have a better sense of your body and your responses. I think too one thing that helped me this cycle is it has been relatively stress free. (aside from ivf related stresses - but no family emergencys) I think that will really help you too. I tested again this morning with a FRER at 15dpo and the line came up quickly and is as dark as the control line, so I am hopeful for a strong beta tomorrow. Still really scared, but hopeful:)

Yes.. things are moving along! I'm glad they are changing things this time around... makes me feel like they have more control over my response. So far so good as far as stress levels :) Lately i've been feeling really positive about this cycle for some reason. I hope it's my intuition. You know the last two cycles have been so stressful.. it feels good this time around. I hope hope hope.. I get my BFP this cycle!

xoxoxo baby dust to all! xoxo x
Good news AnnetteCalli, I hope you get to retrieval soon!

ASM driving myself crazy as absolutely no symptoms whatsoever and I don't know if I'm having imaginary 'twinges' or not! I know I'm only 3dp5dt but google doesn't help when you read everyone else has loads of symptoms at this stage aaaaggghhhh!!!

I drive myself nuts all the time with symptom spotting or lack of!!! When I got pregnant last October with IUI ( sadly ended in mc) I didn't feel any different! No signs... nada!! Stay positive :) It's still way too early xoxo
Sandy 14 is amazing, can't wait to hear your fertility report!

MissAnnabelle, wow you have three in there!! I can't wait to hear how many they see on your scan. My SIL has a friend who has identical triplet girls they are the most gorgeous babies I've ever seen, they are the cutest thing ever, their names are Florence, Eva and Nancy! When we see them at parties and things I get so broody over them!! Thanks for your advice about the implantation and testing, I think I will test on Sunday if I can hold out til then eeek!

Hope everyone else feeling good today :)

What a blessing to have three identical babies. Thanks for sharing!
Congrats, Sandy! 14 eggies is fabulous!

AnnetteCali, glad things are moving right along for you!!! So excited for your ER!

kchope, glad everything went well with your appointment and wishing you lots of luck!

Athena, those twinges and little cramps here and there are so hard to ignore - and the progesterone is making me so tired! A BnB friend who got preggo after her FET told me that she still doesn't have any symptoms at all and she's 15 weeks already!

Hope everyone else is doing well! MissAnnabelle, Alicatt and beo2012 - best of luck on your Betas! :hugs: Mine is a week from today and I don't know how I'm going to make it through the week!
Hello all... I am currently on day 24 of my periods. I am taking buserlin injections and stopped the pills three days back . My next appointment to start the stims is Oct 4.
but today afternoon i think i saw blood stains on the toilet paper when i wiped.( i think its start of AF. But i am confused now . By the time i have my next appointment I ll be CD7 .
what shud I do ? called up the clinic but they asked me to call bk tommrw... Should I call them tmrw or go directly ? is it correct that in the long protocol , the stims are started on CD 2 ?
Morning Ladies!

I am sorry I have been away for a few days, I was just so disheartened by the :bfn: I got yesterday morning. I was so hoping that this procedure worked, but seeing that :bfn: at 7dp5dt made me wonder. I have chosen not to test anymore and wait for my BETA on Monday.

A friend found this article and it seems to detail a lot of what we are going through and may help some of you through your 2WW.


I think we have a few ladies having their BETAs today, so here is a huge :hug: and cheer :happydance: for you and some positives! FX'd!
Hi Alicatt, I'm sorry you saw BFN it is completely heartbreaking I know :hugs: I think everyone here will tell you the same thing as me and that is you did test early hun, lots of places I have read often times there just isn't enough HCG present to show up until at 14dpt.

Thanks so much for sharing that article with us, I wish I was feeling something but I feel nothing. Apart from tired, but like SignoraL I feel this is a side effect from the progesterone. We will just have to wait it out a few more days together :hugs:
Hey ladies, Been Mia for a few.

Signora hope your tww flies by, I'll be joining you today.

Good luck with beta Missannabelle!
Hi Alicatt, I'm sorry you saw BFN it is completely heartbreaking I know :hugs: I think everyone here will tell you the same thing as me and that is you did test early hun, lots of places I have read often times there just isn't enough HCG present to show up until at 14dpt.

Thanks so much for sharing that article with us, I wish I was feeling something but I feel nothing. Apart from tired, but like SignoraL I feel this is a side effect from the progesterone. We will just have to wait it out a few more days together :hugs:

I know, I haven't completely given up hope, as I do have plenty of the symptoms in that article, the night sweats, the headaches, the cramping, and my BBT was high until about 4dpt, then it dropped and then this morning it was higher again and I'm 9dp5dt now. So I think there is still a chance, I was looking back at the FRER from yesterday and I do see the possibility of a faint line there, but my brain might just be teasing me. I am just going to ignore :ignore: things until Monday, and see what the BETA says Here is hoping that I'm just a late shower :thumbup: Thanks for the words of encouragement!
Morning Ladies!

I am sorry I have been away for a few days, I was just so disheartened by the :bfn: I got yesterday morning. I was so hoping that this procedure worked, but seeing that :bfn: at 7dp5dt made me wonder. I have chosen not to test anymore and wait for my BETA on Monday.

A friend found this article and it seems to detail a lot of what we are going through and may help some of you through your 2WW.


I think we have a few ladies having their BETAs today, so here is a huge :hug: and cheer :happydance: for you and some positives! FX'd!

You did test early sweets. Not everyone gets an early BFP at 7dp5dt that's why it's better to test on test day ( I know it's easier said than done).
I'm keep my fingers crossed for you that its a shy BFP!! Chin up :kiss:
I'm sorry allicatt :hugs: I agree with others maybe you are testing too early! I know it's hard but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
Hello all... I am currently on day 24 of my periods. I am taking buserlin injections and stopped the pills three days back . My next appointment to start the stims is Oct 4.
but today afternoon i think i saw blood stains on the toilet paper when i wiped.( i think its start of AF. But i am confused now . By the time i have my next appointment I ll be CD7 .
what shud I do ? called up the clinic but they asked me to call bk tommrw... Should I call them tmrw or go directly ? is it correct that in the long protocol , the stims are started on CD 2 ?

Hello there, maybe you should call them. I started bleeding on day 24 but I started my meds three days after on CD3. It's better to be safe than sorry. Good luck!

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