IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

Congrats, chichifab!!! :happydance:

Annette, 7 :cold: is wonderful!!! Congrats!!!

slb, good luck tomorrow with your EC!!! Praying for lots of gorgeous eggies!!! :hugs:

HappyBunny, don't rule yourself out yet!!! Praying for you!!! :hugs:

Sandy and Victory, I had some days where I had a lot of symptoms and others where I had none. I do tend to wake up early to pee though, so hoping that symptom is a good sign for you both!

:hugs: to everyone else!!!

I'm doing well! Spent the weekend celebrating with DH and our closest friends (my BnB friend Rosababy and her DH and new baby) and looking at maternity clothes! We're telling DH's parents tonight on Skype (they live on Long Island) and my parents on Friday since we live an hour away and Friday is my 31st birthday! I went in for my 2nd beta today and get the results tomorrow. My doc looked at my 1st beta (he had been away last week) and I'm just a tiny bit hypothyroid now (I was hyper before I started TTC, but in remission), but nothing to worry about. They are putting me on a tiny, tiny dose of Synthroid and just monitoring. I made an appointment with my regular endocrinologist tomorrow, since she said to come back when I became pregnant.
Chichifab congrats on your bfp, keeping everything crossee that the spotting stays away and your bean is super sticky!

Annette wow 7 that's great news. If your going to have a huge family ;-)

slb80... I know... 7 is a lot.. but.. at the rate i'm going ... I may have to use all of them to get one baby !!! We have 3-4 good quality eggs frozen and the rest are so so.... so we will see.

Good luck tomorrow with your ER! Hope you get a good fertilization report! xoxoxo keeping you in my thoughts! xoxo
I confess ladies.. I am only 2dp5dt and I already started testing! lol.. From looking at today's test.. I can tell the trigger is out of my system.. so the next two lines I see will be my BFP! Fingers crossed!! I have zero willpower. Good thing I only have 7 tests.. so that's one a day! I will not let myself test more than that... or try not to.. unless I get a BFP.. then there is no telling how many I will pee on in one day! lol...

i'm sure the lady at target thought I was crazy buying 3 boxes of pregnancy tests! lol... oh well!
me again ladies..

I should probably just start a journal so i'm not bugging you guys with my nonsense! lol..

This one has to do with my oldest sister.. who is 39 and pregnant with her 4th child.. after 2 months of trying!! ugh!!!

She had hyperemesis.. which apparently made her "bed ridden" for the first 3 months.. missed my mom's funeral.. caused a bit stink.. etc.. and was better right after my mom's memorial.. but.. that's besides the point . i'm sure you can see i still have some issues with that. lol..

she stopped talking to me for awhile.. which actually helped me cope with her pregnancy.. it was so hard for me to be happy for her in the beginning. then to hear her complain about being sick.. that was tough! i'd give up everything to be " bed ridden".. if i knew i had a precious baby growing inside of me.

I guess i'm just venting..she was complaining about morning sickness today. I have such a hard time being sympathetic. My response was.. " i'd love to have morning sickness".. then she said.. "ya.. i shouldnt complain".

I go through periods where I can be supportive.. and times when I cant. :-(

Thanks for listening ladies... i think my emotions are just crazy today... darn meds!

praying we all get our bfp's this cycle! xoxo x
slb80 & Chichifab: Good luck tomorrow for different reasons - thinking of you both and await your news

Sandy83: not long until Thursday... fingers crossed

Annette: great frosty numbers, and hopefully they'll remaining chilling for a while! I don't think I've got any frosties - they were going to call me today and I haven't heard anything, but I would have had 2 at the most, so just putting faith and hope in this cycle - according to 'standard what's happening now' the embryos should attach to my lining tomorrow (4dp3dt) - that is what I'm visualising!

7 days until my blood test - hoping this week goes very quickly! At the moment, I'm not planning on testing early.

Is anyone taking Clexane injections - they have to be the worst injection of them all and makes the earlier various injections seem like a breeze! Dread them every evening!

Hi Victory. I took Clexane on my first IVF cycle, and I hear you, they make all other injections seem like a walk in the park! I ended up using them for 4-5 weeks (until I had an MM), so by the end my stomach was covered in small bruises. Hang in there!

OTD is Friday and no symptoms so far so getting very nervous...likely to test early on Thursday. Fingers crossed that time time is the good one!
I am doing Clexane and Cartia (low dose aspirin) for my FET. I did Clexane for my previous 2 pregnancies and I still have left over bruises, one being from November last year. Did they say how long you have to do them for Victory?
Annette - Cant believe you have tested already what you like!!!! :blush: Keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP to come through very soon. You will be keeping the PT company in business at this rate! :haha:

Sorry to hear about your mam. :hugs: Sounds like you have a good right to have some issues with your sister but vent all you want as you dont want to bottle things up as need to stay positive for that little bean that is growing inside of you. :kiss:

Good luck to everyone who has there OTD cant wait to see everyones posts! :happydance:

Hope everyone else is doing well :kiss:

AFM - REALLY REALLY REALLY tired today hope this is a good sign. Feel like im struggling to keep my eyes open and ive only been in work for 30 mins. " days to DDay!!!!!! :happydance:
me again ladies..

I should probably just start a journal so i'm not bugging you guys with my nonsense! lol..

This one has to do with my oldest sister.. who is 39 and pregnant with her 4th child.. after 2 months of trying!! ugh!!!

She had hyperemesis.. which apparently made her "bed ridden" for the first 3 months.. missed my mom's funeral.. caused a bit stink.. etc.. and was better right after my mom's memorial.. but.. that's besides the point . i'm sure you can see i still have some issues with that. lol..

she stopped talking to me for awhile.. which actually helped me cope with her pregnancy.. it was so hard for me to be happy for her in the beginning. then to hear her complain about being sick.. that was tough! i'd give up everything to be " bed ridden".. if i knew i had a precious baby growing inside of me.

I guess i'm just venting..she was complaining about morning sickness today. I have such a hard time being sympathetic. My response was.. " i'd love to have morning sickness".. then she said.. "ya.. i shouldnt complain".

I go through periods where I can be supportive.. and times when I cant. :-(

Thanks for listening ladies... i think my emotions are just crazy today... darn meds!

praying we all get our bfp's this cycle! xoxo x

Oh my goodness I know exactly what you mean in the years we were trying my SIL got pregnant and had THREE babies OMG they didn't even have to try :shrug: I found it so hard not to be bitter towards them. Even now that I have my BFP and lord knows I am eternally grateful for that, I had a friend call me up yesterday morning in tears, I asked her what's wrong (she doesn't know I have my BFP) she said, the same thing that happens to you every month. I was like oh you're trying for another baby and you're not pregnant yet. She said I just can't believe it we've been trying two months now and nothing sob sob I was convinced I was this month.....I couldn't believe my ears she carried on and on feeling sorry for herself in the end I said yeah well don't forget I know how you feel, we went through this not 2 times but 82 times! She said well yes I know but you're lucky you're getting ivf! I honestly despair. This will be her trying for her 4th baby by the way, all the others she was pregnant within 3-4 months!!!

I honestly couldn't believe it and the thing is I actually thought, Amy maybe you could have offered her some sympathy or some advise or something, you have your BFP for goodness sake, but I just couldn't, fact is I felt really bloody annoyed!

What I'm trying to say is, there are people out there who will wind you up the wrong way because they just don't think. When you get your BFP it will be all the more better because you will appreciate it in a different way, you will appreciate the morning sickness and the fatigue and labour pains and most of all you will appreciate the prize at the end, that beautiful little bundle of love :hugs:
It's so reassuring to see that others struggle with the same feelings of bitterness. I hate having those feelings in the first place, but it's hard at time, especially when people talk about how easy it was for them to get pregnant...but as Athena put it, when we all get our BFPs some day, it will have have been worth it, and we will treasure the pregnancy even more. And we'll all come out of it much stronger women, because it sure does take a lot of strength to stay positive throughout all of this and not give up!
It definitely helps too have such strong women like yourselves around you to help you keep positive. xx
Forgot to say in earlier post -

Slb80 - Good luck with EC today!

Chichifab - Can wait to see your post with your official results from your test yesterday!

Happybunny - Good luck with OTD today keeping my FX'd for you xx
This forum has helped me immensely I have been through some very dark times and thought I would never come out the other side and get what we wanted so badly. I feel so blessed.

It WILL happen for all of you.

Good luck everyone today and with impending OTDs xxx
Victory and Savanna, I'm on Lovenox injections (which are the same as Clexane) and I agree; they are horrible!!! DH has been injecting on the sides of my stomach since our beta and now I have a series of big bruises down each side. And the stinging feeling is the worst! I look at photos of my parents, or our wedding or honeymoon on my iPhone while DH does it. It makes it easier.

I too have felt those frustrations. My BIL and SIL were lucky first time around both times (I think they hadn't started trying the second time - and we had already been trying for close to a year when they announced the second one). For a long time, they reminded us about how they thought it would took a while (because she's a few years older) and then "BAM!" they were preggo, which made us feel terrible, but I think they finally figured out they were being insensitive to our struggle. But we've said and our friends who went through this said that this is something that made us stronger individually and as a couple, and we honestly think that my BIL and SIL couldn't have gone through this (which they actually admitted to us that they could never do this if they were in our shoes) and maybe that's why God made this so easy for them, because they couldn't have handled this struggle with the same love, patience and understanding we've needed to have for each other.

Good luck to everyone today and in the next few days! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
AnnetteCali, this is exactly what this forum is for - venting, advise, understanding, hope..... We've all been there with friends and family who are really insensitive when they talk about their pregnancies and children, and we cannot help but to feel bitter and jealous. I get really irritated with myself when I don't feel 100% happy for friends pregnancy and birth announcements, especially when they met or got married after us and it should have been 'our turn!' but cannot help how I feel. Thanks for the wise, strengthening and supportive words Athena and Savanna!

Miss Kednobb: I don't know how long I have to take horrid Clexane injections for - they have given me enough until I have my blood test on 16th Oct. I've noticed that a lot of ladies continue until 12 weeks, so if it helps me maintain a pregnancy then happy to jab away until 12 weeks!

I don't have any frosties - they said 1 went to blast but the quality wasn't good enough to freeze and the other 3 arrested. The positive is apparently that the embryos transferred were better quality so hopefully means they would have got to blast too and are now attaching to the lining of my womb as I type! I'm trying to remain positive but after years of trying and hoping, it seems surreal to even imagine being pregnant and it happening to me. I'm still being good and planning not to test until 16th!

Positive vibes x
Sending everyone lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:. This has been a really lucky thread so far and hoping it continues to produce more :bfp: for us all. xx
Hello ladies, you are all correct! I've found so much support from you on this forum. You all know exactly what I'm going through and I appreciate every word of encouragement and wisdom. It's so frustrating hear from people who get pregnant right away and for us to not too. Or for the ones that complaint about their pregnancy and us that wish we could have it. But God only gives us what we can handle and we will all be blessed at the end.

I have a confession, I took a test this morning...:bfp: it's a little faint but there are two lines in there. I'm waiting to do my blood work and then wait for my phone call :wacko: I hope it's not a long day.
Ladies you are all so great, I'm so glad I found you. I don't know how I would get through this 2ww without reading all your posts. The support and friendship is so lovely, it has certainly made it easier for me. It's only been 2 days since I last came on here and so much has been written, it's taken me a while to catch up!

I am so glad that I am not the only one who feels so upset anytime someone announces they are expecting, I feel terrible for feeling this way but it just makes me want to curl up and cry. We have had 6 (almost 7) new babies in the family in the time DH and I have been TTC. The most recent of which is due in 2 weeks and is having a baby shower on Thursday evening, the day before my OTD. I want to test early but am scared of a negative result, and then being unable to celebrate the beginning of this beautiful new life without being miserable :shrug:

Anyway, enough of my rambling on....

Happybunny...thinking of you, any news?....mustn't give up just yet :hugs:

SLB I hope EC went well today, how may did they get?

Chichi, how are you feeling today?

Annette, 7 :cold: that is fab :happydance: We didn't have any that made it strong enough to freeze, so fx'd the 2 we have have stuck well. My OTD is the same as yours, so I'll be thinking of you....you too Savanna

Sandy, I'll be keeping fx'd for Thursday, unless you do decide to test early

To everyone else, sending lots of :dust: and much love and thanks x
Congrats, HappyBunny!!!!! I knew it would happen!!! Yay!!! Can't wait to hear how your beta went!!! This is a lucky thread!!! :hugs:

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